

由于它将由一个应用程序驱动,客户将本能地通过以最合适的方式工作的应用程序组合获得定制的能力。那么,为什么要购买苹果手表呢?更常见的情况是,将Apple Watch过分简化为可以戴在手腕上的iPhone。这不能被认为是一个不合理的比较,作为一个支持多种功能的迷你iPhone出现。有了合适的尺寸,人们可能会有购买该产品的动力,因为许多Android Wear手表对大多数人来说似乎都很笨重。从长远来看,全球范围内的数字创新速度之快表明,Apple Watch的产品可能会在短时间内被淘汰。在这种情况下,可以考虑马斯洛的需求层次结构。这种模式包括心理需求、安全需求、爱与归属、尊重、自我实现和自我超越。
这一产品可以与自我超越和自我实现的层次结构相关联,即以商业为基础的消费者和商人。据苹果公司设计高级副总裁表示,新增加的腕表肯定会挑战消费者对劳力士的偏好,同时在同一个市场空间内展开竞争。然而,看着狂热者和零售商似乎不那么信服。众所周知,这些手表具有独特的制造工艺和精密部件(Razin & Kark, 2012)。人们对品牌质量的认知近乎于零,而苹果可以被视为该行业的新进入者,自数个世纪以来,瑞士maestros一直主导着市场。这种动机与动机理论的唤醒有关。根据这一理论,个体受到行为表现的驱动,以维持与生理觉醒相关的最低和适当水平。考虑到客户不同层次的需求,这种激励水平是不同的。


As it will be driven by an app, instinctively, the customers will gain the ability of customization with a combination of applications working in the most appropriate way. So why should one purchase an Apple Watch? More often, there is an oversimplification of Apple Watch as an iPhone that can be worn on the wrist. This cannot be considered as an unreasonable comparison, appearing as a mini iPhone that is supportive of several functions. With an appropriate size, one may feel motivated for purchasing the product, as a number of Android Wear watches appear to be chunky for majority of the population. When considering this investment for a longer run, the fast speed of digital innovation across the global depicts that the product of Apple Watch may end up becoming obsolete in a short period of time. In this context, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs can be considered. This model includes psychological needs, safety needs, love and belonging, esteem, self- actualization, and self- transcendence.
This product can be related with the hierarchy of self- transcendence and self- actualization that is for business based consumers and businessmen. According to the Senior VP of Design at Apple, the new addition will surely result in challenging the customer preferences towards Rolex, while competing within the same space of the market. However, watching aficionados and retailers seems to be less convinced. These watches are known to be having unique processes of manufacturing and precision components (Razin & Kark, 2012). The perception of brand quality is next to nothing and Apple can be seen as the new entry in the industry with Swiss maestros dominating the market since a number of centuries. Such motivation can be related with the arousal of motives theory. According to this theory, individuals are driven by the performance of actions for maintaining a minimum and appropriate level related to physiological arousal. This level of motivation varies considering the different hierarchy of needs of the customers.

essay 代写:正式和非正式性质的领导

essay 代写:正式和非正式性质的领导

对于本研究所来说,由于正式和非正式性质的领导,内部发生了变化。校长相信孩子们会学习并取得更高的成绩。例如,在大楼里呆了一年之后,校长改变了一个在学校里同质化的分组系统,这个系统描述了非常无效的结果(Cameron et al . 2015)。不幸的是,这和影响变革的有关努力导致工作人员和校长之间产生了敌对性质的关系。关于学校气候的新方案,校长认为它有一个合适的结构和完成个人目标的完整计划。但由于教职工与校长之间关系的不和谐,教师往往会因为校长的支持而反对这一计划。当学校参与变革过程时,教师的进一步合作需要非正式的领导而不是正式的领导(Cameron et al . 2015)。在通过密歇根州立大学顾问进行演示的项目中,这种领导力已经开始显现。
从校长的角度来看,这种变化是由学校内部引起的,而从外部来看,这种变化是由学生的不良表现引起的。变化和冲突经常同时发生。在这种情况下,校长和工作人员之间的关系似乎从来没有即兴发挥过。尽管如此,即使在冲突之后,每个参与者都对项目有完整的承诺。对这种变化的反应是积极的,但是对这种变化的采用是缓慢的。采用的过程很缓慢,工作人员决定合作,将这个项目的第一个90天的试用期。在这个试验期间结束时,工作人员决定审查他们的工作成绩,然后决定是否应继续进行这项工作。甚至那些持怀疑态度的人也被说服了(Cameron et al 2015)。教员非正式性质的领导和由此产生的工作人员承诺是这一变革成功的基本因素。

