

著名哲学家阿维森纳(Abu ‘ Ali al-Husayn ibn Sina)的作品据说在灌输与灵魂的存在和意义有关的神学理论方面发挥了重要作用。早期的伊斯兰理性和哲学倾向为伊斯兰人对神和灵魂的感知铺平了道路,比希腊人提出的所谓“永恒的实体”更明显地认识到这一点。伊本Sīnā的合理性,尤其是认同神秘主义的一部分,很大程度上要归功于阿尔法拉比。阿维森纳对存在这一主题展开了不可否认的研究,在这一研究中,他认识了物质或本质(Mahiat)和自我的存在(Wujud)。他认为,意识的实在不可能由存在事物的精髓来收集或表征,没有任何人的输入,形状和物质也不可能联系起来,启动宇宙的发展或存在事物的动态实现。



The work of a well-known philosopher, Avicenna (Abu ‘Ali al-Husayn ibn Sina) is said to have a major role in the indoctrination of the theological theories related to the existence and meaning of soul as currently perceived by the world. Early Islamic rationality and philosophical bent that paved the way to the Islamic perception of the divine and the soul, recognizes the so-called “everlasting entity” more obviously than put forward by its Greek counterparts. The rationality of Ibn Sīnā, especially that part identifying with mysticism, owes much to Al-Farabi. Avicenna started an undeniable investigation into the topic of being, in which he recognized substance or essence (Mahiat) and the presence of self (Wujud). He contended that the reality of the consciousness can’t be gathered from or represented by the pith of the existing things and that the shape and matter without anyone else’s input can’t connect and start the development of the universe or the dynamic realization of existing things.

Consciousness, thus, must be because of a subject’s cause which then adds to the nature of one’s existence. To do as such, the reason must be a current thing and coincide with its impact. Avicenna’s thought and theories about soul is indoctrinated in most of his metaphysical works and focuses mostly on the nature and the physical manifestation of the soul. He also propagated the idea that a soul can have its existence without having to attach itself to a physical body. This plays a major role and forms a basis for most of his thought experiments, one of which is described later. As per Avicenna, “The Necessary” (the physical body) exists ‘because of Its-Self’, and has no substance other than the presence of the soul itself. Besides, it is singular and all-pervading in nature since there can’t be more than one soul without defying ‘Essential Existent-because of Its self’ condition and even then require a parameter to differentiate them all from one another.



1840年,中国人第一次来到澳大利亚,其根源是犯罪分子向新南威尔士州的移民。然后,是在20世纪,从中国到澳大利亚的移民增长了很多。在20世纪50年代的一份报告中,可以看到,在1854年,大约有2341人从中国移民到维多利亚。但是,仅仅3年后的1857年,同样的数字增加到了3万多。从1858年到1859年,移民人数增加到42000人(Lockwood, 1964)。中国人也移民到昆士兰和新南威尔士等地。中国人移民到澳大利亚主要是因为澳大利亚的金矿。有些移民设法进入了制造业,有些人经营自己的花园,卖水果和蔬菜。在澳大利亚经历了一些严重的动荡之后,州政府制定了一些限制中国人从事采矿业的规定。1901年,联邦制定了白澳大利亚政策,支持来自欧洲特定国家的移民。


由于这一政策,亚洲人进入澳大利亚是完全有限的,因此中国和澳大利亚之间的移民数量大幅下降。1901年的《移民限制法案》使得这一时期移居澳大利亚的华人寥寥无几,直到第二次世界大战爆发。在澳大利亚,华人的数量从1888年的5万人和1921年的1.7万人下降到1933年的1.08万人。第二次世界大战的胜利者之一是中国。由于同样的原因,欧洲人和中国人被澳大利亚当地政府鼓励移民到澳大利亚。然而,从那时起,从中国移民到澳大利亚的人开始参与澳大利亚的社会问题,也开始为当地文化和经济的发展进程做出巨大贡献(Market and Raymond, 1996)。他们能够管理自己在销售、采矿、生产或经营咖啡店、商场甚至餐馆等领域的职位。在此期间,几乎所有的贸易都是由两国之间的移民控制的。


It was in the year 1840 that Chinese first came to Australia and the root cause of the same is attributed to the migration of criminals to the city of New South Wales. Then, it was in the 20th century that the migration from China to Australia grew much. In one of the reports of 1950s, it was seen that during 1854, there were about 2341 people from China who immigrated to Victoria. But, just 3 years later in the year 1857, the same number increased to over 30,000. From 1858 to 1859, the number of immigrants increased to 42,000 (Lockwood, 1964). Chinese people also immigrated to other places like Queensland and New South Wales. It was mainly because of the goldfield in Australia that Chinese people immigrated there. There were immigrants who managed to get into the manufacturing industry and there were some who ran their own gardens and sold fruits and vegetables.After some severe turmoil in Australia, the state government made some rules so as to confine Chinese in the mining sector. And in the year 1901, the White Australia policy was made by the Federation to support immigration from specific nations of Europe.


