


根据美国癌症协会(ACS)美国政府的统计数据,2016年新诊断出的癌症病例为1685210例。根据美国癌症协会(American Cancer Society, ACS) 2016年的数据,预计有595690名美国人死于癌症。这大致相当于每天1630人被检测出患有癌症。根据政府文件报告,从1975年到1977年[24]年间,2005年到2011年,所有癌症的5年相对生存率从49%上升到69%。这是一个令人鼓舞的数据。然而,某些形式的癌症是不容易解决的。这取决于癌症的类型和其表达的阶段。评价肿瘤临床医生使用TNM指南的分期。在这个TNM系统中,诊所使用不同的分期系统。它是原发肿瘤的范围(T),淋巴结的分析(N),以及是否存在远处转移。由此,我们将癌症的分期分为0、I、II、III、IV四个阶段。一些种类的癌症使用不同的形式来分析其目前的分期。对于乳腺癌,这些TNM指南用于检测癌症的进展水平和分期。


Apoptosis is programmed cell death that should occur in the cells. Absence of this apoptosis can lead to abnormal proliferation of cells. This abnormal proliferation of cells can be benign or malignant. In this case, the tumor becomes malignant and is considered to be a condition called Cancer [1]. In other cases such as Leukemia, there is no real formation of cell masses but causes the same effect of cancer and spread to different parts of the body through the process of metastasis. Cancer in a particular system or tissue metastasis to different parts of the cells and spreads to different organs causes systemic damage of the cells. In reality, the formation of Cancer causes differential effects on the people. It can essentially form in any part or tissue. Any element of the human body is susceptible to develop cancer [25]. There are more than 100 different types of cancers. This is a systemic failure that is caused by numerous factors in the environment. For the formation of Cancer, there are many factors that have been identified as carcinogenic. These carcinogenic factors are factors such as heredity, lifestyle, infections and environment.Millions of people in America have suffered from cancer.

According to the ACS US government statistics, 1,685,210 new cancer cases are diagnosed in 2016. Based on the data from American Cancer Society (ACS) in the year 2016, it has been estimated that 595,690 Americans are expected to die of cancer. This roughly translates to Cancer detection in 1,630 people per day. According to the governmental documentation reports, the 5-year relative survival rate for all cancers diagnosed between 2005 to 2011 has been on the rise to 69% from 49% from the years 1975 to 1977 [24] . This is an encouraging statistics. Nevertheless, certain forms of cancer cannot be easily resolved. It depends on the type of cancer and the stage at which it has been expressed. To evaluate the stage of Cancer clinicians use TNM guidelines. In this TNM system, the clinics use a differential staging system. It is the extent of primary tumor (T), analysis of the Lymph nodes (N), and the presence of the distant metastasis. From this, the stages of Cancer has been identified as 0, I, II, III, IV. Some kinds of cancer use different forms to analyze its current stage. For the case of Breast cancer, these TNM guidelines are used to detect the levels of progression and the stages of the cancer.






Stereoscope is a mix of two different images. It has been found that the stereoscope was a fine entertainment before the development of motion cinema. Stereoscope is fundamentally composed of two pictures that are mounted next to each other. There is a set of lenses to view the pictures. Each picture is actually taken from a slightly different viewpoint that corresponds closely with the spatial arrangement of the eyes. The left picture represents what the left eye would see. Subsequently, the right eye would see what the right eye is supposed to see. It can be understood that both these images together have held for the overall holistic perception of the imagesOne of the most notable disadvantages of this process is that it had enabled people to gain headache, eye stress and migraine when viewing for longer periods. The conditions of the images need to be pristine to ensure that there is no significant distortion of the images. Owing to this, the people developed the need to look for other kinds of technology. From this stemmed the motion flow images and the modern day cinema.It is still relevant and is used in 3D technology .Modern day pictures in social media, digital media creation have their roots in the history of photography and the history of modern day cinema. There has been many eminent people and significant breakthroughs throughout the history in order to create the modern day photography. Here are many interesting developments. But one of the most interesting technology stereoscopes has been focused on this presentation.

