

小说“老无所依”是基于三个人的,Anton Chigurh, Ed Tom Bell 和 Llewellyn Moss。这个故事围绕着莫斯发现的一个装有200万美元的手提箱,并且在整个小说中与它一起运行。这个故事的事件发生在美国和墨西哥边境的地区,是以非法毒品交易的后果为基础的。小说的标题是从叶乙的“游历拜占庭”(1962)的诗歌中被采用的。另外,这部小说还有电影改编,Coen兄弟Joel和Ethan Coen于2007年发行。
我们遇到了卢埃林的妻子卡拉·让·莫斯和埃德·汤姆·贝尔的妻子洛蕾塔·贝尔。根据Ryan P. Doom的说法,除了向丈夫提供支持之外,两位女性在小说中扮演的角色并不重要,重要的是要注意,两个女人都不影响小说中的男人的故事情节或决定。在整个小说中,两个女人的角色被看作是对丈夫的恭维和照顾,并且很难理解这两个男人所面临的无情暴力。不知怎的,这些女人却无缘自言自语。
在小说中,两位妻子都被指出是对丈夫的关心和爱护。换句话说,角色是描绘对男人的原始吸引力和忠诚度。有趣的是,随着故事的进展,Carla Jean的性格不仅与她的丈夫不相容,而且也与Anton Chigurh的性格有关。


The novel “No Country for Old Men” is based on three characters; Anton Chigurh, Ed Tom Bell and Llewellyn Moss. The story revolves around Moss’s discovery of a suitcase containing 2 million dollars and his run with it throughout the novel. The events of the story occur in the districts of the United States-Mexico Border and are based on consequences of an illegal drug deal. The novel’s title was adopted from Yeat’s poem “Sailing to Byzantium” (1962). Additionally, the novel has a movie adaption that was released in 2007 by the Coen brothers, Joel and Ethan Coen.
Along with the three characters, we come across Llewellyn’s wife, Carla Jean Moss and Ed Tom Bell’s wife, Loretta Bell. According to Ryan P. Doom, the two women do not play any significant role in the novel other than providing support to their husbands; it is important to note that neither of the two women influences the storyline or the decisions made by the men in the novel. The characters of both the women were seen to be complimenting and caring for the husbands throughout the novel and miserably failing to comprehend the remorseless violence that the two men face. Somehow, the women came across as having no right to voice themselves.
In the novel, both the wives are noted to be caring and affectionate towards their husbands. In other words, there role was to portray primeval attraction and loyalty towards the men. Interestingly, as the story progresses, the character of Carla Jean evolves as woman who not only is at odds with her husband but also the character of Anton Chigurh.










The Ethos in the passage could be: “The effect of Technology on children is complicated, with both benefits and costs”, “Whether Technology hurts or helps your children depends on depends on the kind of technology that has been used and its frequency of usage”.

The pathos used in the article are: “Book Reading is like a scuba diving in which the driver is submerged in a quiet, slow paced and visually restricted”, “Using internet is like jet skiing in which there is reader is exposed to a lot of information and he has to focus on a few.

The Logos used in the passage could be like: studies have shown that reading of the text on uninterrupted basis would result in faster, better and complete understanding and learning of the text or the information that is being read.

All the Rhetorical Tools have been used in the passage. The writer has compared his concept with that of the usage of the metaphors and the similes. The above mentioned are the details on the Ethos, Pathos and Logos that have been utilized.


Through the subject and the reading of the material over it, it could be really be stressed out that the way in which children used to think in the past has completely changed its way in the recent present. All this could be attributed to the development and advancement of the Technology. Children today are aware of all the subjects and topics. This is due to the only reason that they are getting the vast pool of the information and data on the various subjects and topics. This is through their access over the television, internet and various other technological tools and sources. Above all there is no security on the kind of information and data that is to be revealed or not. Children have access to each and every topic. It may prove to be detrimental in future as whatever they would read would try to implement or experiment on which may not be correct for certain ideas. Therefore in the nutshell it could be easily stressed out that Technology has been fruitful in the way that there has been a great source and means of accessing the information. On the same time this information is so diverse and has no limitation that finding out the correct one that could be beneficial is difficult for the children. They cannot differentiate on useful and irrelevant data, facts and information (Dentan & Edo, 2008).







