




In this paper my goal is to discuss the different scenarios which led to the popularity of superhero movies and how people accepted this new and unique style of movies and discuss how these movies have left an everlasting imprint on the American film industry. Superhero movies were introduced around during the 30s where we saw the first flicks of a guy fighting villains in order to establish peace in the society. However, soon after the release of the first superhero film we saw an increase in the number of these films produced during that time. An interesting thing to note is that, in this course of time many comics made it to the big screen and different characters were casted in the movies based on the comics. These movies were greatly appreciated and readily accepted by comic enthusiasts and other fans and became trending. Batman, Superman and Spiderman are all just examples of this massive change in the film industry. However, their journey was not over yet and we could see different sequels of these movies. Besides, all this fame and popularity these movies have other relation with the American film industry and they owe a fair deal to the industry. These movies have bought huge amounts of revenues in the Box Office and the number of viewers can be seen multiplying.

If we look at the history of superhero movies, we can see that these movies have a long story, probably as old as the early as the 40s. The movies were basically derived from their comic book versions and they were quiet appreciated by the people. Superhero movies were a great source of enjoyment and leisure for people at that time.








问题 (iii)



According to Tucker (2012, p.404), a circular flow of income model shows the flow of money, resources and products between businesses and households. One half of the figure shows product markets and the other factor markets. In product markets, the firms sell their goods and services to households in exchange for money and in factor markets, the businesses demand resources, capital, labour, and other factors needed to manufacture their goods and services. In the product markets, the demand and supply models determine the prices and quantities of goods in exchange. In the factor market, the same models determine the returns to the demanded factors. Thus goods and service flow in one direction and the related payments flow in the other in the figure of circular flow (Tucker, 2012, p.405).

Problem (i)

When the Australian government purchases US military aircraft, it is a net withdrawal. The government, in general, raises funds, for its expenditure (military and all others) from the economy, in the form of taxes, tariffs, etc. So to purchase the military aircraft and strengthen defense, the Australian government would have collected taxes from the Australian households, but will not have given anything in exchange. The Australian businesses have not obtained any injection, but it is the US aircraft business, that has an inflow of income in this case. So this is a net withdrawal.

Problem (ii)

When the government’s expenditure is increased, it can be assumed that it is in favour to the Australian households. The government has in turn, funded this expenditure through tax revenues and borrowings from the general public. So it is neither a withdrawal nor an injection.

Problem (iii)

When the government’s expenditure is increased, it is in favour to the Australian households. The government has in turn, funded this expenditure through tax revenues and printing more money. The government has printed money to do something in favour of the Australian households. The households are benefited without any payment. So it is a net injection.





Huck Learns什么:





Episode Two: Huck’s Great Escape (Chapters 5-7)

“Call this a govment! why, just look at it and see what it’s like. Here’s the law a-standing ready to take a man’s son away from him— a man’s own son, which he has had all the trouble and all the anxiety and all the expense of raising. Yes, just as that man has got that son raised at last, and ready to go to work and begin to do suthin’ for him and give him a rest, the law up and goes for him. And they call that govment! That ain’t all, nuther.”

The significance of this quote lies in the context. Pap was anti-government, and did not approve of civilized people and their mannerisms. Yet, it is quite apparent that his comments are baseless, his musings unjust.

What Huck Learns:

Huck enters the episode as he confronts his Pap and exits by escaping him by faking his own death and canoeing through the Mississippi River. His practical nature aids him once again to be quick on his feet and plan an escape through the river. Through the time he spends with Pap, Huck learns to rely only on himself and no one else.

Satirical Message:

Dark humor resides in the fact that a father is willing to hinder his son’s progress. The court succeeds in hampering Huck’s education as it places Huck yet again in his father’s care. The satire is directed not only towards Pap’s thoughts and his actions, but also against the justice system which fails to recognize that Huck’s best interests lie away from his father.



