




Social interaction is based on the beliefs, values, norms, and religious beliefs of people and this forms the broad culture of society within which human beings interact with each other. The model showed by Taylor in Clockwork is no doubt tending towards the enhancement of the untapped and unutilised productivity of workers, but it also has made the process into a more mechanical process without emotional involvement. Considering an example of ordering a cheese burger from a fast food drive thru restaurant, the relevance and active participation of scientific management is clearly visible, and this also speaks about the poor impact on the restaurant workers where they lack meaningful time with colleagues and instead work with machines and processes.

The impact has been very significant and is long lasting, especially in high productivity and low time frame working environments, thus weakening the quality of social interaction and the possibilities of improving the same. Considering long term, such a social interaction will devastate in finding a suitable reason of sustaining itself, and rather a revalued social interaction will have to be nurtured. The fast paced social interaction is ideally not even considered an interaction. The only interaction they have is when workers come together to achieve a common goal often thrown as a target by a machine. There is no meaningful interaction among workers, which leads to excessive internalisation of rigid views about changing the status quo of the current social interaction.



西哥特人是日耳曼人的游牧部落,屬於西哥特人部落的西部分支。他們也被統稱為哥特人。這些部落在羅馬帝國時期繁榮昌盛。這些部落可能是從376年入侵羅馬帝國的哥特部落演化而來的。西哥特人和羅馬人之間的關係是多變的。 Fritigern是哥特人的領袖;他請求羅馬皇帝允許他的人民在多瑙河沿岸定居。他們得到了皇帝的允許,作為皇帝,他們將為軍隊提供最好的新兵。但因飢荒,這些人不能得所應許的糧食和田地。這導致了叛亂,導致了巨大的破壞。因此,他們成為羅馬帝國的威脅。


Where did the Huns and the Visigoths come from and why were they such a problem for the Roman Empire? Why didn’t the Huns try to move into the Eastern Roman Empire?Huns were the people, who lived in the Eastern Europe the Caucasus, and Central Asia between the 1st century AD and the 7th century. According to the evident found, they first lived in the east of the Volga River. However, their real origin is still unknown. This tribe was first known and mentioned in the Roman scriptures by the historian named as Tacitus. This tribe was the biggest threat for the Rome than any other barbarian tribe. They were the biggest threat and contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire, because their invasion in the region was very brutal and encouraged “Wondering of the Nations”.

Visigoths were the nomadic tribe of the Germanic people, who belonged to the western branches of the tribe. They were also collectively called as the Goths. These tribes flourished during the Roman Empire. These tribes might have evolved from the Gothic groups that invaded Roman Empire in 376. The relation between the Visigoths and the Romans is variable. Fritigern was the leader of Goths; he appealed The Roman Emperor to allow his people to settle down on the banks of Danube. They were allowed by the emperor, as the emperor though that they will provide the best recruits for the army. However, due to famine, these people could not receive food and land, which they were promised for. This led to the revolt, which resulted in great destruction. Thus, they became a threat for the Roman Empire.




因此,许多设施选择定期更换收集袋。如果收集袋有泄漏,重要的是更换它。气囊引流系统是另一种利用尿管收集患者尿液的方法。腿的优点是非常小的尺寸和固定病人直接。标准尺寸的袋的较短变体是一个简单的塑料收集袋,使用包裹在病人腿上的非常小的弹性带固定(Durai和Ng 2010)。与标准袋容量相比,腿部袋通常只能容纳非常少量的尿液,但腿部袋能很好地覆盖在衣服下面,这对于鼓励患者的尊严和自主性非常有帮助。能够参与到自己的护理服务中的病人是最好的选择,是腿袋。经过适当的训练,一些病人能够自行空出腿袋。


Maximum collection bags of standard size are either at the upper side of the bag with a single- way valve or drainage of free-flowing. These can be fixed from the last point of the catheter far from the body of the patient. The collection bags that have the single-way pipes might be helpful to stop the sinking of urine from the bag of collection backup in the bladder. To avoid the reflux, it is regularly important to fix collection bags at a lower level in the bladder of the patient.On the reverse end near the base of the collection bag is a gate for clearing the bag. Many bags have different types of sewer pipes in place to stop leaks. To remove supply of urine from the collection bag, firstly open the drain pipe and let the urine run out into a measuring container, a basin or a urinal. After that, flush down the urine into a toilet. Many of the facilities encourage collection bags of cleansing with a solution of diluted bleach. Many of the studies proved that this method is powerful of decreasing infection and the replacing cost of the equipment.

Therefore, many facilities choose to change collection bags on a regular basis. If a collection bag has a leak, it is important to replace it.The systems of leg-bag drainage are other alternatives for collecting the patients’ urine with the catheters of urinary. Leg-begs have the advantage of being very small in the size and fixing straightly to the patient. The shorter variant of the bag of standard size is simply a collection bag of plastic and is fixed using very small bands of elastic that wrap over the leg of patient (Durai and Ng 2010). In comparison with the standard bags holding capacity, the leg-bags usually hold a very small amount of urine, but the leg-bags are smoothly covered the beneath clothing, which are very helpful to encourage the dignity and autonomy of the patient. The patients who are capable to take part in their own care services of best choice are the leg-bags. Some patients are capable to vacant leg- bags by their own with the proper training.