

出售的图像不能被称为虚假,因为它们所呈现的信息并不完全是虚假的。在开放文化艺术品供公众讨论时,它们有时会相互联系,产生神话(Durham et al. 5;大厅10)。这些图像更像是神话,因此可以伪装成事实和虚构的结合,而且大多是夸大的事实(Fiske & Sullivan 471;Hebdige 120)。例如,一块土地的文化和这块土地的成功可以与一个人的成功并行呈现。能够批判地分析这些元素的观众能够理解信息是什么,另一方面,不能应用批判分析的观众能够看到为他们设计的信息。他们将土地的成功与人联系起来。“让美国再次伟大”不再被理解为政府,以及当选机构齐心协力让美国再次伟大,而是与一个人联系在一起,这个人就是特朗普。这条信息的受众随后意识到,他们需要特朗普让美国再次伟大。巴斯认为这是“意识形态滥用”(巴特11)。根据巴特的观点,意识形态滥用存在于媒介和文化中,也存在于传播中;就像正在分析的信息一样,可以看出,这种使用意识形态来连接两个不同元素的影响。“一个符号的意义可以被用作更高层次符号的能指”(巴特114)。正在分析的视频中的文字信息显示,这与特朗普有关。美国的不同方面,人民的力量等都是与个人的特朗普共同呈现的,因此这些元素往往意味着类似于对特朗普的更高理解。在显示意识形态滥用情况的竞选信息中观察到的一些神话如下。他说,“我们不会输”,“我们代表什么”。在这里,他发起了自己的竞选活动,就像他正在演讲的人民的竞选活动一样。听着竞选信息的听众认为,特朗普的战斗就是他们的战斗。这是因为向他们兜售的意识形态。


观众是一个由个体组成的集体(哈特利11;利文斯通193)。当向听众传递信息时,使用听众的语言作为一种技巧,使信息更加真实。当人们发现与自己有相似之处时,他们能够与他人建立联系(Kellner 7;伯吉斯201)。在这条竞选信息中,有很多人表达了对特朗普的支持,这些人是普通民众。因此,人们将能够更多地联系到他们的口头信息,并将发现活动更值得信任。



The images being sold cannot be called as a falsehood because the information they present would not be completely false. In opening up cultural artefacts for public discussion they sometimes interlink to produce myths (Durham et al. 5; Hall 10). The images are more like myths and hence can be disguised as a combination of fact and fiction, and mostly exaggerated facts (Fiske & Sullivan 471; Hebdige 120). For instance, the culture of a land and the success of the land could be presented in parallel with some success of a person. An audience the critically dissects these elements would understand the message for what it is, on the other hand, the audience that does not apply critical analysis would see the message as it is framed for them. They will connect success of the land with the person. “Making America great again’ ceases to be understood as the government and the elected institutions working as one to make America great again, and instead becomes associated with the person, which in this case is Trump. The audience of the message then perceive that they need Trump to make American great again. Bathes presents this as “ideological abuse” (Barthes 11). Ideological abuse is present in media and culture according to Barthes and in communication; messages as if the one being analysed, it can be seen that there is an influence of such use of ideology to connect two different elements. “The meaning from one sign can be used as the signifier of a higher order of the sign” (Barthes 114). The textual messages in the case of this video being analysed showed such connection to Trump. Different aspects of the United States, people power and more are collectively presented with the individual-Trump and hence these elements tend to signify similar such higher understanding of Trump. Some of the myths that are observed in the campaign message which shows situations of ideological abuse are as follows. He states, “we are not going to lose”, and “what we stand for”. Here he has made his campaign, as the campaign of the people he is addressing. The audience in listening to the campaign message believe that the fight of Trump is their fight. This is because of the ideology being sold to them.

Production of Message and Audience Implications

The image of the word ‘Trump’ is sold like a brand. People holding up cards in the campaign have the word Trump on them. The speaker’s podium has the word Trump. The word is presented like a brand. Instead of the party symbol, it could be argued that the name of Trump is what is presented as a brand here. How this brand affects the audience is an important an analysis as the text itself. In fact, when assessing how audience view the text, a form of reverse engineering of the method used by the campaign creator could be understood.

The audience is a collective group of individuals (Hartley 11; Livingstone 193). When conveying a message to an audience, using the words of the audience works as a technique to make the message more authentic (Livingston 193). People are able to connect with others when they perceive similarities with themselves (Kellner 7; Burgess 201). In this campaign message, there are many people showing their support for Trump, and these are the common public. People hence would be able to relate to their verbal messages more and would find the campaign more trustworthy.

Social and cultural factors play a major role in the production of messages as evident in this text. For instance, culture-based elements like representation of diverse races would be helpful in reaching out to the mainstream audience. In the case of Trump’s political campaign, it would have been necessary for Trump to reach out to a diverse segment of audience. People of different cultural backgrounds and colour are presented in the video. These people present supportive opinion of Trump and what he intends to do for the United States. Using these kinds of statements in the production of the message makes it appealing to people of different cultures and races within society.

Finally, it could be observed that throughout the media text, different television coverage of the Trump campaign is presented. Once again, this is to highlight to the audience that Trump’s campaign is significantly covered by all channels. This adds to the importance of the campaign and is useful as a marketing element as such coverage would highlight the campaign as a success.




