




Children develop most of their learning abilities in schools where they undergo and accept the maximum instruction from teachers. They learn most of their habits in school when they learn to ask questions. Teachers in fact are taking a large responsibility in equipping these children to become self-reliant in their future. In addition, there is always a pressure to perform well over such tests especially on those tests which are responsible to illustrate which students will graduate in high school. This makes the teachers to develop the syllabus as per the tests rather than making a syllabus which enhances the knowledge of the students making them succeed in their real lives. This has paved way to shifting the focus in the classroom that causing the students to have less interest over their class room studies and only motivates students to leave school. One of the foremost aims of school education is to make the students elaborate the tools that they have in the real world, and for this they go to school. However, testing in standardized way does the opposite of this aim. If this was known and each student would be tested on individual abilities, the results would be remarkable, and there is a sure possibility of the student being happier inside and would improve his/her self-image. In this way, the students can discover their true abilities and their strength which they can use in selecting a suitable subject and prosper in that stream of education.

The White Paper ‘The Ramifications of Standardized Testing on our Public Schools’ being released by the Central Florida School Board Coalition, talks about the effects of such tests on students (Strauss 1). The paper discusses how students are unable to learn subjects of their personal choices and testing results with immediate feedback impacts into the students getting demotivated and lose focus. Additionally, students who do not reach the 10th grade FCAT benchmark score, because of mandated remediation classes, they lose out on taking electives.



女奴隶事件是作者的自传。在书中,她描述了她一生中必须面对的可怕的情况。作者说,她不想透露自己的痛苦,但她认为她苦难的描述将有助于在废奴运动。故事的核心人物,琳达,实际上是作者自己作为奴隶出售时,被残忍对待,并被忽视。她被折磨多年,被迫进入性关系。后一部分描写了她与奴隶制的斗争。她正受到压力和折磨。后来她和另一个角色坠入了爱情关系,生了两个孩子。当她的孩子受到虐待时,她逃离了那个地方。她隐藏自己在一个小地方的日子[布拉克斯顿,乔安妮,’ Harriet Jacobs事件:重新定义的奴隶叙事体裁,马萨诸塞州评论27(夏季1986)。
]。她的孩子被卖给了他们父亲的代表。然而,他又娶了另一个人,离开了她。她现在有一个担心,她的孩子将再次出售。经过许多斗争,她逃到了北方。她带着爱伦和她的另一个孩子本尼和她的姑姑。她开始在纽约当护士。与此同时,买了她一次,殴打她试图找到她。为了远离他,她再次去了波士顿,在那里她遇见了她的儿子。在波士顿,她继续活在未来的岁月里。她的孩子被送去上学[盖茨,Henry Louis,经典奴隶故事(2002))


Incident of the Slave girl is the autobiography of the author. In the book, she has described the awful situations which she had to face throughout her life. The author says that she did not want to disclose her sufferings but she believes that the descriptions of her sufferings will help in the antislavery movement. The central character of the story, Linda who is actually the author herself when sold as a slave is treated with cruelty and with full of neglect. She is tortured for years and is forced to go into the sexual relationship. The later part depicts her struggle against the slavery. She is being pressurized and tortured. Later she falls into a love relationship with another character and has two children. When her children are ill-treated, she escapes from the place. She hides herself in a tiny place for days[Braxton, Joanne, ‘Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents: the Redefinition of the Slave Narrative Genre, Massachusetts Review 27 (Summer 1986).

]. Her children are sold to a representative of their fathers. However, he again marries another person and leaves her. She now has a worry that her children will again be sold. After a lot of struggle she escapes to the north. She takes Ellen with her and leaves her another child Benny with her aunt. She starts working as a nurse in New York. Meanwhile, the person who bought her once and assaulted her tries to find her out. In order to stay away from him, she again goes off to Boston where she meets her son. In Boston she continues to live for the coming years. Her children are sent to school[Gates, Henry Louis, The Classic Slave Narratives (2002)
]. His previous Master, Dr. Flint dies, but his daughter now claims for Linda. One of the law passed by congress, leads Linda again in the fear of being kidnapped or enslaved. The daughter of Linda’s master comes to Boston to capture her for which she hides once again. She is again forced to be bought and sold for which she refuses. Forcefully, she is sold again, but this time to Mr. Bruce who cares for her and treats her as his employee.





