




With a fundamental base of more than 2000 retailers in the entire continent of Europe, United States of America, and the United Kingdom, there has currently seen delivery of enabling solutions across border towards a number of approximately 200 nations. There is anticipation of international e- commerce for continuing the trajectory of growth in double digits. Hence, this can be considered as an ethical issue that seems to be having positive impact (Truxal, 2014). The positive impact is that this will result in great enhancement of portfolio for FedEx related to the international solutions of e- commerce and providing the customers with flexibility that is unmatched towards the establishment and expansion of their base of customers and global business strategies. In addition to this, it will enable in delivering substantial advantages to the stakeholders and the entire business as well. The experience and knowledge in the evolution of enabling environment cross border, along with the culture centralized with customers, is an appropriate fit alongside with FedEx.

The organization has been showing excitement towards ethical issues in a significant manner. The organization has been having collective solutions of transportation and cross border will be catapulting the global capabilities of e- commerce business. Bongo International will be the subsidiary organization for the trade network of FedEx (Truxal, 2014). FedEx seems to be holding its business in a successful manner by providing a wide portfolio for services of business, e- commerce and transportation. With the yearly revenues of 46 billion dollars, the company will be offering integrated applications of business by operating organization that compete in a collective and collaborative strategies for management. In a consistent manner the business organization has been inspiring a number of organizations across several industries.






Justice to the task delivered:
The justice to the work delivered by the workers has to be met and this is the principle that Taylor uses in the business. The intention of the work completion should go hand in hand with the reward paid for the task. The workers should be justified with the compensation provided to them and this is well followed by Taylor in the business, hence the workers are hard working and finish the work even before the time provided. This is an important factor that helps in high production as the fastness of the work is based on the wage provided. The work lethargically delivered can be avoided with the techniques involved in sorting out the reason for the same. This can be done continuous monitoring and building the healthy relation with the workers. The psychological feeling of the workers would be affected if the task assigned is not paid for equally (Solomon, R. C. 1992).

The ethics in the work place signifies the fact that there is work progress in a larger aspect and better delivery aspects of the task. The relation between the employer and the employee would be strengthened and the same would be depicted in the work delivered. Extra work received would be taken in a positive manner by the workers as they would go with the ethics that has been imbibed in the work culture. A person who works in a business concern ro more than five to six years reveals how happy he is with the atmosphere and would not wish to lose the same if the ethics are followed very accurately. Taylor is right at the way the culture is followed. Good work will always be appreciated and the competition can be looked into accordingly.






When voting happens, obviously there will be many who will support the union and many who will not. If the union wins, they take good advantage of their position and decide on behalf of all the workers without consulting the rest. Those who won’t agree with their decisions will be treated as aliens and won’t even be allowed to enjoy the benefits of collective bargaining. It could be a possibility.

Now it is the turn for advantages, collective bargaining helps the management to have better relationship with the workers. Both of them know that they need each other. An organization won’t be able to run without any one of them. So it is always better to develop their relationship and get to understand the requirements of each other. The management and the workers both work for either their own benefit or for the sake of their common organization, so the conflict between them will be of no use (Sebastian, 2013). It increases the communication between both of them. On the other hand, there are workers who are a part of union, and there are those who are not, those who are not can be counted as individuals with less power. Now there could be many individuals with less power and they make another group of their own which is larger than the union and becomes more close to the management and obviously the management cannot ignore such a huge group of people, so in this way the workers and the management get united rather than imparted.
There are many ways in which the employment relationship exists and definitely it has its own impact on the employees and the employers as well at the workplaces. Recently in 2012 a new law i.e. ‘New Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining Agreement Law’ was introduced in Italy by the President Abdullah Gül even after much criticism.



