



加州的内陆帝国排名第三。它描绘了一个增长最快的速度,排名仅次于圣何塞和旧金山。这篇新闻文章清楚地说明了这个县发展和繁荣的原因。这里的关键评价是给地方和州政府的。尽管该县已经准备好发展新的住宅浪潮和基于商业的开发,但这一障碍将确保该地区的基础设施能够容纳开发人员并吸引开发人员(Nelson 2015)。教育也被认为是一项挑战,以确保有足够的受过适当教育的雇员通过县内各组织开放的较新的组织进行招聘。


Governments at all level play an essential role in economic development and progress enhancement of a local community. In order to depict the role played by government in local economic development, a news article has been selected which outlines the key reasons behind a community’s development. The community selected is San Bernardino County and the news was published in The Sun Local Government newspaper. The newspaper informed on how the markets of the real estate and job have grown within the Inland Empire. Credit has expanded with bank’s lending more with rebounding economy and there is enough land availability vacancy for development of residences, commerce as well as industries.

The inland Empire, in California is at the 3rd rank. It depicts a rate of fastest growth, ranked right after San Jose as well as San Francisco. The news article stated clear the reasons for which the county has considerably grown and flourished. The key appraisal here was given to the local and the state government. While this county has poised towards new residential wave and commerce based development, the barrier will ensure that infrastructure is in position for accommodating developers and attracting developers within this region (Nelson 2015). Education is also considered as a challenge with regard to ensuring that there are sufficiently trained employees with proper education to be recruited through newer organization which is open for organizations within the county.

personal statement 怎么写:音乐发展史

personal statement 怎么写:音乐发展史


personal statement 怎么写:音乐发展史

音乐在不同的历史编年史上不时地具有革命性的内涵。时代证明,对一些人来说,行进的曲调可以成为其他人的挽歌。一段音乐可能会被一些人认为是忠诚的标志,而另一些人则认为是叛国的标志。例如,对那些在美国成为美利坚合众国之前对南方各州怀有爱国主义情怀的人来说,一次吹几小节“南方各州”的口哨就是一个危险信号。类似地,“帕洛玛布兰卡”(Paloma Blanca)是多年来对非洲裔美国人遭受奴役的痛苦回忆。然而,只是哼唱它给受害者提供了力量,而它却让其他人对他们祖先留下的行为感到羞耻。世界各地都有这样的例子(Allen, 58岁)。夏奇拉的歌曲《Waka Waka Waka》改编自赞比亚的一段军事歌曲,但它对世界各地的足球队和球迷产生了惊人的影响。

personal statement 怎么写:音乐发展史

Music has had an indelible place in the minds and hearts of men and women of all times and ages. The music may have been the sole means of entertainment, expressing one’s feelings or simply enjoying oneself. Yet the greatest contributions of music have been whenever it has translated the collective feelings of a people and given tongue to the expressions of their innermost feelings which were otherwise subdued. It is the purpose of this essay to explore the several means and ways in which popular music has influenced socio-political movements. It is the main objective of this essay to foster a better understanding of how popular music has added to the perceptions of freedom of mankind in different intervals of time and differing spatial locations. While the physical tongues were silenced, it was the voice of the popular music that made it relevant for those in the seats of power to give ear and react. Many a bard of earlier times has sung his ditty before the authorities and given them a truthful assessment of the strife that had struck the entire land. Thus, there are several instances in history which evidently show that popular music has been instrumental in bringing about momentous changes in the fortunes of nations. The rise of the American blacks from slavery to equality, the women’s vote and the move towards gender equality have all been celebrated in the popular music of the day.

personal statement 怎么写:音乐发展史
Music has taken on revolutionary connotations from time to time in various annals of history. Times have shown that marching tune for some could become a dirge for others. A piece of music may come to be recognized as a sign of loyalty by some and treason by others. For example just whistling a few bars of the ‘Dixie’ at one time was a red flag for those who were patriotic to the Southern States before the US became the United States of America. Similarly, the ‘Paloma Blanca’ was a painful reminder of the slavery inflicted upon the African origin Americans for years. However, just humming it gave strength to the victims while it left others ashamed of the deeds perpetuated by their ancestors. There are several such instances from all over the world (Allen, 58). The popular ‘Waka Waka’ song of Shakira was based on a Zambian militant anthem and yet it created an amazing impact on the soccer teams and their fans all over the world.





