
澳洲人权学论文代写: 工人阶级

澳洲人权学论文代写: 工人阶级

在二十世纪的最后几十年里,最令人费解的发展之一就是世界巨大扩张时期工人阶级和组织的垮台。在世界资本主义深层次危机时,这种发展的发生是令人困惑的。 20世纪70年代的资本主义危机并不是无理的期望,而是导致增强,而不是削弱不断扩大的世界的阶级意识。 1980年代和90年代的资本危机导致劳工危机(Silver and Arrighi,2001)。同样的后果是所有组织在上个世纪得到巩固和形成的所有工人阶级组织的根本改组或破坏。

一些研究论文试图表明危机期间和之前工人阶级制定过程与世界范围资本主义发展不平衡的关系。与广泛意见相反的着名的南北分歧仍然是整个20世纪制定标准化世界的主要障碍(Silver and Arrighi 2001)。工业阶级形成的条件尽管工业活动从北向南迁移,这是目前危机的典型,但仍然完全依赖于巨大的差距。这个差距往往将一个小国的地位,财富和权力从西方与世界绝大多数人口的国家分开。必须克服这一空白处于理论和实际问题的中心,因为有意义的尝试重建社会政治(Silver and Arrighi 2001)。

澳洲人权学论文代写: 工人阶级

In the closing decades of the 20th century, one of the most puzzling development has been the fall of the working-class and organizations during the times of huge expansion of the world. The occurrence of this development was quite puzzling at the time of deep crisis of worldwide capitalism. The capitalist crises of 1970s were not unreasonable to expect and it resulted in enhancement instead of dampening the class-consciousness of the ever-expanding world. The crisis of capital in the 1980s and 1990s resulted in a labor crisis (Silver and Arrighi 2001). The consequences of the same are the fundamental restructuring or destruction of all the organizations of working class, which over the preceding century was consolidated and formed.

A few research papers have tried to show the relationship existent amongst the procedure of working-class formulation during and before the crisis and in the unevenness of capitalist development on a world scale. The famous North-South divide contrary to the widespread opinion continues to be the main obstacle throughout the 20th century to the formulation of a standardized world (Silver and Arrighi 2001). Conditions of working-class formation despite of the relocation of industrial activities from North to South which is typical of the current crisis remain completely reliant on the vast gap. This gap tends to separate status, wealth and power of a small nation from the west from the nations, which have a huge majority of the population of the world. The overcoming of this gap at the center of its theoretical and practical concerns must be put because of any meaningful attempt to reconstruct social politics (Silver and Arrighi 2001).