

CN*NOW (CNW)是国内最大的户外家具和商用家具制造商之一。它记录了巨大的营业额,但不能反映在底线上。正是因为这个原因,我们在这份报告中提出引入ERP,以提高公司的盈利能力。此外,它将有助于连接业务的各个方面,以确保所有业务单元之间的信息流动顺畅。ERP解决方案工作在计算机软件和网络安排的混合包上。不管采取什么行动,ERP解决方案通常都使用一个简单的数据库来保存来自各行各业的信息,并且可以被不同的公司用来获得重要的见解。并讨论了项目范围是将业务的各个方面与不同的工具集成起来,以改进公司的运营框架。它解释了根据项目生命周期指南,整个项目被划分为5个主要里程碑。第一阶段是规划阶段,在这个阶段,人们应该了解创建企业资源规划系统的需求。然后是分析和设计阶段,这有助于创建公司使用的重要硬件和软件框架。最后在最后阶段,编写和测试软件代码是主要任务。所有的错误都应该纠正。



CN*NOW (CNW) is one of the largest manufacturers of outdoor manufacturer of furniture for domestic and commercial use. It records huge turnover but is not able to reflect it in the bottom-line. It is because of this reason that in this report we proposed the introduction of ERP so as to improve the profitability of the company. Besides these it will help in connecting all aspects of businesses so as to ensure smooth flow of information among all business units.ERP solutions work on a blended bag of computer software and network arrangements. Regardless of the course of action, generally ERP solutions use a simple database to hold information from various trades and can be used by different company to gain important insights.It also discusses that the project scope is to integrate all aspects of business with different tools to improve the operational framework of the company. It explains that the entire project is divided into 5 major milestones as per project life cycle guidelines. The primary phase is the planning stage in which one ought to understand the requirement of creating the enterprise resource planning system. It is followed by analysis and design phase which helps in creating the important hardware and software frameworks to be used in the company.Finally in the final phase, preparation and testing of the software code is the major tasks. All bugs ought to be rectified.

While doing the rectification, it must be kept in mind that all the rectifications must be as per original specifications and frameworks.This report also discusses the quality management, as it plays an important role in ensuring the quality of deliverables i.e. it must be as per project specifications and customers’ requirement. It also discusses that the project quality will be managed and ensured through detailed testing which will be done in two steps to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the ERP systems. Alpha testing will ensure that all major bugs get fixed whereas beta testing will ensure the smooth and seamless run of the system. Apart from these, it also discusses about risks management which helps to achieve all deliverables in time.It is important as it helps in controlling the quality of the major deliverables. It also helps to manage triple constraints of time, cost and resource in such a way so that the optimum path can be obtained which will generate maximum profit for the company. It is important as company can achieve one of the constraints at the expense of other twos. It can be done by using the risk registers and various techniques mentioned in scheduling.



我们在国内很多人都是使用Microsoft Word来写作,但是出国留学的同学们要进行论文写作Microsoft Word却不是最佳选择,今天给同学们推荐这款EndNote软件,它可以直接从网络搜索相关文献并导入到EndNote的文献库内,还可以自动帮助我们编辑参考文献的格式。所以用EndNote来写英文论文是非常方便的。下面,给同学们讲一下使用方法。

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英文论文修改:Qasr Amra城堡介绍

英文论文修改:Qasr Amra城堡介绍

Qasr Amra城堡位于约旦高速公路北侧,距安曼约85公里,距Al-azraq约21公里,是一座在历史上留下印记的纪念碑。瓦立德·伊本·亚兹德在72年和743年建造的这座教堂,是最早的伊斯兰艺术和建筑的最好例证。现在在那里的实际建筑实际上是这个综合体的遗迹,这个综合体非常大,包括一个实际的城堡。这幅著名的壁画是在天花板上创作的,描绘了狩猎、裸体妇女和浴室。正是因为这些壮观的壁画,这个地方才被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。它仍然是游客最喜爱的高速公路之一。宫殿由红色石灰石建造,坐落在沙漠边缘,旁边是一片绿洲,距离安曼东部约50英里。建筑的两个主要部分包括观众厅和浴室。当一个人从北面进入大楼时,他会遇到一个漂亮的大厅。