欣赏式探究是后现代建构主义理论中产生的一个概念。根据这一理论,在将一些关键假设转化为实践之前,必须先理解它们。首先,欣赏式探究假设在每个社会中都有一些东西运转良好,社会关注的是他们的现实。因此,当别人因自己的行为结果而受到指责时,就不能鼓励亏损思维。基于当下的现实可以是多重的,在一个群体中,这样的现实可以通过相互质疑和相互互动来构建。此外,根据这一概念,当人们将过去的某些部分带到未来时,他们会更有信心,而当他们携带的部分是最好的部分时,这种行为会更加加强。除了承载一个人最好的过去,人们应该欣赏差异,语言作为社会现实的构建可能是差异的一个重要部分。根据Jenkin(2010),这些赏识式探究的假设必须在幼儿教育中实施,以创造全面发展。“欣赏式探究是一个过程,它试图将发展交流的文化从关注个人和社区的负面构建转变为关注他们的优势和能力,通过关注高峰体验和成功来促进积极的变化”(Jenkins, 2010,第17页)。在实践中,这个过程可以用来帮助学生更好地交流。学生可以从他们的文化和理解中汲取积极的回忆。为了提供一个基于提瑞提的课程,促进积极的变化是必要的,而欣赏式的探究可以成为实现这种积极变化的方法。欣赏式的探究将帮助孩子们关注他们过去更好的部分,他们的文化和其他元素,如果不鼓励它们,就无法带入教育环境。当孩子们被要求分享这些方面时,教育环境就不再是人为创造的了。教育环境的社会方面不是人为的,而是通过孩子们的共同互动而变得真实和社会构建的。

欣赏式探究是后现代建构主义理论中产生的一个概念。根据这一理论,在将一些关键假设转化为实践之前,必须先理解它们。首先,欣赏式探究假设在每个社会中都有一些东西运转良好,社会关注的是他们的现实。因此,当别人因自己的行为结果而受到指责时,就不能鼓励亏损思维。基于当下的现实可以是多重的,在一个群体中,这样的现实可以通过相互质疑和相互互动来构建。此外,根据这一概念,当人们将过去的某些部分带到未来时,他们会更有信心,而当他们携带的部分是最好的部分时,这种行为会更加加强。除了承载一个人最好的过去,人们应该欣赏差异,语言作为社会现实的构建可能是差异的一个重要部分。根据Jenkin(2010),这些赏识式探究的假设必须在幼儿教育中实施,以创造全面发展。“欣赏式探究是一个过程,它试图将发展交流的文化从关注个人和社区的负面构建转变为关注他们的优势和能力,通过关注高峰体验和成功来促进积极的变化”(Jenkins, 2010,第17页)。在实践中,这个过程可以用来帮助学生更好地交流。学生可以从他们的文化和理解中汲取积极的回忆。为了提供一个基于提瑞提的课程,促进积极的变化是必要的,而欣赏式的探究可以成为实现这种积极变化的方法。欣赏式的探究将帮助孩子们关注他们过去更好的部分,他们的文化和其他元素,如果不鼓励它们,就无法带入教育环境。当孩子们被要求分享这些方面时,教育环境就不再是人为创造的了。教育环境的社会方面不是人为的,而是通过孩子们的共同互动而变得真实和社会构建的。

在实践中,欣赏式探究对学生和教师都有帮助。例如,Jenkins(2010)讨论了自20世纪80年代以来,在新西兰的Aotearoa,重点是如何改善与毛利世界观、毛利语言、文化元素等交织的主流教育。Te Whāriki的引入也更好地实现了这一要求。学生们因为要在一个鼓励他们欣赏本国文化的环境中学习两种语言而面临问题,而教师也面临问题。在学习社区中有一些不切实际的期望和恐惧,而欣赏式的探究有助于解决这些问题。欣赏式探究注重将教育带入一个自然的社会建构的环境中,而不是社会人为创造的环境中。孩子是这个社会构建的环境的一部分,因此,欣赏式探究之后的教育环境不再是人为的环境,而更多的是一个自然的社会环境。whanau不再存在于学校环境之外。由于欣赏式探究法,决定实际学习的whanau被带入学生的学习环境。因此,幼儿教育满足了Te Whāriki的核心原则之一。

在欣赏式查询环境下,Te Whāriki实现了以下三个不同的目标。首先,Mana Whenua的归属感得到了满足。现在Te Whāriki的这个目标表明,孩子需要有归属感,幼儿教育应该旨在给孩子这种归属感。教育应该让他们更适应他们的日常生活、他们的语言和他们来自的地方。通过鼓励这些因素,欣赏式的探究有助于学生轻松地接受教育。

欣赏式询问的第二个含义是对玛娜·坦噶塔或贡献。现在根据Te Whāriki,幼儿教育环境必须培养平等的学习机会,鼓励孩子们做出贡献。赏识型调查关注的是孩子们的贡献,实际上鼓励他们贡献,交流,成为帮助同龄人的一员。在不同年龄、不同社区、不同背景的儿童中,这些贡献有助于带来一种互动感。因此,Mana Reo,另一个元素的Te Whāriki也很满意。根据Mana Reo的说法,一个人自身文化的语言和符号受到保护(MyECE, 2018)。在双语双文化环境中学习的孩子往往会失去对过去历史的关注。

