

美利坚合众国的政府被认为是联邦政府。它基本上由50个州和一个首都区组成。有许多首都地区和其他地区已被纳入这个系统。它由三个独特的分支(Gray、Hanson和Kousser 5)组成,分别是立法分支、执行品牌和司法分支。美国宪法赋予国会、总统和联邦法院权力。这也包括最高法院。人民的权力和义务由国会的法案详细解释。当参议院和众议院由不同的党派控制时,它被认为是理想的。在这种情况下,执政党更容易做出治理决策。如果在参议院没有一个政党拥有阻挠议事的多数席位,那么就会出现过去曾出现过的僵局,原因是众议院没有通过立法的最低人数。
这种情况发生在民主党控制参议院多数选票的时候。由于这种模式,过去出现了僵局(Gray, Hanson和Kousser 13)。2013年1月,5个州发生了变化,弗吉尼亚州有1名新州长,2015年1月有12名新州长。2016年古柏全国大选在蒙大拿州、新罕布什尔州、犹他州、佛蒙特州、西弗吉尼亚州、俄勒冈州、特拉华州、印第安纳州、密苏里州、蒙大拿州、北卡罗来纳州和北达科他州举行。波多黎各和美属萨摩亚也举行了一场赛马。2016年,古伯尔全国选举与地方选举、州和联邦州同时举行。这些都发生在2016年总统大选期间。在50个州中,州立法的形成结构各不相同,功能也各不相同。


The government of the United States of America is considered to be the federal government. It basically consists of fifty states and one capital district. There are a number of capital districts and other territories that have been embedded into this system. It consists of three distinctive branches (Gray, Hanson, and Kousser 5). It is the legislative branch, executive brand and the judicial branch. The powers of the US constitution is vested with the Congress, President and the federal courts. This includes the Supreme Court as well. The powers and the duties of the people are explained in detail by the acts of congress.It is considered to be ideal when the Senate and the House of Representative are controlled by different parties. In this situation it becomes easier for the ruling party to make governance decisions. If in the senate no party has a filibuster majority, there is gridlock that had occurred in the past owing to the fact that the theater is no minimum number in the lower houses to pass a legislation.
This occurs when the party controls the upper house majority votes. There were gridlocks in the past owing to this paradigm (Gray, Hanson and Kousser 13). In January 2013, there was changes in 5 states, 1 new governor in Virginia and 12 new governors in January 2015. The guber national elections of 2016 was held in the states of Montana, New Hampshire, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, Oregon, Delaware, Indiana, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina and North Dakota. Puerto Rico and American Samoa also had held a races. In the year 2016, the guber national elections occurred concurrently with the local elections, state and the federal states. These occurred along with the 2016 presidential election. In the 50 states there are different formative structure in the state legislations that function differently from each other.





As for Art. 4(1)1 of the German Private International Law Act on Renvoi reads, when a referral is made for a case to another country law, then the private international law of that country will be applied here. However, this application of the private international law of the country is limited to that nature of application where it does not become incompatible with the original nature or the meaning of the referral. Where the law of the other country refers back to German law then the German substantive provisions will be applied here. In the context of admission of Renvoi Article (4)2 states that when parties can choose laws of a country for renvoi then the choice must be related to the substantive provisions. Where the referral is made to country with several legal systems as Article (4)3 states then country law will determine the partial legal system to be applied and failing this the one closest in context to the issue at hand will be applied.
Germany as a civil law country hence gives a significant importance to substantive law. Civil law system is more commonly applied here than the common law systems as observed in other countries of Anglo Saxon traditions. This form of substantive law differs from procedural law. In procedural law, the court will hear either end of the arguments and then will determine the due process of justice in the cases. On the other hand in the case of substantive laws, the claims and defense will be tested for validity using procedures in the procedural law in order to come to a decision. Now in the case of a renvoi being back referenced, where the private international law of the country to which it was referred to might not be able to meet the meaning of the referral then the substantive provisions of Germany will come to be applied. This back referencing is possible when the renvoi not only consider for the foreign country’s laws on the subject but also considers the laws of conflict of the foreign country.




