

有很多研究表明,学生从父母的互动中受益。有许多研究表明了这一点。如果家长在学校的工作中做出积极的努力,学生将会受益,这是众所周知的。教师和家长的回应,认为父母的参与是被考虑的(Blackmore & Hutchison, 2010)。然而,在现实中,父母和教师的关系是复杂的,不能一概而论。父母和老师性格不同,性格不同,这影响了他们的关系。

性别的刻板印象对教学机构的行为起着重要的作用。这可能会增加教师家长关系中的冲突,并最终影响到学生(Desforges & Abouchaar, 2003)。父母的知识、文化信仰和各种问题的观点是多种多样的。在这个系统中,学生在冲突的环境中成长会更加困难。在说明家长参与对所有学生都有好处之前,在社会上解决这些冲突是很重要的。教师们面临着许多问题,在这个系统中,他们很难与难相处的家长打交道。


There is much research that indicates that the students are benefitted from parent interaction. There are many researches that indicate the same. It is considered as common knowledge that the students will be benefitted if the parents take an active effort in the working of the school. The responses of teacher and parent that advocate the parental involvement are considered (Blackmore & Hutchison, 2010). However, in reality, the parent and teacher relationships are complex and cannot be generalized. The parents and the teachers have different personality and temperament and this can impact the relationship.

There is a stereotype of gender that plays an important role for the teaching institutions to behave. This could increase the conflicts in the teacher parent relationship and ultimately impacting the students (Desforges & Abouchaar, 2003). The parent’s knowledge, cultural beliefs and viewpoint of the various issues are found to be varied. In this system, it would be more difficult for the students to thrive in an environment of conflict. It is important to address these conflicts in the society before stating that parent involvement can be good for all the students. The teachers are found to face a number of issues and in this system, it would be difficult for them to deal with difficult parents.







Medium sized organizations are the major suppliers to large organizations which are based on the supply chain management system. The introduction of automated supply chain management system has changed the supply chain process of the medium sized companies. The supply chain management system includes integration and coordination of products and services between different companies. The goods are moved from suppliers to the customers and also any returns from the customers. The flow of information includes transmitting the orders and tracking the status of delivery. It also includes financial flow such as credit terms, ownership arrangement, and payment schedules. Warehouse or distribution centres play a significant role as it links suppliers, manufacturers, and customers.

The efficiency of supply chain process depends on the efficiency of the warehouses. The functions of warehousing are very much important to the supply chain because if the goods do not move flawlessly, then the business organizations will face serious issues. Inventory control systems and warehousing helps an organization to track and monitor the work in progress, the amount of raw materials and the finished goods. The inventory control system provides significant information to the company that enables them to make decisions on production schedules, warehousing, and purchase needs. The main objective of an efficient logistic system is to decrease the cycle times, lower costs and improve the customer service. The aim of the companies is to make available their products at different places, and it cannot be done without efficient supply chain management system and warehousing.






In the movie Amistad, a slave ship travels from Cuba to US in 1839. The American and Spain relations are discussed in the movie and it seems to imply that these repercussions ultimately paved the way for the American Civil War. From a personal stand point, there is a mixture of reality and creative storyline that is embedded. The movie represents the abolitionist movement and all the people who wanted to abolish slavery are the heroes. Cumulatively, all the people in the mutiny and the struggles are the true heroes. The role of Morgan Freeman is to create a sense of victory over the oppressive events. It is needed for the storyline to create a sense of good winning over oppression. There are freedom and discussion of liberties that are espoused in the story. It cannot be considered as an error.

Some of the other creative liberties that the director has taken are the presidential campaigning style and in the Portuguese ship everyone speaks with a Mexican accent. These factors make the plot seem ambiguous. These causes the viewer decide to watch the movie for its entertainment value. It is not a documentary of events since many of the events have been embellished in the storyline. Even though there are certain issues that could have been prevented, they add to the interest of the storyline. Ultimately the cinema has been taken for the purposes of entertainment, commerce and recognition, and hence, it must be viewed as a story where the voices of liberty are spoken. There is a strong message for the need for freedom and plausible voices against the slavery movement.