现场是安德森Cooper 360展示室设置。安德森·库珀和两位律师约翰·兰德奎斯特(Frederick Schwartz)和弗雷德·普里兹克(Fred Pritzker)将为新一届更严格的法律争辩和反对。这项法律将在自愿误杀中提供处罚 – 当有人明知地装运掺假产品和非自愿误杀时 – 当产品受到温度侵害时,病原体会增长到感染水平,或者产品在超市的熟食店的切片机上受到污染

Anderson Cooper:我们可以假定每个人都知道美国花生公司(PCA)的爆发和违反食品安全,导致人们死亡和中毒。但是对于那些不了解的人来说,我们有Fred Pritzker,他曾与联邦机构合作,并亲自代表一名9岁的雪莉·阿尔默(Shirley Almer)的家属,他死于掺假。那么弗雷德呢,这个案子发生了什么事情,那里从哪里去呢?

Fred Pritzker:2008年和2009年这是一个特别敏感的案例。疫情导致大约350家食品加工公司关闭,这些公司从PCA授权中提取了该产品。近714人感染和受影响,9人死亡,包括我的客户Shirley Almer。从这种情况来看,我们能够提出第三方审核工作,以获得FDA的认证,病原体的任何积极结果都必须强制向FDA报告,并提高掺假产品的溯源性。

Anderson Cooper:那么在这种情况下做了什么,我的意思是在PCA案中工作时你能发现什么联系。

弗雷德·普利兹克(Fred Pritzker):当我们正在调查这件事时,还有更多有关的关切。爱荷华州的蛋类设施受到严格审查,因为那里有类似的沙门氏菌疫情。


The scene is the Anderson Cooper 360 show room setting. Here Anderson Cooper and two lawyers John W. Lundquist and Fred Pritzker will be arguing for and against the case for a newer stricter law. This law will provide for penalty in voluntary manslaughter-when someone knowingly ships adulterated product and involuntary manslaughter-when product gets temperature abused so a pathogen grows to infective levels or a product get contaminated on the slicing machine in the deli of a supermarket

Anderson Cooper: We can assume that everyone is aware of the Peanut Corporation of America (PCA) outbreaks and breach of food safety that led to people dying and getting poisoned. But for those watching who are not aware of it, we have here Fred Pritzker who worked the case with the Federal Agencies and also personally represented the family of a 9 year old Shirley Almer who died of the adulteration. So Fred, what was it that happened with the case, where did it go from there?

Fred Pritzker: Well this was a particularly sensitive case during 2008 and 2009. The outbreak resulted in the closure of around 350 of the food processing companies who brought the paste from PCA authorization. Nearly 714 people were infected and affected and 9 deaths including that of my client Shirley Almer. From the case, we were able to propose for third party audit work to be certified by the FDA, any positive result of pathogens must be mandatorily reported to the FDA and to improve the traceability of an adulterated product to its source.

Anderson Cooper: So what was done after this case, I mean were there any linkages that you were able to uncover when working in the PCA case.

Fred Pritzker: There were many more related concerns that came up to our notice when we were investigating the case. An Iowa based egg facility came under scrutiny as there was a similar Salmonella outbreak there.





History of bridges can be traced back from the prehistoric time. In the beginning of the project bamboo and wood were used and iron was used. Some ancient bridges are made up of crude stepping stones. Conversely modern bridges are more safe and stable as they are usually developed with steels and reinforce concrete. After getting the basic understanding about the material and knowledge of bridges the next step was to look into the paintings. Traditional Chinese paintings and contemporary western paintings were observed for the theme as a next step. Some research was also conducted on famous bridges of the world. Traditional arts like poems and paintings were used to develop the theme so it can be aligned with the cultural aspects. Next attraction for the theme was about the idea of a romantic bridge. People kiss on the top of the bridge and make it a symbol of their love, these stories pass on and people make these bridges as love bridges. two love movies about the bridges were found that are Waterloo Bridge(1940) and The Bridges of Madison County(1995).The former which recounts the story of a dancer and an army captain and they meet by chance on the Waterloo Bridge during the time of war. Honestly, it broke my heart just a bit to see the innocent ballerina transform into a women torn by guilt and the realities of the war. The word bridge means dangerous or death according to a famous Chinese virtual legend. They claim that after people dead, people need to go through a virtual bridge. Good guy will go to the paradise and will survive. Bad guys will go to the hell because they are unable to cross the bridge. The meaning of bridge is different in many aspects; sometimes it is connecting people, sometimes it makes love connections and for some people it will be present on the doomsday. Nowadays people intend to drop into the river to put an end to their’ lives although it’s quite unwise and irrational and it is not difficult to find out people walking on the edge of the bridge for giving their live.

