In Virgil’s tale on Eros, understood as passionate love, is reflected in the story of Dido and Aeneas. Dido is the queen of Carthage city, where Aeneas comes as a stranger and is received and accepted by Dido, allowing him to live in her city. Virgil clearly identifies the passionate link between Aeneas and Dido, by observing and describing Aeneas’s adventures in Carthage, wanting to build a new city in Italy. Dido falls in love with Aeneas during a warm when the storm throws both to a distant cave. The two presumably have sex in the cave, but Virgil makes a point that the sexual pleasure received by Dido from Aeneas has been taken by her as an indication of marriage with Aeneas. The female psyche, speaking of Dido, is more inclined toward a purer and eternal love, which is sought from Aeneas. Aeneas on the other hand meant his Eros or love with Dido was incidental.
Even though he loved her, he had other responsibilities of building a city in Italy and winning wars against enemies. Juno tries to send messengers to Aeneas when he is to be informed about Dido’s condition and her demand for marriage. Aeneas is asked to fulfil the prophecy which he supposedly knew and that is why he is not acting as per free will, but under the influence of power. Dido is projected to be so madly in love with Aeneas that she catches the running Aeneas and asks to fulfil the prophecy, to which Aeneas describes the future which he prophesised (“The Myth of Psyche and Eros”). The female psyche is in such a state of rejecting all external powers and influence, even prophecy, when Eros is concerned. Dido is submerged in Eros for the fleeing Aeneas, but could not resist his fleeing after fulfilling the prophecy, indicating that fate would have any women die if it dares enter into the territory of Eros.



排除规则用于对警察的管理。然而,它与整个刑事司法系统其余部分的关系却令人困惑。这一规定已被确立为赋予地方政府的一项单独的原则权力。签发逮捕令的过程确保了个人的隐私和保密,并禁止警察侵犯。如果没有排除规则,警察几乎不会去签发搜查令。立法机构将使用事件现场发现的证据作为提起法律诉讼的主要参数(Davis, 1997)。因此,在一个人的房子、汽车或个人附近发现的证据,无论是否得到他们的许可,都有可能将他们定罪。最初,这项规定仅限于联邦政府。然而,随着犯罪率的上升,各州政府也受到了该规定的影响。1949年,最高法院驳回了沃尔夫诉科罗拉多案中排除规则的适用。然而,在Mapp与俄亥俄州的法律战中,最高法院在美利坚合众国的所有50个州重新实施了这一规定。这项规定的含义是,地点不会成为警察搜查的障碍。
因此,美国的警官在搜查住宅或个人时需要搜查令。排他性规则对社会及其成员有其自身的影响。它为社会成员提供了一个缓冲,并确保保护他们的私人事务(Kendall, 2016)。警察不能基于怀疑而入侵,在采取任何法律行动之前必须以搜查令的形式获得许可。采用和实施排除规则的主要目的是保护授予美国公民的宪法权利。第四修正案的主要表面效果是限制联邦官员的权力和权威。排除规则的实施限制了他们以法律的名义对一切不合理搜查的权力。美国宪法不允许警察进行任何非法没收,除非有明确的可能原因(Michela, 2008)。因此,排除规则在某种程度上维护了宪法权利,有助于安抚公民的神经,防止警察不必要的侵犯。换句话说,排除规则使人民免受警察的骚扰和暴行。


The exclusionary rule is used for regulation of police. However, there is confusion on its co-relation with the rest of the entire criminal justice system. The rule has been established as a separate power of principle vested with local governments. The warrant issuance process ensures privacy and confidentiality of an individual and prohibits police from invasion. In absence of exclusionary rule, the police would hardly have gone for issuance of search warrants. The legislative body would have used the found evidence at the event place as the main parameter for initiation of legal proceedings (Davis, 1997). Thus, evidences found near a person’s house, car or individuals with or without their permission would have possibility incriminate them. Initially, the rule was limited to federal government. However, with increase in crime rates, state governments were also under preview of the rule. In 1949, the Supreme Court refused application of exclusionary rule in case of Wolf versus Colorado. However, in legal battle of Mapp versus Ohio, the Supreme Court re-effected the rule in all fifty states of United States of America. The implications of the rule were location would not act as an obstacle for making searches by the police.
Therefore, a police officer in United States would require warrants for searching homes or individuals. The exclusionary rule has its own impact on the society and its members. It provides a cushion to the society members and ensures protection of their private matters (Kendall, 2016). The police cannot invade based on suspicion and has to obtain permission in the form of warrants before taking any legal action.The primary objective behind adoption and imposition of exclusionary rule was protection of constitutional rights granted to U.S. citizens. The prime facie effect of the Fourth Amendment was to limit the power and authority of Federal officials. The imposition of exclusionary rule restrained their power against all unreasonable searches in the name of law. The U.S. Constitution does not tolerate any illegal seizures made by the police unless there is some definite probable cause (Michela, 2008). Thus, exclusionary rule in a way upheld constitutional rights and helped to calm nerves of citizens against unnecessary encroachment from the police. In other words, exclusionary rule provided relief to the people from harassment and atrocities of the police.