Appreciative inquiry is a concept that derives from the postmodern constructionist theory. According to this theory, there are some key assumptions which have to be understood before translating them into practice. Firstly, appreciative inquiry assumes that in every society something works well and what the society focuses on is their reality. Therefore, deficit thinking must not be encouraged where someone else is blamed for the results of one’s actions. There can be multiple realities based on the moment and in a group such reality can be constructed well by questioning one another and interacting with one another. According to the concept furthermore, people will be more confident when they carry some parts of their past into the future and this action will be even more reinforced when the parts they carry are the best parts. In addition to carrying one’s best parts of the past, people should appreciate differences and that language as construction of societal reality could be a big part of the differences. According to Jenkin (2010), these assumptions of appreciative inquiry have to be implemented in early childhood education to create well rounded development. “Appreciative inquiry is a process that seeks to transform the culture of development communication from focusing on a negative construction of individuals and communities, to one that speaks to their strengths and capacities to promote positive change by focusing on peak experience and successes” (Jenkins, 2010, p.17). In practice, this process can be used to help students communicate better. Students can be helped to draw on positive recollections of their culture and understanding. For providing a Tiriti-based curriculum, it is necessary to facilitate positive change and appreciative inquiry could be the method to achieve this positive change. Appreciative inquiry would help children focus on the better parts of their past, their culture and other elements that cannot be brought into an educational environment without encouraging them. When children are made to share these aspects, the educational environment is no longer an artificially contrived one. The social aspects of the educational environment are not contrived but rather become real and socially constructed by the shared interactions of the children.

In practice, appreciative inquiry actually helps both children and the teachers. For instance, Jenkins (2010) discusses how since the 1980s, in Aotearoa, New Zealand, the focus is on improving mainstream education that is interlaced with Maori world views, Maori language, cultural elements, etc. The introduction of Te Whāriki also served to impose this requirement better. While students face issues because of being made to study two languages in an environment that proposes to make them appreciative of their cultures, it was observed that teachers o face issues. There are some unrealistic expectations and fear in the study community and appreciative inquiry helps address these issues. Appreciative inquiry focuses on bringing education into the interloop of a natural socially constructed environment instead of a socially contrived environment. The child is part of this socially constructed environment and hence educational environment that follows appreciative inquiry is no longer a contrived environment, and it is more of a natural social environment. The whanau no longer exists outside the school environment. Because of appreciative inquiry method, the whanau that determines actual learning is brought into the student study environment. Early childhood education thus satisfies one of the core principles of Te Whāriki.

In the appreciative inquiry environment, three different goals of Te Whāriki are satisfied, which are as follows. Firstly, the sense of belonging of the Mana Whenua is satisfied. Now this goal of Te Whāriki states that children need to have a sense of belonging and early childhood education should aim to give children this sense of belonging. Education should seek to make them more comfortable with their routines, their language and where they come from. Appreciative inquiry by encouraging these elements helps make students at home with their education.

The second implication of appreciative inquiry is for Mana Tangata or contribution. Now according to Te Whāriki, the early childhood education environment must foster equal learning opportunities where the child’s is encouraged to contribute. Appreciative inquiry does focus on children contributions and in fact encourages them to contribute, communicate and become a part of helping their peers. Where children are of different age, community, background, the contributions help bring in a sense of interaction. Thus, Mana Reo, yet another element of Te Whāriki is also satisfied. According to Mana Reo, the languages and symbols of one’s own culture are protected (MyECE, 2018). Children learning in a bilingual bicultural environment could tend to lose focus of their past histories. However, in appreciative learning, students are encouraged to talk about their past cultures, like a festival they celebrated at home where they were happy, and hence they rediscover their own backgrounds and become more positive about their integrated learning.




在其他张拉整体的方法中,重力的影响不需要在更高的程度上考虑。它们可以不考虑重力的原因是,它们是通过自身的压缩力和拉力稳定在位置上的。撑杆的压缩力和预应力索的拉力帮助结构保持其重力。预应变也被使用,因为预应变将被用作预应力,特别是如果结构被认为是静定的(Sultan et al., 2001)。

它们也是对映的,因为它们既可以是右手的也可以是左手的镜像对,这就是张拉整体模块可以用于铸造、网格、绳索、环等情况的一个原因。由于这些元素的变化,可以创建复杂的张拉整体结构。预应力越大,结构及其承载能力的增加越多。事实上,正如研究人员所指出的,预应力构件的张力程度越高,它们在建筑环境中占据的空间就越高(Skelton et al., 2001)。

张拉整体结构通常由这种在性质上不连续的压缩构件组成,因此它们的强度(Tarnai, 1984)。然而,这种不连续的性质本身也使这些成员短。这样做的一个优点是它们不容易扣紧,因此在这种情况下也不会产生扭矩。此外,弹性也提高了,因为设计师将能够创建不同形式的结构组装。在这一点上,唯一的限制是材料的形式。关于使用的材料和技术的研究表明,使用的材料几乎总是会改变技术的强度,要么增加了技术的强度,要么加剧了技术的弱点。例如,在张拉整体结构的情况下,短的抗压构件不会导致其容易弯曲,但随后使用的材料形式将挑战其强度。

张拉整体结构也被视为以协同的方式工作。协同作用是通过评估不同的组件行为来实现的。对于张拉整体结构来说,这意味着,任何设计的teur行为都不能单独预测,它必须通过单独考虑组件的方式来预测。协同作用还体现在他们应对压力的方式上。例如,当有动态载荷时,需要依赖支撑的结构可能会弯曲,因此必须小心,但张拉整体结构就不是这样了。在张拉整体结构的情况下,荷载的变化导致结构上的整体重量的重新分配。这是在一个时间问题内发生的,因此当结构对重量作出反应时,它作为一个整体作出反应(Tibert和Pellegrino, 2011)。作为一个整体的反应能力使其作为一个结构更负责任。

最后,有一个与张拉整体结构相关的术语叫做弹性倍增。根据张拉整体结构的理解,弹性乘法是一种特性,它取决于结构中两个支柱之间的距离。当两个支柱被系统的拉伸构件的伸长率分开时,与它们被拉长的距离相比,它们的拉伸强度要小得多(Estrada, 2007)。


On the other sing tensegrities means, the impact of gravity need not be considered to a higher extent. The reason why they can afford to not consider the context of gravity is that they are stabilized in position by their own compressive and tensive forces. The compressive forces in struts and the tensional forces in prestressed cables help the structure maintain its gravity. Prestrain is also made use of, as prestrain will be used as prestress especially if the structure that is being considered is statically determinate (Sultan et al., 2001).

