

CV是留学材料中的一部分,全称Curriculum vitae是最直接向导师说明自己学习和工作情况的证明。那么如何在无数的CV中凸显出自己呢?第一就是版面的设计要简洁流畅,然后就是要将自己的个人经历与所申请的学校学位相关的“闪光点”突出表现出来。















在这篇研究论文中,讨论将集中在对外国武装分子涌入伊拉克和叙利亚伊斯兰国的反应。在同样的情况下,将有对各国和外国机构的分析。将对联合国等国际机构、为防止这种情况而制定的法律以及这些法律的效力进行分析。这是一个重大威胁,并已使世界上许多国家感到担忧(Kraehenmann, 2014)。美国和欧洲情报机构也对ISIS武装分子可能造成的威胁表示担忧。荷兰恐怖主义评估机构发现,这些武装分子回国后,不仅带回了一些激进的想法,而且完全准备对自己的国家使用暴力手段。最糟糕的是,这些外国战士可能会成为下一代圣战的基础。

未来ISIS被摧毁后,这些外国武装分子还可能组建其他恐怖组织。除此之外,ISIS和许多其他极端组织已经发出信号,他们打算通过反击土耳其和利比亚地区进入欧洲,渗透到这两条不同的难民路线(Flasch, 2015)。2014年11月巴黎遇袭后,对ISIS及其对外国人渗透的担忧变得灾难性得多。ISIS的大部分外国武装分子来自突尼斯、沙特阿拉伯、土耳其、约旦、俄罗斯、摩洛哥、法国、印度尼西亚、埃及、英国、德国和拉班农等国。因此,重要的是,不同的政治机构和安全机构应该更加关注限制ISIS中外国武装分子的数量。


In this research paper, the discussion will be focussed on the responses to the influx of the foreign fighters in Islamic States of Iraq and Syria. There will be the analysis of the nations on the same and that of the foreign bodies. There would be analysis on the international bodies such as the United Nations, the laws made to prevent the same and the effectiveness of these laws. This is a major threat and has worried a number of nations in the world (Kraehenmann, 2014). The American and the European intelligence have also been worried with the threat which may be caused by the people who are fighting for ISIS. It has been found by the terrorist assessment Agency in Netherlands that when these fighters return to their nation, they not only come back with a number of radical ideas but also they are completely prepared to use violent means against their own nation. The worst thing is that these foreign fighters may serve as the foundation for the coming generations of jihad.

These foreign fighters may also build other terrorist groups after ISIS has been destroyed in the future. In addition to this, ISIS and many other extremist groups have given the signal that they intend to infiltrate the two different refugee routes through countering the areas of Turkey and Libya into Europe (Flasch, 2015). The concerns with respect to ISIS and its infiltration of the foreigners have become much more disastrous after the attacks on Paris in November 2014. Most of the foreign fighters in ISIS are from the nations such as Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Jordan, Russia, Morocco, France, Indonesia, Egypt, the United Kingdom, Germany and Labanon. Thereby, it is important that there should be a greater concern by different political bodies and security agencies to limit the number of foreign fighters in ISIS.



社会资本家试图从不同的角度来解释这些概念。它是在私有制的基础上发展起来的。阐述了生产、剩余价值的发展与资本积累、供求理论。它的中心思想是资本主义的概念是基于市场的。资本主义在社会中提出的观念和基本观点与马克思提出和传播的观念和基本观点有明显的不同(Stephens, 1979)。为了理解劳动的动态,有必要分析这些理论的有效性。本研究的目的是探讨马克思提出的理论的相关性和价值。马克思对抽象劳动和具体劳动的细微差别作了详细的解释。马克思对劳动和劳动权力理论进行了阐述,阐述了劳动在现代动力中的重要性。随着时间的推移,出现了许多理论。



The capitalists of the society try to explain these concepts from a different perspective. It is developed based on the realms of private ownership. Production, development of surplus values and capital accumulation, theory of supply and demand have been explained. It is centered around the notion that the concepts of capitalism have been market based. The notions and the fundamental perspective put forward by the capitalists in the society are markedly different from what has been proposed and propagated by Marx (Stephens, 1979). There is a need to analysis the validity of these theories in order to understand the dynamics of labor. The aim of this research is to probe into the relevance and the value of the theories put forward by Marx. Marx has explained in detail about the nuances of the abstract labor and concrete labor. There has been elucidation of the theory of labor and labor power by Marx to explain about the importance of labor in the modern day dynamics. There have been a number of theories that have developed over the period of time.

The relevance of Marx theories in the modern day dynamics needs to be researched and investigated critically to develop the right ideology. The purpose of this analysis is to find out about the underlying theories regarding labor. Address the different concepts that are related to abstract labor and concrete labor and to critically analyze the nuances of Marx theories. The main issue in contention while discussing about the theories is to ensure that personal bias does not reflect into the analysis. In order to develop an unbiased analyze, there will be consideration of the different perspectives and points of views of other economist to develop a theory without any bias. There will be discussion of the different points to views to avoid any issues of bias in the research. In the subsequent sections, the key ideologies of Marx has been probed.