

1.首先是Cover Page,即封面,包括论文的题目,作者姓名,所在学院,学校和上交时间等信息。




5.List of Figures,也就是所有图片的一个目录,包括所有在论文中出现的图片标题,不要把图片也贴上,只要标题。比如:

1.1 XXXX标题名称

2.1 XXXX标题名称


6.List of Tables,和上面类似,就是表格的目录。




9.Background 或者 Literature Review,题目只要涉及这些方面即可,一般是这两个。内容也是。(具体写作我后面会具体说)。

10.Proposed Method也就是主体部分,题目自定或者问问导师,但是内容是你的研究成果的描述。

11.Analytical and Test Results,分析和测试结果,题目自定,内容主要就是测试结果。



13.Conclusion and Future Work,这个自然就是结论了。


15.Appendix 附录部分,可以有若干个,比如:文中所有缩写列一个,文中用到的硬件软件环境解释列一个等等。





信贷危机影响了债务的安全性,各国政府更倾向于将其证券化。虽然这一方面发生了,但关键企业倒闭,各国的经济活动都陷入了困境。在这种情况下,银行和贷款人认为,随着房价上涨和抵押贷款支持证券盛行,次级贷款能够得到更大程度的管理。然而,这种情况持续了一段有限的时间,因为房主意识到房屋价值超过了抵押贷款利率。这最终导致了抵押贷款市场的崩溃。以美国房地产市场为例,随着购房者数量的减少,房产的价值也随之下降。投资者信心的动摇造成了重大的全球影响。也有可能看到信贷紧缩对房地产业产生了直接影响,非传统形式的贷款进一步收紧了这些贷款的基本标准(Ocayo, 2012)。英国拥有最大的金融衍生品市场。由于利率在一段时间内下降,从而削弱了信贷价值,公司和个人不得不借款。

以德国为例,由于银行监管体系健全,抵押贷款债券相当具有流动性和安全性。当前的信贷紧缩还对各国造成了以下负面影响:经合组织成员国的失业率大幅上升。德国、英国、日本、拉脱维亚、欧元和墨西哥等国的GDP普遍下滑。另一方面,冰岛现有的主要银行已经完全崩溃,因为它们没有其他办法来应对金融危机的突然出现。欧洲中央银行迅速采取措施,购买价值数十亿欧元的高证券债券来管理信贷(Wignall, 2008)。由于购房者数量有限,销售状况恶化,房地产和制造业企业都出现了下滑。日本索尼电子(Sony electronics)就是一个具体的例子。在销售水平大幅下降后,该公司在成立14年多的时间里,进行了裁员,并出现了巨额亏损。


The credit crunch has affected the security to the debts and governments preferred to go for securitization. Although this happened on one end, key businesses failed and the economic activity across countries were in trouble. In this scenario, the banks and lenders had the notion that the subprime loan can be managed to a greater extent as the home prices rose and mortgage backed security prevailed. However, this lasted for a limited period as the owners realized that the home values outweighed the mortgage rates. This eventually resulted in mortgage market meltdown. In case of US housing market, the values of the properties decreased with the limited number of buyers. The shaken confidence among the investors forced a major global impact. It is also likely witnessed that the credit tightening had a direct impact on the housing sector and non-traditional forms of loans further tightened the basic standards on those loans (Ocayo, 2012). UK has the largest market for financial derivates. As the interest rates decreased over a period of time thereby weakening the credit values, companies and people had to borrow.

In case of Germany, mortgage bonds were rather liquid and safe as the bank monitoring systems were healthy. The current credit crunch also imposed following negative impacts across countries:The rates of unemployed in OECD countries increased massively.The decline in GDP values were witnessed widely in countries like Germany, UK, Japan, Latvia, Euro and Mexico. On the other hand, the major banks that existed in Iceland had totally collapsed as they had no alternatives to manage the sudden emergence of financial crisis.European Central Bank took quick measures in buying bonds that are worth billions of Euros with high securities to manage the credit (Wignall, 2008).Both housing and manufacturing companies went down as buyers were limited and sales deteriorated. One specific example would be Japan’s Sony electronics. After a major decline in the sales level, this company has cut down jobs and also reported a huge level of loss in a period of over 14 years since its existence.