They are enantiomorphic as well, because they can be either right handed or left handed as mirror pairs, and this is one reason why the tensegrity modules can be used in such situations as casts, grids, ropes, rings and more. Complex tensegrity structures can be created because of these elements variations. The higher the pre- stress that is available, then the more the structure and its load bearing capacity would increase. In fact, as researchers note, the more the degree of the pre- stressed component’s tension, then the higher will be the space that they occupy in the construction context (Skelton et al., 2001).

Tensgrity structures are usually made of such compressive memebers which are discontinuous in nature and hence their strength (Tarnai, 1984). However, this discontinuous nature in itself makes these memebers short, too. An advantage of this is that they do not buckle easily and therefore no torque would also be generated in this case. Furthermore, the resilience also improves, as the designer will be able to create different forms of structure assembly. The only constriction at this point is the form of material used. Research studies on the subject of material used, and technique shows that the material used would almost always change the strength of the technique, either increasing the strengths or exacerbating the weaknesses. In the case of the tensegrity structures for instance, the short compressive memebers will not lead it to buckle easily, but then the form of material that is used will challenge the strength.

The tensegrity structures are also seen to work in a synergetic manner. Synergy is assued by means of assessing the different component behavior. What this means in turn for the tensegrity structure is that, teur behavior for any design cannot be predicted separately, it has to be predicted by considering the components in a separate manner. The synergy is also noticed in the way they behave to stress. For instance, when there is dynamic loading, structures that have to rely on support might buckle and there is a necessity to be careful, but this is not the case with tensgrity structures. In the case of tensegrity structures, the change in load results in a redistribution of the whole weight over the structure. This happens within a matter of time and hence when the structure responds to the weight, it responds as a whole (Tibert and Pellegrino, 2011). The ability to respond to as a whole makes it more responsible as a structure.

Finally, there is a term associated with the tensgrity structures called elastic multiplication. Elastic multiplication as understood with respect to tensegrity structures literally is a property that is dependent on the distance between the two struts of the structure. When two struts are separate by an elongation of the tensile members of the system, then their tensile strength is much less, in contrast with the distance that they are elongated (Estrada, 2007).

In the tensegrity structure, it so happens that the deformation response when a load is placed on it is non-linear. The load increase will result in stiffness of the structure similar to how a suspension bridge will operate. In addition, an important feature of the structure is how they are modeled with frictionless joints and the self-weight of said structures will normally be neglected.








In the given case study, the role of the follower is an empowered one. The leader himself has taken up the case of their empowerment in a more active manner. Sycophants are the people who are the “yes” people. They try to agree with all the feedback of the leader. They head towards the direction that would conflict with the values of the organization. They do not point to the issues in the system nor do they raise objectives. They defer to the needs of the leader. Now in the given case, not everybody are yes people, and everybody have the authority to raise their unique voice, or collective voice through unionization. As both an authentic leader and a servant leader, the MD has empowered people this way.

The critics are the opposite of sycophants. They try to challenge and question the leader. This can lead to positive development. However, the constant criticism can be detrimental to the operational process of the company. These can impede the process of the company. The realists of the company are used to provide constructive criticism. They agree with the main ideologies. In case of not agreeing with the ideology. They tend to challenge the leader. They try to offer constructive alternatives to aid the leader or the organizations to meet their aims. The loyalist of the company is the genuine supporters. They are highly engaged and they work hard to support the leader. More of the company followers are loyalists given that they have stayed with the company for a long time. There is not much data to understand how much of criticism the employees involve in. However, data is there to indicate that they bring their negotiations to the table so it could be argued that a fair amount of constructive criticism is indeed present.

Some people of the company usually choose to be observers. They do not provide any form of feedback. They work towards what is needed and do not agree not disagree. They choose to be members of the company that were they silent spectators. A more nuances form of sycophants of the company is the opportunist. They are looking for ways to use the leader. In this schema, the people are not only one kind of followers. They can be a mixture of two characters. It is difficult to categorize the people based on the different kinds of ideologies. In PA, the mix of observers, and opportunities might exist. However, as the general population are handpicked based on their attitude to serve with the company. it could be said that issues and concerns are undermined.

Perhaps the strongest form of follower in the organization is the participant follower. The participant care of followership is necessary when the organizations are trying to make impact. The participant follower agrees with the leader and question the leader’s action if they do not agree with the leadership. These are the main follower style and they are the most valuable followers for any leader. Now, much of the MDs ideas are unique, and hence having the right followership style is a strong necessity for the company and it could be argued that PA has this right followership style mix.



