

这药的名字,Tono Bungay也代表了小说描绘的很科幻的基础,社会中的人更喜欢按照标题。不论什么样的Tono Bungay却暗示或意味着什么,很明显是通过小说这种药物是不健康的人,它会造成长期的危害。科学的发展,从观点到赚钱只会导致整个社会的角度消失,反过来又改变社会的展望(威尔斯19)。小说中另一个科幻元素在于提倡在小说其中H.G. Wells放射性元素试图描述的伤害,这一发现从长远来看会导致。作者通过乔治不断提醒读者,药物(Tono Bungay)会破坏健康的个体。这个企业大亨,从这个角度看是支付了大量通过世界非理性及其验收(威尔斯19)。然而随着时间的推移,爱德华叔叔开始期待自然,他和他的妻子现在的上流社会成员越梦想骑士继续统治他们通过非法毒品。一种新的文化身份是由Uncle Edward和他认为自己是一个艺术为基础的靠山。然而,在小说中,作者已经改变了几个关键。这些不同的键添加到推测的真实性质和观点,小说不断添加到读者的角度来看。笔者一直试图延长他的音调和世界展示新时代画报在远野邦吉是过去世界的一个小的改进。这描绘了未来科幻小说为基础的现实。


The name of the medicine, Tono-Bungay also represents the title of the novel depicting the very science fiction basis that people in the society do prefer to follow. Disregarding what Tono-Bungay actually implies or what it means, it becomes evident through the novel that the drug is not healthy for people and it will cause them long term based harm. The development of science from perspectives to earn money only results in fading the entire society’s perspective and in turn changing the outlook of the society (Wells 19). Another scientific fiction element in the novel lies in advocating the radioactivity element in the novel wherein H.G. Wells has tried to describe the harm that this discovery in the long run will cause. The author through George also consistently reminds the reader that the drug (Tono-Bungay) will destroy health of individuals. This corporate mogul, from this perspective is paid large amount through world irrationality and acceptance of the same (Wells 19). Uncle Edward however with time starts expecting naturally that he and his wife are now higher members of the high class society and dreaming of knighthood continue to reign through their illegal drugs. A new cultural identity is taken up by Uncle Edward and he considers himself an art based patron. Throughout the novel however several keys have been changed by the author. These various keys have added to speculate the real nature and perspective that the novel is consistently adding to the reader’s perspective. The author consistently tried to elongate his pitch and show the world that the new age illustrated in Tono-Bungay is a slighter improvement over the previous world. This depicts futuristic science fiction based reality.
Wells throughout his novel in a consistent manner tries to underscore the ambivalent feelings of George on the Blades-over vanishing traditions. Even though the authors and the characters have rejected properly the entrenched prejudice of class, there still exists something there which can admire the nobility of ancient times. It does not make much sense to imagine that finances are what make a person highly valuable in the society and if he does not have much then their does not exist much respect for him in the society.



E. Howard Hunt是前中央情报局特工,以及他是一个律师蠕变送达处罚33个月参与了水门事件打破了他的伙伴,是被法院Burglary,阴谋和窃听。他们以同样的罪名订人G. Gordon Liddy前联邦调查局特工服役4.5年;James McCord是一名前中央情报局特工,也是蠕变担任两个月的安全主任(rudalevige,2005)。他们都打破了“以任何形式,将在官方职责政府雇员具有约束力,没有个性化的性行为不应该遵守承诺,没有个性化的承诺可能对公共责任的结合。”
Jeb Magruder副主任担任了七个月的蠕变发现阴谋阻碍司法公正罪。首席检察官和蠕变John Mitchell主任担任处罚19个月,因为他也被判为妨碍司法。他们违反了“任何人不逃避的规则,法律和法律形成的法律,以维护宪法的美国和政府”。Carl Bernstein和Bob Woodward都是华盛顿邮报的调查记者和犯有非法采集信息从白宫高管(摩根,1992)。他们违反了“诊断的方式,可以执行的任务,以高效,有效的方式和具有成本效益的形式。”
马克·费尔特,前联邦调查局官员和“Deep Throat”是有罪的机密信息传输到两份报告,违反白宫的规则,甚至行为准则,以遵循白宫的官员。马克作为一个公务员“不得有用信息来他秘密而履行政府职责作出私人利润”。Charles Colson在白宫为总统的特别顾问担任了七个月的监禁被判犯有妨碍司法公正。John Dean亦因妨碍司法而被判有罪四个月。他们违反了行为准则,“最高的道德原则是所有公民的忠诚高于一切,高于忠诚的国家尤其是政府官员,当局和部门”。


