


我相信,在管理我的活动团队时,我会采取家长式作风或民主的领导风格。当我们实行民主的领导方式时,当他们的决定被考虑的时候,员工更有动力去工作。员工们感到高兴,因为他们的意见也被保留。在家长式的领导风格中,经理认为员工应该是他或她自己的春天,并善待他们。在这种领导风格中,实际的决策是由经理来决定的,但是员工的意见是被考虑的(蒙大拿& Charnov 2000年)。员工们或多或少喜欢这两种方法。






What leadership approach would you take to managing your event team?
I believe that I would have taken Paternalistic or Democratic Style of Leadership in managing my event team. When we carry out democratic style of leadership then employees are more motivated to work as their decision is taken into consideration. Employees feel happy as their opinions are also kept in regard. In the Paternalistic style of leadership, manager perceives employees as to be his or her own off spring and treat them so. In this style of leadership, the actual decision is taken by the manager but employees opinions are taken into regard (Montana & Charnov, 2000). Employees more or less enjoy both approaches.
Is it a different approach needed for managing paid staff and volunteer staff, Explain?
In managing the volunteer staff a more relaxed approach is practiced as compared to managing paid staff. Paid staff, as the name indicates, is paid for its good or bad services. Obviously if the management is paying such staff so rules and regulations for them won’t be that relaxed. Volunteer staff however is working with their own consent and for free; therefore they are not put into as much pressure as the paid staff is. Moreover, much more is expected from paid staff than the volunteer staff. They are expected to follow strict deadlines and give the best of their work which is not necessary but not mandatory for volunteer staff.
Explain one way in which you would energize your staff or celebrate success?
Success is to be celebrated; a little pat on the back is good for employee to feel happy with work. Whenever an employee does well, a “Best Employee of the Month” is good for employees. But monetary compensation is a mandatory factor for all employees, which is why with the awards; a bonus has to be given to this employee so that he or she does not only feel happy and contended, but also satisfied and motivated. In today’s world, it is not easy to make ends meet (Hitt, Black& Porter, 2005).









Dominos is a pizza delivery company. It offers take-out, delivery and sit-down restaurant services based on the franchising option. As of the year 2012 it owned more than 9,742 service centres and franchises. It is located in more than 70 international markets other than its home country-the United States. Its key business segments are hence domestic stores, domestic supply chain and international (Reuters, 2014). Having a domestic supply chain helps Dominos cut back on costs and this is an advantage compared to its competitors. In the supply chain arena, it operates around 16 regional dough manufacturing centres. It has a fully equipped supply chain management with equipment and supply facility centres, vegetable and dough processing centres and more. Dominos also offers variety to its customers which have enabled it to retain loyal customers for a better turnover. Some of the varieties that it offers are based on the pizza type, the size, the toppings etc. It also offers promotions and coupons as a form of customer loyalty program (Reuters, 2014).
Domestic stores
The domestic stores contribute to a greater part of the revenue of Dominos. In the year 2012 it was noted that its domestic segment earned as much as 32% of its consolidated revenue (Reuters, 2014). These sources include the store sales and the royalty payments that franchisees make to Dominos. Domestic stores operate under strict financial controls so as to have better financial transparency. Dominos provides operational audits and other marketing services to the stores.
Domestic supply chain
The domestic supply chain contributes to almost 56% of consolidated revenues. Here the company manages efficiency concerns by ensuring that pizza-related food products, spices etc are delivered to both the company owned and the franchise stores. The domestic chain supply meets most of the internal demands and this helps increase quality and reduces cost of product acquisition for franchisees. The company in fact has a profit sharing arrangement with the stores by having these integrated supply chain strategies. Dominos also applies innovation by using routing strategies, customizable software for supply chain management and more. This optimizes its business relationships with franchisees.