英文论文修改:Qasr Amra城堡介绍
除了大厅的主入口,还有一个飞地,它的两侧由两种不同类型的无窗房间组成,光线可以从入口进入。反射的光线被胶合在玻璃基马赛克上。库萨伊尔·阿姆拉最重要的宫殿只是一个更大的建筑。在1970年早期,这一地区被西班牙考古使团发掘,并导致发现了约300米西方式小庭院城堡的遗迹。这是一座保存了这么长时间的特殊宫殿。Quasyr Amra最吸引人的特色是其丰富多彩的壁画,每个房间都装饰着这些壁画。在壁画上雕刻的绘画描绘了大量的主题,从狩猎的场景到体育活动到神话图像和其他天文表征。同样的一个例子是被画在圆顶上的天坛。这是对黄道十二宫的描述,加上与北半球观测到的星座有关的各种插图。纪念碑的表面不是平的,而是半圆形的。这幅壁画也受到了东方的影响。

英文论文修改:Qasr Amra城堡介绍

Location on the northern side of the Jordan’s Highway, roughly around 85 kilometres from Amman and 21 Kilometres from Al-azraq, Qasr Amra castle is a monument which has created its mark in the history. Build during the times of 72 and 743 by Walid Ibn Yazid, is the best ever example of the earliest Islamic art and architecture. The actual building which has been there in the present times is actually the remains of the complex which is very large and includes an actual castle. The notable fresco which has been created on the ceilings depicts the hunting, the naked women and bath chamber. It is because of the spectacular frescos that the place has been given a valuable designation by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. It has continued to be among the favourite highway for the tourists. The palace is built from red limestone and has been located on the edge of the desert alongside an oasis which is around 50 miles from the east of Amman. The two primary components of the structure involve the audience hall and a bath. When a person enters into the building from the northern side, he comes across in a beautiful hall.

英文论文修改:Qasr Amra城堡介绍
Other than the main entrance of the hall, stands an enclave which consists of two different kinds of windowless rooms on its either side, through which the light can enter from the entryways. The reflections of the light are cemented in the glass based mosaics. The most important palace which is there in the Qusayr Amra is just a single larger structure. During the earlier part of 1970, this area was excavated by the Spanish Archaeological Mission and led to the discovery of the remnants of the small courtyard castle around 300 meters towards the western style. It is an exceptional palace which has been preserved for such a long time. The most appealing feature of Quasyr Amra is its richly painted frescos which have been decorated in each and every room. The paintings which are carved in the frescos depict the large number of subjects varying from the scenes of hunting to the athletic activities to the mythological images and other astronomical representations. An example of the same is the caldarium which has been painted on the dome. This is the description of the zodiac signs which are coupled with the different kinds of illustrations related to the constellations which are observed in the northern hemisphere. The surfaces which are not flat but are a semi-circular are portrayed in the monument. This fresco gives the eastern influence as well.



中国市场和英国市场在意识形态和执行模式上有很大的不同。中国和英国的消费者有着明显的不同。需要分析中国和英国的宏观和微观环境因素,以制定一个强有力的广告策略(Yu & Ramanathan, 2012)。初步分析了中国市场,在此基础上了解了中国市场的动态。分析了中国市场的宏观环境因素。为了分析原有的公司战略,PEST分析在中国进行。由此分析了进军英国市场的原因。中国只是在过去几十年才涉足全球市场。在这段时间里,国家改变了一些影响商业传播的因素(To et al., 2013)。这个国家有许多促进进出口的法律。有一种观点认为,中国政府对个体企业的经营施加了很大的影响(Pearce, 2012)。

近年来,为了促进该国的商业活动,这些法律已作了修改。然而,中国的政策总有可能变得专制。新疆希望自治,希望现任中国政府宣布新疆为一个独立的省份。这可能会影响企业运营(Pearce, 2012)。像1989年天安门事件这样的事件已经导致许多外国企业和合资企业放弃了建立业务(Pearce, 2012)。本届政府已确保采取若干手段,使更多的外国直接投资进入该国。这可以证明是有利可图的。从整体上看,这个国家是稳定的。现任政府希望确保更多的商业运作。然而,中国是一个社会主义国家,许多资本主义国家对在中国建立企业经营有一个小小的犹豫。