From a personal standpoint, it can be said that the triumph of human ingenuity is the most bold, remote, incredible manifestation of human creation. It has been found that this technology has paved the way for the development of modern day cinema. Stereoscopes were the middle ground that was found to exist between the two technologies of still camera images and the motion pictures. It has paved the way for the people to develop a number of intricate designs. Sir Charleston Wheatstone developed this stereoscope. A number of subsequent versions of the stereoscope have been devised from this time. This presentation is about the stereoscope technology. In many ways, this technology was a pioneering event in modern history. Even in the current era, some of the fundamental notion of Stereoscope is seen. I will make more discussions for the same. Initially, there is a need to look into the technology that was prevalent before the development of calotype. The pre cursers and the subsequent development of Stereoscope has paved the way for modern day photography. History of photography has a rich lineage and a very long line of process.Modern day cinema and photography owes its development to some of the historical precedent set by these technology. It is imperative to understand the roots of modern day photography to understand about these technologies from a holistic angle. It has been found to be interesting concept that had aided in the growth of the technology to interesting dimensions.






The main course of sex and reproduction in almost same in all the primates including the humans, but sex in primates can be studied as follows. The female cycle is important in this case, too. The ovulation in primates is when the eggs in female mature has two results that is triggers the hormonal changes in females, which makes them feel attracted towards the males. And thus, they send signals towards the male for copulation, and second their body is prepared for being receptive to males. The sexual signals given out during this period are automatic by the females, and these stimulate the males.

Most of the species of animals can perceive this though their olfactory sense (based on smell), and other signals also include a colour change in the genital area, visual signs, calls or a general change in the skin colour. This period, when changes in female take place is known as in estrus (popularly, “in heat”). Other times, all the activities remain the same except that there is no egg to be fertilized. A female may then be involved with many males like in baboons or by a single male like in gibbons. In primates and almost all animals, the relation between the sexual activities and ovulation is an adaptive mechanism, so that there are maximum chances of reproduction without wasting energy and time (Segerstråle, 2000).






Williams (1915) has been a supporter of bilingualism and supports the proposition that children learn two languages at a time in their childhood, their mother tongue and other language, then both languages help them to learn afresh at most times. The contention is good and supports the hypothesis, and matches the earlier authors and articles propositions of making children learn two languages at a time. The intermixing concept of the author is rather weak, which he proposes that the languages would have two distinct places and intermixing would hardly occur. But he does not provide a strong argument for the results of cognition, the clarity of communication, and the ability to express clear thoughts in a specific language. As language is an expressive way of communicating a specific feeling, concern, or any thought, it also must be supported with the vastest vocabulary so that the child is able to capture and control the communication to the best of his or her cognitive abilities and thoughts after being an adult.

Extensive knowledge and awareness of innovative words and their meaning are apparently the most essential element in the best types of and kind of communication, irrespective of the language and even the vastness of the vocabulary in the language itself. This article supports the teaching of two languages and it is tantamount to the supposed acceptance of parents, teachers, and guardians of children aged 3-5. In this analysis, it is to be judged whether the learning of two languages builds cognitive abilities, or the cognitive abilities –considered to be divinely imposed and different – in turn makes the learning of the languages more easier. This question will always be researched because unless the disparities in children’s cognitive abilities becomes equal, all comparison will have vague conclusions, far from what is right in its full sense.






Recruitment of the project of marketing research can be helpful in making or breaking the success of project. With extreme level of hinging over the responses given by the individuals included within the research process, it becomes imperative for paying increased attention to the process of recruitment. Setting up the tone appropriately in the earlier setting, preferably when there is initial consideration of the respondent, can be considered helpful for the recruitment of highly articulate and qualified individuals. Preparing equipment and facilities in readiness for the procedure of research can be considered significant as this helps to avoid wastage of time later on when there has been consideration of the respondents and hence, the research can be conducted immediately as soon as the respondents are ready.On the completion of survey and the analysis of key findings, the last step in the process of survey is for the presentation of key findings, where there is an involvement of creating a report of research. This should be inclusive of a background information regarding the key reasons for conducting the survey, breaking down the key outcomes, and providing recommendations and conclusions under the support of this information and material.