第一,格式要求。美国留学论文写作基本是有essay和report改两种格式。essay结构分为introduction,main body和conclusion.不用太复杂的结构。Report要有executlve summary,结构要求很高,文章要分为几个部分来写,每个部分都要有不同的大标题,后面的章节还要有副标题等。


第三,文章引用部分的注释规范。如果作者的姓名在文童中出现,要给出作者的姓和出版省份,将出版年份放在小括号内。比如,In a recent study harvey(1993)agued that…:被引用的作者在同一年中出版了两部以上著作或发表了两篇以上的论文,用小写字母a.b.c等予以区别,放在年份后面,如,johnson(1989a)discussed the subject…;如果有三位以上的作者,只给出第一位作者的姓,再用斜体写上et al.(等人),如,wilson et al.(1993)condude that…加果在文中有引用其他作何的话,而且引文的字数不超过两行的话,直接插入文本中即可,可以使用引号将文本隔开。美国留学论文中写作可以使用单引号也可以使用双引号,全文一致就可以7。比如,Aitchlson(1981),for example,points out that IangUage issubject to change,and is not causedby”unnecessary sloppiness,lazlness orignorance”。

第四,字数的问题。建议大家不要为了凑字数而来回绕,可以在写作中从不同角度验证自己的观点,从不同的角度写的话,字数就多了,而且只要自己的观点正确,导师要二回觉得你的分析很全面、很有见解。但是如果你车转辘话、绕来绕去的话,就只会给人留下一个差的印象,不仅不会加分,还会减分。要注意的是文后的references歹l]表和附录(appendix)是不算字的。比如,导师要求文章是4000字,那正文的字数就是4000+/-10%字。如果要no more than4000words,那正文的字数就不能超过4000字。如果要求no less than4000words,那正文的字数就不能少于4000字。

第五,人称问题。美国留学论文的写作属于学术文童,在写作的时候是不能够使用第一人称(I,we,in my opinion,…),可以用被动语态。不能说i do sth,要说xx has been done…特别是写Report的时候,导师们一般喜欢看被动语态的句子和文章。







Anything that is thought over by our mind is first perceived through the organs of senses. The mind then plays with the perception and forms interpretations about the same. The variable interpretations are the ones which are more important here because they form the basis of how a person thinks and makes conclusions. These interpretations are always influenced heavily by social, political, epistemological, ontological, and by personal experiences. The one influence which overpowers the others wins in forming a conclusion in the mind of man, and this becomes the content of communication. This then ignites a response and thus goes on the development of the idea, where some goes on to become ideologies that shape the mind of future generation and their subsequent actions. Marton (1986) in his research about phenomenography speaks about how subjects when asked a question answers in different and distinct ways. Marton’s contention is that in no research conducted there has been a unanimous decision of all subjects involved. This indicates that different people think, perceive, and conclude differently which can never give a fully conclusive theory.
Hence, it can never be reliable for future actions, but due credit is not given to the idea of perception as the learning method of research. Appelbaum (1995) asserts that reliance on the ‘method’ is more dangerous because it attracts the believer/researcher to its way of thinking and leaving aside other innumerable left-out conclusions that remain unexplored. Hence, if perception is the origin of learning and thought manufacturing, how a final conclusion can be relied upon in a research method. Is not that contrary to the one which is against its simple and organic existence? Is not perception or, for that matter, popular perception the real guide in forming conclusions about a research method instead of the mechanical procedures of a method? This must follow that the perception procedure, divine in nature, a self-manifesting action, must be the backbone of the sparks in the mind of man who eventually perceives a thought and makes it an ideology.