Chinese markets and UK market are considerably different in ideologies and modes of execution. Consumers are markedly different between China and UK. There is a need to analyze the macro and micro environmental factors of China and UK in order to devise a strong advertising strategy (Yu & Ramanathan, 2012). Initially Chinese markets are analyzed in this the market dynamics of China is understood. Macro environmental factors about the Chinese market have been investigated in this analysis. In order to analyze the original company strategy PEST analysis is conducted for China. From this the reason of foraying into UK markets is analyzed. China forayed into global markets only in the past few decades. During this time the country has changed a number of factors that promulgate businesses (To et al., 2013). There are a numerous legislations that promote export and import of the country. There is a perception that Chinese government wields a lot of influence into the running of the individual corporations (Pearce, 2012).

Those legislations have been changed in recent times to promote business operations in the country. However there is always a risk that the country’s policy could become autocratic. Xinjiang province wants autonomy and wants the current Chinese government to declare Xinjiang to be a separate province. This could affect business operations (Pearce, 2012). Issues like Tiananmen Square in 1989 have caused many foreign ventures and joint ventures to move away from establishing business (Pearce, 2012). The current government has ensured a number of means to bring in more foreign direct investments into the country. This can prove to be lucrative. From a holistic angle the country is stable. The current government wants to ensure more business operations. Nevertheless China being a socialist State many of the capitalistic countries have a small hesitation in establishing business operations in the country.






The Minimalist: Street and Urban Art is pleased to present an exhibition featuring the work of six different artists presenting different art forms through their paintings. Every work in the exhibition represents minimalism in the form of sculptures and paintings by using simple and massive forms. The pictures and the sculpture depict the post minimal art form. Minimal art, also known as visual art, arose in 1960’s in New York. The art form works upon cut down details and often holds a common theme to express an abstract of situation. The items used in the exhibition are street urban art inspired by architectures of urban life style. Urban art form is an international art form used for a number of purposes. Street art is graffiti art based which is scribbled or painted on street surface or walls to arouse the attention of passer-by.

The exhibition is promoted by the help of social media like Twitter and Facebook and also on websites so that the content and the reasons behind the exhibit can be reached across the world. In the exhibitions, the details of each work of art will be presented regarding its artist, the form of art and style used in it and also how minimalism has been used to enrich the art.There are six pictures to be presented. The first one is Pejac’s mind-bending and subtle painting which depicts a man cleaning the environment. Pejac is an innovative and inventive skilled Spanish artist. He involves small details in his painting to make them look lively and real. Various techniques are used from tiniest drawings to big murals. Mostly white and black colour, patterns and fine lines are used in his painting which shows why it is important to keep a surrounding clean and pure.





作品选集就是Creative Portfolio,一般只有艺术领域的专业才会要求此类文书材料,比如创意媒体、电影制作、游戏制作、平面设计、建筑等。



选择的作品要注意做到少而精,能够将你的各方面才能体现出来。作品最好可以和个人陈述Personal Statement相呼应,并且更好地迎合所申请学校的流派。



写作样本英文叫Writing Sample,这一类型的文书主要是一些文史类和社科类专业的学生所要准备的。写作样本属于议论性的文章,通常是和申请方向有关,考查的是申请人的写作、思辨、学术能力,文章篇幅从2至30页不等。



研究计划书,也就是留学申请中会要求的Research Proposal,这类文书是主要说明申请人计划研究的方向、课题,类似论文格式,加上研究方法、进度安排、研究成果的意义、实用价值等。欧洲、香港、新加坡的博士学位一般都要求研究计划书。





该报告是在波士顿大学聘用的一位项目经理的假设下撰写的。项目经理必须与Nickerson Field配合工作。他负责订购,计划,组织和实施必要的基础设施,波士顿大学能够拥有和经营一个小联盟棒球队的复杂。为了支助该企业,还将考虑与交通管理、保安、服务(包括餐饮)、清洁和设施的持续管理和维修有关的服务。项目中涉及的相关涉众将基于项目经理(本人)将要安排的不同元素。波士顿大学是主要的利益相关者。他们是主要的利益相关者,因为他们是该项目的主要投资者,为了在Nickerson Field complex场地上运营,正在代表他们组建小型棒球联盟专营权。

