

但是,规划过程不应该是模棱两可的。在这种情况下,SMART模型的轮廓特别相关。 SMART模型确立的目标和五个有关目标的有效目标是:(a)具体; (b)合理; (c)正在采取行动; (d)可衡量的;和(e)时间表。例如,增加收入的目标不能称为SMART。这是因为;这个目标是不可衡量和时间表的。它也应该是可行的和合理的(Yemm,2013)。 SMART的目标是将日历年收入比2015日历年的收入增加8%,逐步实现既定目标并按季度回应管理层。



The consumers’ level of education must be identified by the market research that will indicate the kind of education needed to be imparted and what way to the mainstream consumers (Higgins, 1999).
Critical Discussion
The management issue of expanding the Chatime customer base to the mainstream Australian population from the currently niche segment of Asian population requires immaculate planning. The planning process is explained in this section with research evidences.
However, planning process should not be ambiguous. In this context, the outlines of a SMART model are particularly relevant. SMART model establishes objective and five characteristics related to the effective objectives are: (a) to be specific; (b) being reasonable; (c) is being actionable; (d) being measurable; and (e) being timetabled. For instance, the objective of increasing revenue cannot be termed as SMART. This is because; this objective is not measurable and timetabled. It should be actionable and reasonable too (Yemm, 2013). The SMART objective would be increasing the revenue of the calendar year revenue by 8 percent over the revenue of the calendar year 2015, progressing towards a measured goal and responding to the management quarterly.

The shift of the positioning of Chatime from the niche market player to a mainstream player is not easy, but can be achieved through immaculate planning. Market research is required to understand the requirements related to the mainstream consumer preferences. On the basis of the results of the research, immaculate planning is required be framed and implemented to achieve the objective. SMART planning should be adopted to provide more accountability in the planning process.






As our society is developing at an increasing rate larger files are being created, transmitted and stored electronically. There are two popular kinds of databases and these are object-oriented and object-relational databases. About eighty-eight percent of organizations use relational databases and on the other hand the object oriented databases are acquired by fifty-five percent of the organization for their future plans. The benefits of technology of two kinds of databases must be understood clearly so that decisions can be taken for choosing any one kind of databases for dealing with the real problem of the company.

Technology in object-relational database and in object-oriented database:
Inheritance: The developers are allowed in inheritance for taking the objects having similar attributes and methods and then similarities are abstracted out of them. Then the subclasses are created inherited from a super -class. The instances of the super-class are composed of the instances of the subclasses and the properties of subclass are similar to the properties of the super-class. The inheritances are of various types such as single, multiple, union, mutual exclusion, partial, repeated, and selective inheritance. The single inheritance and multiple inheritances are used by the primary inheritances. Where the inheritance is only one super-class then that is known as single inheritance. On the other hand when the subclass inherits from more than one super-class it is known as multiple inheritance.