留学 论文代写:观察报告和陈述

留学 论文代写:观察报告和陈述


留学 论文代写:观察报告和陈述


留学 论文代写:观察报告和陈述

Statement of Observation: Student and staff interactions in an online environment might appear less coordinated, but is more meaningful.Broader Explanation: I believe that the student and staff interaction online are more meaningful, because the staff is able to allot more time towards understanding of what the student presents. There are more interactions available online, as there is more time. Students would also be able to coordinate and work with the staff in a better structured way. Students have two choices, firstly, they can choose to coordinate and work with the instructor through direct mails. Secondly, through a discussion board. The number of options hence make online learning more meaningful.

留学 论文代写:观察报告和陈述
Statement of Observation: The second note that I jotted down was with how the social environment helped me learn better. I believe that the Universities more informal social structures created in the form of groups help the student. Some of them are online groups as with course groups. These groups help make the student more attuned to what is happening in the class room. Although present in all classes, students sometimes fail to understand some details being presented clearly or might miss something, because they are taking down notes rapidly. Interrupting the instructor might interrupt the entire class or sometimes the doubt in question could be a trivial one. The presence of these social formations outside the classroom are very much helpful in understanding class lessons better.





这一学科作为非正式学习机会的组成部分,在西方国家被引入。这种方法会带来许多挑战,也会带来许多刺激,这与任何其他带来挑战和刺激的新学科是一样的。学校的老师们必须面对新的课程和变化,他们将不得不为任何新的科目作出重大的努力。对于面临课程改革的教师来说,他们将如何教授新课程是非常重要的。新课程或课程引入的方法并不意味着教师必须具备新课程的知识。教师还要努力学习新的教师,把知识传授给学生(Brown et al., 2013)。新课程的授课方式必须涵盖课程最重要的方面,如“算法、编程和计算思维技能的发展”(Thompson & Bell, 2013)。


In many western countries, computer science and programming is introduced in the curriculum of the schools to teach programming to young children, between the age of 11 and 14. This is the effort which is done to encourage computational thinking in children. Computer and programming education helps to enhance the lives and skills of pupils. It is the way of preparing the young minds for the world that does not exists yet. It is the way towards the technologies that have not been invented yet. It is also the way to identify various ethical and technical challenges, which are yet to be discovered. The purpose of this paper is to provide a reflection towards the importance of programming for the children at age of 11 and 14 and what are the key concepts that children should understand. Paper will also identify the concepts that can help pupil to learn different methods. Computing is introduced as the new approach and the new subject the school curriculum.

This subject is introduced in the western countries as the integral part of the informal learning opportunity. This approach will bring many challenges as well as many excitements which are the same as any other new subject that brings challenges and excitement. The teachers in the schools, who have to face the new curriculum and the changes, will have to make major efforts as for any new subject. For teachers facing curriculum change, how they will teach the new subject is very relevant. The new subject or the approach introduced in the curriculum does not mean that teachers have to be equipped with the knowledge of the new subjects. Teachers also have to make efforts for learning the new pedagogies for deliverong the knowledge to the pupils (Brown et al., 2013). The new subject has to be delivered in such a way that it covers the most important aspects of the course, such as “algorithms, programming and the development of computational thinking skills” (Thompson & Bell, 2013).



本研究的目的是认识文化对个人的影响,以检测文化对个人的影响,分析不同文化背景的人的饮食习惯。食物是人类生活的一个重要方面,不同的社会和文化有不同的饮食习惯。不同类型的情感、幸福、信仰、信仰都与人们的饮食习惯有关。研究个人进化的外部环境如何影响个人的文化和行为。文化源于个体生活方式的转变,它维系着社会(Mihet, 2012)。这种跨文化分析有助于在这种混合文化社会背景下收集文化的影响。


跨文化分析的基本作用是对跨文化进行比较,以创新一代文化中关于文化共性的思想和文化共有的特性。跨文化分析人员生成咨询数据和假设,以得出特定文化特征之间的关系。早些时候,社会进化论者已经开发出了这一方法,后来乔治·彼得·默多克(George Peter Murdock)将许多人种学研究结合成一个单一的数据库,称为人类关系区域文件(Human relations Area File, HRAF)。现在,一天的跨文化研究被用来发表跨文化分析的作品(Morris, 2011)。


