

自成立以来,视频游戏已经知道使用不同形式的字体(BLAUVELT &拉普敦,2011)。排版可以用来玩游戏本身。此外,他们可以以一种或另一种方式增强经验。因此,排版总是有一些可以比较的游戏;它是什么,有很多内容可以被夸大,因为印刷术(布林赫斯特,1999)。游戏的一个这样的例子是Alan Wake,在游戏的最后阶段,有一个主要角色在周围寻找不同的游戏,然后当有一个击中,因为手电筒,字击中电话杆。另一个例子是活版印刷可以用来处理不同的任务目标,这些目标可以投射到墙壁上,因为这是毫无疑问的。Max Payne 3时代最受欢迎的游戏之一是由某种对话组成,它可以在屏幕上出现单词,以便把重点放在人物的特定点的基础上。


Since its inception, video games have been known to use different forms of typography (Blauvelt & Lupton, 2011). The typography can be used for the purpose of game play itself. Also, they can enhance the experience in one or the other manner. Thus, typography has always been something which can be compared to games; it is something in which there is a lot of content which can be exaggerated because of typography (Bringhurst, 1999). One such example of the game is Alan Wake, in the end stage of which there is the main character that looks around for different games and then when there is a hit because of the flashlight, the word hits the telephone pole. Another example where the typography can be used for the purpose of handling different mission objectives which can be projected on the walls due to which there can be no question. One of the most popular games of all times, Max Payne 3 consists of a certain dialogue which can have the words which appear on the screen in order to put the emphasis on the basis of the particular point of the character.
There are a large number of games which teach about the typography. One of the typography includes the online test which can be used for the purpose of testing the skills related for identification. Similar to typeface, typography has its own uniqueness and its distinct features (Hochuli, 1987). One can be forgiven for the thoughts which are related to the clones. Thus there are a large number of distinguishing features related to typography similar to games.



阿多诺和霍克海默的灵感来源于卡尔·马克思的历史唯物主义理论,他将历史定义为唯物主义的参数。它指出,社会的本质很大程度上取决于其制度所产生的技术进步和物质生产力。它直接与资本主义生产方式意味着市场渠道化的商品,获取剩余产值的拥有类资本积累的名义,生产资料由所有权私有化,其他程序开发在工业革命在西欧,然后蔓延到全球的各个部分(Foley &《,2008)。他们也受到了黑格尔的辩证唯心主义的影响。格奥尔格·威廉·弗里德里希·黑格尔的绝对唯心主义强调了一种主体的思想和它思想的客体之间一模一样的关系。它试图建立一个人的环境意识,以便正确地认识周围世界的意义。这两种理论都没有将孤立事件形象化,而是将它们视为相关情况的链,它们将产生相关的未来环境。另一个显著的影响是马克斯·韦伯的工具性推理和Georg Lukacs的意识概念的具体化。



 Adorno and Horkheimer had been inspired by the theory of Historical materialism by Karl Marx, which defined history in terms of its materialistic parameters. It states that the nature of the society vastly depends upon the technological advancements and material productivity churned out by its system. It is directly linked with the capitalistic mode of production which signifies market-based channelization of commodities, capturing of the surplus production value by the owning class in the name of accumulation of capital, the means of production governed by privatized ownership, and other procedures developing during the Industrial Revolution in Western Europe and then spreading to all parts of the globe (Foley & Duménil, 2008). They were also influenced by Hegel’s dialectical idealism. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s Absolute idealism emphasized the sense of identical relationship between the thought of a subject and the object of its thought. It attempts to establish consciousness of one’s ambience in order to properly discern the meaning of the world around it. Both of these theories did not visualize events in isolation but perceived them as chains of linked situations that will beget relevant future circumstances. The other notable influences were instrumental reasoning by Max Weber and the reification of consciousness concept by Georg Lukacs.
In works like ‘Negative Dialectics’ and ‘Dialectic of Enlightenment’ Adorno and Horkheimer created the notion that political implications exist in the formulation of mass culture and entertainment. This theory denotes that the continual support of the masses is required in interest of the market and every form of modern entertainment is in fact a node of the network termed in unity as culture industry. The main objective of culture industry is to keep the public engrossed in it for the industry’s own benefit and enhancement. The theory puts under the scanner the products of entertainment manufactured by capitalistic societies and views them with critical perceptions.