




Train evelopment has been one of the most crucial functions for Human Resource Department. Each and every organizationing and d is involved in imparting training and developmental facilities to its employees so that the gap that exists between the existing skills and the required ones could be overcome. This would also help in the inculcation of new, advanced and innovative skills and competencies that will make the employees competent and progressive. With the progress and growth of the employees, the company is sure to develop and expand its wings. In this essay a discussion would be carried on this important function and how human capital theory has influenced it in changing its role from just giving training for skills and knowledge acquisition to creating and sharing knowledge for competitive advantage.

Training and development has taken a new shape in its existence in the current times. All the companies are involved in training and developing their employees. For the purpose of growth and succession and fighting of competition, the companies desire that their employees should have the requisite skills. Training imparts the knowledge, learning and awareness among the various individuals. They acquire the new skills that could be applied in gain volumes of business for the company and even do the existing business efficiently. There are several reasons for the human capital to invest in the training of the manpower like: focusing on gathering energy and learning, making the issues resolved, promotion of change, reduction of risks, building of teams and development and enhancement of new skills and competencies. These functions are building a sound personnel team for the company which could be utilized for earning revenues and profitability (Lepak & Snell, 1999). Training has been a rigorous process. Training is said to be an unending process, once imparted does not mean that skills have been gained. It helps in enhancing and sharpening of the existing skills (Chen & Huang, 2009).








这个阶段的重点是回答问题,如目标的事件。它是定义事件的目的是重要的,因为它集的期望水平相应的事件(罗杰克,2014,pp. 32-47)。例如,假设组织的活动,如推出儿童游乐区购物商场将有许多方面与之相关。然而,活动的核心目标将是启动游戏区,通过事件创建品牌意识,并确保有互动和参与活动的游客参与。活动策划人必须确保一旦目标确立,在预算方面的清晰度(smithet al,2014)。为事件分配的预算使组织者能够相应地分配和收集事件所需的资源。为主机明白太多的预算约束会妨碍比赛的成功是很重要的(Mitchellet al,2014,pp.e19-e25)。同时它也是重要的活动策划优化在这样一种方式,它不超过客户的预算中划拨的事件(goldsteinet Al,2013,pp. 530-538)。


Process of event management can be defined as a process where all the planning related to organisations of event takes place. On broader level, a typical event management includes several stages such as defining objective of event, establishing a budget, dates and alternate dates, selection of venue or event site, acquiring necessary permits, arrangement of logistics, event support, security, risk management etc. Event management is majorly application of project management techniques to fulfill the entire process .

Event manger is a crucial responsibility, which holds the key to success (or failure) of the event. Person bearing the responsibility of event management has end-to-end responsibility of executing the event, handling various creative, technical and logistical elements associated with an event (Masterman, 2014).

An event materializes after numerous stages are fulfilled. These stages, which complete the entire event management framework, are as follows:

Initial Planning and Budgeting

This stage is focused on answering questions such as objective of an event. It is important to define the objective of the event, as it sets the expectation level of the event accordingly (Rojek, 2014, pp. 32-47). For example, assuming organisation of an event such as launch of Children play zone in Shopping mall will have numerous aspects associated with it. However the core objective of the event will be to launch the play zone, to create awareness about the brand through the event, and to ensure that there is interaction and engagement with the visitors attending the event. Event planner has to ensure that once the objective is established, there is clarity on the budget aspect (Smithet al, 2014). Budget allocated for the event enables an organizer to allocate and gather resources required for event accordingly. It is important for the host to understand that too much budget constraint might hamper the success of the event (Mitchellet al, 2014, pp.E19-E25). At the same time it is also important for the event planner to optimize the event in such a way that it does not exceed the budget allocated by the client (Goldsteinet al, 2013, pp. 530-538).