essay 代写:正式和非正式性质的领导

For this institute, the change occurred internally due to leadership of formal and informal nature. The belief of the principal was over the fact that the children will learn and achieve higher grades. For example, after a year in the building, the principal had changed a grouping system homogenously engaged in the school which depicted highly ineffective results (Cameron et al 2015). This, unfortunately and related efforts for influencing change resulted in producing a relationship of adversarial nature between the staff and the principal. With regard to the new program for school climate, the principal considered it to have a proper structure and a complete plan for accomplishing their individual goals. But because of relationships of stained nature between the staff and principal, teachers often opposed this program due to the favorability of principal towards it. Cooperation of faculty further would need informal leadership instead of formal one when school was to be involved within the change process (Cameron et al 2015). During the program for presentation through the consultant of Michigan State University, such leadership has started emerging.
The change has been initiated internally from the perspective of the principal and externally it has been initiated by viewing the poor performance of the students. Change and conflict occurred together frequently. In this case as well, the relationship between the principal and staff members never seemed to improvise. Still, even after the conflicts, every participant had complete commitment towards the program. The reaction to this change was a positive one but the adoption towards this type of change was slow.The adoption was a slow one in which the staff members decided collaboratively to set forward this program for first only 90 day trial period. At the end of this trial period, the staff members decided to review their performance and then determine whether they should continue over it or not. Even those in doubts were convinced to this proposal (Cameron et al 2015). The leadership of informal nature of faculty and the staff commitment resulting from it were essential elements in this change success.











假设一个人必须决定是坐汽车还是坐公共汽车去寺庙,自由意志不是幻觉,因为这个人可以自由选择他或她喜欢的行为类型。无论完成任务的决定是什么,这个人都要完全负责。当大脑发出信号时,大脑会让人自愿地做一件事,这表明这不是幻觉,而是真实的事件。人们自己做选择,同样地,每一个活着的人也做同样的选择。如果把自由意志看成幻觉,那么生活就是幻觉,人的存在也是幻觉。这就引出了关于人的哲学存在的问题(Strawson, 2010)。人们的行为是无法预测的。例如上面给出的例子,不可能预测一个人的决定,因为这个人可以选择汽车或公共汽车,也不能预测他或她会做出什么样的决定。我的论点是,如果一切都被别的东西控制着,生活怎么可能对你是好的呢?人生只有一次,任何事情都不能被第三方控制。一个人的命运完全由自己决定,没有任何第三方的干涉(Stafford, 2015)。


Suppose that one has to take a decision on whether to go by car or bus to temple, the free will is not an illusion as the person is free to choose the type of action he or she would prefer. The person is totally accountable for whatever decision is taken to complete the task. As the brain signals, the mind lets the person do a task voluntarily and this shows that it is not an illusion but a real event. People make choices on their own and likewise, every living being does the same. If free will is regarded as illusion, life is an illusion and the existence of people is an illusion, too. This gains questions on the philosophical presence of people (Strawson, 2010). People do not behave predictably. For the example given above, it is impossible to predict the person’s decision as the person can either choose for a car or bus and one cannot predict what decision he or she would take. My argument is – if everything is controlled by something else, how can life be assumed to be good to you? Life is lived once and everything can’t be controlled by a third party. One’s destiny is decided by oneself with absolutely no interference of third party (Stafford, 2015).
The philosopher’s stand states that one can never be punished when a mistake is committed as the person is not accountable. This is absolute foolishness. When genes and environments tend to shape the behavior of a person, how can the person be unaccountable for the mischief done with complete consciousness? This statement is sufficient enough to prove that free will is not an illusion. Here is another example to prove this point:Suppose a person has hit a vehicle with his car unknowingly, isn’t the action termed as free will? If free will is not present, every action of a human being will be programmed and this type of activity will never happen. As free will existed, the person has directly hit a vehicle and the police catches the person red handed terming him to accountable to the accident. This is the primary rule of law and order and this rule clearly contradicts the point of early philosophers (Stafford, 2015). The behavior is shaped by genes, environment and actions completely.