The aim of the research is to recognize the impact of culture on the individuals and in order to detect the cultural impact on the individual, and the food habits of the people from different cultural backgrounds have been analyzed. Food is an important aspect of human life, and different society and culture have different food habit. Different types of emotion, happiness, faith, beliefs are associated with food habit of the people. The research study on how the external environment in which an individual evolves impact on that individual culture and behavior. Culture grows from the transformation of the lifestyles of the individuals, and it holds the society (Mihet, 2012). This cross-cultural analysis helps in collecting the influence of the culture in this context of mixed cultural society.

The basic role of cross- cultural analysis is the comparisons of cross culture used to innovate traits shared among a generation of ideas and cultures about cultural universals. Cross-culture analysts generate consult data and hypotheses in order to draw the correlation about the relationships between particular cultural traits. Earlier, the social evolutionists have developed the approach and later advance by George Peter Murdock, who combined many ethnographic studies into a single database known as Human Relation Area File (HRAF). Now a day’s Cross-Cultural Research is used for publishing works using Cross culture analysis (Morris, 2011).



在罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)攻读本科期间,我攻读了经济学和数学的双学位。然而,每当我每年暑假回家的时候,我都会找机会去教书。我为想学英语的成年人做了1- 1的“顾问”。我还为一些小群的年轻学生做过数学助教。直到毕业后,我才意识到教育是我最擅长的职业,也是我想追求的职业。为我的双学位学习很有挑战性,当我为每个专业完成我的核心课程时,我意识到这不是我的人生道路。




During my undergraduate career at Rutgers University, I pursued a dual degree in Economics and Mathematics. However, whenever I went home for the summer to China each year, I sought out any opportunity to teach. I worked as a 1-to-1 “consultant” for adults who wanted to learn English. I also worked as a Math teaching assistant for small groups of younger students. I didn’t realize until after graduating that education is the career I am most skilled for and the one I wish to pursue.Studying for my double major was very challenging, and I realized as I was finishing my core courses for each major that this was not path for me.


I decided in my last two years to survey a variety of courses across different fields to discover what I was best suited for: Computer Science, Labor Studies, Roman Civilization, Topology, and so on. Although I enjoyed these courses, I did not find a good match.After graduation, I immediately sought out another teaching opportunity, this time with C2 Education in New Jersey, where I currently work as an SAT Math teacher. I find it an honor and true pleasure to be teaching as my first job after graduation. I enjoy every minute with my students and feel proud that I am able to help them improve and get prepared for college. This is when I finally realized that the work I’d be pursuing on the side all this time is really what I should be focused on as my primary career goal.



泰德·邦迪(Ted Bundy)是个有魅力的年轻人,同时也是一个飞贼、强奸犯、连环杀手和恋尸癖者。他供认了大约30起凶杀案,涉及多个州的杀人案。然而,到目前为止,受害者的实际数目仍然是未知的。可能会有更多警察没有意识到的杀人事件。犯罪学家、心理学家和连环杀手的研究人员认为,这个数字可能要高得多。这篇文章被命名为“有演员的人”,因为这是泰德·邦迪诱骗受害者的技巧之一。


他扮演的角色是一个需要帮助的人,因为他有一个演员。佯装残废是他的一种常用技术,后来成为一种典型的理解和表现连环杀手和诱拐者的方法。假装的残疾在创造一个脆弱的寻找受害者的过程中扮演了双重角色,当他们的背向被扭转时,也对他有帮助(Michaud & Aynesworth;西奥多·罗伯特·考威尔或泰德·邦迪是这篇文章中最广为人知的研究对象。他的犯罪史,他的背景,证据和审判都是详细讨论的。


Ted Bundy was a charismatic young man, as well as a cat burglar, a rapist, a serial killer and a necrophile. He confessed to around 30 homicides, with the homicides spanning multiple states. However, the count of the actual number of victims remains unknown till date. There could be more killings that the police are not aware of. The count could be much higher as argued by criminologists, psychologists, and researchers of serial killers. The essay is named as “the man with the cast” because this was one of Ted Bundy’s techniques to lure his victims.