美国论文代写:文化差异的不良影响。文化差异往往会中断企业的生产力和潜力,给企业经营活动的执行带来更多的困难。Giannetti & Yafeh(2012)也指出,员工内部的文化差异可能会大大降低部门和员工的集体绩效,影响其在市场中的地位。然而,根据文化差异构成的年龄、性别和种族,为组织创造了绩效障碍,也降低了其在市场中的地位和业绩。接下来美国论文代写将对文化差异的不良影响进行以下分析。


Bennett & Hammer(2011)认为,文化差异降低了员工之间相互尊重的程度,影响了组织的集体绩效。此外,Giannetti & Yafeh(2012)指出,文化差异影响了员工和部门之间的协调和沟通水平,降低了员工实现组织目标和目标的效率。在Sayegh和Knight(2013)的看法中,由于母语而产生的文化差异会在企业内部产生消极的员工队伍,并进一步增加由重要来源产生的问题和意外事件的重要性。这些定义强调了创造积极而积极的员工队伍的艺术,推动员工有效地执行,并确保在相应的期限内实现组织的目标和目标。作者严格强调,员工队伍中的任何形式的差异都是不可容忍的,对企业在市场中的发展也是不利的。

结合作者的更多定义,如Sayegh和Knight(2013)所述,以具有鲜明特征的代人形式的文化差异将确保每个员工都对自己的行为负责,同事和部门之间没有真诚的关系。另一方面,Sayegh & Knight(2013)认为,由于教育而产生的文化差异会降低员工的激励水平,在实现竞争优势和其他目标或目标的同时,会为组织创造更多的绩效障碍。这些定义说明了团结和集体表现的重要性,以发明创新的想法,并确保更好的竞争力,以抓住经济中可用的金融和其他机会。作者指出,员工的潜力应该根据表现来衡量,而不是由于教育资格和学位。


All the above mentioned theories state that cultural differences are not adequate for organization having a vision of becoming the pioneer of the industry and better co-ordination and communication among departments and employees. It has been stated by the authors that age, sex and ethnicity etc. should not be considered while recruiting and managing professionals or employees.

In the opinion of Bennett & Hammer (2011), cultural differences reduce the level of respect employees have for each other and affect the collective performance of the organization. Furthermore, as stated by Giannetti & Yafeh (2012), cultural differences affect the level of co-ordination and communication among employees and departments and reduce the effectiveness of employees to attain organizational objectives and goals. In the perception of Sayegh & Knight (2013), cultural differences due to native language would create a negative workforce within the enterprise and further increase the criticalness of issues and contingencies arising from significant sources. These definitions highlight the art of creating a positive yet motivated workforce which pushes employees to perform effectively and ensure achievement of organizational objectives and goals within the respective deadline. The authors strictly highlighted that any sort of difference within the workforce is not tolerable and not healthy for the betterment of the enterprise in the marketplace.

Incorporating more definitions of the authors, as stated by Sayegh & Knight (2013), cultural differences in the form of generations with distinct characteristics would ensure that every employee is responsible for own actions and there is no cordial relationship among colleagues and departments. On the other hand, according to Sayegh & Knight (2013), cultural differences due to education would reduce the motivational level of employees and create more performance barrier for the organization while achieving the competitive advantage and other objectives or goals. These definitions state the importance of unity and collective performance to invent innovative ideas and ensure better competitiveness to grab the financial and other opportunities available in the economy. Authors state that potentiality of the employees should be measured in terms of performance and not due to educational qualification and degrees.

While the above mentioned study pointed out the bad impact of cultural differences, many professionals and authors stated that cultural differences would contribute towards the betterment of the enterprise. As stated by Özgüner (2011), cultural differences would enhance the inspirational level of the enterprise and enable them to become more creative as compare to their competitors and other rivals. Also, according to Milfont (2012), cultural difference would make organization more innovative in terms of attracting customers and handling critical situations or conflicts. Brand equity and productive decision making process would be possible with the installation or implementation of cultural differences. These definitions directly enhance the potentiality of the enterprise as cultural differences lead to better market knowledge, more competitiveness and better quality products and services.




科学管理和现代主义作为一种思想流派旨在以科学和理性的方式理解世界,人们观察到一种更有目的的对生活的理解,较少强调文学发展,较少对政治和社会态度的重要性(Manning, 2017)。另一方面,后现代主义思想更加深入人心,难以评价,因为它相信短暂性,变化,定性价值与定量价值,等等。在这个时代,科学管理的合理性和刚性被质疑为破坏性的:这个时代同情技术思维,审视科学管理。科学管理的好处是基于语境的批判性分析,而不是简单地当作真理来接受。


Management as science is not applicable in current times because of how the philosophy of working, beliefs and more have changed. Ad-hoc management of organizations was followed by scientific management, which was then followed by modernism and postmodernism. Modernism evolved to a great extent and was even pioneered by scientific management theories. The current era of postmodernism might reject modernism and scientific management theories, but some of the theories do find application in the post-modernist era.

Scientific management and Modernism as a school of thought aim at understanding the world in a scientific and rational way, a more purposeful understanding of life with less emphasis on literature developments and less significance on politics and social attitudes was observed (Manning, 2017). On the other hand, post-modernist thought was much more deeply embedded and was difficult to appraise because of how it believes in transience, changes, qualitative values versus quantitative, and more. In this era, the rationality and rigidity of scientific management was questioned as disruptive: the era empathized with technological thinking and scrutinized scientific management. The benefits of scientific management were critically analysed based on context and were not simply accepted as truths.

