




Kohler and Merwe (2015) have explained the nuances of the housing market. Trends for 3 decades in the Australian housing price has been probed. The impact of inflation, theory of supply and demand, impact of debt-to-income ratio and the role of population were some of the factors that were examined in this article. A more detailed summary and conclusion with the main points of the article has been explored in the following .It has been stated in this article that in the future there will be increase in demand for smaller dwellings based on the net increase in population of Australia. The authors allude that the increase in the higher-density housing along with lower growth of prices related to the prices of detached houses as an example for this trend to continue. Hence in the future there will be demand for newer kind of dwelling based on the demographic changes. Housing price is influenced by the supply and demand.

The authors state that the demand aspect of this theory keeps changing and is construed to be a dynamic variable. The demand is found to be dependent on the role of the income level of the people, demographic trends of the people i.e. changes in population, inflation rate, debt to income levels, access to credit line and the general requirements of the changes of the people. Based on these factors from 1980 to 1990, there was stark increase in the housing prices. Between 1990 and 2000, there was a higher debt to income issues that were caused by the high inflation of the houses. From 2000 onwards, the immigration trends have caused the demand for smaller dwellings to rise. These were the main points alluded in the article.






Human resources are among the most significant departments in the process of recruitment. Hence, I played my part in the presentation with maximum effectiveness in understanding the significance and concept of HRM. My specific role involved comparing the profiles of Norway and Portugal in terms of their human resources management. For this purpose, I mainly relied upon the document presented by OECD. This particular document specifically provided information on background, reforms, HR management, composition, industrial relations, HR practices, legal framework, challenges, senior manage Pendent and restructuring. I further stated in front of my team members that differences can be better explained under specific criteria. Therefore, we considered the concept of collectivism and individualism, and avoidance of uncertainty. These two aspects reflected maximum scores for the two nations. As a student, I am able to better learn the overall content if I have to make a group presentation. I was able to enhance my learning reaching deep levels for the equation of understanding.

When the entire team used to have a group meeting for explaining things to one another, either for arguing or for justifying, our overall interaction was highly clarified in personal understanding and our thought processes. Each and every one of us realized how functioning as a team enhanced out productivity. For ensuring that we perform with maximum productivity, we understood the value of filling up our own responsibility. All of us were well prepared, while significantly contributing in team interaction. We were always focused on supporting one another while delivering an excellent presentation as per the deadline provided. I have always been a team player and I love it when the professors assign group assignments and presentations to us. I think specific individual learning can be enhanced under the wider scope of empirical analyses. Teamwork is highly effective in any setting and hence, I will love working in more team tasks in the future.



最大的仁慈的原则,人们应该行动在某种程度上,他们的决定或行动确保所有利益相关者的最大利益。这道德原则,公司必须采取行动的方式,每个人都应该得到最大利益并不适用于企业米尔顿•弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)说。参数的地方,增加利润是企业的唯一责任,正是因为这一原因,公司让人们工作和维护基础设施有利于自己(戈登,2002)。公司设立的所有者是谁观察公司的结构,必要的纳税,了解公司运行所需的立法,和采购客户等等。不过,该公司没有被忽视的权利,和它对利益相关者与安然公司交易的投资者和公众。公司的成分应该是满足,但所有的利益相关者必须是平衡的。



The principle of maximum beneficence states, people should act in a way where their decision or action ensures maximum benefit to all stakeholders. This ethical principle which a company must act in a way that everybody should get maximum benefit does not hold true for an enterprise as Milton Friedman argues. The arguments’ places are that increasing profits is the sole responsibility of companies, and it is for this reason that companies put people to work and maintain an infrastructure to benefit themselves (Gordon, 2002). Companies are set up by owners who are observed to keep the structure of the company, pay the necessary taxes, learn about the legislation that needed to run the company, and procure clients etc. However, the company is in no way acquitted of ignoring the rights, and it had towards stakeholders like the investors and public who traded with Enron. Corporate constituents should have been met, but all stakeholders must have been balanced as well.

Per the principle of maximum beneficence, it would not have been possible for the company to meet the needs of all its stakeholders. All financial agents of the company, such as the accountants, the financial advisors, etc would have been able to make decisions in such a way that all investors reap the same amount of profit. Obviously, some people in the company get a higher priority, like a bonus for their work etc. However, the rule should not at least have focused on doing good or malfeasance. Even if the principle of maximum beneficence could not be kept, there should have been no malfeasance shown towards stakeholders. This was exactly the situation. Financial agents acted in such a way that they created benefits for the senior executives of the company at the cost of robbing investors and employees of the company who relied on the company and its sound practices (Silverstein, 2013).



后早期的回归模型,研究人员布鲁姆,朋友和詹森利用分组的方法来解决β测量问题。投资组合的回报和贝塔在通常是计算加权平均(布鲁姆,1970;朋友和布鲁姆,1970;詹森et al .,1972)。实证调查的分组方法称为收缩导致的问题。减少分组的收缩问题,研究人员建议形成组合使用命令β估计。这成为一个标准。贡献的实证测试黑色,詹森和斯科尔斯,做出以下的贡献。为了测试CPM,在场的回归模型,市场投资组合必须被指定。在规范的市场投资组合的情况下,可能有很多的病例。只有大约三分之一的市场投资组合是企业所拥有的时间。

公司资产被认为在股票和资金也有混乱的无形资产评估必须考虑。也考虑到国际市场的问题。测量误差中β股的分组组合是一个需要一个(哈洛& Rao,1989;詹森等,1972)。测量误差的问题可以通过观察来解决他们多元化的投资组合。而不是聚合确保风险投资组合分类基于特征元素更好的解释(詹森et al .,1972)。对市场β的计算,有必要从过去五年包括数据。过去五年的数据指出如何估算市场β。10组合的公司整理和组合的性能评估在t + 1模式年复一年的声誉。


After the early regression model, researchers Blume, Friend and Jensen made use of a grouping approach to solve the beta measurement problem. The returns and betas in the case of portfolios are usually calculated as weighted averages (Blume, 1970; Friend and Blume, 1970; Jensen et al., 1972). The grouping approach in empirical investigation led to an issue called as shrinkage. To reduce the shrinkage issues in grouping, researcher suggested formation of portfolios using ordered beta estimates instead. This became a standard later. The contributions to empirical testing as presented by Black, Jensen, and Scholes make the following contributions. To test the CPM, the regression models present that the market portfolio must be specified. Now in the case of specification of the market portfolio, there could be many cases. Only about a third of the market portfolio was owned by the corporate sector about the time.

Corporate assets were seen to be financed in equity and there was also the confusion of how intangible assets must be considered in this assessment. International markets issues were also considered here. In the measurement error in β the grouping of stocks as portfolios was a needed one (Harlow & Rao, 1989; Jensen et al, 1972). The measurement error problem could be addressed by looking at them as diversified portfolios. Instead of being aggregated portfolios were classified based on characteristics ensuring that the risk element is explained better (Jensen et al., 1972). For the market beta calculations, it was necessary to include data from the past five years. The past five years of data was to point out how to estimate the market beta. 10 portfolios of firms were sorted out and the performance of portfolios was assessed year after year in a t+1 pattern of reputation.