research paper 代写:多种多样的艺术形式

research paper 代写:多种多样的艺术形式


research paper 代写:多种多样的艺术形式

新艺术是19世纪艺术统治历史主义和新古典主义的产物。这种支配产生了在日常生活中沉迷于艺术的想法。因此,Art Nouveau认为,日常生活中的任何事物都不能被视为艺术之外的外在因素,尽管它是一个功能性的物体。这种美学方法是独特的、具有创新性的。因此,这种艺术被命名为“新艺术”,意思是“新艺术”。这一全新的美学理念被融入了许多维度,包括应用艺术、装饰、珠宝、建筑、美术等。新艺术也受到工业革命、艺术和工艺运动的部分影响。除了这种影响之外,新艺术受到了日本主义的影响。

research paper 代写:多种多样的艺术形式

Since the birth of man, he has been evolving the ideas and designs in art. Art has taken numerous forms from Stone Age to the present digital art world. It has been found that man has been natured to evolve innovative ideas, patterns, form of exhibiting his thinking and approach, transferring his thoughts in form of colours, patterns, shapes, carvings and crafts. If man stopped innovations in art the world would not be able to know the certain facts of history which are now present in different forms of art like sculptures, paintings, sketches, etc. There were certain styles in art which used to be associated with particular cultures, religions, traditions and history, while some of the ideas spread internationally due to the presence of room for creativity and innovation within their patterns. An international and modern art which lived for a short period between 1890 and the First World War, called Art Nouveau.

research paper 代写:多种多样的艺术形式
Art Nouveau emerged as a response of art domination historicism and neoclassicism in 19th century. This domination generated the idea of indulging art in everyday life. Hence Art Nouveau suggested that any object of everyday life must not be ignored as outside element from art, though it is a functional object. This aesthetic approach was unique and innovatory. Therefore, the art of this kind was named as ‘Art Nouveau’, which means, New Art. This very new aesthetic idea was incorporated in a number of dimensions including, applied art, decoration, jewellery, architecture, fine art etc. Art Nouveau was also influenced partially by Industrial Revolution, Art and Craft Movement. Aside this influence, Art Nouveau is greatly influenced by Japonism.

personal statement 怎么写:音乐发展史

personal statement 怎么写:音乐发展史


personal statement 怎么写:音乐发展史

音乐在不同的历史编年史上不时地具有革命性的内涵。时代证明,对一些人来说,行进的曲调可以成为其他人的挽歌。一段音乐可能会被一些人认为是忠诚的标志,而另一些人则认为是叛国的标志。例如,对那些在美国成为美利坚合众国之前对南方各州怀有爱国主义情怀的人来说,一次吹几小节“南方各州”的口哨就是一个危险信号。类似地,“帕洛玛布兰卡”(Paloma Blanca)是多年来对非洲裔美国人遭受奴役的痛苦回忆。然而,只是哼唱它给受害者提供了力量,而它却让其他人对他们祖先留下的行为感到羞耻。世界各地都有这样的例子(Allen, 58岁)。夏奇拉的歌曲《Waka Waka Waka》改编自赞比亚的一段军事歌曲,但它对世界各地的足球队和球迷产生了惊人的影响。

personal statement 怎么写:音乐发展史

Music has had an indelible place in the minds and hearts of men and women of all times and ages. The music may have been the sole means of entertainment, expressing one’s feelings or simply enjoying oneself. Yet the greatest contributions of music have been whenever it has translated the collective feelings of a people and given tongue to the expressions of their innermost feelings which were otherwise subdued. It is the purpose of this essay to explore the several means and ways in which popular music has influenced socio-political movements. It is the main objective of this essay to foster a better understanding of how popular music has added to the perceptions of freedom of mankind in different intervals of time and differing spatial locations. While the physical tongues were silenced, it was the voice of the popular music that made it relevant for those in the seats of power to give ear and react. Many a bard of earlier times has sung his ditty before the authorities and given them a truthful assessment of the strife that had struck the entire land. Thus, there are several instances in history which evidently show that popular music has been instrumental in bringing about momentous changes in the fortunes of nations. The rise of the American blacks from slavery to equality, the women’s vote and the move towards gender equality have all been celebrated in the popular music of the day.

