

经济因素:由于任何国家的经济变化,利率和汇率都会受到影响。此外,索尼应该意识到其经营的国家的各种经济政策,以便相应地调整利润和销售。汇率的任何变动都会影响到公司在国际市场上的运作。所有的市场都不一样。不同的地理区域有不同的经济条件。因此,公司应该对进入的市场进行适当的分析。在不同的市场,不同的汇率,索尼已制定的价格(伯松,皮特,普兰杰尔和夏皮罗,2012,pp. 261-271。)。


Political factors: Company like Sony which operates in multiple countries is severely exposed to the varied political conditions in the countries in which it operates. The government has the power to make new policies or to append the old policies and hence the Sony should always work in line with the current policies so that the working is smooth. There may be times when a particular country might be struggling with recession or credit crunch. Hence in such conditions also, Sony should make policies which would help it to stay ahead of its competitors. Since Sony operates in various countries, any changes in the international market have the potential to affect the company’s business.
Economical Factors: Due to any economical changes in any of the country, the interest rates and the exchange rates would get affected. Also Sony should be aware of the various economic policies of the country in which it operates so that the profits and the sales can be adjusted accordingly. Any changes in the exchange rates would affect the working of the company since it operates in an international market. All markets are not the same. Different geographies have different economical conditions. Thus the company should do proper analysis of the market in which it is entering. With different exchange rates in different markets, Sony has to work out on the prices (Berthon, Pitt, Plangger & Shapiro, 2012, pp. 261-271.).
Social factors: The Company is doing great on the social front. Sony has gained lot of positive reputations regarding the products it manufactures. It operates in numerous international markets but each market has a positive reputation of the products sold by the company. Sony should cater separately to different age groups so that people with different style and trends also get attracted towards the products offered by Sony. It is a known fact that people from all income levels cannot enjoy Sony products as they are on a bit higher side. However the prices are not so high that it cannot be afforded.



Simon Kuznet想出了“美国1954大经济协会”的一个大胆的总统的演说,提出了收入分配的“运动定律”。本课题主要是自发的人由于缺乏数据。根据美国、英国和德国两个国家的数据,提出了理论。Kuznet对他的理论的结果很有信心,根据,随着经济的发展,市场的力量增加在第一阶段后减少经济上的不平等。


Simon Kuznet came up with a bold presidential address for “American Economic Association” in 1954, which proposed the “law of motion” for the distribution of income. The topic chosen is largely unstudied by others due to lack of data. Theory was presented on the basis of data present for the USA, UK and two states in Germany. Kuznet was very confident about the outcome of his theory according to which as the economy develops, market forces increase in the first phase and then decrease the economic inequality.
If we see the representation of Kuznet’s curve in the graphical form the curve comes out to be very smooth and symmetrical. Empirically observed curves are neither smooth nor symmetrical. Kuznets curve implies that when a nation is going under the process of industrialization (majorly the mechanization of agriculture) the center of economy is going to shift to cities. This behavior can typically be observed in developing economies where investment opportunities for those who are already rich, multiplies and huge influx of cheap labor into the cities are going to hold down the wages. As Kuznets curve mainly talk about the mechanization of agriculture, the influx into the cities will be of farmers in search of better paying jobs. At this stage the rural and urban inequality gap is at its peak. In this situation owner is going to get the maximum benefits, rate of increase in income will be marginal for labors and in case of farmers turned labors incomes are going to get decreased.
With decrease in rural population and increase in urban population the inequality is going to get decreased with the process of increase in per capita income, industrialization, democratization and welfare state coming into picture. Although the variables on both the axes of Kuznets curve are mixed and matched by social economists, it is an inverted U curve with “inequality” on the Y axis and “per capita income” on the x axis。