

创建学习型组织所需要的基本步骤之一是有效的领导。它不是基于传统的启发式思维过程的一致性。相反,它是来自公司不同专业水平的人员的组合,他们的加入创造了一个共同的愿景和目标。然后,每个团队或一组团队中的所有人都尝试开发一个学习环境来实现这个主要目标。愿景应该由领导者或个人经理创建,以找到解决每个工作场合独特挑战的方案(Mason, 2010)。在这种情况下,创建积极的组织文化是维系组织增长的粘合剂。将有基本的透明度和问责制。这些公司的员工将希望他们的声音被听到,他们将因学习和创新而得到奖励。然而,这在中国并没有得到有效的发展(Wang, and Ruona, 2004)。



One of the basic integral step that is required for the creation of the learning organization is effective leadership. It is not based on the traditional heuristics of conformities of the thought process. Rather it is a mix of people from different levels of expertise of the company joining and creating a shared vision and objective. All the people in the individual teams or a group of teams then try and develop a learning environment to move this primary objective. The vision should be created by the leader or the individual manager to find solutions for the unique challenges of each workplace situation (Mason, 2010). In this case, creation of a positive organizational culture is the glue that holds together the growth of the organization. There will be basic transparency and accountability. The employees of such companies will hope that their voices are heard and they would be rewarded for learning and innovation. However, this has not been able to effectively develop in China (Wang, and Ruona, 2004).

There is only partial development of these learning organizations and these factors have been probed in detail in the following. The factors that contribute to workplace learning in Chinese HR Departments-Post positivist approach. Chinese organizations exposed to the western management practices choose to operate based on their management style of thinking. They have specifically been able to develop on the responsiveness, flexibility and been able to keep up with the speed of the economics. The Chinese HR departments are continually trying to incorporate the local politics and find ways to enhance their relationship with the state. Modern Chinese enterprises are not fully based on the conventional notions of management that they had practiced in the previous era nor are they fully westernized. There is a loose managerial style of creating business. Chinese HR departments are specifically influenced by a number of variables other than the usual meeting of the requirements of the company. This can be understood from applying of the Hofestede culture model.

論文 摘要 翻譯 推薦:如何適應文化差異

論文 摘要 翻譯 推薦:如何適應文化差異

論文 摘要 翻譯 推薦:如何適應文化差異

論文 摘要 翻譯 推薦:如何適應文化差異

Probably that is because we Chinese believe in the proverb “practice makes perfect”. Though it was not as engrossing and we as students felt bored and burdened. I also saw how my teachers in US are supposed to make the lessons interesting and rack up their brains to throw learning challenges on the students. They work to promote the critical thinking in the students and foster natural learning aptitude. I was interested in exploring the concepts of physics in practical life. However, in China I has done that only through learning bookish knowledge and reading examples written in the text books. In US, my physics tutor encouraged me to explore the concepts of the physics outside the classroom, too. This encouraged me to develop my science project successfully. One of the major challenge for the students from east is to adjust into the culture of the US.

論文 摘要 翻譯 推薦:如何適應文化差異
Due to vast cultural differences between China and US, it took me some time to completely embrace the new culture. Even though before coming to the US, I had studied about the American culture and I thought that I was ready to adjust here, but it the openness of the culture here came to be me as a pleasant shock. I must admit that I had to go through quite an ordeal in getting used to the new culture in the campus. I still remember the first time I was approached by one of my US classmate. Once in a class, I was suddenly approached by him to answer a question. We shared similar opinion on that subject and after our class he asked me to join in lunch with his friends. This kind of easy interaction and friendliness is not imaginable back in China. This incident taught me to become more open and responsive so as to blend in the campus culture in the US.