

为了初步了解消费者如何影响营销环境,应该了解营销环境的不同组成部分和性质。战略营销运作是从这些因素发展而来的(Zeithaml, Bitner, and Gremler, 2010)。从广义上讲,营销环境可以分为内部环境和外部环境。内部环境是企业如何满足外部需求和维持运作的动力。功能性的内部操作决定了企业如何满足新兴的需求(Zeithaml, Bitner, and Gremler, 2010)。员工、供应商和由最高管理层制定的战略管理模式是公司的内部运作。外部环境包括微观环境和宏观环境。微环境是影响商业环境好坏的直接因素。供应商、当地文化、资源的可用性、人员、消费者期望、竞争对手和公司的品牌形象是微环境不可分割的方面(Kotler et al., 2007)。

宏观环境是广泛影响企业运行的环境。这通常是金融市场的表现,更新的立法和贸易法规的范围。这些也对企业如何运作有着深远的影响(Strauss和Radnor, 2004)。研究发现,营销环境的每一个要素都依赖于消费者的需求。基于这些变量,企业在营销环境中制定战略商业模式,以迎合消费者。研究发现,营销环境的每个组成部分和性质都依赖于事件的动态性。公司需要开发敏捷模型来维持。具体来说,某些变量在市场环境中是不断变化的。下面将详细讨论它们。营销环境包括内部环境和外部环境。据观察,这些环境的许多方面都是动态的。供应商、消费者需求、营销中介、竞争是微环境的重要方面(Keller, 2009)。在这种微环境中,某些因素是不断变化的。


To primarily understand how consumers impact the marketing environment, there should be understanded of the different components and the nature of marketing environment. Strategic marketing operations are developed from these factors (Zeithaml, Bitner, and Gremler, 2010). From a broad perspective marketing environment can be divided into internal and external environment. Internal environment is the dynamics of how the corporations function to meet external requirements and to sustain. Functional internal operations determine how businesses can cater to the emerging needs (Zeithaml, Bitner, and Gremler, 2010. Employee, suppliers and strategic management model developed by the top management are the internal operations of a company. External environment consists of microenvironment and macro environment. Microenvironment is the immediate factor that influence how business environment. Suppliers, local culture, availability of resources, personnel, consumer expectation, competitors and brand image of the company are the integral aspects of the microenvironment (Kotler et al., 2007).

Macro environment is the environment that broadly affects how businesses run. This is usually the financial performance of the markets, newer legislation and trade regulations across the spectrum. These also have profound influence as to how businesses operate (Strauss and Radnor, 2004). It has been found that each element of the marketing environment is dependent on the requirements of the consumers. Based on these variables in the marketing environment companies develop strategic business models to cater to the consumers. It has been found that each component and nature of the marketing environment is dependent on the dynamic nature of events. There is a need for companies to develop agile models to sustain. Specifically certain variables are found to be continually changing in the marketing environment. They are probed in detail in the following. Marketing environment comprises of internal and external environment. It has been observed that many facets of these environments are dynamic. Suppliers, consumer requirements, marketing intermediaries, competition are important aspects of the microenvironment (Keller, 2009). Certain factors are found to be constantly changing in this microenvironment.




参与这种高活动的肌肉是股外侧肌,臀部的伸肌和腓肠肌。运动有助于降低起飞时受伤的风险(Perttunen等,2000)。根据案例研究,三级跳运动员已经进行了一段时间的基本速度和跳跃训练。这些训练帮助他们提高跳跃,步和跳的爆发力。然而,跳高者想要在力量和灵活性上有更大的提高。测试的目的是评估三级跳运动员的综合实力和弱点。测试将有助于预测运动员的表现。通过这种方式,三级跳运动员可以得到不断的反馈,知道他需要在哪些地方提高力量和灵活性(Freeman, 2015)。表1列出了三个评估测试。一般来说,30米跑是检查运动员速度的必要项目。SJ主要检查速度和柔韧性,而STJ是这个运动员的合适测试。


Needs analysis is the process of identifying what are the needs or requirements in terms of physical training for an athlete with respect to a specific sport situation.Need based on Sport: The sport of the triple jump is one where the triple jumper needs to understand the feel and rhythm of the event. The triple jump sport flows from one segment to another segment. Therefore, the triple jumper should fully understand the whole part sequence of the sport. The triple jumper must have extreme kinesthetic awareness even as they execute individual motions.Need based on Individual: The individual in question does not have any disability and is not sedentary. Studies on ‘biomechanical loading forces’ indicate that heel and forefoot of the jumper would suffer impact based on two kinds of stresses. Primarily the stress would be caused by ground reaction forces and secondary peak pressures. Triple jump length would also impact on the planar pressure of the athlete’s forefoot. Great demands are placed on the neuromuscular system of the individual. Before the actual activity and during the activity the person’s neuromuscular system would be impacted with a high range of activation and then eccentric activity because of the jump.

