

作为一名音乐作曲家,斯特罗齐在1644年首次发表了她的歌曲,尽管大部分是印刷形式的。这些都是她爸爸写的歌词。1652年朱利奥·斯特罗齐(Giulio Strozzi)去世后,她剩下的8次分布式累积出现了。作为一种遗产,斯特罗奇从父亲那里得到的财富只有很少的一部分,她被当时的经济需求所激励。她努力获得一个训练有素的音乐作曲家和歌手的支持,但从未取得任何丰硕的成果,直到她遇到Castrato才找到任何成果。


她创作了八部音乐文学作品,其中七部被发现是献给不同的音乐支持者的,比如托斯卡纳大公公爵夫人(Grand Duchess of Tuscany)或尼古拉萨格勒多(Nicolo Sagredo)。第8部文学作品“Opus-4”至今还没有被音乐研究者发现,但它被认为是在曼图亚公爵的记忆中创作的(Rosand 1981, 251)。目前还没有记录显示她从忠实的支持者那里得到了什么样的补贴或好处。然而,她从他们那里获得了名声,因为他们通过口碑让她名声大噪,此后她在非洲大陆的演出获得了丰厚的报酬。虽然她的大部分作品都是宗教歌曲,但在历史上都被描绘成“康塔塔”或“阿里埃塔”。


As a music composer, Strozzi first published her singings in 1644 although most of it in printed forms. These were madrigals that set lyrics by her dad. The rest of her eight distributed accumulations showed up after Giulio Strozzi kicked the bucket in 1652. As a heritage, Strozzi got only a little portion of wealth from her father and she was inspired to perform by the financial demands at that time. Her endeavors to secure the support of a well-trained music composer and singer never yield any fruitful outcomes and she wasn’t able to find any till she met Castrato.

She had composed eight music literatures and seven of those were found to be dedicated to different music supporters such as the Grand Duchess of Tuscany or Nicolo Sagredo. The eighth literature ‘Opus-4’ is not found by music researchers till date but it is believed to be composed in the memories of Duke of Mantua (Rosand 1981, 251). There is no record of what sort of installment or benefit she got from her dedicated supporters. However, she got fame from them as they made her name renowned through the word of mouth and after that she was getting well paid for her performances in the continent. Although most of her works were madrigals, but they were portrayed as ‘cantata’ or ‘arietta’ historically.