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The goal of this study is analyze how the purchase intention in the smartphone market in China is affected by these brand experience variables and also how ‘trust’ as a variable plays a mediating role in the purchase process. Many different enquiries into the brand trust have been conducted so far from different disciplines such as psychology, economics and sociology into the conceptualization of trust, with each developing its own perspective and definition of trust according to its field of interest. That said there is a common ground where these differences converge, being the importance and effect of trust in the founded relations (Delgado-Ballester and Munuera-Aleman, 2001). Accordingly, in most trust related studies, it is stressed that trust is a necessity for the establishment and maintainability of a long-term and healthy relationship (Delgado-Ballester and Munuera-Aleman, 2005). The researchers indicate that customers’ knowledge does not affect the purchase intentions directly; rather, it merely has an effect on the perception towards the product. The perceived value created though the emotional links, in the contrast, has a more significant role in the purchase decision making. For instance, in the study on the impact of the package cues on the perception of the premium quality of the premium private label products, the results indicate that the visuals impression on the package and the information provided on the package influence customers’ judgment on the quality of the coffee products. A customer tends to trust a brand with efficient packaging and design. The indicators of higher quality of a product include the package size, package attractiveness, packaging material as well as the uniqueness of the package design. Marketing research studies also point out the role of the messages on the package received by a potential purchaser in the final purchase decision. Through various emotional links the perceived value is created between the customers and the products.
Napoli et al (2014) studies the relationship between perceived value and purchase intention with a focus on the celebrity endorser as the moderating variable. The results indicate a significant relationship between the perceived value and the celebrity endorsement is relevant to the relationship between the perceived value and the purchase intentions whereas it is found that the interaction between the perceived value and the celebrity endorser does not directly give rise to the purchase intention. Some more dimensions have also been studied in different researches that affect the purchase intention such as enjoyment value, character competency value, and visual authority value, monetary value. Many researchers have proved that the perceived value dimensions such as social value, emotional value and functional value etc. affect the purchase intentions of products. Similarly, Fournier (1999) claimed that the relationship between the brand and consumers is no different to any other relationship, and such relationship affects whether the consumers purchase that product or not. It is also stated that the concept of trust has different connotations in the final consumer and industrial markets. The research purpose is to identify whether trust affects consumers’ purchase decisions in the smart phone market in China. In this research, consumers would be interviewed directly on what roles they perceive trust plays in helping them form their decisions in purchasing smart phones.

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