根据他们的所有权和经营情况,球队将在4月到10月之间踢75场主场比赛。Nickerson Field complex也是经营的一个利益相关者,因为特许经营权将在这个网站上运营,因此必须支付场地使用费,在Nickerson Field complex管理下运营的摊位等等。在Nickerson Field complex政府将下提供的所有安全性和服务、摊位和维护服务都属于Nickerson Field complex涉众。观看游戏的公众是感兴趣的利益相关者。游戏的其他投资者如果有的话也会是利益相关者。场地所在的社区将成为利益相关者,因为当地社区将从项目中受益,也可能面临威胁。由于这是一个小型棒球联盟,该地区的学校也将成为利益相关者。


The report is written under the assumption of a project manager who was hired by Boston University. The Project manager has to work in coordination with the Nickerson Field Complex. He is responsible for ordering, planning, organizing and implementing the infrastructure necessary for Boston University to be able to own and operate a minor league baseball team on the complex. In order to support the venture, services related to traffic management, security, services (including catering), cleaning, and ongoing management and maintenance of the facilities would also be considered. The relevant stakeholders involved in this project would be based on different elements that are going to be arranged by the project manager (myself). The Boston University is the primary stakeholder. They are the primary stakeholder as they are the major investors of the project and it is on their behalf that the minor-league baseball franchise is being formed in order to be operated on the site of Nickerson Field complex.

As per their ownership and operation, the franchise would be playing around 75 home games between the nights of April and October. The Nickerson Field complex is also a stakeholder in the operation as the franchise will be operating on this site and hence would have to pay for premise usage, stalls operated under the Nickerson Field complex administration and more. All the security and services, stalls and maintenance services that are provided under the Nickerson Field complex administration would come under the Nickerson Field Complex stakeholder. The public who would be viewing the game are an interested stakeholder segment. Also other investors of the game if any would also be stakeholders. The community in which the ground is situated would be a stakeholder because the local community would benefit from the project and might also face threats. Since it is a minor league baseball, schools around the area would be a stakeholder too.



从学习风格的结果中,我可以通过分数来解释我对学习风格的描述。量表分为活动量表(act)、感觉量表(sen)、视觉量表(Visual)和顺序量表(sequence)。根据活动量表得分,我排名第5,这表明我对单一维度的适度偏好,以及在一个有利于特定维度的教学环境中轻松学习的能力。在感知量表上,我的得分为5分,说明我的感知能力对学习有一定的帮助。我在反思性量表中排名第3,说明一开始人们倾向于独立思考。从我更喜欢用思维处理信息的角度来看,我可以与之联系起来。定期停止阅读也是我的一种习惯,这表明我有一种思考我正在阅读的东西的习惯。5 .在视觉上体现了我的学习风格,要适度的视觉化。在语言能力方面,我没有得到任何排名,这表明我不擅长语言交流。由于过去的经验,我能理解这一点。



From the learning style results, I was able to interpret my learning style description due to the scores. There were 4 scales to be measured upon in the scale inclusive of active (act), Sensing (sen), Visual and Sequential. As per active scale scores, I was ranked 5, indicating moderate preference for single dimension and ability of learning easily within an environment of teaching which favours that specific dimension. On the sensing scale, I was ranked at 5, implying moderate sensing skills to learning. I ranked 3 on the reflective scale, illustrating a moderate preference for thinking across things in an independent manner initially. I can be related with this from the sense that I prefer processing information mentally. Requirement to stop periodically while reading is also a habit that I possess, indicating my habit to ponder what I am reading. 5 on the visual reflected my learning style to be moderately visual in nature. No ranks were secured on the verbal scale indicating that I am not very good with verbal form of communication. I can relate with this due to a past experience.

