

事实上,它比企业组织在道德和大规模上竞争更快。企业组织最大的劣势是对消费者的信任缺失,在家族企业中,消费者信任缺失占主导地位,很难打破(Tsui, Bian and Cheng, 2006)。这使得它们与众不同,尤其是在全球市场上有许多产品质量不合格的企业丑闻的时候。因为中国消费者认为信任是主要的资助者,所以选择对家族企业保持忠诚。家族企业作为一种被动的制度,在中国被认为是值得称赞的,它服务于满足每一个在其组织中工作的家庭成员的个人需求和基本必需品,不管他们对公司的贡献,Whyte(1996)的研究。

共同生活和共同储蓄的古老文化和遗产观念(Liang, Wang, Cui, 2013)也支持了共同生活和共同储蓄的共同家庭这一最重要的方面。储蓄方面使得家族企业变得独特,因为他们更少地依赖债务,而且家族成员会出现来支持正在崛起的企业,因此在家族层面上几乎没有股权(Gao, Bai and Shi, 2011)。因此,中国家族企业具有多种专长,支持家族企业的持续发展,使其在各个方面都比全球同行具有竞争优势。与现代国际组织相比,中国家族企业的创新得到了不同的采纳。


In fact, it is even faster than corporate organisations to compete ethically and on a mass scale. The biggest disadvantage for the corporate organisations is the trust deficit with consumers, which in the case of the family owned business is dominant and difficult to breach (Tsui, Bian and Cheng, 2006). This makes them special, especially when there are many corporate scandals of substandard product quality sold in global markets. Because Chinese consumers valuing the element of trust as a major benefactor chooses to remain loyal to the family owned firms. As passive an institution, the family business is considered in China, it is commendable that it serves to meet the demands and the basic necessities of every single individual of their family member working in their organisation, irrespective of their contribution to the company, as researched by Whyte (1996).

This overriding aspect of joint families of keeping the family together and strong also supports in their ancient cultural and heritage concept of joint living and joint savings (Liang, Wang and Cui, 2013). The saving aspect makes the family business unique as they rely less on debt and family members turn up to support the rising business, thereby having little equity at the family level (Gao, Bai and Shi, 2011). Thus, there is multiple specialities of the Chinese family business supporting their continuous sustenance and giving them a competitive edge on various aspects over their global peers. Innovation in Chinese family businesses has been differently adopted when compared with modern global organisations.



当卡萨特决定在费城的学院继续深造时,正值美国内战时期。在当时的社会背景下,女性并没有太多的自由,甚至当卡萨特搬到巴黎时,她也看到了类似的挣扎。接受过艺术培训的女性可以成为复制人,在那里她们可以获得在卢浮宫复制艺术品的许可。女性也被允许在博物馆社交聚会,谈论她们的艺术,因为她们通常不被允许去咖啡馆和其他艺术家交流的社交场所(Mary Cassatt传记,2016)。正是在这样的背景下,卡萨特学习了更多的传统艺术作品。即使是在当时的印象派运动中,卡萨特也被认为专注于她的传统流派风格的绘画。这里的体裁风格在她后来的职业生涯中发生了很大的变化。1870年,普法战争刚刚开始,她回到了美国。



When Cassatt decided to pursue her studies in the Academy at Philadelphia, it was the time of the American Civil War. In the social background of the time, women were not given much liberal freedom, and even when Cassatt moved to Paris she saw a similar struggle. Women in artistic training where allowed being copyists where they would get a permit to copy the works of art in the Louvre. The women were also allowed to socially meet in the museum for them to talk about their art, as they were usually not allowed to go to the cafes and other social places where the artists mingled (Mary Cassatt Biography, 2016).It was in the above setting that Cassatt was to learn her more traditional artworks. Even with the venture of the Impressionist movement at that time, Cassatt was seen to be focused on her traditional genre style painting. Here genre style painting changed much later in her career. She returned to the United States in the year of 1870 when the Franc-Prussian War had but just began.

This was also a time where she was once again supported by her family, as in her basic needs. Her family was however not that supportive of her painting vocation (Mary Cassatt Biography, 2016).Cassatt has often been presented as the master of art in the context of domestic paintings. However, her own life reflects a person who was seen to be inspired beyond her basic domestic settings. Her paintings in different ways displays how the artist reached out in spite of her being in a society that restrained her and by reaching out was able to imbibe much knowledge in the process. The biography of Cassatt was discussed in this essay. The essay attempted to understand the artist by means of some key aspects. Primarily, the artist was understood in the context of how she was influenced and inspired and how she was herself an influence for others. Secondly, the impact of her family and her own psyche on her choices are presented. Thirdly, the historical and socio cultural elements that were present in her times were also presented.



另一件重要的事情是,任何银行或公司的业务活动都受到政府的影响。税收和法规在公司政策分析中起着重要作用(Davis et al, 2016)。然而,另一方面,汇丰银行却承受着来自股东、政界人士和商界领袖的巨大压力,要求其放弃部分数百万英镑的奖金。公司人力资源部还负责维护企业的职业道德和问责制。公司因罚款而支付的金额清楚地表明公司的商业道德没有得到适当的维护。人力资源通过在整个组织内实施适当的规则和政策,确保客户得到公平对待,从而为公平对待做出贡献。除此之外,人力资源还需要确保客户所享有的利益是公平和有竞争力的,这有助于促进同工同酬(Aldrich et al, 2015)。




Another important thing is that the business activities of any bank or the company are impacted by the government. Taxation and regulations are something that plays an important role in the analysis of the policies of the company (Davis et al, 2016). However, HSBC on the other hand has been under heavy pressure from the shareholders, politicians and leaders in the business in order to waive some of the multimillion pound bonuses which have been given by them. HR in the company is also responsible for maintaining the business ethics and accountability. The amount paid by the company as a result of the fines clearly states that the business ethics of the company are not maintained properly. HR contributes to fair treatment by ensuring fair treatment for the customers by the implementation of proper rules and policies throughout the organizations. In addition to this, HR needs to ensure that the interests who are enjoyed by the customers should be fair and competitive which helps to foster equal pay for equal work (Aldrich et al, 2015).

However, the company has undergone so many fines. This states that the company has been getting a number of compliance failures. The company has also accepted that the large number of conduct and the compliance failures observed by the company are as a result of their own policies and the failures of the expectations of the customers. The HR plays an important role by the employees in the formulation of the strategies and the implementation of the same. The most important role of HR in formulation of strategy is to convince the employees to move on with the different transitions which may occur in the world of Business. The next role of HR function is to ensure that there is a cordial relationship between different levels in the organization. This can be done by formulation of the long term plans and to provide the long term data and support.During the process of formulation of strategies, HR needs to ensure that there is a complete removal of all kind of discontent and strain observed in the relationships among the employees.