






1、Premium: 指每个月交给保险公司的月费,通常Premium越高,保险涵盖的项目越全,对你的保证更好。

2、Copayment: 又称copay,是每次去看医生,买处方药品需求领取的固定费用。假定你的copay是$20并且涵盖处方药,那麼你去看病需求付$20,医生爲你开的处方药价钱$50,你也只需求再付$20。依据保险不同,Copay的金额也不同。

3、Deductible: 指是保险公司替你领取前你需求领取的金额,比方你的deductible是$2500块,由于急病住院账单爲$10, 000, 那麼你需求先付$2,500,剩下的$7,500会有保险公司替你领取(在没有Co-insurance的状况下) 假如是普通反省,只需领取Copay即可。

4、Co-insurance: 有的保险公司会在你领取deductible之后持续领取一定比例的费用,运用下面的例子,比方说假如你的co-insurance是20%,然后住院医疗需求$10,000, deductible$2,500,你需求先付$2,500,然后领取剩余局部$7,500的20%等于$1,500,保险公司领取剩余的$6,000。

5、Annual Out-of-Pocket Limit: 指包括Deductible和Co-insurance在内你每年最多领取的保险开支。假设Annual Out-of-Pocket Limit爲$3000,那麼运用下面的例子,你只需领取$2,500 deductible和$1,500 co-insurance其中的$500,算计$3,000,剩下的$7,000都会由保险公司领取。










  • 进行文献回顾,重点对东方国家安全服务研究,远东国家,香港,中国。
  • 进行文学在中国的私人保安业的历史和对案情作出建议
  • 分析和批判性地代表私人安全行业的性质
  • 比较安全的公司,与其他国家在中国警察的角色
  • 分析中国及其相关因素的私人保安业的增长


Security is a notion of both normative and empirical concerns. The concept of security is something the policy makers discuss all the time. However it is also an inadequate concept when it comes to comprehending it. For instance Baldwin discusses the concept of security as something which scholars talk about, but will discuss it as distinguishing out of two different policies-one that is underpinned in empirical concerns and the other that is better grounded in reality. The conceptual underpinnings are also included and this is what makes the concept of security for both the private citizen and a nation, quite a complex system (Jones, & Newburn, 1998).The primary consideration that is given security as more than a theoretical concept is that it claims quite an extensive integration with academic literatures. No amount of argument however brings it clarity as would have been present in other concepts; this is because in addition to the different underpinnings security is also a very relative concept. It is relative to time, situation, geographical location and more. Security as a contested topic is in fact quite acknowledged as more and more nations are investing in it and are trying to find the correct use for the same (Jones, & Newburn, 1998). Security scholars have also tried to find out the proper definition for security. In this context an analysis of private security measures that have been employed in different nations brings an important perspective into the arguments.

Research Aim and Objectives

The research aim is to analyze the security industry, history, evolution, contemporary trends and statistics on the investments made in different nations on a comparative context with Chinese Security industry. Recommendations are made for the Chinese security industry on the elements of analysis noted.

The research objectives are:

  • to conduct a literature review focusing on previous studies on Security Service in Eastern countries, Far East countries, Hong Kong, and China.
  • to conduct a literature of history of the private security industry in China and make a case for recommendations
  • to analyze and critically represent the nature of private security industry
  • to compare the roles of security companies and police force in China with that of other nations
  • to analyze the growth of the private security industry in China and its relating factors