personal statement 怎么写:音乐发展史
Music has taken on revolutionary connotations from time to time in various annals of history. Times have shown that marching tune for some could become a dirge for others. A piece of music may come to be recognized as a sign of loyalty by some and treason by others. For example just whistling a few bars of the ‘Dixie’ at one time was a red flag for those who were patriotic to the Southern States before the US became the United States of America. Similarly, the ‘Paloma Blanca’ was a painful reminder of the slavery inflicted upon the African origin Americans for years. However, just humming it gave strength to the victims while it left others ashamed of the deeds perpetuated by their ancestors. There are several such instances from all over the world (Allen, 58). The popular ‘Waka Waka’ song of Shakira was based on a Zambian militant anthem and yet it created an amazing impact on the soccer teams and their fans all over the world.



在本章的研究工作中,应提供论文的总体结构。本章提供研究工作的背景。本研究涉及一个特定公司的案例,因此本章提供了公司的详细信息。为了了解与主题相关的实际问题,本章讨论了研究的基本原理。在此基础上,提出了本研究的目的。本章给出了研究的目标和研究问题。本章提供了基于对主题的理解的假设。本章讨论了整个研究项目的意义。本章重点介绍了论文的整体结构。最后一章以总结结束。Larkin (2012, p.12)认为,风险可能是商业组织中常见的现象,尤其是在由不同部门组成的组织中。在所有的会计部门中,会计部门是最重要的部门之一,处理一个重要的问题,那就是钱。金融是所有组织的基础。没有适当的财政基础,任何组织都无法成长。


本研究工作应结合航空行业对会计系统中不同的风险进行调查和识别。众所周知,航空业是一个多层面的行业,有几个部门负责组织的整体运作。McNeil et al. (2015, p.96),会计系统为所有部门的业务提供财务支持。人们注意到,在航空公司的会计系统中,存在着某些可能的风险。本研究项目将阐述航空行业的风险管理策略。由于航空公司必须要有一个强大的会计系统,对他们来说,拥有一个强大而高效的会计系统管理是很重要的(Eckel和Singal, 2011, p. 297)。这是因为这个行业的会计制度是巨大的,在经营过程中会产生很多风险。因此,本项目报告应侧重于找出航空行业会计制度中潜在的风险。为了更好地了解航空行业的风险和风险管理方法,研究者在研究项目中考虑了英国航空公司的案例。


In this chapter of the research work, the overall structure of the dissertation shall be provided. The background of the research work shall be provided in this chapter. This research work deals with a case of a particular company and thus this chapter provides details about the company. In order to have an insight about the actual issues pertaining to the subject matter, the rationale of the research is discussed in this chapter. Based on the rationale, the aim of the research is provided in the chapter. The objectives of the research along with the research question is provided in the chapter. The hypotheses based on the understanding of the subject matter is provided in this chapter. The significance of the overall research project is discussed in this chapter. The entire structure of the dissertation is highlighted in this chapter. The last chapter ends with a summary.According to Larkin (2012, p.12), risk is possibly a common phenomenon in a business organisation, especially in those organisations which consist of different departments. Out of all theses accounts department is one of the most significant departments and deals with an important issue which is money. Finance is a base of all organisation. Without proper financial grounds, no organisation can grow.

This research work shall investigate and identify different risks in the accounting system in context with the airline industry. It is known that the airline industry is a multifaceted industry and has several departments to operate the overall operation of the organisations. McNeil et al. (2015, p.96), accounting system facilitates the provision of financial back up for the operations of all the departments. It has been observed that there are certain possible risks that is emanating in the operation of the accounting system in the airlines industry. This research project shall elaborate the risk management strategies of the airlines industry. As the airlines industry have to have a strong accounting system, it is important for them to have a strong and efficient accounting system management (Eckel and Singal, 2011, p. 297). This is because as the accounting system of this industry is huge, a lot of risks can occur in due course of the operation. Therefore, this project report shall emphasize on finding out the potential risks in the accounting system of the airlines industry. In order to have a better insight about the risk and risk management approaches of the airlines industry, the researcher has considered the case of The British Airways in the research project.