





比如You’d be expected to write an essay each month……and also you needto hand in a short report every four weeks. 而题目问的是What two types ofcoursework are required each month on the part-time course­这里如果考生掌握了every four weeks就是each month 的复现词也是它的同义转换词那么这道题就很容易选出an essay和a short report这两个选项。










比如剑5中Test4中的Section4的37题和39题之间的关系。37题:training in specializedcomputer programs______。这里匹配的是选项中的B选项也就是library staff. 而39题checkingthe draft of the dissertation_____。这里匹配的选项还是B选项。39题中的听力录音原文是When you’vegot something together the trainer here will look through the draftversion for you to see if it’s ok.. 这里的the trainer指代的就是37题选出来的librarystaff所以这两题选的是同一个答案。这个就是可以根据人称的指代做出答案。



比如听力录音原文是Most people tend to book twenty-four hours inadvance……however, the earliest you book a computer is forty-eight hoursbefore you need it. 题目是Computer can be booked up to ___hours inadvance。如果考生注意到however这个转折信号词,那应该可以知道第一个数字24小时是个陷阱,而答案应该是48小时。


代寫論文 價格:作業管理理論

代寫論文 價格:作業管理理論
作業管理的理論將被用來分析問題的各個方面,同時作為思考的基礎。由於本文對於Ellos來說是非常具體和實踐性的,所以在考慮關鍵問題的時候並不會遵循準確的理論,因為運營管理理論將作為一個檢查表和一個指導方針,用來遺忘任何重要的事情。使用這種方法的主要目的是減少移動和時間,消除不必要的操作(Betts 2015)。下面的模型將作為進行分析的方法框架。如前所述,這個模型將結合問題、選擇的方法、不同的理論和關鍵目的。關於關鍵的輸入,將著重於包裝的操作和包裝領域的工作人員。包裝領域的操作性能比較多,相互之間的交互作用比較大(Betts 2015)。

代寫論文 價格:作業管理理論
在本分析中,重點將放在完成例程和包裝供應例程上。大家都知道,Ellos有一個很好的工作輪換制度,並致力於工作人員積極性的關鍵數字,因此,可以認為有關業務管理的理論是適當和適當的(Banks 1998)。進一步的,模擬的方法也可以認為是適當的。仿真是對現實世界中某一系統或過程的模擬,是解決現實生活中若干問題不可缺少的方法。這種特別的方法正用於描述和分析與實際系統有關的行為,為“如果”問題尋求答案(Banks 1998)。當考慮描述期望系統和現有系統的建模的真實係統的設計時,這可以被認為是非常有用的指導工具,並且不能用於優化,而只能用於測試想法。

代寫論文 價格:作業管理理論

Theories of operations management will be used for analysing all areas of problem, while serving as a base of thinking. As this paper can be considered extremely specific and practice for Ellos, the exact theory will not be followed when considering the key issue as the theory of operation management will be serving as a checklist and a guideline for forgetting anything significant. The key purpose behind the use of methodology is reduction of movements and time, and elimination of unnecessary operations (Betts 2015). The below model will be used a methodological framework for conducting the analysis. This model, as mentioned, will be combining the issue, the selected methods, different theories and the key purpose. With respect to key inputs, focus will be created on the operation of packaging and the employees working in the area of packing. The performance of operation in the area of packing are many, and there is a heavy interaction with one another (Betts 2015).

代寫論文 價格:作業管理理論
For the purpose of this analysis, focus will be created on routines of completion and routines of packaging supply. Ellos is known to be having a well- established system for the rotation of job, and works towards key figures for the motivation of staff, and hence, the theory related to operations management can be considered appropriate and suitable (Banks 1998). Further ahead, the method of simulation can also be considered appropriate. Simulation is referred to as an imitation of a system or a process in the real world setting, being an indispensable methodology to solve several real- life issues. This particular method is being used for the description and analysis of behaviour related to a real system, seeking answers for what- if questions (Banks 1998). This can be considered as extremely useful as a guiding tool when considering the designing of real system that depicts the modelling of both, desired and existing systems, and cannot be used for optimization, but to test ideas.






Organizations might make the choice of financing their investment for a number of different sources of funds. With the increased imperfection across market, organizations tend to be showing preference in a single source of funds. One significant category of market imperfection is the prominent existence of information asymmetry between the market and the organization. The hypothesis of financing hierarchy had been tested by Cleary (1999) stating that investment policies of organization indeed involve sensitivity towards the fluctuations of cash flow and that majority of the financially constrained organizations are known to be having a greater sensitivity of cash flow in comparison with the least constrained organizations. As the level of financial constraint cannot be observed, a number of paper use several proxies for the constraints of finance, and obtaining different sensitivity results of cash flow. As a significant example, an internal cash flow of an organization may impact the spending of investment due to a hierarchy of finance within which internal funds are known to be having an advantage of cost over equity finance or new debt.