Lu Xun was a multitalented writer and used traditional and modern Chinese conventions for writing his work. He has been called as Commander of social revolution in China because he voiced against many issues of the society through his writings. His famous and first story “A mad mans diary” become famous from the start and this story gave him a literary splash in the literary world. This story was based in the traditions of Chinese culture and these traditions were compared by the Metaphor to Cannibalism. His story “Divorce” was about the killings of the students and how political intervention was required in that area. The work of Lu Xun is about the commentary of the societal perspectives and how his stories gave voice to the social issues. He mastered in Irony and this can be explained in his famous stories like “My old home” and “A little Incident” (Davies, 34).

Discussion with class readings and content

Lu Xun gave an expression to the societal issues and old Chinese traditions. He has been criticized by many people who follow and value Chinese traditions but still his work can be complemented. This work can be linked with the work and discussions of the class with the cultural aspects. All cultures are different and colorful along with norms and traditions present among them. Asian culture is totally different with the culture of Europe. In most of writings and creative works it can be noted that criticisms over the issues has been presented by Asian contributor’s more than European contributors. This is the reason why Asian poets and writers have been prominent all this time through their creative contributions. Freedom of expression was not present before but it was the bravery of the writers that worked on serious issues of the society. These issues are still present their intensity have changed but the roots are still present in the society.



互联网上的审查是由政府出于各种原因进行的,其主要目的是防止用户访问特定的网站和共享数据。此外,审查结果限制了互联网用户基于特定信息的访问,也限制了发布或看到的内容。它还可以作为各种骚乱和基于选举的选举的回应,因为因特网可以方便地访问事件。然而,谷歌是一个搜索组织,它在一个简化的域中访问信息和全球化的世界特性,以便用户能够达到并获得他们想要获得的任何信息,以提高他们的识字技能和属性。据谷歌的女发言人Christine Chen说,在谷歌方面似乎没有什么问题。即使在最大的宣传,对中国国会党喜欢呆在记者不被允许保密和前几天完全屏蔽谷歌,限制强加严格的政府从书籍更换气球禁止因为他们在抗议时携带信息的能力。互联网的速度放缓而公民在中国被讽刺在线会议进一步恶化,这意味着政府要避免人们讨论或发现什么新的东西。谷歌与中国的关系一直非常紧张。在2010年度,有几个严重的黑客攻击明显来自中国谷歌。作为回应,在中国的搜索引擎中文被谷歌和它开始改变人们的搜索引擎香港。


Censorship over Internet is done by governments for various reasons with the main goal being prevention of users from accessing specific sites and sharing data. Furthermore censorship results in restricting Internet users from specific information based access and also for controlling what is published or seen. It can further be used as a response for various riots and voting based elections as the internet allows easy access to events. However Google is one search organization that has made access of information and globalized world based characteristics in a simplified domain allowing users to reach and attain whatever information they want to obtain for enhancing their literacy skills and attributes. According to spokeswoman of Google, Christine Chen, there did not seem anything wrong at Google’s side. Even after the greatest fanfare, the congress party of China prefers to stay in secrecy with even reporters not being allowed and in the preceding days of fully shielding Google, restrictions were imposed strictly by the government ranging from books replacement to balloons banning because they have the ability of carrying messages in the time of protest. Slowing the speed of Internet while citizens in China were satirizing online meetings further made things to worsen implying that the government wants to refrain the people from discussing or discovering anything new. The relationship of Google with China has been particularly strained. In the year 2010, there were several serious hacking attacks evident in Google that came from China. As a response, the Chinese language from the search engine in China was removed by Google and it started redirecting people to search engine of Hong Kong.