Employers can achieve a benefit of competitive advantage over the competitors by providing the employees of the organization with a proper work life balance and flexible working hours. This will help the employers in retaining the best employees with high skills and talent in the organization and also attracting the best talent from the industry in the organization (Felstead, 2002). It will help the employers to have an access to the wider pool of talent for recruitment. If an organization fails to provide a good work-life balance it will increase the ill practices of absenteeism and stress among the employees that will lower down their productivity and even the overall output of the organization. The organizations by helping their employees for achieving a balance situation between working conditions and their personal lives will contribute in the internal development and well being of the employees (Jones, 2013). This will increase the motivation, commitment and job satisfaction among employees and they will contribute in the growth of the organization with best of their efforts. Employees will be more flexible and responsive towards their commitments for business and the needs and wants of the customers.
The organization will transform into the ‘employer of choice’ for the best talents of the industry. Employees of such organizations will help in fostering positive attitude in the organization and the community as well. As the market trends are becoming more competitive and the employees are becoming more enlighten and knowledgeable therefore are adopting effective work-life balance practices that in turn will make positive differences in the working environment of the organizations and in the societies also (Taylor, 2002). Employees are the most vital and crucial resource of the organization so it is essential for the organizations to make best use of these business resources by providing them with best business practices necessary for protecting this resource.



在一个人的小母牛,故事的主角了解示范建立的欲望在他的灵魂经历的生活可以把他成功的一点在高峰期创造冲动导致自己的责任。青春期是他失去活力的原因是成功发展的关键因素的突然发生,这是Sinclair Ross的一个主要主题的小母牛。


The central theme of the Araby as well as one’s Heifer is very much analogous representing the age. The greatest similarity between the plots of these two stories is about the changeover of a child from a state of early years or childhood to that of adolescence. Both the authors had depicted the eccentric and weird but wonderful feelings attached with teenage years. The story is about the tempting and seductive emotion of ardor of the central character of Joyce’s Araby towards the sister of Mangan, who is a close friend (Esterhammer, 1992).
In case of one’s Heifer, the leading character of the story understands the desire of an exemplary establishment in the soul of him by experiencing the responsibility of his own caused by the impulse created by life which can take him to the point of success at the peak. The sudden occurrence of adolescence which is the reason of his lost vigor is the key development factor of success and it is the main theme of Sinclair Ross’s One’s Heifer.
The inconsistency of negation between the real world of the main characters and their imaginary worlds was described in a quite irritant manner. It is one of the main similarities of the two fictions and it is more of a similarity that is based on contradiction. The themes of the stories focus on the dream fantasy of the protagonists in the gratification of their souls, because they live in such a world where the ideas, imaginations, dreams, principles just get shattered. The trouble of the author is reflected from the lines of Araby, which is “Our shouts echoed in the silent street (Stone, 1965). The career of our play brought us through the dark muddy lanes behind the houses where we ran the gantlet of the rough tribes from the cottages, to the back doors of the dark dripping gardens where odors arose from the ash pits”.









Samsung Electronics Ltd is a multinational electronics company which has many manufactory and distribution centers all around the world. A subsidiary of the Samsung Group that is based out of South Korea, the company at presents is much diversified being in the production and sales of consumer electronics.

Idea: Samsung Electronics has been a major manufacturer of electronic components; however the diversification into selling consumer electronics like Television is the idea that is discussed here. This idea has been an enhancement to product lines they offered previously as it boosted sales in consumer segments

Quality Management: Samsung applies a Six Sigma approach to quality management. This is a data driven approach to quality management. A near perfection to quality is achieved using this approach. Samsung Electronics applies this six-sigma from its supplier to end product delivery to the customer.

Improvement: With the increasing trends in purchase of consumer electronics, the product diversification has thus led to increased sales. This leads to increased sales potential and better turnover for the company in the long run. The six sigma approach furthermore ensures that product diversification still is capable of retaining the quality initiative of the organization.

Organization and Management: Under the six sigma approach training is provided to the management and the organizational employees. Six Sigma approaches of define, measure, analyze, improve and control-the DMAIC discipline is hence applied here.