如果政策制定者在主要通勤线路上暗示收费,并启动高峰时段的道路定价,那么从政治角度来看,这将是不可行的。旅客的选择可以通过增加热车道来增加,例如将未充分利用的高入住率车辆(HOV)车道改为热车道,或者在现有高速公路上增加新的收费车道,让现有的传统车道不收费。的确,热车道无法解决拥堵问题。然而,它对那些想要快速到达某个地方的人是有用的(Stock, 2011)。在一些地区,整个热车道网络既可以选择高速,也可以增加总容量,使人们总是可以在匆忙中使用。由政府控制的交通管理中心及其流动服务包括对道路状况进行电子和电视监控。在同样的帮助下,事故和重大事件可以立即删除,并可以帮助减少拥堵,没有任何延误。如果修建的道路比反对者所说的更多,更多的游客将被更多的高速公路吸引。


If toll is implied on the major commuter lanes by the policymakers and starts peak hour road pricing then it won’t be feasible in political terms. Traveler choices can be increased by increasing the HOT lanes by changing the underused high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes to HOT lanes, or by addition of new toll lanes to existing expressway and leaving present conventional lanes without tolls. It is true that congestion does not solve by HOT lanes. However, it is useful for those people who want to reach somewhere fast (Stock, 2011). The whole network of HOT lanes in some regions could both make high-speed choices and add to overall capacity always available to people in a hurry. Traffic Management Centers, which are under the control government, the roving services with them, are encompassed of electronic and television surveillance of the condition of the road. With the help of the same, accidents and major incidents could be removed instantly and can help in reduction of congestion without any delay.If more roads are built than opponents say that, more travelers would be attracted by more highways.
The criticism for the established road to be overly crowded is true due to the triple convergence. However, it is true to say that the government would need more roads and lanes in the peripheral regions due to the large projected growth of the US population.The drivers could be informed about the condition of the traffic ahead with the help of large variable signs and also with the help of GPS equipment in trucks and cars, electronic coordination of signal lights on local streets, one-way street pattern, and radio broadcast of current road conditions are the features included in these devices. Making use of these technologies might be useful and informative on expressway and local streets.To coordinate ground transportation Congress has created planning over all modes in each region Metropolitan Planning Organization. The more rational system could be created if these were given more power and technical assistance. There is a very lower probability that the congestion tactics would work effectively if focus is on regional planning rather than on transportation and land usage.




格式要求。美国留学论文写作基本是有essay和report两种格式。essay结构分为introduction,main body,和conclusion.不用太复杂的结构。Report要有executive summary,结构要求很高,文章要分为几个部分来写,每个部分都要有不同的大标题,后面的章节还要有副标题等。


文章引用部分的注释规范。如果作者的姓名在文章中出现,要给出作者的姓和出版省份,将出版年份放在小括号内。比如,In a recent study Harvey(1993)agued that…;被引用的作者在同一年中出版了两部以上著作或发表了两篇以上的essay,用小写字母a.b.c等予以区别,放在年份后面,如,Johnson(1989a)discussed the subject…;如果有三位以上的作者,只给出第一位作者的姓,再用斜体写上et al.(等人),如,Wilson et al.(1993)conclude that…;如果在文中有引用其他作何的话,而且引文的字数不超过两行的话,直接插入文本中即可,可以使用引号将文本隔开。美国留学essay中写作可以使用单引号也可以使用双引号,全文一致就可以了。比如,Aitchison(1981),for example,points out that language issubject to change,and is not caused by“unnecessary sloppiness,laziness orignorance”。

字数的问题。建议大家不要为了凑字数而来回绕,可以在写作中从不同角度验证自己的观点,从不同的角度写的话,字数就多了,而且只要自己的观点正确,导师要二回觉得你的分析很全面、很有见解。但是如果你车轱辘话、绕来绕去的话,就只会给人留下一个差的印象,不仅不会加分,还会减分。要注意的是文后的references列表和附录(appendix)是不算字的。比如,导师要求文章是4000字,那正文的字数就是4000+/-10%字。如果要求no more than 4000 words,那正文的字数就不能超过4000字。如果要求no less than 4000 words,那正文的字数就不能少于4000字。

