


日常生活方面展现出现代主义,特别是零售和消费主义。现代化是由自我驱动的,通过实现的愿望,消费不再仅仅局限于购买必要的商品,而是满足个人,创造出“自我”的感觉。即使拥有适度收入的人也渴望外国品牌,创造出一种大众化特征的奢侈消费形式。一个很好的例子是美国品牌Loui​​s Vitton,超级富豪组织渴望从品牌中获得一个袋子,大量丰富的人口是快乐定居的T恤。消费主义社会创造了“团结一致”,无休止的追求使排斥受到饥饿群众的关注。 (Leslie D,1980)
当代艺术社团位于墨尔本和悉尼,艺术与工艺协会,“愤怒的企鹅诗人”,其中包括Arthur Boyd,Sidney Nolan,Max Harris,John Parceval,Joy Hester等人。 1919年,澳大利亚艺术家罗伊·德·梅特雷(Roy de Maitre)在第一次世界大战中创造和发展了色彩音乐理论。它以绘画的形式表现,后来通过室内设计。 (语言与人力资源,1998)

Aspects of day to day life exhibited modernism especially in retails and consumerism. Modernization being driven by the self, by the desire to achieve, consumption no longer was just confined to buying necessary commodities but satisfying the individual and creating a sense of the “Self”. Even people with modest incomes aspired for foreign brands, creating a form of luxury consumption characteristic of the bulk population. A fine example is the American brand Louis Vitton, where the super rich group aspired for a bag from the brand, the bulk rich population was happy settling for a T-shirt. The consumerist society created “massclusivity”, an endless quest to bring exclusivity to attention starved masses. (Leslie D, 1980)
Media as a vehicle to promote modernist ideas
Post modernist media has played an influential role in spreading the modernist culture across the length and breadth of the country. Fashion was not just restricted to brands and couture but also went print with fashion magazines becoming a trend in Australia. City life became synonymous to fashion, leisure night life and the excitement was created by the magazines and television advertisements which showcased life in all new light. In a society driven by image of the self and status, the new trends caught like wild fire, being spread with the post modernist tools of media.
Art: Australia’s acceptance to modernism is a complex story of spasmodic cultural transformation lead by creative exchanges among artists, art designers and architects, criss-crossing among architecture, photography, fine arts, sculpture and other aesthetic elements.
Contemporary art societies are located in Melbourne and Sydney, The Art and Crafts Society, Angry Penguin Poets, which includes the likes of Arthur Boyd, Sidney Nolan, Max Harris, John Parceval, Joy Hester and others. In 1919, Australian artist Roy de Maitre created and developed the colour music theory in response to the World War 1. It was expressed in forms of painting and later on through interior designing. (Linguistic and Human Resources, 1998)