这药的名字,Tono Bungay也代表了小说描绘的很科幻的基础,社会中的人更喜欢按照标题。不论什么样的Tono Bungay却暗示或意味着什么,很明显是通过小说这种药物是不健康的人,它会造成长期的危害。科学的发展,从观点到赚钱只会导致整个社会的角度消失,反过来又改变社会的展望(威尔斯19)。小说中另一个科幻元素在于提倡在小说其中H.G. Wells放射性元素试图描述的伤害,这一发现从长远来看会导致。作者通过乔治不断提醒读者,药物(Tono Bungay)会破坏健康的个体。这个企业大亨,从这个角度看是支付了大量通过世界非理性及其验收(威尔斯19)。然而随着时间的推移,爱德华叔叔开始期待自然,他和他的妻子现在的上流社会成员越梦想骑士继续统治他们通过非法毒品。一种新的文化身份是由Uncle Edward和他认为自己是一个艺术为基础的靠山。然而,在小说中,作者已经改变了几个关键。这些不同的键添加到推测的真实性质和观点,小说不断添加到读者的角度来看。笔者一直试图延长他的音调和世界展示新时代画报在远野邦吉是过去世界的一个小的改进。这描绘了未来科幻小说为基础的现实。


The name of the medicine, Tono-Bungay also represents the title of the novel depicting the very science fiction basis that people in the society do prefer to follow. Disregarding what Tono-Bungay actually implies or what it means, it becomes evident through the novel that the drug is not healthy for people and it will cause them long term based harm. The development of science from perspectives to earn money only results in fading the entire society’s perspective and in turn changing the outlook of the society (Wells 19). Another scientific fiction element in the novel lies in advocating the radioactivity element in the novel wherein H.G. Wells has tried to describe the harm that this discovery in the long run will cause. The author through George also consistently reminds the reader that the drug (Tono-Bungay) will destroy health of individuals. This corporate mogul, from this perspective is paid large amount through world irrationality and acceptance of the same (Wells 19). Uncle Edward however with time starts expecting naturally that he and his wife are now higher members of the high class society and dreaming of knighthood continue to reign through their illegal drugs. A new cultural identity is taken up by Uncle Edward and he considers himself an art based patron. Throughout the novel however several keys have been changed by the author. These various keys have added to speculate the real nature and perspective that the novel is consistently adding to the reader’s perspective. The author consistently tried to elongate his pitch and show the world that the new age illustrated in Tono-Bungay is a slighter improvement over the previous world. This depicts futuristic science fiction based reality.
Wells throughout his novel in a consistent manner tries to underscore the ambivalent feelings of George on the Blades-over vanishing traditions. Even though the authors and the characters have rejected properly the entrenched prejudice of class, there still exists something there which can admire the nobility of ancient times. It does not make much sense to imagine that finances are what make a person highly valuable in the society and if he does not have much then their does not exist much respect for him in the society.





Astroboy was created in 1951, as part of the growing manga comic popularity after the Second World War and a year after the Korean War. Astroboy unlike other robots that are controlled by someone else is seen to have its own individual sense of right and wrong. The political landscape of Japan required people to think independently (Tanaka). Similarly the concept of self-sacrifice and death/rebirth that Astroboy goes through are also based eastern traditions. It was also a time in Japan when economically the country was down and people wanted entertainment that was easier to afford. Comics such as Astroboy fit into this niche. On the other hand, the work of Maternité [II] by Gauguin was painted during his exile period. The artist left his homeland France for Tahiti in 1891 and this picture was painted after years spent in Tahiti, when he was missing his family. The characters in the painting are in fact his Polynesian mistress, Pahura and the couple’s son born in the year 1899 (Sotheby’s).
Stylistic characteristics/ Similarities and Differences
Manga characteristics are used in Astroboy; in fact the popularity of anime in Japan is often attributed to Tezuka. However there are some differences in normal manga representation of the same period and the anime work of Tezuka. In manga stories the good guys are usually Japanese, however Astroboy is not tethered to ethnicity or nationality (Tanaka). There are usually immoral adults and children, but no other difference is made. The style characteristics employed in Astroboy is colorfully vivid and with captions. Special effects are seen to be added into the picture such that the viewer could look at the picture from different angles. Unlike comics of the same time where characters were seen in one angle, here the author enables the reader to pan across the page, tracing Astroboy’s flight movements.






Train evelopment has been one of the most crucial functions for Human Resource Department. Each and every organizationing and d is involved in imparting training and developmental facilities to its employees so that the gap that exists between the existing skills and the required ones could be overcome. This would also help in the inculcation of new, advanced and innovative skills and competencies that will make the employees competent and progressive. With the progress and growth of the employees, the company is sure to develop and expand its wings. In this essay a discussion would be carried on this important function and how human capital theory has influenced it in changing its role from just giving training for skills and knowledge acquisition to creating and sharing knowledge for competitive advantage.