这个定义也与这个部署阶段有关(Taylor, 1911)。当我在网上搜索如何部署有组织的计划时,我发现了两种不同的主要理论。一个是经典的组织理论,另一个是新古典主义理论(the Wisest, 2011)。当我进一步深入研究理论时,我发现它们再次被不同参与者的活动所驱动。参与者被列出,结果也相应地呈现出来。创建和呈现概念图的整个过程具有挑战性和趣味性。这些概念通过不同的连接与相关的介词连接,使其变得合理(Anderson et al ., 2004)。就我个人的理解而言,我认为它是一种更容易理解和更容易实现甚至困难的概念的方法。虽然组织是这里的基本概念,但是其他影响和影响组织部分的概念被列出。


The overall concept is to stick to the theme of organizing. To develop the linkages, I have initially referred to the definition to get the keywords. Next to it, I have searched for related theories on the web. Subsequently, I also understood the process and outcomes upon implementation. The linkages are given with the help of relevant prepositions to make it meaningful. The main target for me to create this concept map is the identification of key words that will help me to give better meaning to the overall map. As I searched for the definition for organizing, I chose the keywords that make sense. When I understood the keywords, I was able to link between them. I also understood that organizing leads to planning followed by controlling processes in an organization. In order to start with the organizing process, I found that information gathering is the key. On the other hand, organizing definition is given as defining goals and performing activities. Accordingly, the map is created and linked. Now, when information is available for the organizing process, the next step is to involve theories to deploy in the right manner.


The definition is also linked to this stage of deployment (Taylor, 1911). As I searched on the web for how to deploy the organized plans, I found two different predominant theories. One is the classical organization theory and the other is the neoclassical theory (The Wisest, 2011). As I further went deep into theories, I found that they are again driven by activities enforced on different sets of participants. The participants are listed and the outcomes are accordingly presented. The overall process of creating and presenting concept map is challenging and interesting. The concepts have been connected through different linkages with relevant prepositions to make it sensible (Anderson et al, 2004). With respect to my personal understanding, I have seen that it stands as an easier method to understand and implement even difficult concepts in an easier way. While organizing is the basic concept here, the other concepts that influence and impact the organizing part are listed.

论文 代写:布尔迪厄阶级结构理论

论文 代写:布尔迪厄阶级结构理论


论文 代写:布尔迪厄阶级结构理论


论文 代写:布尔迪厄阶级结构理论

Bourdieu theory of class structure states that the people in general make these decisions on where they belong in the socio economic classes in the society. Each of these preference by the people can be attributed to the functional elements that has been mentioned in the analysis. There is a lot of importance that has been given in this theory to how the people develop their habits based on their economic status. The preference of the people towards books in China can explain these nuances in detail. However, the central gap in this theory is assuming that the people in the society act only based on their social and economic status. The modern development of affordable technology and the newer dynamics of thought seem to focus on the development of individuality. This factor is not given due importance by the class fracture theory. The reason could be the relevance of the theory in the modern changing times. Rational choice theory explains about the importance of individuality in the modern dynamics.

论文 代写:布尔迪厄阶级结构理论
The variable that has been considered in this analysis is the book preferences of the people. The reasons for the choice of books and the root causes of these preferences has been elucidated in detail in this analysis. China has made impressive economic growth in the past few decades. Between the years of 2010 to 2015 there has been general slowing down of the economy. There is more economic stability in the nation and a rise of the upper middle class has been observed. The number of publishing done in the country and the sheer volume of people reading has improved in the past few years. There has also been a rising middle class in the society. The genre that the people tend to read are found to be youth literature, self-help books or inspirational books, business development books, technical books, science fiction and office romance books. The youth literature has been preferred by the adolescent people. It discusses about the issues of the modern teenagers in the Chinese communities.



