美国论文代写 健康饮食



There are number of youngster who considers these models and actors as their role models. Most of these models have skinny looks and hence almost every kid in his teenage wants to be slim and trim. For this they are ready to diet and decides not eat much. Recently there was an article in The Journal of American Medical Association with the title “Absurd fear of fat”. According to this article it is not necessary that every overweighed man is unhealthy. In fact the research says that the morality risk in those who come under over weight is less than the skinny people. Now this does not mean that everyone should start gaining weight in order to live more, but yes those who blindly follow their role models just to become skinny should read this article and understand that to be healthy it is not urgent to look like a skeleton


美国论文代写 公司所得税



The corporation helps avoid this sole liability disadvantage as now there is not owner but a corporation that owns the business. Here the assts pooled for the corporation are the assets that a creditor can claim. When the corporation is in debt the personal assets of the shareholders and the directors cannot be claimed by the creditor for recovery of the credit extended to the corporation. Also personal liability is avoided to a certain extent when one of the people-the director or a shareholder is involved in fraudulent activities. While there are advantages to being a corporation there are also disadvantages, namely a corporation will have to pay double taxation. The corporation will file an income tax and the earnings divided to the shareholders will result in one more income tax that the shareholders will have to pay






This paper discusses about GlaxoSmithKline experiences in high costs of product quality issues that include analysis of all ethical issues and code of conduct. It is helpful to describe that GSK has some ethical lapses which are created highly impact on the product quality and how these ethical lapses developed negative impact of the poor product quality in the customer’s mind. Along with this, this report is also helpful to understand the causes of GSK’s management to fail in preventing ethical issues. On the other hand, it provides an analysis of GSK’s code of conduct which is related with recent bribery and misconduct allegations of the China. It also suggests different types of factors that GSK can do to prevent future reputational damage and ethical dilemmas.

In this case study analysis, the evaluation of ethical lapses is considered that it may have impact on the product quality of GlaxoSmithKline, which is a pharmaceutical drug company in China. In the study, it describes each cause, which had effectively negative impact on the drug products quality that includes all safety and ethical issues. Along with this, it explains all reasons of GSK’s leadership to fail in preventing ethical issues related to integrity failures. On the other hand, this study also provides analysis of GSK’s bribery and misconduct allegations, and recommends for preventing all future ethical dilemmas and reputational damage (Johnson, 2005).

美国论文代写 母亲与社会



Motherhood has been seen as an exclusive experience closeted within the culture and socio-economic setting of an individual. When the media intervenes these very experiences are collectively put up as an open forum for all to air their views and give their sentiments about any situation based on their experiences of the past as well as their own motherhood. Media has made the sharing of common experiences a boon to the women who earlier had felt totally excluded and have been unable to come to decisions on their own lest they somehow endanger the future of their offspring. Thus, media has been a double edged sword for the motherhood while at one time fostering all kinds of myths and mysticisms onto the skills of being a mother but on the other hand it has lifted the veil of the secrecy of dealing with everyday problems of raising a single or a number of children of varying ages

美国论文代写 培训



Everyone has attended trainings in their lives and most of them perceive it as boring and rather unproductive in nature. Trainings fail or rather do not produce expected results because the departments and stakeholders involved do not follow the process or each step religiously to make it successful. They are not aware what a successful training program requires and any short term arrangement will not deliver the expected results. However, if the steps are clearly identified, potential problems are worked out in advance and if all the stakeholders involved have a say on the proceedings, there is a very high probability that the training program will provide the expected results














美国动画片叙事性强,人物性格鲜明,音乐优美动听,注重细节刻画,利用3D影像软件增加了华丽炫目的画面效果。动画行业的这些特点在动画设计专业课程上有明显的反映。根据课程的侧重点,美国动画专业可以分成两类,一类比较重视动画艺术,比如导演拍摄,音效以及人物塑造和场景设计等等。 另外一类就是动画特效,比如3D技术。

打算学习动画技术的同学,可以选择卡耐基梅隆大学、SVA、AAU、SCAD,有很多机会接触到当今动画公司里运用的制作技术和流程。 比如SVA(School of Visual Arts)视觉艺术学院的动画是computer art 项目里边的一个方向,课程重点在于3D和数字特效。Pratt Institute 的Digital Animation也是比较重视3D特效制作的。