仿生学的过程也有助于世界的医疗和医药行业的发展。模仿大自然的某些过程,使人类能够开发出某些疾病的新药,准备更好的医学原理,并创造出更好的方法将药物注入人类。抗生素是负责拯救人类从大量流行的产品创造了从仿生学中的真菌。各种危险致命疾病的疫苗的生产是通过仿生学做的过程。rDNA技术使医疗专业人员将一批需要胰岛素或激素人类由于仿生学的涉及细菌的过程(Ghahremani,2012,pp. 255-61)。

仿生学的过程也让人类创造一个健康和疾病的更好的治疗原则。一个这样的实验程序是人类免疫病毒用来控制白血病可能是由于仿生学的过程。另一个贡献,仿生学的过程中对医疗机构的顺势疗法的治疗过程。这种治疗过程中,在人体疾病的症状加重的过程中抵消,从而使人体自然抵抗疾病的危险的原因(沃斯泰德,2012,pp. 189-99)。

仿生学是用来创造更好的和更提供的药物对人体无任何反应或危险的先进方法。纳米颗粒用于通过避免肝脏循环的途径输送某些药物。这使得医疗专业人员有纳米颗粒的药物输送到人体。另一个进步,在医疗保健行业,由于对仿生学的过程使用趋化药。这个程序允许在人身权利的行动,从而允许更快的医学结果的药物递送(Smith,2007,pp. 52-55)。


The process of biomimicry also helps the development of the healthcare and medicine sector in the world. The process of mimicking certain processes of Mother Nature allows the mankind to develop new medicines for a certain number of diseases, prepare better medicinal principles and create better ways to inject the medicines into humans. The productions of antibiotics which are responsible for saving the mankind from a huge number of epidemics were created from the process of biomimicry on the fungi. The production of vaccines for various deadly and dangerous diseases was done through the process of biomimicry. The rDNA technology allows the medical professionals to inject a number of required insulin or hormones into humans as a result of the process of biomimicry involving bacteria (Ghahremani, 2012, pp. 255-61).

The process of biomimicry also allows the mankind to create better treatment principles for a number of health conditions and diseases. One of such experimental procedure is the use of the human immuno virus to control leukaemia which is possible due to the process of biomimicry. Another contribution of the process of biomimicry to the healthcare sector is the treatment procedure of homeopathy. In this treatment procedure, the diseases in the human body are countered by the process of aggravating the symptoms, which in turn allows the human body to naturally fight off the dangerous causes of the diseases (Volstad, 2012, pp. 189-99).

Biomimicry is also used to create better and more advanced way to deliver the drugs to the human bodies without any reaction or danger. Nano-particles are used to deliver certain drugs through a route avoiding the hepatic circulation. This allows the medical professionals to have the nano-particles to deliver the drugs into the human body. Another advancement in the healthcare sector due to the usage of the process of biomimicry is the chemotactic drug delivery. This procedure allows the delivery of the drugs in the human body right to the place of action which in turn allows faster results of the medicine (Smith, 2007, pp. 52-55).