文学领域的现代主义在19世纪末和20世纪初都得到了广泛的关注。这主要发生在欧洲和北美国家。它的特征是通过自觉的断裂,包括传统的任何事物的书写方式的改变,无论是散文写作还是诗歌写作。现代主义者在文学形式上做了大量的实验,并做出了相应的改变。这一文学运动的进一步推动,与整体的愿望做改变传统的表现模式,可以表达在新的时代。一些早期的现代主义作家确实试图改变这种观念。这包括达尔文·马赫、弗洛伊德、柏格森等作家。之后,大量与文献相关的创新技术的发展,包括多视角的运用(Carter et al., 2013)。
关于与现代主义有关的文学运动从什么时候开始可能会有一场争论。文学领域的现代主义开始于1910年,当时小说家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)宣布人性发生了根本性的变化。1919年,舍伍德·安德森(Sherwood Anderson)完成了另一部与现代主义有关的早期作品,他采用了平实的散文风格,主要强调对大量人物的心理洞察。与此同时,另一位重要的现代主义作家是詹姆斯·乔伊斯。他所采用的策略写在小说《尤利西斯》(1922)中,用来描述一个人24小时的生活中的事件。这些品质在1923年被TS Eliot (Gregory et al., 2011)进一步定义。


The modernism in the literary field had been observed during the times of late 19th century and during the early twentieth century. This majorly took place in the nations of Europe and North America. It had been characterized through the self-conscious break which included the change in the traditional ways in which the anything is written both in case of prose writing and the poetry writing. The modernists did a lot of experimentations in the literately forms and changed the same. This literature movement had been further driven along with the overall desire to do the change in the traditional modes of representation which could be expressed in the new time. Some of the early modernist writers did the attempt to change the ideas. This included the writers such as Darwin Mach, Freud, Bergson and others. After this, there was the development of the large number of innovative techniques which were related to the literature including the use of the multiple points of view (Carter et al., 2013).
There may be a debate related to when there was the beginning of the literary movement related to the modernism. It is assumed that the beginning of modernism in literary field was done in the year 1910, when the novelist Virginia Woolf had given the declaration that the human nature had underwent a fundamental change. Another earlier work related to modernism had been done by Sherwood Anderson in the year 1919 who used the style of plain-spoken prose and largely emphasized on the psychological insight into the large number of characters. Another major modernist writer during the same time was James Joyce. The strategies which had been implemented by him had been written in the novel Ulysses (1922) for giving the depiction related to the events during the time period of twenty four hour of the life of a person. These qualities had been further defined in the year 1923 by TS Eliot (Gregory et al., 2011).



电气石有多种颜色,主要是常见的黑色,但这可以从无色的棕色到黄色,粉红色,紫色,橙色,红色,蓝色,绿色或这将被发现作为两种或三种颜色的组合。颜色是宝石如何吸收光线的结果,因为光线在特定波长下起着电磁振动的作用。人类的眼睛只能感知380到750之间的波长。我们眼睛所能看到的大多数颜色光谱是蓝色、红色、橙色、黄色、紫色和绿色。在任何情况下,如果所有波长都通过这些化合物,它将看起来是无色的,但如果特定的波长范围通过,那么它将有各种颜色,这取决于晶体化合物吸收的波长类型(Reinitz, 1988)。
自然伽马射线暴露在这些化合物中会使它们变成颜色。所有这些化合物对高浓度的锰和铁都具有很高的磁化率。所有电气石化合物都属于埃尔拜特类,因此是异色类,它们的大部分颜色形成于色粒。在某些情况下,热处理也是为了得到所需的宝石颜色。热处理用于提高电气石的质量(Reinitz, 1988)。由于Mn3+离子颗粒的形成,这种化合物的颜色发生了变化。杂质被注入这些宝石中以得到各种颜色。化学杂质与宝石颜色的关系,虽然与其他化合物混合,得到各种颜色,但并不容易处理。它与严格的注射和热处理工艺(舒曼,2006)。


Tourmaline has multiple colours mainly found as common colour black, but this can range from colourless brown to yellow, pink, violet, orange, red, blue, green or this would be found as combination of two colours or three colours. Colour is the result of how gemstone absorbs the light because light acts as electromagnetic vibration at certain wavelengths. The human eye can only perceive wavelengths in between 380 to 750. Most of the colours spectrum that is visible to our eyes is blue, red, orange, yellow, violet and green. If in any case all the wavelengths are passed through these compounds, it will look colourless but if specific range of wavelengths are passed then it will have various colours that depends on the kind of wavelengths are absorbed by the crystal compounds (Reinitz, 1988).
Natural gamma ray exposures to these compounds turn them in to colours. All these compounds have high magnetic susceptibilities to high concentrations of manganese and irons. The all tourmaline compounds belong to elbaite species and hence being allochromatic category drives most of their colours form from schorl. In some cases, heat treatment is also done in order to get the desired colour of the gemstone. The heat treatment is used for enhancing the quality of the tourmaline (Reinitz, 1988). The colour changes happen in this compound because of the granular formation of Mn3+ ions. The impurities are injected in these gemstones to get the various colours. The chemical impurity and gemstone colour relation is not really easy process though to mix with other compounds and get various colours. It goes with rigorous injection and heat treatment process (Schumann, 2006).