He played the role of a man who needed some help because of a cast he had. Feigning disability was one of his popular techniques, which became a typical way to understand and represent serial killers and abductors in later times. The feigned disability played a dual role in creating a vulnerable look for his victims and also was useful for him to overpower them when their back was turned (Michaud & Aynesworth; Theodore Robert Cowell or Ted Bundy as he is more popularly known is the object of study in this essay. The history of his crimes, his background, evidence and trials are discussed in detail.





据研究人员称,中国有100多家儿童护理机构,其中只有50家通过报纸、网络广告、社交媒体宣传和推荐(Bakshy et al., 2015)进行推广和营销。Bakshy等人(2015)认为,在儿童入学前,儿童保健机构和组织的绝大多数都建立良好并提供了所需的信息(Bakshy et al., 2015)。因此,我们发现只有10个儿童保健组织参与了公共关系,并利用社会媒体促进本组织对潜在客户的宣传。本研究旨在对10个儿童保育组织对社会媒体的内容和渠道的利用进行分类。


This research proposal is focused on the manner in which the social media improvises the public relations of the child care organization in China. The content analysis will be utilized in the method of this research in order to evaluate the extent to which the public relations of the 10 different child care organizations have been improvised through the use of social media. Although it is to consider that there is intense competition among the child care organizations in China, still not many child care organizations promote themselves through the traditional or social media channels due to the high reliance over the word of the mouth fashion.

According to the researchers, there are more than 100 child care organizations in China out of which only 50 engage within the promotion and marketing through newspapers, online advertising, social media campaigns and referrals (Bakshy et al., 2015). It is asserted by Bakshy et al. (2015) that very low majority of the child care institutions and organizations are well established and provided with the required information prior to the admission of the children (Bakshy et al., 2015). Therefore, it is identified that only 10 child care organizations have been engaged in public relations and utilized social media for the promotion of the organization to the potential customers. This research aims to categorize the 10 child care organization with regard to the utilization of the content and the channels of social media.

美国 论文 代 写:关于艾滋病毒

美国 论文 代 写:关于艾滋病毒


美国 论文 代 写:关于艾滋病毒

此外,该非政府组织的项目目标是艾滋病病毒阳性与在城市居民中挣扎求生的脆弱的生存危机。然而,抗逆转录病毒疗法对艾滋病患者的支持非常昂贵。在2004年,全球基金开始支持为HIV阳性的人提供免费的艺术项目。这些艺术项目的重点是促进HIV阳性人群的均衡饮食。这些艺术计划创造了一个支持艾滋病毒携带者生存的空间。艾滋病毒正在减少,病人的身体逐渐衰弱。存在艾滋病毒顽固性疾病,增加对药物的依赖和需要照顾。然而,与此同时,艾滋病毒在人道主义经济中被确立为一种资源,在艾滋病毒的干预下形成了一种形态(Prince 2012:548)。贫穷和饥饿降低了人们对药物的反应能力,在这种情况下,严重的不平等导致饥饿的人们更加饥饿。这些患者服用的是艾滋病药物,因为这些药物使他们更加饥饿,因此需要加强饮食。

美国 论文 代 写:关于艾滋病毒

As per Prince, presently, there are significant relations among the biology, economics, and politics in the western part of Kenya. The author provides great emphasis on the social, cultural, biological, and linguistic anthropology for understanding these influential factors that have a huge impact on the health and well-being of the people in western Kenya. In the journal article “HIV and the Moral Economy of Survival in an East African City,” Prince has stated that moral-economy is taking shape in Kisumu. The ways people are learning to survive with HIV in Kisumu shows that they are enacting in a bio-political frames, which disciplining them, opening opportunities for revaluing life, supporting in building new social networks and making a living. The life and living of the people continually spill over as well as interfere with the bio-medical and bureaucratic logic of the clinic rather than acting only within the bio-political frames. A new moral economy functions as a medicalized system for treating HIV positive people.