As a result of this policy, the entry of Asians into Australia was completely limited and hence there was a huge fall in the number of immigration between China and Australia. Few Chinese immigrated to Australia during this period due to the immigration Restriction Act 1901 till the commencement of the World War II. In Australia, the number of Chinese fell to 10,800 in 1933 from 50,000 in 1888 and 17,000 during 1921. One of the victors during the World War II was China. Because of the same, Europeans together with Chinese were motivated to immigrate to Australia by the Australian local government. However, it was since then that people from China who immigrated to Australia began participating in the social issues of Australia and also began making huge contributions to the process of development of local culture and economy (Market and Raymond, 1996). They were able to manage their position in the field of sales, mining, production or running coffee shops, malls and even restaurants. Almost the entire trade was controlled by those migrants between the two nations during this time period.



澳大利亚土著人也被称为几十年来第一批通过斗争来确认和承认他们原来属于国家的澳大利亚人。这场斗争是长期的,在不同的时间跨度和时期内,土著人民的存在得到了必要的证明。这里的焦点仍然是时间,从传教时期一直到现在,政府为了保护土著人制定了适当的法律和政策(Baglin and Mullins, 1976)。需要理解的是,政治的变化和国家的进程已经改变了整个国家的土著人的很多事情。殖民化过程之后是非殖民化。就在那时,政府意识到土著人才是真正遭受苦难并需要立即得到保护的人(Ryan and Huyton, 2002)。如果追溯历史,我们可以注意到土著居民没有像现在这样被对待,也没有政府的政策或规则来保护他们的生存并给予他们在自己的土地上居住的权利。

在土著人民的保护得到承认的同时,这些特派团实际上开始工作。这是一项拯救、保护和保障土著人民的法案,使他们能够被“基督教化”。这是土著居民不同意的事情,并继续抗议,以便他们可以有自己的土地(Bartlett, 2002)。这是土著部落最糟糕的时期,流行病蔓延,他们无家可归,他们的迁徙也受到限制。这是不同任务在救援中发挥重要作用的时期。这些原住民或多或少被允许像自由人一样生活在他们的州。科兰德的变化始于1881年的议会科兰德调查。正是在这个时候,政府第一次主动采取行动,保护维多利亚的土著居民。此外,许多土著人被要求在这些调查中担任证人,以便他们能够自己决定他们所面临的问题以及他们希望看到的变化(Cottington和Houston, 1987年)。


The aboriginal people of Australia are also known as the first Australians who over the decades have fought their way to identification and recognition that they originally belong to the state. The struggle has been long and there have been different time spans and periods through which the existence of the aboriginals has been given the required identification. The topic of focus here would remain the time period, right from the missionary period run mission up to the current age where proper laws and policies have been framed by the government for the purpose of protection of the aboriginal people (Baglin and Mullins, 1976).What needs to be understood is that the political changes and the processes of the state have changed a lot of things for the aboriginal people all over the state. The colonization processes were followed by decolonization. That is when the government realized that the aboriginal people are the ones who have actually been suffering and needed protection immediately (Ryan and Huyton, 2002).If history is traced it can be noticed that the aboriginals were not treated the way they are treated now, and there were not governmental policies or rules which would protect their existence and give them a right to stay on their native land.

The period where the protection of the aboriginal people was recognized is the same time that these mission actually started working. It was an act where the aboriginal people were saved, protected and safeguarded so that they could be ‘Christianized’. This was something that the aboriginal people did not agree to and went on protesting so that they could have their land of their own (Bartlett, 2002).This was the time when the aboriginal tribes were at their worst, epidemics spread and they were rendered homeless, and their movement was also restricted. This was the time the different missions played an important role in rescuing. The changes were that these aboriginal people were more or less allowed to live like free men in their state. The change in Coranderrk began with the Parliamentary Coranderrk Inquiry which had taken place in 1881. It was when the government took the first initiative of taking a step in order to safeguard the aboriginals in Victoria. Also that many of the aboriginal people were called for being witnesses in these inquiries so that they could decide for themselves what kind of problems had been faced by them and what kind of changes they would like to see (Cottington and Houston, 1987).