

为了有能力打击的位置问题,组织需要考虑动态代理。然而位置可以通过使用社交媒体实践处理和在线形式的通信(Mellahi et al ., 2010)。通过使用先进的技术,可以提出这种变化在商务沟通的效率。技术方面的问题可以通过:温顺提供一致的培训组织中的所有个人关于技术中使用组织阶段使用隐私法规泡BYOD增强服务的技术的使用。有效的沟通有时可以阻碍,也可能导致为参与者提供问题的过程中有效的沟通。这些需要集中在相当大的方法,有效的沟通可以进入的地方。



In order to have the ability of countering location problems, organizations need to consider acting dynamically. Location however can be dealt with through use of social media practices and online forms of communication (Mellahi et al., 2010). Through advanced technology usage as well, the change can be brought forward in efficiency for business communication. The technological issues can be side-lined through: Providing consistent training to all the individuals in the organization with regard to technology employed within organizations .Making use of privacy regulations .Making use of the technique of BYOD for enhanced services.Effective communication at times can be hindered and it might result in offering problems for those involved in the process of effective communication. These require a focus over considerable ways by which effective communication can be brought into place.

The barriers in business communication lead towards behavioural differences, hostile stereotypes and display of emotions. People based inaccurate and hostile stereotypes are an essential barrier towards workplace based communication. Language is a complicated perspective and the communication present between individuals that speak distinct languages is problematic (Holmes, 2012). Language is a way to look at the external environment and even translators who are skills find it problematic to convey complicated emotions and conceptions that can lead towards misunderstandings or distorted views. The location as well as technology, where process of communication takes place can lead towards degenerating into a challenge of effective business communication. This paper briefly identifies these challenges and offers recommendation for the same.




的消费行业,是高档酒店的服务消费者。这可以改善通过限制的各种服务,可以提供给消费者(巴罗斯,2005)。被有效的是实际的生产力。这应该满足消费者高品质的要求。公司的效率应该满足消费者的不断变化的高质量的概念。换句话说,它应该是有效的,满足消费者需求(Kim & Cha,2002)。这将有助于在定义的生产力。生产力效率除以有效性的措施。如果公司能够产生高水平的效率几乎没有努力,会提高公司的生产率(Mok & Kadampully火花,2013)。


Product quality and service quality of the company are the two facets that are used to measure quality of a product. In other words, it can be considered as the tangible assets and the intangible assets. The tangible assets are the internal quality product development. This is conformance to the consumer requirements (Wang, Chen & Chen, 2012). This can be assessed easily. These are the tangible resources of the hotel that can be felt. Another aspect is the service quality. There is a homogenous process that has been adopted by the company to service the needs of the consumers. In this case, the consumers feel that being a large chain of hotels. In order to meet the quality of the services, it has been recommended that the company follows these basic principles. Efficiency is the amount of time and resources that are allocated to obtain certain results.

In terms of the consumer industry, it is the way in which the Premium inn is able to service the consumers. This could be improved by limiting the variety of services that can be offered to the consumers (Barros, 2005). Being effective is the actual productivity. This should meet the consumer high quality demands. The efficiency of the company should meet the ever-changing notions of high quality of the consumers. In other words, it should be effective and meet consumer demands (Kim & Cha, 2002). This would help in defining the productivity. Productivity is the measure of efficiency divided by effectiveness. If the company is able to produce high levels of efficiency with little effort, it would increase the productivity of the company (Mok, Sparks & Kadampully, 2013).