中国是世界上人口最多的国家,但它并没有完全照顾好自己的人口,中国存在的情况是,任何一个人在很长一段时间内都无法忍受极端污染的环境。汽车和工厂排放的废气是城市污染的主要原因。空气中颗粒物(PM)的增加是造成北京大部分人口过早死亡、低出生体重和一般健康危害的主要原因,同时也增加了城市的雾霾(J. Lin, et al. 1736)。1979年,中国从社会主义转向了自由市场政策,这对数百万从贫困中被救出来的中国人来说是一个福音(Gao)。但是,经济的这种转变和自由化是由于付出了巨大的代价,即中国自然环境的残酷毁灭(J. Lin, et al. 1737)。


目前,中国是世界第二大经济体,但却以牺牲本国国民健康为代价(Anenberg、Horowitz和Tong 1189)。在全球20个污染最严重的城市中,有16个是中国(OECD)。尽管中国政府声称他们正在采取重大措施控制包括北京在内的主要城市的空气污染和其他形式的污染,但结果远远超出预期(Gao)。政府也声称,他们正在帮助不同的机构,他们希望成为这部小说的一部分原因和他们所有的人都给予额外的自由采取行动反对任何个人或组织负责不道德污染环境(Vautard R P Yiou和G,J·奥德博朗表明)。但它们大多是笔和纸,实际应用很少。我们迫切需要采取行动,改变北京的空气污染状况,而不是仅仅要求改变。


China is the land of maximum population around the world but it is not taking full care of its population and situations that exists in China is complaining them to remain in extremely polluted environment abnormal for any human being to withstand for a long period of time. Emission from vehicles and factories are highly responsible for city pollution. The increased amount of particulate matter (PM) in the air is a major cause of premature death, low birth weight and general health hazards of majority of the population of Beijing and it is also increasing the city haze (J. Lin, et al. 1736). In the year 1979, there has been a shift from socialism to free market policy which was a boon to the millions of Chinese population as they were rescued from the grinding of poverty (Gao). But this shift and liberalization of the economy came by paying a major cost i.e. the brutal killing of the natural environment of China (J. Lin, et al. 1737).

At present, China is having the world’s second largest economy but at the cost of the lives of its own countrymen’s health (Anenberg, Horowitz and Tong 1189). Out of the 20 most polluted cities around the globe, China is home for 16 of them (OECD). Though the government of China claims that they are taking major steps to control air pollution and other forms of pollution in major cities which also includes Beijing, the result is far beyond expectation (Gao). The government also claimed that they are taking help of different agencies who wish to be a part of this novel cause and all of them are given additional freedom to take actions against any individual or organization responsible for unethically polluting the environment (Vautard, R, P Yiou and G, J Van Oldenborgh). But those are mostly in pen and paper and have little applications practically. There is an immediate need for taking actions in order to make changes in the air pollution condition of Beijing rather than just claiming it.



中国是美国第三大海鲜和农产品进口来源国之一。一些事件最终引起了公众对这类产品的安全性的极大关注。2008年,美国当局表示,他们考虑扩大对中国产牛奶产品的检测。这些检测范围扩大了,因为有报道称,受三聚氰胺污染的婴儿配方奶粉最终导致大量中国儿童患病。他们甚至宣布召回可能含有三聚氰胺的咖啡产品。2007年早些时候,一些证据表明,中国宠物食品中掺假的成分最终导致了几只猫和狗的死亡。2007年下半年,美国食品和药物管理局(Food and Drug Administration of USA)发布公告称,它扣留了从中国农场养殖的每一批海产品,直到发货人最终确认了未经批准的药物残留自由。