不同的性能影响变量如下。工作场所的消极情绪,缺乏热情,缺乏冷漠是其中的一些变量。研究人员试图确定整体的时间管理和人力资源应用程序是如何在这里遇到问题的(Dollinger, 1984;盖恩斯& jermy,1983)。当人们不知所措时,他们发现很难达到预期或最后期限。这会影响他们区分优先顺序的能力。这使得他们对自己平时的管理技能的控制力较弱。根据研究人员得出的结论是负螺旋(Ling, et al., 2014)。工作不是时间管理的恰当,这会造成压力。压力会导致恶性循环。当员工对自己的工作有更多的控制权时,他们就不太可能经历工作压力,他们更能控制自己的工作方式,更多地参与与工作有关的决策。在这里受到影响的不仅仅是工人,管理层通常被推到一个他们必须自愿替换员工的状态,或者在大多数情况下,他们不得不在员工离开时填补资源空缺。

当压力使公司工作变得不愉快时,员工开始寻找新的工作或考虑退休。失去有经验的员工会导致生产减少,并增加与招聘、招聘和培训新工人有关的成本(Kyriacou, 1987)。高周转率可以让公司的员工感到压力。长期以来,研究文献对压力对组织和管理影响的影响进行了探讨。Berlew & Hall(1996)在他们的文章中展示了对员工的表现的期望如何给员工带来压力,这些压力通过管理者的社会化和文化改进而减轻。与此类似,Dollinger(1984)和Gaines & Jermier(1983)提出了职场压力对员工的影响。这些影响使他们身心俱疲。工作场所的冲突和其他问题也是由这个原因引起的。


The different performance impacting variables are as follows. Negativity in the workplace, a lack of enthusiasm, lack of apathy is some of these variables. Researchers attempt to identify how overall time management and human resource application come under problems here (Dollinger, 1984; Gaines & Jermier, 1983). When people are overwhelmed, they find it difficult to meet expectations or deadlines. It affects their ability to prioritize. It makes them have lesser control over their usual time management skills. This according to researchers led to the negative spiral (Ling, et al., 2014). Works are not time managed properly and this causes stress. The stress results in a vicious cycle. Workers are less likely to experience work stress when they have more control over their work, have more control over the way they do their work and participate more in decisions that concern their jobs. It is not just the workers that are affected here, the management is usually pushed to a state where they have to either voluntarily replace their employees or as it happens in most cases, they have to fill up resource vacancies when employees leave.

When stress makes working for a company an unpleasant experience, employees begin to look for new jobs or consider retirement. The loss of experienced employees can cause decreases in production and increases in costs associated with recruiting, hiring and training new workers (Kyriacou, 1987). A high turnover rate can make replacing stressed employees difficult for a company. Effects of stress in organization and managerial implications have been discussed in research literature for a long span of time. Berlew & Hall (1996) in their article present how expectations on performance cause stress for employees that are mitigated by socialization and culture improvement in the workplace by managers. Similarly, Dollinger (1984) and Gaines & Jermier (1983) present the effects of workplace stress on employees. The effects exhaust them both physically and mentally. Workplace conflicts and other issues are also caused because of this.







Over the semester, there is a significant improvement in analytical writing. The course instructions initially provoked me to write in a nutshell, but the image assignment helped me to visualize and interpret in a better manner for the readers to capture the information. The assignments have then become easier as I understood the procedure to refer, skim the material and develop evidence based writing. The best part of development is the writing style. The style is usually informal and did not contain proficient vocabulary. Therefore, it had always failed to reach the audience. This audience, however, has taken a turn and gave me the opportunity to project thoughts in better style.

I understood the difference between formal and informal writing styles. On top of it, the reference to resources was added on to this course. Throughout the semester, I have used different materials such as books, journal articles, pictures and other multimedia contents just to support the information I have projected. These resources demanded for proper references so as to avoid copyright violations. All these seemed very new to me and I enjoyed every moment of it. The writing resource that did not help much is the audio material which I used to gather information. I was unsure of the source of such audios. Perhaps, videos and other literary sources did motivate me to write and enjoy this phase of learning. This semester has encouraged me as not only just a writer but also an active listener and a researcher.







Museums have to understand their audience when they are arranging exhibits and representations. They cannot afford to not understand their audience. This is because different audiences approach cultural aspects with their own background literacy and hence it is necessary for museums to still consider the participant as an active one. However, in doing so, they should ensure to balance existing philosophy and culture. The essay will be focused on how material culture is being used in exhibitions for narration on African artefacts, objects and exhibits. This form of a narration is rooted in the power authority and the ideology of the exhibitor or the museum and does not present a real picture of the culture of the land. Cultural agency is undermined here as Tythacott, and argues museums do have an unpopular history of distortion. The significance of the museum in this context has been brought under scrutiny. The role museums play in impartially educating the general public is being discussed here.

The purpose of this essay is to analyze the reasoning behind why distorted representations of objects from Africa become an issue. Exhibits from the African continent are presented in ways that are truly not holistic representations of culture. At best, some smidgens of culture are made use of here to construct museum experiences for the audience. Use of objects in representation of culture should be that they embody both the needed static and discrete mechanical embodiment concerns. It is not possible for objects to have their own representation and here the role of the museum becomes much stricter. Museums must take into consideration the individual audience expectations and at the same time also ensure cultural distortion and politics of display does not undermine authenticity.