Mellin de Saint-Gelais是法国弗朗西斯一世的宫廷诗人,因文艺复兴时期的复兴光环而闻名,这在他的文学创作和个性中都很明显。他也是昂古莱姆大主教的侄子,屋大维圣日格莱斯,因为维吉尔的埃涅伊德的法语翻译而闻名。他也被视为一位占星家,音乐家和医生,成为诗人。圣格莱斯倡导marotique风格,并一直是法国文学中最重要的角色之一。他也是滑稽文学风格的培养者。

Corneille de Lyon的Mellin de Saint-Gelais创建于16世纪中叶,但其创作的确切年份仍值得商榷。这幅肖像现在珍藏在法国的卢浮宫。这幅肖像镶嵌在柔和的乌木木质的皮特拉硬脑膜框架中,并配有母亲O’-pearl镶嵌和大理石柱。由于科内勒里昂围绕在这样的框架中的科技肖像,pietra硬脑膜框架被认为是高奈里昂帧。在法国文艺复兴时期繁荣兴起的雕塑和绘画发展有助于创作更精致的绘画作品。
主题的面部表情生动活泼在肖像中显而易见,但与大多数文艺复兴时期的肖像不同,这些肖像与观众呈现出直接炫目的主题,科内耶的肖像是有角度地塑造的,但文艺复兴艺术的魅力促成了艺术作品与观众目不转睛地看着肖像。 “法国文艺复兴时期的艺术不仅仅是新探索和逻辑精神的出现,而是对古典和古典艺术风格的改造性敬意”(默多克617)。在Mellin de Saint-Galais的Corneille画像中可观察到古典艺术的稳固性,但在文艺复兴时期艺术的栩栩如生和三维新颖性方面则大幅增强。


Mellin de Saint-Gelais was the Poet Loaureate at the court of Francis I of France and was highly noted for Renaissance revival aura, which was evident in both his literary ventures and personality. He was also the nephew of the bishop of Angoulême, Octavian de Saint-Gelais, who was noted for the French translation of Virgil’s Aeneid. He was also noted as an astrologer, musician and doctor alongside as a poet. Saint-Gelais championed marotique style and has been one of the foremost sonneteers in French literature. He was also a nurturer of the burlesque style of literature.

The portrait and its Renaissance attribute
Corneille de Lyon’s Mellin de Saint-Gelais was created during the early-mid 16th century but the exact year of its creation is debatable. The portrait is now treasured at Musée de Louvre in France. The portrait is framed in pietra dura frame of smooth ebonized wood and featuring mother-o’-pearl inlay and marble columns. Owing to the techy portraits of Corneille de Lyon enclosed in such frames, the pietra dura frames have come to be regarded as the Corneille de Lyon frames. The sculptural and pictorial developments that flourished during the French Renaissance revival era contributed to the creation of more minutely detailed paintings.
The liveliness in facial expression of the subject is evident in the portrait but unlike most Renaissance portraits, which presented the subject in direct glare with the audience, Corneille’s portrait is angularly modeled but the charm of Renaissance art that instigated communication between the piece of art and the audience eyeing it is largely present in the portrait as well. “French Renaissance art was not just the advent of a newfound spirit of enquiry and logic but a reformative homage to the classical and antique styles of art” (Murdoch 617). The solidly of classical art is observable in Corneille portrait of Mellin de Saint-Galais but is considerably enhanced in the lifelike and three dimensional newness of the Renaissance art.






Main theme of the book discusses about the Eurasian people who have captured or displaced Native Americans and other races that were present that time. Arguments are presented about the outcomes that came as a result of this displacement and how people faced challenges. All these outcomes were not because of the biological changes and advantages posed by Eurasians but it was because of the Eurasian continent. It was because of the high level and diversity of the wild plants in the area. Animals were also present that were good for living a life peacefully. Diamond has worked as a sociologist while developing this book because he was exploring the answers to the accidents that happened during the past and how the mapping was impacted. He has shown interest in the mappings of migrations of early human races like Africans to Eurasians and other races like Eastern from pacific oceans (Diamond, 210). He has closely observed the biology of humans during this period and has discussed about their evolution.

This evolution is presented in the form of his findings about the history and how several accidents have given birth to these revolutions. Diamond wanted to cover the different aspects and differences that were present between different cultures of the world and how elements like food, technology, writing, religion and government positively or negatively impact on the cultures and dimensions of human psychology and biology. Heart of the book is about the evidence that explains about the settler colonialism and how it’s after effects impacted on the Trans Atlantic slavery and its consequences on different races of the world. He believed that all these issues were not about the geographic transformations of humans. Eurasians did not have the power that was systematic and which is not present today.



