代写作文:Re-application Essay思路和写作素材

代写作文:Re-application Essay思路和写作素材

认真浏览过Top Business School申请要求界面的小伙伴们,一定会发现基本上每一所学校都会在网页的最后,专门列出给再申请人的建议和关于Re-application Essay写作的须知,由此也可以看出,学校对于再申请人会给到额外的关注。

Re-application Essay最重要的意义之一是让学校可以了解,在你收到Applicant Result之后的这段时间内,你有了哪些新的成长,新的感悟。然而,It’s easy said than done。Re-application Essay的最大难点在于:如何在较短的时间内,挖掘出新的故事。

从第一次申请被拒,到再申请的时间段,大概在一年左右,甚至更短。如何在短时间内找到新的且打动人心的milestone, 是再申请的关键也是难点。

今天,小编和再申请人们一起分享,备战Re-applicant Essay的思路和写作素材,希望可以帮助到“二战”的小伙伴们,写出让AO惊艳的再申请文书。



之所以要有这样的分析总结,是因为过去一年里你经历了完整的申请过程,系统性地研究了商学院,全面反思了自我,当你再回过头来看现在的工作,即使面对相同的Assignment,你也会有更深刻的理解和看法:例如,从General Manager的角度看待你工作的意义;从Global Business的角度看待公司的成长;以及从Leadership的角度看职场竞争和办公室政治…如此这般,你还能说没有新的体悟吗?

代写作文:Re-application Essay思路和写作素材







在职业目标方面,不用苛求保持和去年申请提交时的Career Goal完全一致。只要你有理有据,深思熟虑,商学院是乐意接受你改变职业目标的,因为这也说明了你对职业的思考逐渐走向成熟和深入。其实,最应该担心的不应该是改变,而是一成不变地停滞不前。

4、Why Me和Why You

商学院的Essay题目虽然千变万化,但无论是HBS酷帅狂霸拽的One Question Essay,还是Stanford千年不变的经典”What matters most to you”…说到底就是在问两个问题:

Why Me:我是谁,我有哪些与众不同的闪光点,为什么你应该选我?

Why You:我爱你,有多爱,为什么爱?

代写作文:Re-application Essay思路和写作素材

说实话,“Why You”不好写,原因很简单:“Why Me”可以以一当十,一个版本海投十家(或者更多)商学院。可“Why You”就得每家定制了,钉是钉铆是铆,来不得半点糊弄。

那怎么在Re-application Essay里表达“我爱你”呢?有以下几个思路供你参考:



你有没有参加过学校的在线Workshop、线下讲座、甚至学校在国内一些一线城市举办的Coffee Chat?这些活动是否增进了你对学校的了解和热爱?




Re-application Essay对于再申请人而言,既是个坎儿,也是个机遇,如果你能够充分挖掘素材并且讲好故事,那就完全可以利用这篇Additional Essay的篇幅建立起相对于新申请人的竞争优势。




考虑到货币的标准,这些资料于1984年由荷兰Martinus Nijhoff出版社提供。国际年可以被认为是适当的,因为对以前或以前发表的文章的报道没有限制。本文作者是Gordon Tullock。Gordon Tullock以经济学家的身份而闻名,他曾是乔治梅森大学法学院教授经济学和法学。在整个研究领域中,他以将经济学思想应用于政治问题(即公共选择理论)而闻名。虽然他最初的职业生涯重心是做一名外国商人,但他在《官僚政治》(The Politics of of)一书中的理论贡献,促成了图洛克在弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)与詹姆斯m布坎南(James M. Buchanan)的合作。由于这种合作,Tullock在公共利益理论领域做出了重大贡献,他的一些文章将经济理论应用于不同类型的非市场现象,特别关注政治和政府。这说明作者的可信度很高。



Considering the criteria of currency, the information was made available in the year 1984 by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers in Netherlands. The year can be considered appropriate as there was no restriction placed on the coverage of previous or earlier published articles. The author of the article is Gordon Tullock. Gordon Tullock is well known for his credential as an economist and he was a professor at the George Mason University School of Law teach economics and law. He is well known across the research field for his contributions in applying economic thinking to the issues of politics that is the public choice theory. While his original career focus was on being a foreign trader, his theoretical contribution in “The Politics of Bureaucracy” resulted in Tullock’s collaboration at the University of Virginia with James M. Buchanan. As a result of this collaboration, Tullock has made significant contribution in the area of public interest theory, with a number of articles that apply economic theory to different types of non- market phenomena, having specific focus on politics and the government. This depicts the strong credibility of the author.

There is also a high scope of validity in the conclusion drafted, as it has been supported by several facts from different authors, and hence level of biasness in the writing is none too low. Considering the criteria of coverage, the key purpose of the article was on concluding that the choice of public should not be completely ignoring public interest voting or public interest. The coverage of content seems to be appropriate as a number of different facts that related to the key subject area and theoretical application has been considered. The author has provided his own opinions on the public, the perception of public, and the views of several other authors. However, the list of references was not very diversified and depicted more opinions from the author, with facts stated from areas with lack of research. Considering the criteria of accuracy, the author has highlighted his own facts appropriately, supporting various examples and proportional representations. The data can be cross checked through certain sources provided in the notes section of the research. However, the level of accuracy can be considered as low in this case. The credentials of the author are appropriate for further consideration.






The character which has been chosen for leadership analysis is Professor Albus PercivalWulfricBrianDumbledore, a fictional character from Harry Potter Series. This character was played by the actor Michael Gambon. Harry Potter movies are based on the 7 novels written by J.K. Rowling and the movies were released in 8 parts form year 2001 to 2011. The analysis here is done based on the fifth part of the novel based movie Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix which was released in 2007.Reasons for Selecting the Character AlbusDumbledore – AlbusDumbledore, a headmaster at Hogwarts School of magic and wizard is a man of action. He is strong and possesses high powers which he used wisely. He is respected by each member of the school and everybody follows his instructions. He never lies and supports his followers and shows them right path. He was never hesitant to accept his own mistakes and using his wisdom he guided others. He allowed Harry Potter to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes and always provided support. His intentions were always clear that he wanted to save the School and students from the dark lord who wanted destruction.

Even the dark lord was afraid of him because of Dumbledore’s powers and a winning attitude. If there is seriousness in his character then there is other side as well. The character of Dumbledore is approachable and he listens patiently. He was also fun loving and believed in a light humor to make the things not so tense (Robbins, 2005). Because of his bright visions, everybody in the school followed him and even he himself used to trust his followers who were loyal. He supported the student in preparing a team to fight against the dark lord; this team was called as the Order of the Phoenix. He made everybody aware of the fact that the dark lord has returned and so each member can prepare themselves. He had strategic approach and he believed in sacrifice to save the others. He was never in hurry to expose each piece of information he had but only used to expose the facts when those were required. By this way, he made it sure the information is not misused and lost. These are characters of Albus Dumbledore which shows true leadership signs and so that has been chosen here for the discussion.