Often I have resented verbal communication due to the habit of not listening properly and forgetfulness. I scored a 5 on global scale, indicating a moderate ability to learn when a big picture is provided before understanding the different perspectives. Often in class, I try pondering over the different situations that the tutor is describing without being able to understand its narrow meaning. Therefore, I try to maintain a global image of the scenarios to understand what is happening. On the sequential scale, I did not score and this is evident from the learning style being global. I was also able to figure out that I am not intuitive as I did not rank on the scale. Theory to practice is essential for intuitive learning style and comfort is required when dealing with abstracts as well as newer conceptions. I believe that I need to focus on developing intuition, a desire for sequential learning as well as flourishing my verbal skills. These are learning styles that can be learnt just as learning any other subject.



招聘过程可以被称为寻找和雇佣合适的,有才华的和合格的候选人的过程,基于职位空缺在组织中以成本效益和及时的方式。招聘过程包括分析职位要求,吸引合适的员工,筛选和选择合适的、有才华的候选人,最后在组织中整合和聘用新员工。招聘过程涉及多个阶段(Bach and Edwards, 2013),人力资源部的员工负责审核和分析新职位的需求。根据这些需求,员工必须创建职位描述,详细说明职责、技能、最低资格和工资范围。这个过程被称为职业分析。然后招聘人员负责通过广告或网络等不同的方法来招聘空缺职位,以找到合适的候选人。然后对候选人进行筛选,最终选出最适合的候选人。在一个组织中招募候选人有两种方法。



Recruitment process can be termed as the process to find and hire the right, talented and qualified candidate based on the job opening in the organisation in a cost-effective and timely manner. The process of recruitment involves analysing the job requirements, attracting the right employees, screening and selecting the right and talented candidates and lastly integrating and hiring new employees in the organisation. There are various stages involved in the recruitment process (Bach and Edwards, 2013)The employees of human resource department are responsible for reviewing and analysing the needs of new position. Based on these needs, the employee has to create job description giving the details of responsibilities, skills, minimum qualifications and salary range. This process is known as job analysis.Then the recruiter is responsible for advertising the positions that are vacant through different methods like advertising or networking, etc. to find the right candidate.Then screening of the candidates is done to shortlist the best fit candidate and finally selected.There are two methods to recruit a candidate in an organisation.

One is the internal recruitment and the other one is the external recruitment. The process of hiring the candidate from the organisation itself for the vacant position is known as internal recruitment. This process is followed by the organisation to give the internal employees the chance to develop their career. These employees are the people who are already under the payroll of the organisation. This is one of the key recruitment sources because it delivers opportunities for utilising the existing talents within the organisation and develop career and experience growth in the profession. The two different sources through which internal employees can be recruited are transfers and promotion. Transfer is the technique under which the employee is transferred from one branch or workplace to a different one. It is the process where the job responsibilities and duties are exchanged by transferring the employee from one job to another in different place without giving promotion. It is an important method in an organisation to generate qualified and talented staffs from departments that are over-staffed.






Foucault explains the panopticism concept and a central idea behind his concern were controlling and ordering the population with the help of subtle forces. In today’s modernized culture, such ordering and controlling performed through digitalized element like GPS sensor. Foucault’s theories have become more pertinent in today’s advanced technology environment and increased surveillance techniques.
Foucault’s concept of panopticism brought up an idea of being controlled by the third person or it’s a thought that someone is watching us. In his essay, Foucault states that, the major panopticon effect was, to aware the inmate about the fact that or make inmate conscious that he or she has been watched by the controller and assure the permanent visibility and functioning of power. The things should be arranged in such way that though surveillance is not in action but pretend that surveillance is in its effect (Foucault, 1990). The surveillance has become much easier with the use of smart phone’s GPS tracking.

A majority of the U.S. population has smart phones in today’s situation and the GPS location tracking and sensing is available in most of those smart phones. Global Positioning System (GPS) tracker equipped in smart phone communicates with the satellite orbiting the earth, and through this, the device having tracker can be located accurately and easily. This GPS is a worldwide radio-navigation system which is working under the constellation of 24 satellites. The large numbers of satellites involved in GPS tracking and its results are accurate because many different satellites signals can be used in order to track the device location. People use GPS for different purposes according to their needs, some can use GPS for tagging their location in social media site like Facebook, some use to find their way, to find best bus route and it can be used to find the friends location at any time (Ellison, Steinfield and Cliff, 2011).