E. Howard Hunt was a former CIA agent as well as he was also a counsel to CREEP served punishment for 33 months as was involved in Watergate break-up with his partners and was booked by court for Burglary, conspiracy and wiretapping. The others who were booked for the same charges were G. Gordon Liddy a former FBI agent served for 4.5 years; James McCord was a former CIA Agent and was also the Security Director for CREEP served for two months (Rudalevige, 2005). They all broke the conduct of “making no promises of personalized nature in any form that will be binding upon the official duties as government employees should not be abided with no personalized promises which may be binding on their public duty.”
Jeb Magruder Deputy Director of CREEP served for seven months as was found guilty for conspiring for obstruction in justice. Attorney General and Director of CREEP John Mitchell served punishment for 19 months as he was also convicted for obstruction of justice. They violated the principle of “no evasion by any individual of the rules, laws and regulations formed legally for upholding the Constitution of United States and the governments”. Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward both were Washington Post Investigator reporters and were guilty of illegally gathering of information from the White House Executive (Morgan, 1992). They violated the code of “diagnosing the ways in which the tasks can be performed in an efficient and effective manner and in a cost-effective form.”
Mark Felt a former FBI official and a ‘Deep Throat’ was guilty of transmitting the confidential information to the two reports and violating the rules of White House and even the code of conduct to be followed by the officials of White House. Mark being a government servant “must not have used information that came to him confidentially while performing government duties for making private profits”. Charles Colson was a special counsel for the President in White House served seven months imprisonment as was found guilty of obstruction of justice. John Dean was also found guilty of obstructed justice and served for four months. They violated the code of conduct that “the highest moral principle for all the citizens was loyalty above everything and above loyalty country comes especially for government officials, authorities and department”.










波普艺术运动在英国和19603在USA.长期的波普艺术是第一次在小组讨论中使用ICA世纪50年代开始,一批艺术家对艺术与生活,在当时的正统伦敦(Livingstone,1990)。一个小团体的艺术家理查德·汉密尔顿,Eduardo Paolozzi和Lawrence Alloway谁叫他们组独立组(IG)创造了这个词。波普艺术文化在20世纪60年代传入美国,吸引了大众、大众、媒体明星。波普艺术艺术家在他们的艺术中运用了鲜明的色彩,并从好莱坞电影、漫画书、广告、流行音乐等方面得到了灵感。这样做的主要目的是为了减少所谓的“高”艺术和“低文化”之间的差距。第二次世界大战的结束,乐观主义的兴起和青年文化的增长。所有这些都催生了波普艺术。罗伊·利希滕斯坦,安迪·沃霍尔,James Rosenquist和克拉斯奥尔登堡被一些杰出的艺术家与美国波普艺术运动的流行文化相关的是巨大的鼓舞,资本主义。波普艺术艺术家使用流行的对象,如媒体和广告为他们的作品。波普艺术感兴趣的消费对象,这是公认的普通人。第二次世界大战后,消费主义、电视和电脑的使用率的提高导致了波普艺术的发展。波普艺术,而不是在精英阶层的独资,是为群众,它主张一切(世俗奢侈品)可以拥有的每个人。波普艺术运动的信念受到了资本主义的启发,它允许每个人按照自己的意愿生活,有自己的观察,给每个人过上好生活的机会。


Pop art is movement which started in 1950s in Britain and in 19603 in USA. The term pop art was first time used in a group discussion at ICA, London by a group of artists who were against the orthodoxies prevailing at that time in the art and life (Livingstone, 1990). A small group of artists Richard Hamilton, Eduardo Paolozzi and Lawrence Alloway who called their group Independent Group (IG) coined this term. Pop art culture spread to USA in 1960s and drew ideas from common as well as popular objects and media stars. Pop art artists used bright colours in their art and drew inspirations from Hollywood movies, comic books, advertising, pop music etc. The main aim of the pop artists by making such paintings was to dilute the gap between the so called “high” art and ‘low culture”.  The end of World War II saw a rise in the sense of optimism as well as a growth of youth culture. All these gave birth to pop art. Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist and Claes Oldenburg were some of the prominent artists who were associated with pop culture in USA.  Pop Art movement was hugely inspired by capitalism. Pop Art artists used popular objects like media and advertisements for their works.  Pop art had interest in consumer objects which were recognizable by common people.  A boost in consumerism, television and enhanced use of computers post World War II led to growth in Pop art. Pop art instead of being under sole proprietorship of elite class was meant for masses and it advocated everything (worldly luxuries) can be owned by everyone. This belief of Pop Art movement was inspired by capitalism which allowed everyone to live their life according to their wishes and have their own observations and gave everyone opportunities to live a good life.