There is general ideology and trends where the people are assumed to need to speak a certain way in order to fit into the mainstream society. The local vernacular and the dialect of the cultures are used to gauge the knowledge or make assumptions of the people. Lippi-Green (2004) explores the roots of the Civil rights movement. It points out the issues where the people are not legally allowed to stereotype people in the workplace and continue to do so in nuanced manners. By using the real time examples the people can understand the issues from a detailed perspective. These practical examples have enabled in greater comprehension of what the author was trying to state in the argument. Prior to reading this article, I had always felt that my accent is the issue while talking to people whoa re proficient in their local dialect. There were a lot of efforts taken to understand the local dialect and the jargons used in the University to create sense of belonging to the place.
It is understood that when a person migrates to another place or moves into a new location there should be efforts taken by the individuals to fit into the place . However the people in the local communities also have the social responsibility to make the person feel accepted in their communities. Apart from this there is the issue of generalizing people based on their ability to speak. Speaking a particular language in a particular dialect does not make a person smarter. It only showcases the knowledge and intelligence of the local dialect. This is an important analogy that has been made in this article. It discusses about the ways to cohesively improve the dynamics of the workplace relationship. By using a number of real time examples the author has tried to probe the real issues and the impediments that the people face in the scenarios. These have been probed in details in the chapter. It explores the biases and the racial stereotypes that are found to exist in each and every individual.



据估计,在2017年3月之前,食品和饮料行业将增长24%,销售额将达到3.8万亿卢比(Mitra, 2015)。随着城市化进程的不断推进,人们更愿意消费更多的乳制品,并将这种支持暴露在这个有组织的市场中。韦斯特兰乳业在这个国家有很大的发展空间,因为他们一直在寻找更适合自己的产品。在过去两年中,由于市场上的机会,外国在饮料业的投资激增。印度的饮料业主要设在北部地区,并向其他地区发货。然而,大都市是完美的交易地点,因为他们已经知道这个品牌,他们可以消费更多的产品。排名前五的邦包括卡纳塔克邦、安得拉邦、新德里、马哈拉施特拉邦和北方邦。这些地方总是有空间让新品牌和外国品牌出现。
值得注意的是,由于低劳动力成本和高质量,政府已经允许在古吉拉特邦和旁遮普建厂(Mitra, 2015)。政治方面——迄今为止,中国一直在支持国内品牌。最近的乳业革命也缩小了外国品牌进入印度并进行贸易的空间。经济——主要风险在于经济的持续波动,随时可能阻碍饮料业的发展。社会-社会市场暴露了非技术劳动力和高房地产成本的风险。社会对该品牌的接受程度并不像预期的那样高。技术——没有足够的质量基础设施,新技术会将成本置于风险之中(IUF, 2015)。环境——商业环境强烈关注安全乳制品和专业产品。目标消费者的需求是多种多样的。合法——许可和税收程序极其复杂。


It is estimated that the food and beverages industry will grow by 24% before the year ending in March 2017 and this accounts to Rs. 3.8 trillion in terms of sales (Mitra, 2015). With the urbanization at its peak, people prefer to consume more dairy products and expose the support to this organized market. There is a large scope for Westland Dairy to emerge in this country due to the continuous lookout for better products that fit the bill. In the last two years, the foreign investments in the beverage sector have proliferated due to the opportunities available in the market. The beverage industry in India has mainly been set in the northern region with its shipping to other locations. However, metropolitan cities stand as the perfect locations for trading as they are already aware of the brand and they can consume the product in higher numbers. The top 5 states include Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, New Delhi, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh. These locations always have the space for new and foreign brands to emerge.
It is to be noted that the government has already permitted manufacturing plants in Gujarat and Punjab due to the low labor costs and high quality (Mitra, 2015). Political – The country has so far been in support to the internal brands. The recent dairy revolution has also reduced the scope for foreign brands to enter and trade in India. Economic – The major risk lies in the continuous economic fluctuations that can stall the growth of beverage industry at any time. Social – The social market exposes risks in unskilled manpower and high real estate costs. The social acceptance to the brand is not as estimated. Technological – There is inadequate quality infrastructure and new technologies would put the costs in risk (IUF, 2015). Environmental – The business environment strongly focuses on safe dairy products and specialty products. The target consumers have varied demands. Legal – The licensing and taxation processes are extremely complex.