




It is an immense challenge to drive a value-driven business. A characteristic bottom-of-pyramid consumer would live in a remote village, in a small hut with no running water and electricity. The family would be generally illiterate and would be vulnerable to diseases and natural disaster. For a business to fight poverty, the common strategies that are being used are (Prahalad, 2005):
a)Hiring of local entrepreneurs who wants to drive a change on the ground level. Local entrepreneurs can adapt fast to the nuances of the native markets and can strive for success earnestly.
b)Businesses have to work towards building a movement instead of market share. They have to be dedicated to the cause of serving poor and forego profits. People should be the motivator and not money.
c)Competitions are actively welcomed. It indicates that more people are trying to deal with the problem. Price, at times, can also become a weapon to measure the impact. Since the BOP market is huge, selling at very low price points can also be profitable due to the economies of scale involved.
d)The business has to be motivated with a mission and not money. If a business has to succeed in a BOP market, it would need a mission instead of a sales plan and profit motive. Businesses that are there just for money would not be able to last long.
e)The aim of an organization should be to maximize distribution and not profits. The companies can succeed to serve many consumers covering their costs instead of maximizing profits for their sake.

These value driven companies show that mission driven business can help to improve the lives of the globe’s poorest segment. It would be of great value to the society if these companies endeavour to improve the lives of the BOP consumers.



菲律宾Smart Communications公司发现,可用性是向BOP市场提供移动电信服务的最大障碍。虽然知道管理供应链将是非常昂贵和困难的,他们试图想出一个创新的解决方案。他们启动了“无线”支付系统,最大限度地降低了物理分配产品的成本。消费者可以通过电子方式重新加载,即使是在偏远的农村地区,也可以帮助消费者购买空运时间。

全球快速消费品巨头联合利华(Unilever)的Smart公司也认为,国际收支中的消费者将成为公司长期盈利的关键。他们制定了一个分配制度,确保他们的产品到达最远的地区。 HLL经销商使用牛车,自动人力车和独木舟来分销他们的产品


Smart Communications Inc. of Philippines’ found that availability was the biggest hurdle to provide mobile telecom services to the BOP market. Although knowing that managing the supply chain would be very costly and difficult, they tried to come up with an innovative solution.  They started the “over-the-air” payment system which minimized the costs of distributing the product physically. Consumers could electronically reload which helped the customers to buy the air time even in remotest rural areas.
Not only Smart, global FMCG giant, Unilever, too believed that consumers in BOP would be the key to the firm’s long term profitability. They developed a distribution system which ensured that their products would reach the farthest areas. The HLL distributors used bullock carts, auto rickshaws and canoes to distribute their products
Affordability is defined as the extent to which a company’s goods or services are reasonable to the consumers of the BOP market. Since these consumers thrive on daily wages, companies have to deliver products at a price which would enable consumption even to the poorest customers. Two-thirds of the consumers in the lowest income band are extremely sensitive to price. Most of them spend their income on food. Whatever meagre income is left is used to purchase necessities. Unilever developed very low priced small packs for the most important necessities of life. The small packs met the daily needs of the consumers as they had a very low price. Unilever did not concentrate only on sales; they wanted to bring about a change in the system. They thought about how their products can turn into a movement which would have a far reaching impact (Gorman, Werhane & Mead, 2004). They were dedicated to the cause and their motivation was to serve people rather than accumulating profits.



梅赛德斯 – 奔驰是差异化战略的一个主要例子公司致力于为潜在客户提供最优质的服务和产品。梅赛德斯的核心特征是其风格,创新技术和产品安全性,使公司的车辆对于那些承认其价值的人来说是特殊的(Clarke,2005)。奔驰的魅力和品牌因此已经存在了几十年。为了保持产品的优势,梅赛德斯 – 奔驰已经能够成功地进行几次成功的电视广告和营销活动,并帮助公司进一步提升品牌形象。

在特定的市场或部门保持着自己的据点,并且能够成功地实施重点战略而不是“福特”的企业,鲜有例子。当Alan Mullaly于2006年成为福特新任首席执行官时,该公司已经采取了一项重点战略。公司拥有八大品牌,四十大车。公司有太多的供应商依赖,其经营活动因此变得非常复杂。为了简化业务运作,穆拉利已经售出了8个福特品牌中的6个,并且只关注对林肯和福特产品感兴趣的买家(Bayou&De Korvin,2008)。这导致了成本的降低,复杂性的降低以及对产品的更多关注。这也让公司减少了整体业务供应商,并从地区竞争对手转向全球领先。