In these types of circumstances, the financing decision and investment of an organization are independent.A business organization might end up experiencing financial distress when there is inadequate inflow for meeting the obligations of contract. The dynamic nature of such organizations holds the assumption that when moving in and out of troubles in finance, the company ends up passing by a number of different stage. Each of these have been identified as specific attributes, and in a consequent sense, different contributions are made towards corporate failure. Financial distress involves variation of time incorporating the fact that the organization does not maintain a similar state until there is complete liquidity or recovery. Changes in conditions of finance end up impacting the progress of one state in the process of financial distress to the other. If the conditions of finance end up becoming aggravated, bankruptcy might be faced by the company. On the contrary, if there is an improvement in performance of the organization, there is a significant scope of overcoming the difficulties of finance and recovering these in the absence of any defaulting.



魅力型领导者:魅力型领导者倾向于成为非常好的倾听者和信息收集者。他们愿意在许多个人面前展示自己以获得新的想法(Jogulu, 2010)。变革型领导者:这种类型的领导者愿意与员工一起工作,以识别所需的变革,通过灵感创造指导变革的愿景,并为每个追随者的承诺在团队中执行变革。它的目的是提高工作绩效,士气和激励追随者的一些机制(Chemers, 2000)。交易型领导:这种风格也被称为管理型领导,它关注的是群体绩效、组织和监督所扮演的角色,通过惩罚和奖励来促进追随者之间的服从。这种类型的领导以模型的形式使用,关注追随者发现偏差和错误的工作,这在紧急和危机的情况下是最有效的(Yukl, 1999)。Yukl(1999)在他的理论中指出,通过考察其他关于有效领导的研究和理论,可以识别缺失行为。

在个人一级,这些必须包括激励、发展和授权。灵感是给作品注入意义和意义的建立。发展是提高追随者的自信心和技能。最后,授权是为追随者提供重要的判断力和发言权。在群体层面,变革理论的行为必须包括对组织的战略和愿景的清晰表述,对变革的指导和促进,以及促进组织中的学习(Oostenveld, 2010)。交易型领导是指下属和领导者之间的交流过程。然而,该理论受到Yukl(1999)的批评,因为它在创建跨流程和事务行为的强链接方面面临失败。相反,该理论倾向于包含领导者的不同行为,这些行为缺乏共同的明确的分母(May, 2000)。这些行为有偶然奖励、被动管理和主动管理(Perez, 2002)。在交易型领导中,包含这些行为的理论基础不能被认为是显而易见的。可能涉及交换过程的或有惩罚可能不涉及显式测量(Starcy, 2004)。


Charismatic Leaders: Charismatic leaders hold the tendency of being extremely good listeners and good gatherers of information. They show willingness in exposing themselves in front of a number of individuals for obtaining new ideas (Jogulu, 2010). Transformational Leaders: This type of leader is the one who show willingness in working with the employees for identification of required change, creation of vision for guidance of change by inspiration, and execution of change within tandem for commitment of each and every follower. It serves the purpose of enhancing job performance, morale and motivation to the followers by a number of mechanisms (Chemers, 2000). Transactional Leaders: This style is also referred to as managerial leadership for focusing on the role played by group performance, organization and supervision in which there is a promotion of compliance among the followers by both punishments and rewards. This type of leadership is used in the form of a model and pays attention to the work of followers for finding out deviations and faults, which is most effective in situations of emergency and crisis (Yukl, 1999).In his theory, it had been stated by Yukl (1999) that there can be identification of missing behaviours by examining other researches and theories on effective leadership.

At individual level, these must be inclusive of inspiration, development and empowerment. Inspiration is to infuse work with the establishment of sense and meaning. Development is to enhance self-confidence and skills of the followers. Finally, empowerment is to provide significant discretion and voice to the followers. At group level, the behaviours of transformational theory must be inclusive of articulation of strategy and vision for the organization, guidance and facilitation of change, and promotion of learning in organization (Oostenveld, 2010). Transactional leadership is referred to as a process of exchange between subordinate and leader. However, the theory has been criticized by Yukl (1999) as it faces failure in creating a strong link across the process and transactional behaviour. Instead, the theory tends to include diversely collected behaviours of leader where there is a lack of common clear denominator (May, 2000). These behaviours are of contingent reward, passive management and active management (Pérez, 2002). The rationale of theory including these behaviours cannot be considered evident in the transactional leadership. Contingent punishment where may be an involvement of exchange processes may not involve explicit measurement (Starcy, 2004).