This can be identified as the most crucial and significant aspect of the research being the key to communicate the finding with the ones making decisions for taking action over those key findings.The Services of Information and Technology protects data from unauthorized accessibility or inappropriate utilization. This is done by the enforcement of procedural and technical controls of security for core applications and systems storing and processing non- public information, facts and data. The availability of shared drives, local work stations, and services based on cloud technology are providing the opportunity for securing data after it has been used and extracted for the purpose of conducting research.As issues of frame and coverage can have a significant impact on the quality of data, they should be reported adequately in the dissemination of results of research.






In preparing the SRS, specified the user characteristics, user expectations and more. This would form part of the testing specifications later on as the project is developed. There are four main points about software requirements specification, and in this the project is defined. The project needs to make use of a real time feedback system and booking system. It needs a helpdesk or a user support system and also a stock auditing system. The primary challenges that I faced in my allotment of the work was that I felt the different source requirements for the project were too complex to be presented as one source requirement. I have some internship experience and I have observed that in real world projects, so much of roll outs would not be accepted in one project phase. There would be much testing and fixing later if it was. So in preparing a requirements specification for such a big project as such was a little daunting for me.

So I believed the best way to achieve it was not focus on all the tasks for the project, as in there are so many subtasks under each task which could hence be a project by itself. Secondly, there are also issues in the form of developing each of these task requirements in such a way, that the vendor can propose solutions. I believed for each of the functional business requirements that I wrote in the RFP I could very well critique and expand upon in many more ways. An RFP that is not in detail and not well written might fail to answer some of the queries of the vendors and hence would lose its sense of purpose. In future when I work on requirements specifications I would make sure that all the different specification details are identified and are well collected.



作为结束语,本文认为分层脆弱性是一个复杂的概念,它包括三个主要维度和多个辅助维度。所有这些都有可能在不同的视角下观察到变化(Howells, 2010)。本文的研究结果表明,每一个来自澳大利亚园艺的工人都有脆弱性,但在范围上存在差异,这与几个层次维度是一致的。首先,无证工人在劳动力中表现出最大的脆弱性,原因包括驱逐责任、对个人合同的依赖、语言技能差、工会排斥和保护监管以及社会孤立(Campbell et al., 2013)。其次,WHMs似乎比澳大利亚居民更容易受到伤害,因为他们对劳动力市场的了解不足,这使他们更容易受到剥削,同时他们反对签证延期。

第四,承包人承包的采收工人比雇农承包的采收工人更有可能在工作时间短、不满意、劳动强度大的情况下遇到低于奖励的工资。计件工人最终比按小时支付工资的员工更容易受到低工资和工作压力的影响(Hardy, 2011)。在寻找最低劳动力成本的过程中,有一些雇主试图在寻找最弱劳动力的脆弱性中利用这种差异(福吉,2011)。它们确保大多数合同的剥削安排已经完成,这种支付制度已经取消。如果不执行最低就业标准,雇主就被迫效仿,在恶性循环中创造工资和就业条件。对于本文的这些发现,有两点需要注意。首先,需要对规模和收获劳动力构成进行更多的研究(Brennan, 2014)。


As a conclusion remark, the article depicted that layered vulnerability is a complicated conception that comprises of 3 main dimensions and various subsidiary dimensions. All of these have a likeliness of varying as observed within distinct perspectives (Howells, 2010). The article findings depicted that every worker from Australian horticulture has vulnerability, but there are differences in the range which have consistency with several layering dimensions. Firstly, workers who are undocumented appear to have maximum vulnerability within the workforce for various reasons inclusive of deportation liability, dependency over individual contracting, poor skills of language, union’s exclusion and protection of regulation and isolation socially (Campbell et al., 2013). Secondly, WHMs appear to have more vulnerability than the residents of Australia as inadequate knowledge in labour market makes them exposed to enhanced exploitation, while they race in opposition to extension of visa.

