




By such a conduct business is degrading itself and its value because, playing with someone emotions will always have its own repercussions. The man in the story is dying to live a free moment but is unable to live because of the endless credit deductions that he has to accept even for breathing fresh air. Such situations are completely business minded and have a motive to take the money out of their customers pocket and deposit it in theirs.

Responsible business is just a word which shows rosy picture because as the competition increases, it is seen that everyone is running towards capturing the customers no matter which way that could be illegitimate also. Business today have forgotten to consider humans in the entire equation of acquiring customers but are only focusing on fulfilling their motives. Individual values and belief systems always have some kind of a religious basis (Abeng, 1997). However, since the business has more power, wealth, and artificial prowess, they ae considered to be superior to individuals and their values are considered no match for the business. Indeed, once entered into such a rut, it is difficult to get out of it and lead a life of higher self-realization which enhances the life of the human. The man in the story gets the point after reading through the letters of his grandfather whose wisdom reminds him about the primary purpose of businesses and how they are to conduct. Humans have certainly forgotten to live in this competitive world where businesses have taught everyone to be better than others and this is now ingrained in all humans from birth. Today’s social setting has forced everyone to think about individual values only limited to a social context and not any broader (Anderson, 1993). It is possible to leave this useless competitive world and be more human by cutting off from it and taking time to reflect on the life and its purpose and sitting besides the tree which is ever tranquil in its conduct.

美国代写essay:梅赛德斯 – 奔驰

美国代写essay:梅赛德斯 – 奔驰


美国代写essay:梅赛德斯 – 奔驰
随着国际环境法规日益复杂,公司必须在保证环境可持续性的同时利用盈利能力(Aeppel,T和Roth,T。1990)。梅赛德斯 – 奔驰在表演时必须处理好几种环境风险,包括:

美国代写essay:梅赛德斯 – 奔驰

Theoretical Perspectives
Observing the company being a major manufacturer of luxury cars, with globally incorporated investment, production and sales, recommends that it is a principal case of a market that acquires the material means to minimize global environmental harms. Provided this credit, two contrasting standpoints materialize (Holweg, M. and Pil, F.K. 2004). The perspective is that the company’s luxury products might be a major supply of environmental risks. Conversely and dominantly, there are constructive examples of the company’s recent initiatives to strike equilibrium between the mandates of productivity in addition to the environmental sustainability.

美国代写essay:梅赛德斯 – 奔驰
Environmental Risks Analyses
Burning of non-renewable resources such fossil fuels is one more critical constraint relating to the ecological exhaustion caused by the luxury cars. Mercedes Benz luxury cars consume either diesel or gasoline ensuing to a great reliance on oil. Based on the previous surveys, road transportation is responsible for 57% of all oil consumption in the China, a figure that is anticipated to rise the upcoming years.
Accompanied by growing intricacy in international environmental regulations, the company has to capitalize on profitability while assuring environmental sustainability (Aeppel, T, and Roth, T. 1990). In performing so Mercedes-Benz must deal with several environmental risks, comprising:
Supply chain risk.
Functioning exposures that bring about the detection of pollution or new conditions associated with releases and spills.
Legacy exposures ensuing from acquisitions, divestitures, plant closings, company restructuring or non-owned disposal locations.
Regulatory exposures globally, comprising shifts in environmental laws entailing responses to a pollution condition.



丰田很容易接受市场上的技术变革,并遵循一项测试组织中所有可用性的新政策。 De Geus(1998)认为,一个拥有比竞争对手更快学习能力的组织可能是该行业唯一的可持续竞争优势,而丰田很清楚这一点,并采取积极的学习技巧付诸实践。关于丰田的一个有趣的事实是,它不是让这个过程看起来是一个阻力和艰难的任务,而是使它看起来非常简单和清晰。这有助于员工采用新的技术变革,如在其制造工厂中使用软件追踪材料移动,测试材料强度,并采用系统广泛采用的技术。



Toyota’s adoption of technology
Toyota was very receptive of technological changes in the market and followed a policy of testing all new introduction of its usability in the organization. De Geus (1998) believes that an organization which is possessing the ability to learn faster than their competitors may be the only sustainable competitive advantage in the industry, and Toyota well knew this and adopted aggressive learning techniques to put into practice. The interesting fact about Toyota was that, instead of making the process look a resistance and uphill task, it made it look very simple and clear. This helped the workforce to adopt new technological changes like using software in their manufacturing plant to track materials movements, testing material strength, and adopting a system wide adoption of technology.

Dyer and Nobeoka (1998) states that Toyota had purposely and successfully developed some multilateral and bilateral knowledge sharing routines with their suppliers which has resulted in a superior inter-organizational network and learning initiative. This has helped employees outperform in specific areas of the division like testing, passing right information to team members and working successfully in a team without conflicts. Behaviour of all employees took a quantum leap because they were also offered better services, job security, substantial training before starting to work, and also providing a safe environment to work for. The behaviours of employees also need to change if the organization readily accepts new technology to come in play. The use of technology by organising video conferencing is another method of remaining close to the global subsidiaries.






