


其实留学选校,留学中介并没有 “通天能力”,基本上留学选校,除了一些 MBA 学生非 US top 15 or magic 7 business schools** 不可外,利用数据和客观需求分析,学生一定能有学校可以上,或是如果学生更加把劲,把essay or PS弄好,甚至可以申请到比预期更好的学校:


1. 按照US News & World Report 每年的排行报告,这份报告这几年也被批评有 “买榜” 传闻,也就是有些学校有较多的资源可以利用,和 US News有了些合作,当然排名会逐年爬升,但这些都只是传闻,传统的好学校像是常春藤私立学校和公立好的学校 UC Berkeley、U of Michigan、U of Wisconsin 常常是连年铁打不变的排名,顶多只有名次稍微替换。另外所谓的专业排名,也仅供参考,大部分是针对研究所的细部区分,所以留学美国申请选校,常常有人遵循3-3-2法则,3 间top10、3 间top 11~40、2 间 top 40~100,只要没有重大成绩像是GPA or GRE缺失,或是转系、又或是PhD申请 (PhD不同于研究所或是本科申请,非常看重 research experience 和 GRE成绩),大致上不致于没有学校念。


2. 按照学校招收学生过去成绩之历史统计:很多学校科系基本上都会公布之前录取学生之 GPA、SAT、GMAT、GRE 等等成绩,基本上,你只要每一个项目都有超过他们的平均,代表你有 “些许” 希望,为何说些许呢? 因为统计上误差是很大的,”平均”是一个迷思,没有deviation,很难判断,就算是有招收最低和最高成绩,很难量化的 essay、recommendation、resume 的quality 就成为胜出的关键。

3. 相对SWOT强者法:这大概比较少人听过,因为学校大部分都遵循着 diversity这个圭臬,所以他们招收学生时候,是以一个国家来比,举例,你念的是北京大学,你同时要申请会计系,这时候要比的,就是同年北京和国内来的一起要竞争的会计系学生或是已经在四大工作者,只要数据成绩有得比,那工作经验和 essay 及 留学PS 的质量变成决胜点,总之你可以自己算一算自己在区域的竞争强度,来决定是要往上还是往下选,关键点是,你不必是世界超强,但是你要尽量做到你区域内能胜过同期同国家对手。


1. 个人喜好,很多学生偏好私立 (基本上美国私立本科教育体系还是比公立好) 、偏向西岸 (sun shine) or 东岸 (人文素养优良,新英格兰区的传统),或是偏向治安好的大学城,有无校区、是否靠近就业大城、还有班级是大是小、学生和老师比例是否不会过高,学生能获得最佳的照顾?


2. 黑马学校,如果你完全是为了就业做考虑,很重要的一点是,可以翻阅美国商业杂志,参考各州就业状况,看过去毕业的学生,未来就业出路,有些州,其实出乎预料的有非常多科技公司的群聚,并大量雇用某校毕业的学生,尤其像是商学会计专业。

3. 名校后门,一些英语文教学、教育相关、以及科技管理相关,都有很多很优质、又是名校,但是又不会很难申请的一些科系。

4. 口耳相传的口碑、或是某学校毕业的 “最爱”,有些学校,有一些潜规则,像是 University of Wisconsin 化工研究所,上很难,但是上了有奖学金的机率大,Emory MBA 是很好的 top 15 program、就业率也超高,也非常有将学金机会,然后有些学校 (四小福 UIUC等等) 是出名了爱收中国某些大学本科学生。





在麦肯锡,他们评估了一个叫做国内增值出口(DVAE)的指标。他们用这种方法精确地分析了出口在中国经济增长中所起的作用。当从总出口中,减去生产最终出口的商品和服务过程中使用的进口,我们得到麦肯锡所称的DVAE。就象汽车工业一样,用于制造出口摩托车的发动机零件的进口从总出口中减去。在此不减运至该国供消费的制成品进口。根据这些假设,计算得出的DVAE预测,尽管出口对中国经济增长起到了重要的推动作用,但并非完全主导。人们普遍认为,中国的增长基本面高估了出口的作用。人们几乎忘记了,国内消费等其他因素也是中国经济增长的重要驱动力(Horn, Singer and Wetzel, 2010)。


In the recent years China is facing slowdown in its very quickly growing economy. Production prices and other growth indicators are falling (Fig. 3). GDP for 2015 was 6.9% which in the previous year was 7.3%. Since Chinese economy is major contributor to the world economy index, its’ slowdown is seen with grave concerns globally. For several years, Chinese economy has been dependent on the exports of its manufacturing sector. Now the question arises, this tactic will be sufficient to pull back the economy in the original fast ace growth trend. The capitalists and scholars believe that China needs a balanced private consumption-led economy growth in the given circumstances. Ever since the Communist Party has undertake the command of China, its’ economy has slowed down gradually. The reason for this is mainly because the current government is attempting to change the country’s economic model whose roots are in trade and investment, with the new model driven by domestic consumption and promises to be show self – sustained growth in the coming years (Chinese economy, 2016). However, considering that the Chinese economy is solely dependent on its exports that would not be fair.As per a study conducted by McKinsey, the GDP of China showed lesser dependency on the exports, and then it is perceived globally.

At McKinsey they evaluated a measure called domestic value-added exports (DVAE). They used this methodology to analyze precisely the role played by exports in the growth of Chinese economy. When from the total exports, the imports which are used in the process of producing the goods and services that are eventually exported are subtracted, and we get what McKinsey named DVAE. Like in the case of automobile industry, the imports of engine parts which are used to make motorbikes for the purpose of export are subtracted from total exports. The finished imports, which are brought to the country for consumption, are not subtracted here. Using these hypotheses, the calculated DVAE projected that even though the exports play important driving role on the growth of Chinese economy, they are not entirely dominating. There is a general perception about the Chinese growth fundamentals which overestimates the role of exports. It is nearly forgotten that other factors like domestic consumption is also an important driver for the growth of economy in China (Horn, Singer and Wetzel, 2010).