A prime example of differentiation strategy is Mercedes Benz. The company has dedicated itself to provide the best quality services and products to its potential customers. The core traits of Mercedes have been its style, innovative technology and product safety which have made the company’s vehicles special to those who recognize its value (Clarke, 2005). The appeal and brand name of Mercedes has thus existed for several decades. To maintain its product’s superiority, Mercedes-Benz has been able to successfully indulge itself in several successful television commercials and marketing campaigns which and helped the company to further enhance its brand image.
There are very few shining examples of companies who have maintained their stronghold in a specific market or sector and have been able to successfully implement a focus strategy than “Ford”. When Alan Mullaly became the new CEO of Ford in 2006, the company had adapted a focused strategy. The company had more than 8 major brands and had 40 major vehicles. The company had too many suppliers to rely upon and its operational activities had become highly complicated as a result. To simplify its business operations, Mulally had sold 6 of the 8 Ford brands and focused only on buyers who were interested in Lincoln and Ford products (Bayou & De Korvin, 2008). This resulted in cost reduction, less complexity and more focus on products. It also allowed the company to reduce its overall business suppliers and move from a regional competitor to a global leader.



竞争与合作的差异 – 很明显,不同的人对工作场所有不同的看法和个性。有些员工喜欢竞争,有些则试图与其他员工一起合作。发现员工发现很难与侵略性,姿态,小气和居高临下的员工合作(Joseph,2009)。因此,在这种情况下,新员工可能具有竞争性,从而导致故意的破坏,最终使其他员工处于防御状态。


这些策略中的每一种都采用不同的方法来解决人格冲突,因此个人或当事人使用最有效或相容的策略来解决人格冲突至关重要。当没有任何战略工作时,最好的方法是到达管理层,因为管理层可以有效地将参与方或个人分配到不同的团队或项目(Lewicki 2006)。管理层也可以将这些当事人或者个人转移到不同的部门或者部门,从而免除了相关的合同。


Competitive versus cooperative differences – It is evident that different people have different perceptions and personalities regarding the work place. Some of the employees prefer competing whereas some other attempt to work together and cooperate with other employees. It is found that the employees find it difficult to work with the employees who are aggressive, posturing, petty, and condescending (Joseph 2009). Thus, in the concerned situation, the new employee might have a competitive nature and thus leading to intentional sabotage that eventually puts other employees in a defensive state.
Each of the factors highly adds to the occurrence of personality conflicts, thus leading to certain consequences and negatives impacts on the employees and on the company’s business.


Conclusion and Recommendations
Personality conflicts have been one of the biggest challenges for the company, usually experienced by the new employees. These conflicts are found to diffuse by professionalism, appropriate action, mutual understanding and acceptance. It is evident that no employee or individual can control the he / she reacts to certain condition, thus such conflicts must be addressed and attempted to resolve at earliest stages. The effective resolution of conflicts eventually leads to a more productive and happier work place. However, it is important to note that the engagement in the destructive work relationships and personality conflicts can severely affect the professional career of each of the employees. Thus it becomes much more important that not just the human resources department and managers, but each and every employee work towards mitigating the occurrence of work place conflicts. There are certain steps that could have been followed by the concerned new employee, his / her colleagues, or higher authorities to resolve the identified personality conflict in between the new employee and already existing employees.
Each of these strategies utilize different approach to resolve the personality conflict, thus it is essential that the individuals or parties use the most effective or compatible one to resolve the same. The best approach when none of the strategies work is reaching the management as the management can efficiently assign the engaged parties or individuals to different teams or projects (Lewicki 2006). The management can also transfer these parties or individuals to different departments or divisions, thereby eliminating the associated contract.



培训动机在培训结束后认为“培训是培训”和“工作是工作”的培训动机并没有明确地转移到培训人员身上,这表明培训计划效果不佳(Rouse,2004,pp 323-338)。在学校的沟通渠道将被考虑。卡洛斯在训练中包括向上沟通,但是学员们抱怨上级只懂得下行沟通,如果上级没有将他们作为日常工作的内在组成部分,他们会考虑向上沟通(Henderson,2002)。卡洛斯至少也会为上级设计一天的会议,以便向他们传授向上和侧面交流的概念,或者说开放的交流。训练结束后,卡洛斯没有收到任何关于训练计划的任何反馈意见或评估两个月,这是他的错误,他将不断审查训练计划和转移(克拉克,2002年,第146页-162)。


