
任何年齡的人都很難對當代藝術做出準確的定義。當代藝術是存在於我們這個時代的東西,但隨著時間的推移,當代藝術每一代都在變化。每一個時代的藝術都有多樣性。不同時代的藝術家在當代藝術的各個時期都有不同的感知、創新和風格。在10世紀初期,與當代藝術相關的藝術家在繪畫和雕塑上有著不同的風格。他們對藝術有一定的態度。 “這些態度涉及許多有意識的理論和無意識的假定,其性質可以從一般意義上說,而不僅僅是從歷史意義上說,是浪漫主義的。”當代藝術也與藝術家所產生的審美品質聯繫在一起。



It is very difficult for any age to develop the exact definition of the contemporary art. The contemporary art is something, which exists in our time, but with time the contemporary changes with every generation. There has been multiplicity in art with every age. The artists in every age have different perception, innovation and style in every period of contemporary art. In the period of early 10th century, the artists associated with contemporary art have a different style in their paintings and sculptures. They had certain attitudes towards art. “These attitudes involved a number of conscious theories and unconscious presuppositions, the nature of which may be designated as romantic in a generic sense, not merely in the historical sense”. The contemporary art is also associated with the aesthetic qualities induced by the artists.

The contemporary art in the 20th century is considered to the highest point of the aesthetic sense in the visual artwork. The concept behind art has changed in every period. In the historical sense, contemporary art is specifically considered as the projection of the political and economical values, which were global and general in sense. The flexibility of this kind of art is no longer capable of including all current art dynamics; this is because all the artists have radically differentiated their work from the other art forms. The other meaning for the contemporary art could be called as the ‘current art’. This term is correct as it depicts the near future and the recent past as well. Although, this is the new definition but still it could not suffice the explanation, which includes all the art work, which is being made with the purpose of resisting the flexibility of the contemporary, art. For the academic work, the topic of contemporary art has become historical.



与状态自我客观化相比,特质自我客观化的区别在于它更稳定。在国家自我客观化的情况下,他们对自己身体的关注是一种急性的。这个人的专注是在情境中产生的,然后随着时间的推移逐渐消退。另一方面,自我客观化在一个特质的情况下是由于人的特质。这是一种更长期的关注,而不仅仅是环境中产生的外观问题。它创造了某种长期作用于个人的东西。在客观化理论中,Fredrickson & Roberts(1997)认为,女性越是内化这些客观化以及相关的文化和社会信息在媒体上传播,就越有可能以自我客观化告终。

这个人会表现出情感上的结果,这通常是自我客观化的表现。在自我客观化测试中,研究者Fredrickson & Roberts(1997)试图展示自我客观化的特征是如何形成的。Fredrickson & Roberts(1997)和他们的同事一起,试图测量当女性自我客观化时,哪些特质仍然是女性最强的。这里为大多数已识别的属性指出了高测试再测试可靠性。基于属性的性质和稳定性的度量,我们认为这些属性在稳定性上更像特征。对1200名大学生进行研究后发现,自我客观化在自我客观化的特质类型中表现得更为突出。


Now compared to the state Self-Objectification, the trait Self-Objectification differs in that it is more of a stable difference. The preoccupation with their body in the case of the state Self-Objectification is that of an acute one. The person’s preoccupation arises as a situational one and then subsides with some time. On the other hand, the Self-Objectification in the case of the trait one is by virtue of the trait of the person. It is a more chronic preoccupation and is more than of the appearance issues created in context. It is rather created something long term acting on the individual. In the objectification theory, Fredrickson & Roberts (1997) argue that the more a woman ends up internalizing those objectifications and related cultural and societal messages being passed around in the media etc, the more likely that the person will end up in Self-Objectification.

The person would exhibit the affective consequences that are usually present with Self-Objectification. In self-objectification tests, the researchers Fredrickson & Roberts (1997) attempt to present how traits of Self-Objectification come to be. With their colleagues, Fredrickson & Roberts (1997) attempted to measure what attributes remains the strongest for women when they self-objectify. A high test retest reliability was noted here for most of the identified attributes. Based on the nature of the attributes and the measure of its stability, it is hence argued that these attributes are actually seen to be more trait like in their stability. Administered to around 1200 college students, it was established that the Self-Objectification was more high in the trait style of Self-Objectification.






There are many factors which have driven the Uber’s success in the world. The very first one is that it is very easy to use the Uber for all the customers worldwide. In order to use the services of Uber, the customers had to download the Uber App, create the account and enter their credit card or payment details. While a person is ready to book a car, they opened the App and pressed the button. After this, the list of the available drivers is displayed and a driver generally responds within seconds.

In addition to this, the customers can also get the drivers rating and they can accept or reject a customer. At the end of the ride, the fare is automatically deducted from the account of the customer. Another factor determining the success of Uber is the driver’s model of Uber. The company takes a cut which may range from 20 % to 30 % from the drivers which leads to a huge profit for the company. Another factor for success is that Uber does not have any cars of its own and it only serves as the system for the referral for the drivers who drive their own car.