




A nuclear peace may be defined as the condition when the situation of war between two nations is quit high. In this kind of conflict, the defense does not have any usefulness. It is a condition of a mutually assured agreement whose main aim is to preserve peace and harmony in the world. This ensures that the nations will keep the nuclear weapons; it will be aimed at keeping peace in the world. A number of treaties have been signed under the same. After the disaster atomic attack on Japan, the horrific power of the nuclear bombs was observed for the very first time. There was an observation of the clout of nuclear weapons and each and every nation became a nuclear weapon state. Thus, there was a race between the nations for acquiring the nuclear weapons. In order to ensure that nuclear weapons are not used, a number of treaties have been signed. One of the most important treaty is the NPT. It stands for the Non Proliferation Treaty. It was signed as an international agreement for the beginning of nuclear age. This treaty was supported by 190 nations in the world including the five nations who have developed nuclear weapons including the US, Russia, the United Kingdom, France and China.

However, there are few other nations which have not signed this treaty including India, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel and Cuba. MAD treaty is another important treaty which has resulted from the Deterrence theory. It is important as it helped in keeping world peace during the times of the cold war. The strategy is intended for the purpose of dissuading the adversary from taking such actions which have not been instantiated yet. MAD treaty has been a military strategy which has been signed for implementing the ban on the full scale usage of nuclear weapons by two or more sides. This is because it is important to have more peace in the world. It is based on such a policy that the energy deters from the use of those weapons by threatening of the enemy to use some of the harmful weapons. This kind of theory is correct as it ensures that both sides have their armies but none of the sides can instantiate any conflict.




新自由主义的日益繁荣实际上是建立在新政凯恩斯主义政策的成功之上的(Harvey, 2005)。战后劳动和商业之间的社会契约也加强了这一点。在经济和文化层面,北美(包括美国和加拿大)一直推崇并奉行激进的个人主义。20世纪末,加拿大兴起了各种类型的工会。20世纪60年代,当政府通过法律,成立工人团体以保护他们的利益和权利时,许多公共部门工会应运而生。在1980年代末和1990年代初,为了扩大工会的成员范围,包括来自有关工会行业以外的工人,成立了许多共同的工会。其中一个这样的工会是加拿大汽车工人工会(CAW)。加拿大汽车工人工会也扩展到航空业、渔业和其他领域。


After the Second World War, for more than 30 years, Keynes focussed on developing the tools of fiscal policy (which constitutes the control of taxes and government spending) and monetary policy (which mainly involves controlling interest rates). It was also the period in which Keynesianism was expanding the scope of regulation and social protection. However, immediately after 1970s, the Keynesianism went into great reversal and was replaced by the rise of neoliberalism. The period of 1970’s was dominated by the OPEC oil price shocks and the era of Vietnam War. These economic and social dislocations provided an entry point for the neoliberal dynamism. Throughout the period of Keynesian hegemony, the United States faced a strong opposition. This period of dominance further provided US a platform from which neoliberal rhetoric was launched. As illustrated by the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947, the antagonism present during the New Deal period continued after the Second World War. This hostility undermined the ability and power of the union to organize the institutional system of the country.

Rising prosperity of the neoliberalism was actually built upon the success of the policies of the New Deal Keynesianism (Harvey, 2005). It was also enhanced by the post-war social contract between labour and business. At the economic and cultural level, North America (both US and Canada) always praised and followed radical individualism. Various types of unions rose in Canada during the late 20th century. In 1960s, when the government passed the law to form groups of workers in order to protect their interest and rights, many public sector unions emerged. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, a lot of common unions were formed in order to broaden their membership y including workers from outside the concerned industry of unions. One such union was that of Canadian Auto Workers (CAW). The union of Canadian Auto workers expanded to the airline industry, fishing industry and other areas too.