人称问题。美国留学essay的写作属于学术文章,在写作的时候是不能够使用第一人称(I,we,in my opinion,…),可以用被动语态。不能说I DO STH,要说XX HAS BEEN DONE…特别是写REPORT的时候,导师们一般喜欢看被动语态的句子和文章。




迁移本质上是一种投资决策,以防迁移涉及预先成本,并且记住未来的回报也不确定。人力资本与移民之间相互关系的研究最早是由Sjaastad(1962)完成的。Becker(1975)也同意这一观点,他指出,为了增加未来收入的净现值,移民必须通过迁移到不同的地方来使用他们的技能,从而提高他们的技能(Unhcr, 2015)。1980年代初,国际移徙的人力资本方法不足以解释移徙工资和收入的决定因素,格林伍德(1977年)首先引用了这一方法。由此产生的模型表明,一个人的效用功能也包括特定地区市场上无法获得的服务和商品(UN, 2015)。便利设施指的是那些并非随处可见的商品,比如风景优美的景色、清新的空气等等。Rosen关于隐含市场和享乐价格的精细工作为这组模型提供了起源(IMF, 2015)。
此外,更高水平的公共设施,如适当的卫生保健服务、良好的基础设施、教育组织和更积极的司法系统,吸引了来自其他国家的移民(瑞士信贷,2015)。希尔兹在1989年提出,人们迁移到遥远的地方,以便最好地融合服务和商品。兰卡斯特(1966)和威利斯(1973)提出的新家庭经济学理论和模型构成了该模型的基础。所有家庭都在不同程度上为自己生产商品和服务。这是新家庭经济学(Calva, L。路易斯·F。拉斯帝格,N。,2010)。然而,为了涵盖所有潜在的迁移因素,需要用其他理论加以澄清。因此,预计为了了解难以捉摸的国际移徙现象,将提出这些模型。它涵盖了以前没有包括的因素(乔凡尼,J。Levchenko,。, & Ortega, F。,2015)。


Migration is essentially an investment decision in case where migration involves up-front costs and keeping in mind that the payoff in the future is also not sure. The study of interrelation between human capital and migration was foremost done by Sjaastad (1962). This view was also shared by Becker (1975) who stated that in order to increase the net present value of future earnings, migrants must use their skills through migrating to different places and thus provide growth of their skills (Unhcr, 2015).In the early 1980s, the human capital approach of international migration was not sufficient to explain the determinants of wages and earnings of migration, and it was first cited by Greenwood (1977). The consequent models stated that the utilityfunction of a person also includes such services and goods which are unavailable in the market of a particular region (UN, 2015). Amenities are those goods that are not universally available like scenic view, clean air, etc. Elaborate work of Rosen on implicitly of market and hedonic prices gave origin to this group of models (IMF, 2015).
Moreover, higher levels of public amenities like proper health care services, good infrastructures, educational organizations, and more active justice system attract migrants from other countries (Credit Suisse, 2015).Shields suggested in 1989 that people migrate to distant places to make the best amalgamation of services and goods. The theories and models of the new household economics, propounded by Lancaster (1966) and Willis (1973) form the basis of this model. All households make goods and services in various degrees for their own usage.This were the basic idea given in new household economics (Calva, L., Luis, F.,&Lustig, N., 2010).However, to cover all the factors underlying migrations needs to be clarified by additional theories. It is thus anticipated that to understand the elusive phenomenon of international migration, such models will be proposed. Itcovers the factors not included earlier (Giovanni, J.,Levchenko, A., & Ortega, F., 2015).





紧扣主题的essay才是各院校期待看到的。我们要知道,院校精心措辞就是为了他们自己的题目能与众不同。如果你的essay只是Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V这样的泛泛之谈,那你可是会令各admission officer大失所望了。通过仔细观察,我们发现,每个Essay题目都有重点词,我们只需要抓住重点词来着重回答问题就OK。当你完成初稿后把自己当做初读者再去通读一遍Essay,如果通过读内容能推测出题目,并且和原题目一致,那么说明你的这篇Essay 确实有在真正的回答问题哦。以下是几个essay题目,有标注的重点词,我们在写作时就要着重来写这些点。





