






另外,就是如果自己只有中文的概念,一定一定要多多上网查询有没有相关的英文单词,而不是将中文直译成英文,因为这样可能会和实际的意思相差很多。可以先在Google Translate里翻译成英文,然后再上同义词网站找同义词,里边一般会有一个最合适的。


以上的方法最适合形容词或者名词。除此之外还有一种就是逻辑连接词,比如表达因果、并列、从属关系的词或表达方式。这些词因为会经常用,所以最好还是要记住,要不总是查就比较费时了。比如因果关系。Because这种词就太基础了,可以试试caused by或者result in等。还有一种简单且地道的表达方式就是用suggest,字义上讲是建议,但是实际应用中可以表达告知、通知和结果等各种含义,而且态度谦虚、严谨。最适合学术论文。

再比如,并列关系的话,and是最常见的。另外可以表达类似意思的有on the one hand…on the other hand…等。可是大部分人都只用后半个,这其实是不合适的。最好两个一起用,而且要注意的是,后半个表达的内容,在重要性上要微强于前半部分。有时可以用来表达一点并列但强调其中一个的意思。类似的例子还有很多,就不废话了,大家自己积累一些最好。







Normally, no one is waiting to pay any more taxes than their obligation permit. Therefore, it is important doing tax planning to taxpayer because of the legitimate arranging of tax affairs. Also, it helps to obtain a favourable tax result of personal or business. While taking part to prepare the tax planning, distinguishing between tax avoidance and tax evasion has played a major role. Tax avoidance is using tactics to reduce what may be owed, by means within the law but tax evasion is a criminal act. Tax evasion included understates assessable income, hiding the information of asset or income source or falsifying records, which is unacceptable for ATO.Obviously, the capital gains on investment to the capital loss of investment between the stock investment, Cyril is very smartly to take an action to trigger on that disposal offset the capital gains generated in the year. This may generate a favourable tax result to minimize tax while staying strictly within the law, but taking advantage of some weakness in the law to achieve a favourable tax outcome.As a result, the following factors are considered that whether the General Anti-Avoidance Tax Part IVA will apply to Cyril during this transaction or not.

Thus, Part IVA will only apply to an arrangement in Cyril for two situations:Whether Cyril obtain a tax benefit from a Scheme, or;The transaction of Cyril proceeded actually was ascertained by considering the 8 statutory factors to determine objectively if a scheme entered into, or carried out, for the dominant purpose of obtaining a tax benefit.Initially, a scheme has to be identified. ‘A scheme’ is included any agreement, arrangement, understanding, promise or undertaking, whether are ‘expressed or implied’ or ‘enforceable, intended to be enforceable by legal proceedings’ or not. Besides, this kind of scheme involves with that entered by taxpayer or another third party. Consequently, Cyril followed his financial adviser, sold his ABC bank shares and triggered capital losses to offset against the capital gains. This is scheme as obtaining a scheme benefit is the dominant purpose why he entered into transaction. The Australia Taxation Office (ATO) will be alerted when they detect excessively large deductions of tax offsets when compared to investment income. The Commissioner must exercise his discretion to make a Part IVA determination. For example, under section 177F, Commissioner is authorised to cancellation the tax benefit of Cyril if the tax benefit relates to the incurring of a capital loss.