英国林肯大学论文代写 :设计哲学

英国林肯大学论文代写 :设计哲学

此外,这种特别皱的质量也称为物质铸造阴影,而阴影是属于光的。作为结论,可以说光是制造材料的责任,材料的目的是集中在投射阴影上。他将影子紧紧为了唤起敬畏和神秘的沉默[保罗,K.,农药,M.,2006,Louis Kahn是在哪里出生的?(爱沙尼亚语)。该ekspress。]。正如卡恩所说,黑暗导致了不可见的不确定性,与潜在的危险有关,它也激发了更深的神秘。建筑师的责任是唤起阴影、光线等元素的静默、戏剧或秘密,创造艺术的庇护所或阴影的宝库。因此,通过开口的串行行走,在沙克反映黑暗寂静的修道院院在门廊。黑暗的阴影洞和线条,从精确的方式定义的模具,提供了一个准确的纹理在巨大的墙壁上。灰色的水泥墙和白色的石头似乎呈现出一个三维度的单调的画布,与阴影一起演奏。阴影似乎正在变成一个重要的元素,揭示这个具体的形式和安排有关的整体体积卡恩[刘易斯,J. 1996。来源:路易斯·卡恩的游记。剑桥和伦敦:麻省理工学院出版社。尽管Kahn成功地在巴基斯坦和印度等暴露在极端阳光下的地区展示了一些建筑。没有的建筑被设计为从太阳保护用户,而是为阴影[ voolen,E.,2006相关的神圣的保护,犹太文化和艺术。Prestel。138页。爱沙尼亚出生的建筑师卡恩(1901 – 1974),1906随家人移居费城。他是一个非人工遮荫像brise soleils信徒。根据卡恩的说法,印度管理学院是建立在外部属于光,人们在内部工作和生活的方式。为避免被保护免受太阳,Kahn提出的理念来打造深拱保护酷影的发明。

英国林肯大学论文代写 :设计哲学

In addition, this particularly crumpled mass also known as the material casting shadow, and shadow is a belonging of light. As a point of conclusion, it can be stated that light is responsible for making material and the purpose of material is to be focused on casting a shadow. He linked the mystery of shadow closely in order to evoke awe and silence[ Paulus, K., Pesti, M., 2006, Where was Louis Kahn born?, (in Estonian). Eesti Ekspress.]. As per Kahn, as darkness results in evoking the uncertainty of no visibility, related to potential danger, it also results in inspiring deeper mystery. It is the responsibility of the architect for evoking silence, drama or secrecy with the elements of shadow and light, for the creation of a Sanctuary of Art or a treasury of shadows. Thus, walking by the serial of openings, over the portico at the institute of Salk that reflects the silence of darkness as a cloister. Dark shadow holes and lines, from the molds defined in a precise manner, offering an accurate texture over the huge walls. The grey concrete walls and the white stone seems to be presenting a monotone canvas of three dimension for playing with the shadows. Shade seems to be turning into an important element for revealing this specific form and arrangement related to the monolithic volumes of Kahn[ Lewis, J. 1996. Drawn From The Source: The Travel Sketches of Louis I. Kahn. Cambridge and London: MIT Press.]. Even although Kahn had been successful in presenting a number of building within regions that are in exposure to extreme levels of sunlight, like Pakistan and India. None of the buildings had been designed for the protection of users from the sun, but instead for the protection of sanctity related to the shadow[ Voolen, E., 2006, Jewish art and culture. Prestel. p. 138. The Estonian-born architect Kahn (1901–1974), who immigrated with his family to Philadelphia in 1906]. He was a non- believer of artificial shade like the brise soleils. According to Kahn, the Indian Institute of Management is built in a manner that the outside belongs to light, and people working and living in the inside. For avoiding being protected from the sun, Kahn made an invention of the idea to build deep intrados protecting the cool shadow.