Astroboy was created in 1951, as part of the growing manga comic popularity after the Second World War and a year after the Korean War. Astroboy unlike other robots that are controlled by someone else is seen to have its own individual sense of right and wrong. The political landscape of Japan required people to think independently (Tanaka). Similarly the concept of self-sacrifice and death/rebirth that Astroboy goes through are also based eastern traditions. It was also a time in Japan when economically the country was down and people wanted entertainment that was easier to afford. Comics such as Astroboy fit into this niche. On the other hand, the work of Maternité [II] by Gauguin was painted during his exile period. The artist left his homeland France for Tahiti in 1891 and this picture was painted after years spent in Tahiti, when he was missing his family. The characters in the painting are in fact his Polynesian mistress, Pahura and the couple’s son born in the year 1899 (Sotheby’s).
Stylistic characteristics/ Similarities and Differences
Manga characteristics are used in Astroboy; in fact the popularity of anime in Japan is often attributed to Tezuka. However there are some differences in normal manga representation of the same period and the anime work of Tezuka. In manga stories the good guys are usually Japanese, however Astroboy is not tethered to ethnicity or nationality (Tanaka). There are usually immoral adults and children, but no other difference is made. The style characteristics employed in Astroboy is colorfully vivid and with captions. Special effects are seen to be added into the picture such that the viewer could look at the picture from different angles. Unlike comics of the same time where characters were seen in one angle, here the author enables the reader to pan across the page, tracing Astroboy’s flight movements.



斯万德森等人(2014)在他们的研究中探讨理疗干预的患者接受骨科手术中的作用。斯万德森等人(2014)研究性学习评价如何理疗锻炼与医疗相结合降低术后残疾的关节镜下肩峰下减压。有人指出,与职业医疗援助混合个性化的物理治疗制度被认为是更有效的。作者称这种肩干预项目SIP(斯万德森et al,2014)。它提出了一个模型,在手术肩关节病人的康复。本研究报告是重要的因为它强调减少术后障碍理疗干预的需要。
福斯特等人(2014)在这项研究中认为,物理治疗LED运动是更有效的老年人患有骨关节炎。患者坚持正常的个性化运动计划被认为是少。在这方面,福斯特等(2014)进行了试点研究,在初级保健与约500名成人。45岁或以上的参与者被分配到三个随机对照试验。主要结果为1)疼痛感到个人和2)的功能,作者希望建立基于物理疗法的干预措施,将解决他们。此外,理疗为基础的干预措施将增加患者的依从性。事实上,它可能会减少一些病人的手术需要。turkiewicz,et al.。(2014)分析骨性关节炎需要解决的危险因素。斯科讷医疗登记,瑞典被作者用来收集在斯科讷地区居民,45岁或以上的数据。这些患者的数据收集的膝关节,髋关节,手,或其他部位的骨关节炎的某种形式。这是根据自己2034年的样本数据估计,至少有一个额外的26 000人每100万人有45以上会咨询治疗骨关节炎的疼痛相关的保健医生(turkiewicz,et al,2014)。在这样一个背景下的物理治疗师的干预对降低手术护理的意义(Foster等人,2014)将不仅是健康有效的,这将是成本有效的。


Svendson et al (2014) in their research discuss the effects of physiotherapeutic interventions in the context of patients who underwent orthopaedic surgery. Svendson et al (2014) research study evaluated for how physiotherapy exercises combined with medical care reduced postoperative disabilities for arthroscopic subacromial decompression. It was noted that an individualized physiotherapy regime mixed with occupational medical assistance was seen to be more effective. The authors call this the Shoulder Intervention Project SIP (Svendson et al, 2014). It presents a model for rehabilitation in the case of surgical shoulder patients. This research is significant for the report because it highlights the need for physiotherapeutic intervention in reducing post operative disabilities.
Foster et al (2014) in this research argue that physiotherapy led exercise is more effective for older adults that have osteoarthritis. Patient adherence to normal individualized exercise programs was seen to be less. In this context Foster et al (2014) conducted a pilot study with around 500 adults in primary care. Participants that were 45 years or older were assigned to three randomized control trials. With primary outcomes being 1) pain felt by the individual and 2) the functionality, the authors hope to establish that physiotherapy based interventions will solve them. In addition physiotherapy based interventions will increase adherence for patients. In fact it might reduce the need for surgery for some patients. Turkiewicz, et al. (2014) has analysed the need to address risk factors in the case of osteoarthritis. The Skane Healthcare Register, Sweden was used by the authors to collect data on Skane region residents that were 45 years or older. Each of these patient data collected had some form of osteoarthritis of the knee, hip, hand, or other locations. It was estimated according to their sample data for the year 2034, that at least an additional 26 000 individuals per 1 million population who are above 45 would have consulted a physician for osteoarthritis pain related care (Turkiewicz, et al, 2014). In such a context the significance of physiotherapist interventions in reducing surgical care (Foster et al, 2014) would not only be health effective, it will be cost effective also.