China is among the third biggest sources of seafood and agricultural imports of USA. A number of incidents have ended up raising significant public concerns regarding the safety presented in these types of products. In the year 2008, the authorities of USA stated that they considered the decision to broaden the testing of products derived of milk from China. These tests were broadened because of the reports stating baby formula contaminated from melamine ended up sickening a large population of Chinese children. They even made an announcement for recalling some products of coffee that may consist of melamine. Earlier in the year 2007, several evidences stated that adulterated ingredients in pet food from China ended up causing the deaths of several cats and dogs. During the later period of 2007, the Food and Drug Administration of USA made an announcement that it detained each and every import of seafood raised in farms from China until shippers ended up confirming the freedom of unapproved residues of drug.

Such issues have been evident all across ages specifically in context with imported food products from China. And hence, the topic itself becomes interesting as food products affect the lives of larger population. In addition, the increased wealth of China has resulted in increasing the consumption of imported agricultural and food products. The imports of agricultural and food products of USA from China ended up increasing from 12.1 billion US dollars in the year 2008 to 25.9 billion US dollars in the year 2012. The drink and food exports of European Union to China ended up rising as well, making China the biggest market of export for agriculture based products. The aim of this research is to understand the overall food safety and labelling of imported foods from International Law in China.




有必要提高新南威爾士州環境教育中心和動物園教育中心的效率,以便向學生展示生態可持續性的發展。這可以被認為對建立對環境負責的和了解環境的公民具有重要意義,這些公民在今後的歲月裡倡導保護環境。新南威爾士政府可以被認為是支持學校環境教育的全球領導者。因此,該政策應特別側重於《21世紀議程》的規定,這是關於最近一次地球首腦會議的全球政策的結果。 《21世紀議程》已被確定為根據可持續性國際協定採取行動的基本基礎。這導致了若干領域,包括1998年《環境保護法修正案》。在培養對政府學校學生的道德和環境意識方面,應利用政府的支持。


The policy selected for the purpose of this discussion is that of “Environmental Education Policy for Schools”, with the key purpose to empower individuals for restoring and maintaining the natural systems of Earth. Also, it focuses on supporting the welfare of future generations by the promotion of lifestyles with sustainability. This statement of policy has been designed for supporting effective programs of education in the region of New South Wales targeting government schools. However, the policy has key focus on students to gain a sense of responsibility personally with respect to their own environment. Ever since, there is huge significance regarding the principle of development with ecological sustainability. As there has been increased international recognition, there is a need for placement of local actions with respect to the international responsibility. Hence, there is a significant need for reflecting the wider role that is no played by environment education across schools.

There is a need for enhancing the effectiveness of environmental education centres and zoo education centres in New South Wales in order to demonstrate the development of ecological sustainability towards students. This can be considered as significant to the establishment of environmentally responsible and aware citizens advocating over the environment in the years to come. The Government of New South Wales can be considered as a global leader to support education of environment across schools. Hence, the policy should have specific focus on the provision of Agenda 21, an outcomes of global policy regarding the most recent Earth Summit. Agenda 21 has been identified as the fundamental base for the course of action under international agreement towards sustainability. This has resulted in several areas that include the Act for Protection of the Environment Amendment, 1998. The support of government should be exploited in the development of ethical and environmental awareness with respect to the students of government schools.







This guided tour is for the article, put a hole in it, won’t you by Emily Davidson. The article encourages a conversation between a mother and her child. This is where the story narration initiates. The story depicts life of a mother who feels guilty to leave her children at home early in the morning as she has to go to work. Further, the narration describes the outlook of the home and the breakfast choices on the table. Also, the narration depicts how mother has to hurry each day in order to ensure that she reaches work on time while not caring about all the stuff that she leaves around the house. For example, her hair is rollers. She seems to be in such a hurry that she does not see the car keys eve where they belong originally. Further the scene describes how the two siblings do not behave well with each other. The two start to argue and fight through conversations. One of the siblings deliberately makes cereal to be dropped on his brother’s clothes which makes the argument to further heighten. The two run around the house and slam doors at each other. Eric, one of the siblings is described as a person who is a bit calm and does not instigate argument. After Em has shut his door on Eric, Eric tries to stay quiet and lure Em outside the room.