这个主题是基于观察和焦点小组。据观察记录的参与者,一个23岁的女学生步行约十五分钟步行进入商店购买食品和饮料项目。在焦点小组讨论中,学生们发现在校园里或校园附近有地方吃更方便,这样他们可以节省时间和精力。焦点小组的一位学生说:“在我去听讲座的路上,我顺便去了乐购,因为它在去大学的路上.”。在一个研究中发现,轻松方便是主要任务(Tom Deliens,2014)和学生抓住这些物品可以被迅速。
一些人认为,这是在家里吃便宜的焦点组分之间的相反。对于大多数的参与者的价格是一个重要的考虑因素选择食物,他们有没有时间,也愿意支付更高的价格的高品质食品为一体的学生说,“我愿意支付好价格如果质量真的很好”。根据研究生100%的关注价格而采购项目(Bela Florenthal,2011)。另一种看法是,学生缺少食物很好的部分,如果他们支付高价格,作为学生,“如果太贵的讨论,和部分的大小真的很小,我不想要它。因此,它必须平衡,如部分大小和价格。”
在一个研究吃大学生检查行为和他们分析,学生必然会付出更多考虑价格时,必须自己购买食品(Tom Deliens,2014)也认为,食品成本价格更健康。


This theme is based on observation and focus group. According to observation record the participant, a 23 year old female student took round about fifteen minutes by walk to get access to the shop to purchase food and beverage items. In focus group discussion it is evaluated that students find it more convenient to have some place to eat in the campus or near the campus so that they can save their time as well as energy. One of the student in focus group stated that “On my way to the lecture, I drop by the Tesco because it’s on the way to University”. In one of the research it was found that easiness and convenience is main priority (Tom Deliens, 2014) and students grab those items that can be warmed quickly.
Price theme is based on observation, focus group and interview. During the observation it is explored that usually students go for special offers. An interview participant was of the view that price hardly matters as he said “I will also consider price, but it’s not really matters”
On the contrary among focus group partakers some were of the view that it’s cheaper to have food at home. For most of the participants price was an important consideration while selecting food items either they have time or not and also willing to pay higher price for quality food as one of the student said, “I’m willing to pay good price if the quality is really good “.According to the research students pay 100% attention to price while purchasing items (Bela Florenthal, 2011).Another observation was that students want good portion of food if they are paying high price, as student described in discussion that “if it’s too expensive, and the portion size is really small, I wouldn’t want it. So, it has to be balanced like portion size and the price.”
In one of the research eating behaviour of university students examined and they analysed that students inevitably pay more consideration to price when they have to purchase their own food (Tom Deliens, 2014) and also believed that healthy food cost more price.





Focusing on being replaced with US for being the second largest economy across the globe by the year 2020, China has been providing a lucrative background context to the investors for putting their resources and investing within a universal scenario. This is in the case where there is high level of unpredictability within the economic market of a number of nations such as the US and Europe. As it is one of the largest nations with a huge geographical and political platform to almost 1.3 billion populations by offering some of the most appropriate avenues at a price that is highly competitive. This is in the case of infrastructure, resources or labor. Therefore, it becomes highly critical and highly important for the companies from the global industry to reconsider their operations and policies for entering the market of China in a successful manner.
However, in contradiction to this statement, the economic market of China has not been representing a picture or view of unity as it is still highly complex, and in nature it is non-hierarchical with respect to the facts of provincial economy more in its position than a centralized and uniform forum. In addition to this, the policies formulated and regulated by the government have the tendency of wearing an increased monopolistic and nationalistic tone of voice. However, the fact cannot be denied that as China has been included in the WTO since the year 2001, there has been a certain level of relaxation within the policies of trade and has been allowing larger degree of flexibility that has allowed the global players for roping within their capital for a partnership with long term profitability.
Certain pitfalls have been identified in consideration with the failed marketing strategy of the companies trying to enter the market of China. One of the major pitfalls is related to the low level of cost for global sourcing. This is an issue that drives a large number of companies for establishing lower level of costs involved in operations of manufacturing. However, if the development of strategy is done on the basis of cost only, companies end up facing a risk related to a strong upswing in the currency of China that is Yuan.