Scientific management principles such as cooperation, working for the greater good of the company rather than focusing on the individual are somewhat applicable, but there is no rigid boundaries that would have been assumed earlier. For instance, the principles states that organizations focus on cooperation instead of individualism. Individual objectives, such as the specific interests of the workers, are subjugated in favour of group objectives. It is true that some organizations still focus on group objectives and marginal outcomes for the business more than individual aspirations. The organization that I worked with, demanded that marginal outcomes must be given more attention since cross team structure existed, and even the delivery of individual work programs take low precedence compared to the group delivery. The organization in fact was even aligned with Taylor’s fourth principle which believed that the industrial system was restricting output to a great extent (Taylor, 2004). This principle makes the argument that if the work production was increased, it would, in fact, help workers and management of the organization, and such benefits would be passed on to the society. The organization I worked with also believed that improving work production would in essence pass on good to everybody in the hierarchy. However, not all organizations would be like the one I worked at. Some others like Google are observed to give importance to the individual person. Google allows its developers to spend a certain percentage of their time on something they find interesting; therefore, this principle in postmodern times is challenged.



代写毕业论文:哈密顿量理论。这些哈密顿量理论的本征态被认为是基于具有单个 4 动量的粒子的数量来定义的。在这种情况下,没有在完整的洛伦兹或庞加莱变换中确定的有限酉表示。这些源于洛伦兹助推器的非紧凑性。接下来代写毕业论文专家将对哈密顿理论进行分析与讨论。

Lorentz boosts 可以定义为发生在 Minkowski 中的旋转,沿空间和时间轴的线使用。在这个系统中,可以使用自旋 1/2 粒子的情况。认为不可能找到包括有限维表示以及标量积的构造,该标量积与在每篇文章中观察到的 4 分量狄拉克旋量之间存在的关系的表示保持一致。这些旋量变换由伽马矩阵生成的洛伦兹变换。这些被认为是保留的标量产品的一部分。这不是肯定的。该表述不能也不被视为单一表述。发现标准模型的粒子属于不可约表示。这些被表示为 Poincare 群、guage groip 及其酉群函数的乘积。这些被发现定义了标准模型的对称组。完整的对称群具有对称群的剩余部分。它们通常在自然界中被破坏。

庞加莱对称性流经物质在较小尺度上的不对称分布。这些是基于质子和中子的质量。这些世代通过不同质量的电子世代移动。两个不可约的费米子表示是夸克形式和轻子形式。这三个被表示为不可约的玻色子表示。胶子形成,Z-玻色子和W-玻色子是第二个因素,希格斯玻色子是第三个因素。这些表示中的每一个都被拆分为 Poincare 组使用的多个不可约表示。每个粒子都有固定的质量。质量被称为庞加莱李代数的卡西默算子。这些意义上的不同粒子由标准模型拉格朗日模型中出现的不同分量来观察。在这些概念中,自旋指数被抑制。在这些情况下,发现使用一个分裂代替 Poincare x Isospin SU (2) 的不可约表示。这些进入 3 夸克世代。这是基于中微子质量混合矩阵的存在。

后者不符合标准夸克和中微子的约定。换句话说,它也被称为属于 Poincare 群的不可约表示。对于中微子,有基于中微子振荡的解释。在这些情况下,没有用于三代电子的相应混合矩阵。这些都受制于超级选择规则的收费。这禁止了不同种类的电荷本征态的超位。由于质量混合,庞加莱群中使用的不可约表示不属于超级选择扇区。根据这个结果,没有用于质量的超级选择规则。在这种情况下,质量被认为是非平凡的操作。这是基于夸克的单个粒子。这些与非相对论力学形成对比。在这种情况下,伽利略群的结构导致了超选择规则。因此,观察到每个单个粒子扇区都以数值质量为特征。


The Lorentz boosts can be defined as the rotations that takes place in the Minkowski that are used along the lines of the space and time axis. In this system, the case of spin 1/2 particles can be used. It is deemed not possible to find a construction that include the finite-dimensional representation along with the scalar product that is preserved with the representation of relationship that is present between the 4 component Dirac spinor that is observed in each article. These spinors transform the Lorentz transformation that is generated by the gamma matrices. These are considered to be a part of the scalar product that is preserved. This is not positive definite. The representation cannot and is not considered to be a unitary presentation. The particles of the standard model are found to fall into the irreducible representation. These are represented as the product of the Poincare group, guage groip and its unitary group functions. These are found to define the symmetry group of the standard model. The unbroken symmetry groups has the remaining part of the symmetry group. They are usually broken in nature.

The Poincare symmetry flows through the asymterical distribution of matter in a smaller scale. These are based on the masses of the proton and neutron. These generations move through the various masses of the electron generations. The two irreducible fermionic representations are the quarks form on and the leptons form in the other. These three are represented as irreducible bosonic represntations. The gluons form on, Z-boson and W-boson are the second factor and the higgs boson is the third. Each of these representations are split into the multiple irreducible representations that are used by the Poincare group. Each of the particles have a fixed mass. The mass is known as the Casimer operator of the Poincare Lie algebra. The different particles in these senses are viewed by the different components that are appearing in the standard model Lagrangian. In these notions, the spin index is suppressed. In these cases one splits are found to be used instead of the irreducible representations of the Poincare x Isospin SU (2). These get into the 3 quark generations. This is based on the existence of the neutrino mass mixing matrix.

The latter is defied by the convention of the standard quarks and neutrinos. In other words, it is also known as the irreducible representations that belong to the Poincare group. For the neutrinos, there is the explanation that is based on the neutrino oscillations. In these cases, there is no corresponding mixing matrix that are used for the three generations of the electrons. These are subjected to the changed to the charge of the super selection rule. This forbids the super positions of the different kinds of eigenstates of charges. Owing to the mass mixing, the irreducible representations that are used in the Poincare group do not be a part of the super selection sectors. According to this consequence, there is no super selection rule that is used for the mass. The mass in this case is considered to be the non-trivial operations. This is based on the single particle of quarks. These contrasts with the nonrelativistic mechanics. In this case, the structure of the Galilean group causes the super selection rule. Owing to this, every single particle sector is observed to be characterized by the numerical mass.