However, Eric is not trying to lure Em out but trying to show him a hole in the door’s centre. That was the moment, when both of them knew that Eric is in much trouble but Eric tries to ask Em to not say anything to mom about it. The hole is the size of feet and right at the door’s centre. Eric continuously pleads that Em should not tell anything to mother about this but this is when Em understands that he is someone similar to God in this situation. Instead of considering complaining to mother about the same, Em considers to move a poster of a horse on this hole. Em promises not to say a word. Both the brothers peal a tape from horse calendar’s based photographs behind and try to reposition these in a way that it looks like a creatively natural configuration or placement of photographs. Within a few minutes, both the siblings reach their school. By the end of this narration, it is evident that both the brothers had kept their promise and mother was able to find out that there is a hole only after 2 years had passed by. The narration was brief and evaluative at the same time conveying different perspective over a novel situation considerably.

swot analysis 代写:有意义的工作

swot analysis 代写:有意义的工作


swot analysis 代写:有意义的工作


swot analysis 代写:有意义的工作

Fairlie manages to demonstrate the value of meaningful work in terms of its usage in human resource development involving the factor of employee engagement. Meaningful work was compared with different employee work characteristics such as job satisfaction, burnout, turnover cognitions, and organizational commitment, and it was found that meaningful work had substantive and elaborate impact on employee engagement at different levels. Meaningful work was also found to be impacting variable employee outcomes giving them more freedom to control other characteristics. In addition, since the meaningful work involves self-actualization, the research is found to be most useful for human resource development experts at organizational level. The research was conducted as a web-based survey of 574 North Americans. The author gives a nice representation of the necessity of linking meaningful work with the practice of employee engagement, in terms that it improves the way the employee produces the organisational outcomes.

swot analysis 代写:有意义的工作
However, even after defining the standardised idea of meaningful work and what it contains as an aspect of work for employees, it does not highlight and accept that meaningful work needs not be necessary to be linked with employee engagement, because many employees who work in conditions where no human contact is required, the work cannot be termed as less relevant to meaning just because engagement is low. There are different and innumerable factors and variables of work characteristics which are taking shape consistently and are impossible to be measured in terms of their attachment to what the employee finds a meaningful work. Besides, the research sample of 574 is limited to come to a solid conclusion. This research is supportive of my research as it presents and provides a very rarely identified and researched topic of meaningful work as the employee work characteristics. The research is elaborate in sense even with its limitations, and offers an incentive to continue researching employee engagement and its underlying motivations.

personal statement 代写:商业竞争

personal statement 代写:商业竞争


personal statement 代写:商业竞争


personal statement 代写:商业竞争

The fierce competition among the companies today could be attributed to the progressive globalisation of the business world. The world has become a small place where all the companies get a level playground to thrive. These market scenarios have brought in various challenges for the companies. The Business to Business (B2B) companies are the companies whose focus is mainly on providing products or services for other companies instead of consumers. When the customers are companies, then the challenge of impressing them becomes more challenging. Thus, B2B marketing is a very intriguing and complex aspect of the modern business world.

personal statement 代写:商业竞争
In this report, we have taken example of MYOB an Australia based B2B company. We have discussed the main challenges faced by it in marketing and also suggested some of the possible solutions. The competition for MYOB could be overcome by strategically marketing its services. We have discussed the challenges of the B2B companies in relation to managing innovation and new industrial product development, strategies of customer relationship management, management of business market channels and business marketing communications. We have also made appropriate suggestions for the given challenges and their implications with respect to MYOB, Australia.