卡洛斯在得到负责人关于训练计划的负面反馈之后,只和少数参与者进行了交谈,只是他会召集所有与会者的正式会议,并收到他们的反馈意见,以便他能够采取有效措施消除影响因素培训的转移。卡洛斯“也会打电话给家长参加培训,以便他们的问题也能够相应地被听到和纠正(Gegenfurtner,2009)。 2个月后,进行了关于培训计划的审查会议,这是错误的,学校董事会对培训计划的审查是每天进行的,应该是计划的一部分。


The motive of training was not clearly transferred to trainees as they thought ‘training was training’ and ‘work is work’ after the training was complete which showed the ineffectiveness of the training program (Rouse, 2004, pp 323-338). The channels of communication in school would have been considered. Carlos’ in his training included upward communication but the trainees complain that the superiors only understand downward communication, then what was the use of considering upward communication if it is not adopted by superiors as an inherent part in their daily jobs (Henderson,2002). Carlos’ would have designed at least one day session for superiors also so that the concept of upward and sideward communication or say open communication can be taught to them. After the training was over Carlos’ did not took any feedback or review about the training program for 2 months which was a mistake on his part, he would have taken a continuous review of the training program and its transfer (Clarke, 2002, pp 146-162).

Carlos’ after getting a negative feedback about the training program from the superintendent talked to few participants only he would have called a formal meeting for all the participants and took feedback from them so that he could have taken effective measures to remove the factors which are affecting the transfer of training. Carlos’ would have called the parents also to attend the training program so that their problems could also have been heard and rectified accordingly (Gegenfurtner, 2009). A review meeting about the training program was conducted 2 months later which is wrong the review of the training program by the school board would have been taken on daily basis and they should have been the part of the program.



近年来,会计师和首席执行官参与了许多与财务报告有关的丑闻或财务舞弊,这些丑闻或财务舞弊影响了国内和国际市场的道德经营环境。 Adelphia Communications,安然,泰科和世通的二十一世纪初的不道德行为已经影响了该国的经济健康。这些欺诈大多来源于公司不道德的会计惯例。 2001年,安然拥有领先的能源公司之一,在美国历史上最大的企业破产失败,因为高层管理人员使用数千名美国员工的退休账户。在这种情况下,安然公司代表着高额的利润,大约10亿美元的债务欺骗了数十亿股东(Daft,2007)。因此,美国于2002年通过了“萨班斯 – 奥克斯利法案”,通过组织保护投资者和股东免受欺诈性会计行为的侵害。

Adelphia Communications,安然,泰科和世通的丑闻或不道德的行为导致国家的社会经济崩溃。安然,Adelphia Communications,泰科国际和世通等公司都有高级管理人员不道德行为的例子,影响了其他公司对投资者的信任,并对该国的经济和社会产生了影响(Northrup,2006)。美国的这三个实体是美国证券交易委员会,PCAOB和FASB紧密合作,以识别公司中的“举报人”并处理公司欺诈性的刑事案件。
此外,美国政府还建立了上述三个实体和萨班斯 – 奥克斯利法案,以确保公司在报告财务报表时遵守道德规范,遵循国际会计准则,考虑所有利益相关者的利益。


In recent times, accountants and the CEO involves in the many scandals or financial fraud related to financial reporting that impacted on the ethical business environment of the country and international market. Adelphia Communications, Enron, Tyco, and WorldCom unethical behaviour of the early twenty-first century has affected the economic health of the country. Most of these frauds originated from unethical accounting practices by the corporations. In 2001, Enron has one of the leading energy company failed the biggest business bankruptcy in the US history as high level management using the thousands of American employees retirement accounts. In this case, Enron represented inflate profit and around $1 billion debt that had defrauded billions shareholders (Daft, 2007). So the America passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002 to protect the investors and shareholders from the fraudulent accounting practices through organizations.

Adelphia Communications, Enron, Tyco, and WorldCom scandals or unethical behaviour result downfall in a society and economy of the nation. Enron, Adelphia Communications, Tyco International and WorldCom have examples of unethical behaviour by top execs that impacted on the trust of the investors in the other companies and resulted impact on the economy and society of the country (Northrup, 2006). The three entities of the US these are the SEC, the PCAOB and the FASB work closely together to identify “whistle-blowers” in companies and to handle companies’ fraudulent criminal cases.
Furthermore, the US government established three entities that are mentioned above and the introduced Sarbanes-Oxley Act to ensure that the corporations behave ethically during reporting its financial statement and followed the international accounting standards to consider the interest of all stakeholders.