To conclude, more research is needed for each one of the equation based on the different constants that can be embedded in the representation. Some conditions have been discussed on the different theories in this analysis. These can use as a framework to develop the various conditions.




根据Collier(2015),管理会计信息和相关决策对现代企业运营是重要的。它有助于财务报告程序。有趣的是,它与管理者的计划和控制决策相关。相关性持续试图降低成本和提高组织的生产力(Laudon和Laudon, 2016)。然而,管理会计的理论背景经常因其与理解管理会计系统的相关性而受到批评。一些文献认为管理会计系统在组织中是停滞的(Johnson和Kaplan, 1987)。这项研究将确定和审查最近的管理会计做法对组织的负面影响。此外,该研究将分析企业会计管理系统的不断上升的挑战,这肯定会阻碍为管理人员提供准确的信息,同时促进控制成本或衡量和提高组织内的生产力的努力。

管理会计系统在许多组织中被认为是停滞不前的,因为该系统经常不能得出准确的产品成本。与产品成本相关的信息需要由管理层进行评估,以确保业务的生产率。有趣的是,通过随意的措施,成本与产品是分开的。成本管理会计的文献被发现足够的管理者的必要的财务报告,使价值的存货和销货成本和满足审计和外部报告的要求。然而,这样的会计制度并没有披露产品在个体产品层面的成本(Johnson and Kaplan, 1987)。常用的标准成本计算方法通常会误导管理层对实际产品成本的评估。换句话说,许多组织在使用仅与产品相关的管理会计信息时犹豫不决,因为有机会展开产品定价、采购、产品组合和对竞争产品的反应等信息(Ernstberger和Prott, 2016)。相反,一些管理会计文献认为,这种成本核算在评估与此类产品相关的可变成本方面是合适的。在制造过程中,管理者可以利用这些管理信息来修正库存价值。此外,许多学者支持管理会计报告对项目跟踪至关重要这一事实。这种成本核算系统有助于将广泛的成本划分为许多部门成本,便于组织的每个部门负责人跟踪。根据McLaren, Appleyard和Mitchell(2016),管理会计系统有助于确定产品成本,可以被称为决策的基础。

According to Collier (2015) management accounting information and associated decisions are significant for modern business operations. It helps in financial reporting procedure. Interestingly, it is relevant for manager’s planning and control decisions. Relevance persists in attempting to reduce costs and improve productivity of the organization (Laudon and Laudon, 2016). However, the theoretical background of management accounting often criticized for its relevance to understanding systems of management accounting. Several literatures identified systems of management accounting as stagnant in organizations (Johnson and Kaplan, 1987). The study will identify and review the negative consequences of recent management accounting practices to the organization. Furthermore, the study will analyse the rising challenges of corporate management systems of accounting which certainly obstructs to provide accurate information to managers while facilitating efforts to control costs or measure and improve productivity within the organization.

The system of management accounting is referred as stagnant in many organizations because the system often failed to derive accurate cost of product. Information related to costs of the product needs to be assessed by the management to ensure productivity of the business. Interestingly, costs are segregated to products by casual measures. Literatures of cost management accounting are found adequate for manager’s essentialities regarding financial reporting which enables value for inventory and COGS and satisfy requirements of auditing and external reporting. However, such accounting system failed to disclose the costs of the product at individual product level (Johnson and Kaplan, 1987). The common standard costing method usually misleads management decisions regarding the assessment of the actual product costs. In other words, many organizations made hesitant to use management accounting information related to only product because there is an opportunity exists for unfolding information about product pricing, sourcing, product mix and responses to competitive products (Ernstberger and Prott, 2016). On the contrary, several management accounting literatures argued that such costing is appropriate in terms of assessing variable costing related to such product. Managers can be beneficial to use such management information for correcting inventory values during the process of manufacturing. Moreover, many scholars supported the fact that management accounting reports are vital for project tracking. This costing system helps to differentiate broad costs into many departmental costs which can be easily tracked by each departmental head of the organization. According to McLaren, Appleyard and Mitchell (2016), management accounting system is helpful for determining product cost that can be referred as foundation of the decision making.





该剧在对流行的后殖民主义观念的同化方面表现出现代主义的元素,其中包括对传统叙事手法的背离。詹姆斯·艾奇逊(James Acheson)等评论家评论了该剧的情节结构。他批判地指出,观众一定会注意到情节的划分:它被分成两幕,由两个主要的主角扮演。这个角色发现他们自己与彼此的命运相抗争,必须与一个荒谬世界的可能性进行斗争(Akhter, 2016)。尤金·韦伯(Eugene Webb)也评论说,贝克特已经成功地将这部戏剧变成了一种文化符号,尤其是他对时间的巧妙管理。贝克特在剧中分解时间元素的方式确实值得称道。此外,对一个不存在的角色“戈多”的永恒等待在不同的视角层面上具有象征意义。值得注意的是,剧作家有策略地让弗拉基米尔和爱斯特拉根在一系列活动中消磨时间:交换帽子,玩游戏,考虑自杀(Beckett, 2012)。它反映和讽刺了人类所专注的病态和徒劳的承诺。此外,在剧中,相对重要的事情都被处理得很琐碎。悲剧和喜剧之间界限的消解,使悲喜剧元素融入了戏剧。最重要的是,等待元素推动游戏向前发展。


It has been observed that Godot stands symbolically of the essential driving force in Estragon and Vladimir, who is seen in an act of endless waiting. Beckett advocated the opinion that it represents the ultimate aim, quest, and search of man. It is a futile search that never ends. Both the characters have invested their absolute trust in Godot, thereby, manifesting the haunting insecurities of a human mind. Beckett has unravelled the inherent fears and uncertainties haunting the post-Darwinian society. The plot structure of the play, as it has been already pointed out, does not have any dynamism in terms of development. It has no situation development, conflict or conclusion. Nevertheless, the plot development successfully triggers a feeling of discomfort among his audiences as they’re presented with the brutal existential truth (Beckett, 2012). It must also be noted that timelessness is yet another essential quality of the modern drama.