Training and development has taken a new shape in its existence in the current times. All the companies are involved in training and developing their employees. For the purpose of growth and succession and fighting of competition, the companies desire that their employees should have the requisite skills. Training imparts the knowledge, learning and awareness among the various individuals. They acquire the new skills that could be applied in gain volumes of business for the company and even do the existing business efficiently. There are several reasons for the human capital to invest in the training of the manpower like: focusing on gathering energy and learning, making the issues resolved, promotion of change, reduction of risks, building of teams and development and enhancement of new skills and competencies. These functions are building a sound personnel team for the company which could be utilized for earning revenues and profitability (Lepak & Snell, 1999). Training has been a rigorous process. Training is said to be an unending process, once imparted does not mean that skills have been gained. It helps in enhancing and sharpening of the existing skills (Chen & Huang, 2009).





尽管培养了抵抗力和加强,无能力游戏给了社会协作的特征空间,建立人际组织和联系(Ashton-Shaeffer,et al。2001)。残疾人从不同成员中获得如何体力活动以及打算受损的情况。


Normally, an athlete is doled out a class taking after the fruition of the seat test and the utilitarian aptitudes test before diversion play (perception of taking care of ball and wheelchair abilities). The competitor’s carrying out of ball and taking care of wheelchair abilities is seen on court amid real play to make a last resolution of the competitor’s class.
In particular, Professor Serlin assesses the approaches that handicap game makes places for and establishes messages that differently affect mutually the physical recuperation procedure and character recovery. Later parts of the narration build the relationship among incapacity, game, and restoration, and deal with the behavior that handicap and inability game effect personality and masculinity.
The profits of game entertainment for physically impaired individuals advance opposition via strengthening and intensification by resistance. Interest in handicap games conveys to ableist civilization a significance that opposes run of the mill view of physically incapacitated persons as feeble or delicate (Brittain, 2004 and Taub et al. 1999). Bodily movement intercede members’ view of the shame connected with incapacity by helping them to view their handicap as less restricting (Bedini, 2000 and Taub et al. 1999). Members further enable themselves by muscle forming and growing further control on the development of their bodies. However the desire for potency and versatility might be lead by an ableist model of the athletic body.

Notwithstanding cultivating resistance and strengthening, inability game gives a characterized space to social collaboration that builds interpersonal organizations and connections (Ashton-Shaeffer, et al. 2001). Handicapped persons gain from different members how to be physically dynamic and what it intends to be impaired.
Moreover, an able bodied individual new to the social and therapeutic complications of handicap might not in any case comprehend to what degree a fourfold amputee may have the capacity to carry out a sexual demonstration in the similar manner an able bodied, hetero male may. Doug’s instantiation of manliness works unequivocally in light of the fact that Boomer can perform the sexual demonstration. Steve outlines his powerlessness to perform an unremarkable assignment like an “”ordinary”” individual as a capacity to carry out a “”typical”” hetero sex action. The unexpected bend here is that since he must utilize his jaws in manner a good number of “”ordinary”” individuals don’t, he surpasses at sexual employments of his jaws regularly connected with able bodied sexual action.








Due to the poor information technology in XYZ bank, the bank is exposed to a number of information security attacks. The attacks may stem from the threats identified in the previous section. Details of such information security attacks are given below,

1.DDoS or Distributed Denial of Services attack is a security attack that floods the network with huge amount of traffic until it goes beyond the limit of the network. Failing to handle the overwhelming traffic, the network goes down and becomes unavailable to the legitimate users. Attackers use compromised computers or zombie networks for such attacks. A network like XYZ bank, that has so much vulnerability and almost no security measurements, are likely to be a suitable target for the DDoS attack. It will cause severe business downtime, losses to the business and may be losses to the assets of the bank.

2.Malware attack can be caused by virus, spyware, Trojans, rootkits etc. These are categorized under software attack and are highly likely to affect the systems of XYZ bank. The bank has no firewall, antivirus software. So such virus attack may outbreak into the bank’s systems. These types of malware attacks are potentially dangerous. It is sometimes hard to find the sources. In many cases the viruses remain hidden in the system and do nuisances like stealing of data, wasting computing resources etc. It will downgrade the performance of the whole infrastructure severely (Andress, 2014 ).

3.Spam is another type of attack likely to affect the email system. Spam is similar to electronic junk mails. Here, the attacker sends unsolicited junk mails to the recipients. As there is no content filtering, the email server is likely to be a victim of spam attack. Spam is a serious security consideration as it may be extended to severe security attacks by delivering spyware, Trojan and other types of malware. It can be used for finding target for phishing attacks (Forouzan, 2012).