之后,1959年发生了古巴革命。由菲德尔卡斯特罗领导,这是美国外交政策在拉丁美洲被击败的第一次。 1961年,古巴成为不结盟运动的成员,并开始采取若干措施改变其经济形势,结果美国增加了对古巴的贸易限制(称为美国经济封锁)。美国通过禁止进口糖类和石油出口来对古巴实施进出口限制,古巴整个经济都依赖这种限制。菲德尔卡斯特罗开始古巴革命后,许多古巴人飞往美国。后来在1961年,美国训练并装备古巴难民作为游击队部队,并让他们攻击菲德尔卡斯特罗。然而,这次袭击证明是无效的,未能摧毁他。



After that, in 1959, there occurred the Cuban Revolution. Headed by Fidel Castro, it was the very first time when the US foreign policy was defeated in Latin America. In 1961, Cuba became a member of the Non-Alignment Movement and started taking several measures in order to change its economic situation, as a result of which U.S. increased the trade restrictions on Cuba (called U.S. economic blockade). The U.S. imposed the import-export restrictions on Cuba by banning the import of sugar and export of oil, on which the entire Cuban economy depended. After Fidel Castro started the Cuban Revolution, many Cubans flew to the United States. Later in 1961, United States trained, and equipped the Cuban refugees as the Guerrilla force and made them to attack Fidel Castro. The attack however proved to be ineffective and failed to destroy him.

This was known as the Bay of Pigs. The CIA wanted this incident of failure to be kept as a secret but a radio station soon broadcasted the whole scenario, describing every details of the incident. Earlier, many of the Cuban properties were on the name of Americans. Every time Cuba nationalized the property, US increased the trade restrictions of Cuba. As a result of this, Cuba started to initiate its trade relations with the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union agreed to import sugar from Cuba. U.S., devastatingly tried to attack the Cuban leader and kill them. It is believed that in between 1960 to 1965, eight attempts were plotted to kill Castro. The United States, devastated with its failures, installed nuclear missiles in Cuba (Ami, 2001). This lead to Cuban Missile Crisis, as the missile was implanted just 90 miles away from the U.S. This incident showed that none of the two superpowers were ready for the nuclear war. The disaster was avoided when Soviet Union agreed to remove the missile in exchange of U.S.



解决与股东沟通障碍的主要步骤是确定阻碍信息顺利转换的各种障碍。这可以通过公司以透明方式与更多股东进行交流的意愿来分享所有细节,也可以通过股东理解他们的投票权和作为少数股东的限制来解决。股权数量的限制不应该意味着咨询角色的限制,这可以帮助公司在其运营中获得更多利润。这可以通过建立一个有意义的股东参与平台来实现,该平台可以公正地审查公司事务,否则公司董事和管理层可能会低报或错误地管理公司资本和储备[财政部,提交17,p。 4]。



The primary step in addressing the communication hurdle with shareholders is to identify various barriers which restrict a smooth transformation of information. This can be solved by the willingness of the company to engage with more shareholders in a transparent manner sharing all details, and also by the shareholders by understanding their right to vote and their limitations of being minority shareholders. Limitations in the number of shareholding should not mean a limitation in the advisory role which could help the company to become more profitable in its operations. This could happen by having a meaningful shareholder engagement platform which could examine the company affairs in a just way, failing which there is a potential chance of the company directors and management underreporting or mismanaging the company capital and reserves[ Treasury, Submission 17, p.4 ].

There should be a mechanism of communication in addition to the AGM seeing the rapid growth of companies who periodically requires taking major decisions. This can aid some weak link between their engagement and help in creating a harmonising relationship. There must be a detailed as well as informal briefings with institutional and retail shareholders in addition to the AGM, which can make the retail shareholders aware about their and the institutional shareholders role in the company’s conduct. This will improve the management’s responsibility and the shareholders will know the management’s adherence to the rightful use of their powers. This ultimately has the potential of improving the corporate governance standards. The company could improve certain information flows with improving disclosure methods and make to more simple for retail shareholders. Voting is an important mechanism to improve corporate governance and it could work better if proxies are not allowed to vote. This can be done by bringing in simple voting methods where most shareholders can vote, especially the retail shareholders.






