



History of bridges can be traced back from the prehistoric time. In the beginning of the project bamboo and wood were used and iron was used. Some ancient bridges are made up of crude stepping stones. Conversely modern bridges are more safe and stable as they are usually developed with steels and reinforce concrete. After getting the basic understanding about the material and knowledge of bridges the next step was to look into the paintings. Traditional Chinese paintings and contemporary western paintings were observed for the theme as a next step. Some research was also conducted on famous bridges of the world. Traditional arts like poems and paintings were used to develop the theme so it can be aligned with the cultural aspects. Next attraction for the theme was about the idea of a romantic bridge. People kiss on the top of the bridge and make it a symbol of their love, these stories pass on and people make these bridges as love bridges. two love movies about the bridges were found that are Waterloo Bridge(1940) and The Bridges of Madison County(1995).The former which recounts the story of a dancer and an army captain and they meet by chance on the Waterloo Bridge during the time of war. Honestly, it broke my heart just a bit to see the innocent ballerina transform into a women torn by guilt and the realities of the war. The word bridge means dangerous or death according to a famous Chinese virtual legend. They claim that after people dead, people need to go through a virtual bridge. Good guy will go to the paradise and will survive. Bad guys will go to the hell because they are unable to cross the bridge. The meaning of bridge is different in many aspects; sometimes it is connecting people, sometimes it makes love connections and for some people it will be present on the doomsday. Nowadays people intend to drop into the river to put an end to their’ lives although it’s quite unwise and irrational and it is not difficult to find out people walking on the edge of the bridge for giving their live.