美国 论文 代 写:关于艾滋病毒
Moreover, the NGO’s with their projects target the HIV positive intersect with a delicate existence crisis among the urban inhabitants who are struggling to survive. The antiretroviral therapy support the AIDS patients, however, it was very expensive. In the year of 2004 the Global Fund started to support free Art programs for the HIV positive people. The focuses of the ART programs are on promoting the balanced diet among the HIV positive people. These ART schemes make a space that supports the survival of the people with HIV. HIV is decreasing people, the patients’ body weakening over the time. Presence of HIV persistent illness, increase the dependency on medicine and need care. However, at the same time, HIV is established as a resource in the humanitarian economy, which is taking a shape around the interventions of HIV (Prince 2012:548). The poverty and hunger reduces the capability of the people to respond to medicine and in a condition where severe inequalities lead the hungry people to be hungrier. The patients’ take the medicines of HIV, which needs strong diet because the medicines make them hungrier.



要理解史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)是一个仆人领袖还是变革型领导人,定义这两种领导力是很重要的。在下面的部分中,我们将更详细地解释这些术语。一个仆人领袖被发现分享权力。他把员工的需要放在目标前面。通过支持人民,他们能够发挥最大的潜力。仆人的领导是一种帮助人民的承诺,同时也会成为更好的人。这是一种服务他人的方式,并引导其他人改变(Heracleous & Klaering, 2014)。


被认为是更值得信赖的仆人,尽其所能。员工或一般人对仆人的领导有很好的意见,他们试图满足仆人的要求。这是两国领导人之间的共识。另一种领导方式是变革型领导。在这种领导下,领导者通过使用一些工具(Lussier & Achua, 2015)来激励人们,提高人们的整体道德。这些措施包括遵循本组织人民的身份和集体身份。这是一种挑战人们获得更多工作所有权的方式(Heracleous & Klaering, 2014)。这些领导者被发现了解追随者的长处和弱点。他们试图调整追随者的需求,并将适当的任务分配给人民。


To understand if Steve Jobs was a servant leader or a transformational leader, it is important to define the two kinds of leadership. In the following section, these terms are explained in more detail. A servant leader is found to share power. He puts the needs of the employees ahead of the objectives. By championing behind the people, they are able to perform at the highest potential. The servant leadership is a commitment to help the people and also become better persons along the way. It is a form of serving others and leading others to change (Heracleous & Klaering, 2014).

The Servant-leaders are considered to be more trustworthy and do their best. The employees or the people in general have a good opinion about the servant leaders and they try to meet the needs of the servant leader’s requirements. This is a mutual form of agreement between the leaders. The other kind of leadership is transformational leadership. In this kind of leadership, the leader motivates the people and improves the overall moral of the people by using a number of tools (Lussier & Achua, 2015). These include following the identity of the people and collective identity of the organization. It is a way of challenging the people to take more ownership of the work (Heracleous & Klaering, 2014). These leaders are found to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the followers. They try to align the needs of the followers and assign appropriate tasks to the people.







As society is developing, materials such as cars, houses and electronics have become more essential for people. People cannot live without them because they need shelters to sleep, cars for transport and electronics to communicate with others despite the distance. Some prefer simplicity due to inflation. However, a materialistic life is important for humans because it can improve people’s performances in jobs and can also change their personalities that eventually result in happiness.


To conclude, people need materialistic life because it motivates them and brings joy within the family and society on the whole. People need materialism because without materials, people will be back to society that hunts and gathers. Materialism also makes the world become beautiful and challenging. People have to fight hardly for their housing and cars. The world will become more fantastic for people who become successful in their endeavors.

英国 代写:全球化

英国 代写:全球化


英国 代写:全球化


英国 代写:全球化

All organizations in today’s era are familiar with globalization. One such organization which is very popular today is Google Inc. The company has made us various strategies related to globalization in order to remain competitive. When Google targets an international market, it adapts a global strategy in order to sustain itself within globalized competition. The company tries to be standardized in the products and services that it provides but in different countries, the company has to make minor modifications in its features.

英国 代写:全球化
This allows the company to be in alignment with the different cultures of the globalized business world. Therefore, adapting the right global strategy is essential not only for Google Inc but for any organization. This research essay has been prepared focusing on the strategies that Google Inc adopts in relation to globalization. The essay will highlight various modes of entries that the company has used. These will be discussed along with discussing the corporate level strategy of the firm in the globalized world. Focus will also be on discussing the global business model of growth of the company.