4.写你认为admission officer 愿意看到的文章





无论你申请哪所院校,选了哪个题目来写,如果你没有说你最终学到了什么,那无疑你的文章肯定被admission officer否定。无论题目问没问你这一点,多谈一谈你的亲身感受,反思,这件事对你的影响,总归是有利无害的。




诽谤是一种被定义为“暂时的”形式的陈述,除非在公共场合播出。在以前的法律中,应该有确凿的证据证明原告遭受了相当大的损害。但在当今时代,情况并非如此。诽谤也是如此(Thompson, 2013)。根据诽谤罪的条款,诽谤罪的内容应该由第三方阅读。新闻稿被认为是法律文件,社交媒体出版物被认为是这些出版物的一种形式。个人声誉可能会因这种影响而受损。这些社交媒体帖子被认为是国际性的。在社交媒体上发布的任何内容都可以在全球范围内自动浏览。这意味着它已经损害了国际声誉。这一过程涉及到许多复杂性(Thompson, 2013)。

为了说明这一点,BBC在2012年播出了一篇关于北威尔士虐童案的报道,涉及这位保守派政治人物。这一推测是由萨利·伯考(Sally Bercow)做出的,她显然在推特上发了一条关于麦克平勋爵的推文。这些指控没有得到证实,因为没有进行充分的事实核查。McAlpine勋爵从BBC公司获得了6位数的分红(Thompson, 2013)。从这个案例中,公关从业者应该意识到社交媒体和法律管辖的细微差别。因此,发布的任何内容都应该清晰,并确保所有涉众都被如实描述。如果内容已经过事实检查,则可以发布内容。未经适当审查的内容不应视为事实。这是2013年《诽谤诽谤法》的一个重要方面。


Slander is the statement which is defined as “transitory” form unless it is broadcasted in the public arena. In the previous laws there should be tangible proof that the plaintiffs had encountered considerable damage. This is not the case in the current times. The same goes for libel (Thompson, 2013). According to the libel clause of the defamatory content the libel should have been read by a third party. Press releases are considered to be the legal documents and the social media publications are considered to be a form of these publications. The individual reputation can be considered tarnished from this impact. The social media posts are considered to be international. Any content posted in the social media can be automatically viewed across the world. This means that it had caused international reputations damage. There are a number of complexities that are involved in this process (Thompson, 2013).

To elucidate with an example in 2012, BBC ran a story about a North Wales child abuse case that involved the Conservative political figure. This speculated was attributed by Sally Bercow who had apparently tweeted about Lord McAlpine. The allegations were not proven owing to the fact that there was no adequate fact checking. Lord McAlpine received a six figure payout form the BBC corporations (Thompson, 2013).From this case, the PR practitioners should be aware of the nuances of the social media and the jurisdictions of the law. Hence, any content that is posted should be clear and ensured that all the stakeholders are portrayed truthfully. If the content had been fact checked, the content can be posted. A content that is not properly vetted should not be considered as the fact. This is an important aspect of the libel defamatory act of 2013.





“Living in the west bank” signifies the youth of the poet. It is used denotes the ways in which the author was once a useful member of the community. However the move to the east refers to life after retirement. There is a general sentiment that the people living in retirement are not active members of the society. They are given their due peace to live in retirement homes. The people in these homes feel a sense of isolation from the main communities and they encounter sentiments of not being wanted. This is explored in the line “Living in retirement that pays any attention to me?” In this the sentiment felt by the people are explored.The poet ends with “what shall I do now?” This is a rhetoric question as to the fact that old age people do not have anything constructive to do and they are not wanted in the societies. It also makes the audience to gain a sense of loneliness that the protagonist is feeling. It is the lament of a retired person who is now sitting in a retirement home feeling isolated from the mainstream community.
There is also fear of death and the sadness of being alone that is resonated in the poem. In the line “only sadness follows me” shows that emotion of the poet while living in the retirement house. As the author questions the roots of sadness it is evident that the poet is experiencing old age and living in retirement home. In this process the people feel that they are not welcome and are used to symbolize the sentiment felt by these individuals while living in the old age house. Towards the end the audience who read this poem gains a sense of perspective of the impending old age for all the individuals. This is a stage that all the people will eventually reach and the sentiments of the poet are echoed as a wakeup call for the people to change the current system. It is a poem that is written to make the people understand that the people in the retirement communities have a profound sense of loneliness.