The reason for governmental interference is to attain social efficiency and equity. Social benefits are achieved when the marginal benefits from production or consumption are equal to the marginal cost of production or consumption. When there is an external cost, the market will show production and consumption above the socially efficient level. The external benefits will show a reverse effect. An external benefit on public goods is more than private goods. To avoid a free ride by not contributing to the costs, the government has to interfere (Heijman, 2007). The output in monopoly will be below the socially efficient level. This will lead to loss of consumer and producer surplus. Sometimes the response to changes in demand and supply is not adequate.

To introduce corrective measures, the government will interfere. The government puts forth laws to regulate monopoly markets and oligopoly. Hence the consumer is protected. Regulatory bodies are set up to monitor and control unwanted practices. Information provided by the private sector may not be complete so the government interferes to provide information as well as goods and services. Pollution is treated as a free good and is an example for negative externality. There are environmental policies which puts forth the requirement that the full cost of production or consumption is paid by those who produce or consume. For example Health and Safety at Work Act Covers all public and private sector businesses (Heijman, 2007). The disposing of durables such as cars, batteries, and freezers should be as per the directives given by the European Union.






Situation Analysis
In order to provide analytical situation of this organization, it would be important to carry out the analysis of SWOT for the selected organization. This is because the analysis of SWOT helps in understanding the organization strengths, profits and where it lacks along with all places where the company can grow further:
The organization is called as a brand: This implies that the organization is able to make itself recognized in the outside market. It will be easy for Sainsbury to enter the market of China when recognition as a brand is concerned because the organization is well known in China through advertisements or other sources of media.

The strategy of marketing used with effectiveness: Just as all companies, the organization of Sainsbury is also able to apply the strategy of marketing in the best possible way. The company has followed the same for many years and this is the reason why the store is admired by most of the customers (Davidow & Uttal, 2010). The same is the perception of Chinese customers which has been illustrated through conduction of surveys.
Policy of human resources: The Company works in accordance to provide all the employees with same number of opportunities without being unfair to any of the employees. The use of such a policy will make more and more people in China to join the company because of such an effective policy that treats its employees above.
The Location of all the stores is convenient. A similar location will be looked by the organization while establishing itself in the country of China. This location will also be such that the customers of China are able to come conveniently and shop in their favorite store of Sainsbury.



在合同签署之前,不要期望任何事情是最终的。 (Hendon 1996)



Business Negotiation
Business negotiations take time in Russia. Russians are short tempered and may threaten to terminate proceedings. They don’t like making hasty decisions.
Russians like technical details, so while negotiating, make sure you are aware of all technical aspects.
Hierarchy plays an important role in negotiation. The most senior person would have a final say. Rank, age, position are important factors.(Fey, Denison 2003)
Russians do not believe in compromise. They take compromise as a sign of weakness and believe only in win-lose situation. So, be ready for concessions during negotiation.
Make sure that you are not under pressure of any time deadline. Russians may use this as a weapon during negotiation
Don’t expect anything to be final until a contract is signed. (Hendon 1996)

In Russia, businessmen are mostly formally and conservatively dressed
Always wear subtle and subdued colours. Bright colours and funky prints may give an indication that you are not serious.
Men should wear suit along with tie. Women should wear suit or skirt that covers the knee.
Russia is a lucrative destination for business and investment. But it’s not easy to do business in Russia for the reasons of being lack of reforms and widespread corruption (See Appendix 3). There are many aspects like corporate culture, communication style, meetings, teamwork, dress code, gender roles etc. That is quite in contrast to culture of UK or American companies. Russia has not been able to break away from the values that were instilled during Soviet era. They still work on autocratic management style that is totally opposite to UK’s team management style where BOD’s (Board of Directors) are the decision makers. Thus, it is imperative to have a clear understanding of how Russians do business by deeply studying their business culture and business etiquettes. A detailed understanding of these areas would make any organization taste success on Russian soil.