Other concepts of human resource includes the organization of the employee management process and they focus on the designing of the job requirement, the attributes required for the position, development of the skills and knowledge of the individual after joining, and manage the possession of knowledge and its use in the right manner that benefits the organisation as a whole (Gilmore and Williams, 2009). This concept is still in use in many organisations and it fits the definition in an appropriate manner. If the attributes of the individual being required and the attributes of the position which is to be filled are not known, there cannot be a synergy between the two and it halts the process of accurate progress. Boxall, Purcell and Wright (2007) add a theory of three major subfields of HRM, which are micro, strategic, and international. The micro HRM policy is concerned with the function of managing individuals and small groups, and the organization of systems and supporting employees’ concerns. Strategic HRM policy is concerned with the intentional approach of employee management and assessing their performance and its impact on pre-defined results. The international HRM policy is concerned with the operations of businesses across national boundaries and in simplifying the complexity that arise due to operating in a different environment. These three subcategories of HRM identifies with the organisations adaptation in different environments and situations. In situation where the organisation is facing stiff competition and is in the midst of a financial crisis, the best thing it can do is to manage the current employee performance and manage them according to the requirements and constraints. In circumstances where the organisation is facing a task of escalating its business and opting to capture a higher market share, it needs to adopt a strategic HRM function, because for achieving a specific goal the extent and type of action required will be different and the employees will have to change their work ethics to achieve the strategic goal.






在目前情况下的问题是,Ajaz已经发布了他的宝马卖车广告。在看到杂志中的bruddersfield车商的广告,维姬打电话给AJAX并愿意支付10500的车。然而Ajaz表示,他不愿意接受任何低于11000为他的汽车是在完美的条件。在这次谈话中,维姬说她想多考虑一下这个提议。同时,维姬也给了她的电话号码和地址,AJAX的情况下,他改变了主意,就准备把车卖了10500。三天之后,维姬对他说,她准备购买汽车11000 AJAX的电话留言机。然而,Ajaz的姐姐意外删除的消息从电话答录机。在这一时期,Ajaz还写了一封信给维姬,他说他从没有听说过维姬,他把汽车卖给其他人。需要在目前的情况下决定的问题,如果有维姬和AJAX之间的合同有效。



The issue in the present case is that Ajaz had issued an advertisement for selling his BMW car. After seeing the advertisement in the magazine Bruddersfield Car Trader, Vicky made a telephone call to Ajaz and offered to pay 10,500 for the car. However Ajaz stated that he is not willing to take in anything less than 11,000 as his car was in immaculate condition. During this conversation, Vicky told that she wants to think over the offer for some more time. At the same time, Vicky also gave her telephone number and address to Ajaz in case he changed his mind and became ready to sell the car for 10,500. After three days, Vicky left a message on the answering machine of Ajaz in which he stated that she was ready to purchase the car for 11,000. However, Ajaz’s sister accidentally erased the message from the answering machine. During this time, Ajaz also wrote a letter to Vicky in which he stated that as he had not heard from Vicky, he had sold the car to some other person. The issue that needs to be decided in the present case is if there is a valid contract between Vicky and Ajaz.

Issues in the Present Case: In order to create a valid contract, it has to be established that the offer made by one party and has been accepted by the other party. At the same time, there should also be consideration and intention to create legal relations should also be present (McKendrick, 2003). In the present case, it can be assumed that the intention to create legal relations was present between Vicky and Ajaz and at the same time, consideration was also present. However, the real question is if there was an offer and if the offer was accepted by the other party so that it can be said that a valid contract has been created between Vicky and Ajaz.


美国印地安那大学论文代写: 通信设备

美国印地安那大学论文代写: 通信设备



美国印地安那大学论文代写: 通信设备

The above two case studies shows the effects of the communication devices those are the examples of the latest technology and use by the consumers in their limited time. They also becomes the best friendly equipment in helping people in finding their solutions such as mobile phones, smart phones, Personal computers in the form of Tablet etc. These latest technologies leave the great impact on the young generation because they are one who access them very often and plays an important role in finding out their importance. Latest and updated technology in the form of Mobile Phones effects the youth of South Africa (Massey & Doreen, 1993). These technologies are useful for the users anywhere in any of the geographic area within the limited time either on the voice or video/media connectivity.

The user can connect with the world anywhere while travelling, sitting somewhere. In South Africa, among young generation the rate of popularity of mobile phone get noticed approximately around 78%. All latest communication devices are easy in handling; functioning and getting connect with the others. The case study reveals that age group in between 18 to 30 years users are mostly impact by the mobile phones. The research is trying to find out the reason of popularity of mobile phones among this generation that what are the factors or their desires in running after this technology device. The device can use for both the work and the leisure time simultaneously. It leaves the great impact on the lifestyle of the user and shows the positive impact on the psychology of the one (Shin, 2007).