The play manifested the elements of modernism in term of assimilation of the popular post-colonial conception which involves the deviation from the traditional narrative technique. Critics like James Acheson observes has commented on the physical structuring of the play. He has critically pointed out that the audiences are bound to notice the plot division: it is split into two acts which are acted by the two major protagonists. The character finds themselves pitted against the fate of one another and must struggle against the odds of an absurd world (Akhter, 2016). It has also been commented by Eugene Webb that Beckett has been successful in turning this play into a cultural icon particularly for his skilful management of time. The way in which Beckett has broken down the element of time in the play is indeed commendable. Besides, the eternal waiting for an absent character named ‘Godot’ assumes symbolic significance at different perspective levels. It is to be noted that the playwright had strategically engaged the character, Vladimir and Estragon in a series of activities order to pass their time: swapping their hats, playing games, and contemplating suicide (Beckett, 2012). It mirrors and satirises the morbid and the futile engagements that human beings are preoccupied with. Besides, the matters of relative importance are treated with triviality in the play. This dissolution of the borders between the tragedy and comedy renders the tragicomic element to the play. Most importantly, the element of waiting propels the play forward.

Therefore, it could be effectively concluded that Samuel Beckett has been a successful modern dramatist who had successfully incorporated all the elements of the contemporary drama. He brought forward his iconoclastic ideas through the medium of the plays.



毕业论文代写:转基因生物影响。转基因生物带来了一场粮食生产革命,提高了土地生产率,使产量翻了一番(Watson和Preedy XII),它对粮食安全,特别是发展中国家的粮食安全有着重大影响。关于在农业中广泛使用转基因作物会产生“意想不到的”影响,人们有几个担忧。接下来毕业论文代写专家将分析讨论下转基因生物影响。

转基因作物的独特卖点要么是抗除草剂,要么是抗虫。虽然最初的论点是杂草或其他不受欢迎的植物不会很快进化或适应这些修改,但很快就发现,新的和更具抗性的农业杂草形式的发展对农业生产力和自然生物多样性的损失产生了不利的影响(Schütte,它既影响了当地的本土植物,也影响了动物,特别是节肢动物(如有助于授粉的蜜蜂等昆虫)。即使在除草剂的使用方面,虽然这些植物是耐除草剂的,除草剂的使用在最初几年有所下降,但最终杂草适应了除草剂的使用。重复使用草甘膦(使用的最普遍的除草剂)而不改变使用模式会导致产生对这种化学物质具有抗性的杂草(Bonny 43)。鉴于此,杂草管理是困难的,农民不知道除草剂和其他杂草驱避剂的特性(邦尼40)。在转基因作物广泛应用后,如何避免杂草在农业生产中泛滥已成为一个棘手的问题。

此外,与旨在保持土壤健康和肥力的混合种植或间作等可持续农业做法相比,这些做法是不可持续的(Schütte, Eckerstorfer和Rastelli 5)。这也导致了一些作物种植中更高的劳动力需求。


Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) have brought about a revolution in food production in terms of increased productivity of land and have doubled the yield (Watson and Preedy XII). It has had significant bearings on food security especially in the developing world. There have been several concerns about the “unintended” effects of extensive use of GMO in agriculture.

The unique selling proposition of the genetically modified crops was either herbicide resistance or insect resistant. While the initial argument was that weeds or other unwanted plants would not evolve or adapt to these modifications very fast, it was soon found that new and more resistant forms of agricultural weeds developed contributing adversely to both agricultural productivity and loss of natural biodiversity (Schütte, Eckerstorfer and Rastelli 5). It impacted both the indigenous plants of the area and the animals specially the arthropods (insects like bees which facilitate pollination). Even in terms of herbicide use, while the plants were herbicide tolerant and the use of herbicide declined in the first few years, eventually, the weeds adapted to the herbicides. Repeated use of Glyphosphates (the most popular herbicide used) without any change in the usage pattern led to generation of weeds which were resistant to the chemical (Bonny 43). Given that, weed management is difficult and farmers are unaware of properties of herbicides and other weed repellents (Bonny 40). It has become a difficult proposition to escape the infestation of weeds in agriculture post extensive usage of GM crops.

Furthermore, these practices are not sustainable with sustainable agricultural practices like mixed cropping or intercropping which is designed to retain health and fertility of the soils (Schütte, Eckerstorfer and Rastelli 5). It led to higher labor demand in several crop cultivations as well.

It turns out that the boastings of genetically modified plants after all were more of a hyperbole for even the productivity of these plants that were not significantly high when considered over a long period of time. In essence, GM crops have turned out to be more focused on increasing farm-level productivity and have failed magnificently in integrating externalities such as enhancement of biodiversity, environmental protection, reduced use of labor or even better management of weed.