The second research question gets into further depth to get knowledge about the motivating factors that will make the managers to get over the internet and share information. It is about the reason because of which the managers and the marketing team communicate with each other. The need may an expectation from the managers that has not been fulfilled or the feedback about the marketing strategies taken by the marketing managers and not yielding the results effectively or the fact that things can be done to improve the marketing coordination even further. (Wolfinbarger, 2001)
The research questions developed in this regard are very focused and targeted to ensure that the required information gets extracted from the interviews. The first research question for instance is targeted to fill the gap that exists in the literature review in relation to the ways through which ISM can help the business facility to improve their marketing activity. The purpose of the research question is to be targeted and focused so that it can answer the problem that arises within the research and to give direction to the research. (Rowley, 1996)
The information about the reason that pushes knowledge helps in answering two knowledge gaps that existed within the literature review. The first is the expectation of the managers from the head office and the second is the motivating factors that keep the people connected with each other and to share information related to the marketing activities. The research question is quite clear about throwing light over the need of using internet or intranet within the business facility to ensure effective marketing. (Ahn, 2005)
Another purpose of the research question is the fact that it clears out the information that you need to complete your research and to find out recommendations related to the research paper. The research question is quite limited and will not reveal lots of information about the research. The recommendations extracted from it will help to a great deal in detailing the research conducted. The research will have detail information about the reasons that can facilitate the use of internet over the international mall. The pros of this research question are the fact that it will clear out the information related to necessaries that makes the managers and the internet marketers to connect over the internet. The recommendations extracted out of these questions will help in implementation as strategy in different malls to motivate employees and managers to use internet to ensure that their marketing knowledge is shared. The information will help in putting stress over the need of the internet in marketing activities. (Strauss, 1990)










Assuming the fact that universe is shaped like a pie and it is going to be sliced up in different kinds of tasty parts consistent to what part is what. The majority part of the pie would be regarded to the dark energy which consists of 68% (the force which is responsible for the acceleration in the expansion of the Universe). The mysterious matter which interacts only through gravity and surrounds galaxies is the dark matter which consists of 27%. The regular normal matter which includes planets, stars, dust, gas and humans consist of only 5%.
It is because of the fact that the dark matter doesn’t interact in any possible way with the regular matter that the name is given. There have been no instances where the dark matter has collided with the regular matter or it has absorbed any kind of energy from the same. With any of the instruments available with the mankind it is not possible for one to see or detect the dark matter. It is just because of the fact that we could see the impact of its gravity that we could possibly say that dark matter does exist. Hence, the same question arises that if we can’t detect the dark matter neither do the mankind know anything about it then how is possible to confirm the fact that it does actually exist (Zeldovich 1989). There is very much likelihood that it might not be present at all. When one has no idea as to what it actually is then how do one knows the existence of the dark matter.
But, it has been said in various studies that the dark matter is present. It was in the 1930s that the dark matter was first theorized by Fritz Zwicky to account for the movement of the galaxy clusters. However, it was by Vera Rubin in the 1960s and 1970s that made the modern calculations regarding the same. It was found out that by her calculations that as compared to the world, the galaxies were spinning more quickly.





ability to function effectively as an individual and in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams, with the capacity to be a leader or manager as well as an effective team member;
The placement taught me that I could work with multidisciplinary teams effectively. This is something I never had experience in, before, and I was frankly worried about the same. However I was able to meet the demands of the MDTs very well. In terms of multi-cultural working, the University already provides a similar working structure, so I did not see much difference here. However leadership in the context of team work is something that was new for me, and I was able to assume leadership for a very short time for a project documental task and I believe that experience enriched me.
understanding of the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities of the professional engineer, and the need for sustainable development
In theoretical standards, the Civil engineer learns cultural, global and environmental responsibilities. In the industry placement I did not comes into direct application of the social, global and environmental responsibilities. However as part of the placement experience, interns were given a CSR booklet and a manual on the civil engineers responsibilities when working with the company. This was very insightful in presenting real time implications that a civil engineer has to understand when it comes to sustainable development.
understanding of the principles of sustainable design and development
Sustainable development practices of the company included some key notes on how the engineers employed must ensure that at all times during development they have to be aware of the sustainability related issues in the workplace. These issues might be because of inadequate storage, or it could be because of more than estimated usage of materials because planning was in sufficient. Wastage related issues were also addressed as part of sustainable design and development. The key links to Governmental practices when it comes to sustainability was also presented to the engineers at the workplace.