One significant issue with respect to development of HR in hospitality industry is to engage the long tenured employees. Employees can be retained for a longer duration if they are developed in an appropriate manner. Challenge is faced in acclimating the employees in the culture of the organization as they should know how things are supposed to be done. This is mostly done by the establishment of strong external and internal relationships that are beneficial for the company (Timo & Davidson, 2005). This confirms their sense of satisfaction amongst the employees as this helps in the personal development of the organization. A number of employers within the industry of hospitality are seen conducting exit interviews. However, it is unfortunate that when exit interviews are conducted, it is mostly too late for taking definitive action and saving the employee for the organization. Thus, the main difficulty is faced in uncovering the main dissatisfied people in the organization.

With the heating up of labour market all across the globe, and the discovery of new job opportunities, retention of valuable employees has started to become an extremely crucial challenge (Bauer, 2004). In the absence of good employees, any organization in the hospitality industry will fail in serving the guests in an effective manner, and thus, generation of profits become extremely difficult. While a number of executives across the industry of hospitality lay emphasis over recruitment and retention, in order to retain human resource in the organization, morale is known to be a major issue. Low level of morale results in having a major impact over the standards of service that can result in tarnishing the reputation and goodwill of the organization in hospitality industry and eventually results in eroding the business. There can be a number of variations in the reasons behind low morale as per business to business, a number of top offenders are known to lack training, skills, staff members, stress as well as limited rewards (Bauer, 2004).






The inventory is defined as the collection of the resources maintained by the organisation, which are utilised in the preparation and sale of the services and products. The inventory of the Shangri-La Hotel can be manipulated in the revenue management activities to ensure the increase in the total revenue of the hotel. The change in the processes of maintaining inventory according to the demand of the services and products in the market allows the management of the Shangri-La Hotel to have increased revenue. The management of the inventory of the Shangri-La Hotel in terms of the effective utilisation of the financial resources allows the organisation to have increase in the revenue. The management of the inventory according to the demand of the corresponding services and products in the market of operation allows the sales to increase, which in turn increases the revenue of the hotel (Zhang, 2011).

Demand of the corresponding services and products provided by the Shangri-La Hotel to the customers in the market of operation is another primary lever in the revenue management strategy implemented in the workplace the Shangri-La Hotel. The demand for the corresponding products and services provided by the Shangri-La Hotel can be utilised as a lever in the revenue management strategy in the workplace of the organisation. The manipulation of the demand of the services and products in the corresponding market of operation allows the increase in the sales of the corresponding services and products, which in turn leads to the increase in the revenue of the Shangri-La Hotel (Ratcliffe, 2012).






1. When the leader’s approach is directive only then the team performs. In this the leader decides the plan of action and does the entire decision making. The team is expected to work as per the plan so that the end result is achieved (Bass & Bass, 2009).
2. The level of stress is inversely proportional to the quality of decision. If stress is high then it would affect the intellectual levels and hence the decisions taken would not be very effective.
3. The level of experience is directly proportional to the decision quality under stress. When the stress is high, one can never think intellectually and hence experience comes to the rescue.
4. When the tasks are simple, the intelligence and the experience of the leader is not required.

Strategic Contingency Theories
When a leader has effective problem solving skills, actor centrality and uniqueness of skills then he will always be in high demand in any organization (Selznick, 2011). Moreover, if this person is at a strategic position in an organization, then it becomes inevitable for him to go unnoticed. Such leaders excel in their position and always treated as a support system for the company.
Power and Influence Theory:
This theory talks about the source of the power of the decision making leader. This also talks about the ways and means in which a leader uses his power to get the things done. There are three kinds of positional power. They are legitimate, reward and coercive. The other two kinds of personal power are expert power and referent power (Wheatley, 2011).
This theory also defines the transactional leadership of the leader. This theory assumes that people work in order to receive something in return. It can either be tangible of intangible. Thus the leaders design a job or a work in such a way that it has some reward structure as well.






In the 21st century, leadership forms to be an important asset for the organization. Leadership development is the primary need for the organizations. The present organizations works in a highly diversified teams. There are different kinds of matrix, structures and global organizations which forms a key for the building of an organization. Thus, the role of a leader is significant. Thus it is important the perfect leader should be there for the success of the organization and in order to develop the proper relationship with the organizational environment (Bass, 1985). A leader is someone who helps him or her in order to do the correct things in a correct manner. A leader is someone who sets directors for the other people, create a vision which inspires the employees and managers and tends to do new things.

According to the study conducted in 1950’s by the University of Michigan, task based leadership wasn’t of major importance within the world. However, later the concept of participative leadership was included. After this the associated theories were introduced including the role theories included the role theory which states that role playing is an act which is based upon the stimulation of the behavior which provides the essential details (Epitropaki, 2004).
Transactional leadership theories were introduced around 1970’s and it is termed as the exchange theories for the leadership and is characterized by the transaction which has been established amongst the leader and the follower. Thus the theory is something which values a person who is not only positive and but is mutually beneficial. In order to have transitional theories effective, ut is important that the leader must be aligned in an adequate manner to reward his or her followers in order to perform the required tasks assigned for the leader. Thus, the transactional leadership is something which is very essential in order to develop a reinforcing environment which leads to the synchronization among the goals of the organization. The transformation theories includes the burns theory, the bass transformational theory and the Kouzes and Posner’s transformational theory. A large number of theories of leadership are available in the world.