Fourthly, harvesting workers hired through contractors have more likeliness than workers of farmer-employment for encountering pay below award with short and unsatisfied hours at work and much harder work intensity. Piece workers finally have more vulnerability than employees paid hourly to lower pay and intense pressures at work (Hardy, 2011). Looking for costs of lowest labour, there are certain employers who try taking benefit of such variations within the vulnerability of finding the workers who are weakest (Fudge, 2011).They ensure that most exploitative arrangements of contracting are done and such systems of payment are released. Without enforcing minimum employment standards, employers then are forced for following suit to produce a condition of wage and employment in the downward spiral. On these findings from the article, there are two caveats required. Firstly, more research is needed on the size and harvest workforce composition (Brennan, 2014).






When a company or organization has additional operating cash flow that is received by taking a new project other than existing project. The positive cash flow in the company indicates that with new upcoming project the company’s cash flow will increase. This is a good sign always for the company to make future projects with better cash flows and have financial strength. The company can utilize skills for new projects and always have the better financials. In the case study as mentioned the company will recover all the invested capitals are true, because having operating cash flow as positive with help if new projects the company can surely recover it costs. It will not be valid if the investment on the ongoing projects is higher than the earn revenue or cash flow is in negative.

In order to get the investment payback, the company must focus on positive cash flows and in reduction in the expenses. Forecasting is based on the historic data to predict about future trends. Forecasting is used by companies in order to allocate their budget for future projects in right way. Forecasting helps organizations to benchmark its long term projects. The manager is concern with this investment proposition on new projects. Yes, in general the degree of forecasting will be greater for new product because of uncertain requirements that might come later on. Depreciation is a non-cash expense, but it is tax-deductible on the income statement. Thus depreciation causes taxes paid, an actual cash outflow, to be reduced by an amount equal to the depreciation tax shield TCD. A reduction in taxes that would otherwise be paid is the same thing as a cash inflow, so the effects of the depreciation tax shield must be added in to get the total incremental aftertax cash flows.

碩士論文代寫:Literature review寫作指導

碩士論文代寫:Literature review寫作指導

Literature review就是文獻綜述,它可以使論文的一部分,也能作為一個獨立的部分。研究Literature review是一種系統的、明晰的和再現的方法,這種方法用於尋找、評估和綜合研究者、學者和從業者已完成和有記錄的工作。研究綜述的結論基於學者和研究者的原始工作,把重點放在高質量的原始研究上,而不是對研究發現的解釋上,這是使你的綜述可控和準確的唯一保證。

1. 選擇研究的問題。

研究問題是指導論述的精確表述的問題,所以Literature review一定要圍繞Topic來展開,一定要明確你的畢業論文題目。確認了主題才可以更好的根據主題尋找合適的文獻,對於寫作才會更具有針對性,寫作一定也要圍繞主題展開描述。

碩士論文代寫:Literature review寫作指導

2. 查閱高水平研究的參考文獻



3. 引文羅列,缺少分析和概括。

這個問題是很多同學寫畢業論文犯錯最多的,Literature review不僅僅需要反映你的背景深度,更重要的是希望你對知識點的見解,所以一定要讀懂文獻,自己做出概括和分心。

碩士論文代寫:Literature review寫作指導


寫作Literature review的相關,對於內容的片面指導,寫作如何富有獨特性,在寫作當中如何讀懂Literature review,相對應的概括內容。







Biodegradable polymer concept has been spoken predominately by many analysts. There are numerous usages that stems from using this biodegradable polymer. In order to further develop these biodegradable polymers, there is a need to analyze the structural chemistry, classification of these compounds, and production of these compounds in the industrial scale, technological advancements that are currently being researched. From this, uses of these polymers can be derived. The strength and limitation of this process is probed in detail in order to find out the focal point of further research. From this, assessment methods for the production of the efficacy of these polymers are derived. The purpose of this literature review is to present a basic research background on the biodegradable polymers that exist, their current uses, structural analysis of these polymers and more.

The literature review will primarily present the nature of the biodegradable polymer that makes the functional groups of the polymer useful for medical industry. Secondly, a classification of the biodegradable polymer is discussed in the literature review. The classification of biodegradable polymers is based on composition, their renewability content and the biodegradable level. The functional uses of the biodegradable polymers are discussed as well. The functional uses are enhanced from the fact that biodegradable polymers have a better degradation compared to others, and hence can be made use of as packaging materials and more compared to the other toxic traditional materials. The production process of the polymers is discussed as well.