The muscles that would be involved in this high activity are vastus lateralis, the extensor muscles of the hip and the gastrocnemius. Exercise will help lower the risk of injury during takeoff (Perttunen, et al, 2000). As per the case study, the triple jumper has been training for some time now with basic speed and jumping drills. These drills help them improve on explosive power in hop, step and jump. However, the jumper wants to improve more on power and flexibility. The purpose of testing is to evaluate the overall strength and weaknesses of the triple jumper. The testing will help in predicting the performance of the athlete. This way the triple jumper can be given constant feedback on where he needs to improve power and flexibility (Freeman, 2015). Three assessment tests are presented in Table 1. The 30m run is necessary to check for the speed of the athlete in general. The SJ will mainly check for speed and flexibility, while the STJ is the proper test for this athlete.



从广义上讲,“语言主义”指的是一定的语言实践模式,包括各种态度、手势、手势、文化活动、语言遗产和学习某种语言的潜力。“语言”这个词量化了语言,而后缀“-ism”则阻止了这种趋势。语言学认为语言是一个不断发展的过程,从而削弱了这个概念作为一种可以体现或拥有的东西。考虑到功能方面,Grosjean(1985)将双语解释为两种语言的一致使用(临468)。Hamers和Blanc(1983)对双语的这一功能定义赋予了最低限度的能力。更广泛的双语定义要求理解从单语到多语的转变。重音的分化是由于传统前缀如“bi”或“mono”的删除而产生的。这一点可以从这样一个事实中得到证明,即使在意识形态单一的国家,如美国,双语意味着异常或边缘化(Blackledge, 2002, p84;1999年香农,p183;

斯库特纳布-坎加斯和菲利普森,1989,p468)。语言主义除了具有功能性外,还包括语言的继承性和使用语言的普遍性。这种潜力导致许多人的语言处于贫困状态,在很大程度上,在某些国家被称为单语(Skutnabb-kangas & Phillipson, 1989, p 469)。如果一个孩子从出生就开始学习两种语言,他就会说两种语言。在孩子语言的手册的一篇文章中,Annick De Houwer曾说,一个孩子受到双语如果是解决两个口语,三岁之前,一直在这两个语言,直到达到语言发展的最后阶段。在这种情况下,孩子将两种语言都作为第一语言(L1)来学习。另一方面,在连续的双语学习中,孩子学习第二语言(L2),不是作为母语,而是作为外语。


In its broadest term, “lingualism” implies certain mode of linguistic practices and encompasses every kind of attitudes, signs, gestures, culturally-oriented activities, linguistic heritages and the potentiality for learning a particular language. The word “language” quantifies languages and the suffix “-ism” discourages this tendency. Lingualism holds the idea of language as an ever-going process, thereby diminishing this idea as a thing that can embody or possess. Taking into consideration the functional aspect, Grosjean (1985) interprets bilingualism as the consistent use of two languages (p.468). Hamers and Blanc (1983) assign minimal competence to this functional definition of bilingualism.A still broader definition of bilingualism calls for a shift of comprehending that is monolingual to the one which is multilingual. Differentiation in accent emerges because of the deletion of the conventional prefixes such as “bi” or “mono”. This can be evidenced from the fact that, even in ideologically monolingual nations like the USA, bilingual suggests deviance or marginality (Blackledge, 2002, p84; Shannon, 1999, p183;

Skutnabb-Kangas and Phillipson, 1989, p468). Besides being functional, linguaism also encompasses linguistic inheritance and the universal potentiality for using a language. This potentiality has led to impoverished status of language known as monolingualism in many persons, or to a large extent, in certain nations (Skutnabb-kangas & Phillipson, 1989, p 469). A child becomes bilingual if it is put to learn two languages from birth. In an article in the Handbook of Child language, Annick De Houwer has said that a child is subjected to bilingualism if it is addressed in two spoken languages, prior to its age of three years and is consistently addressed in those two languages until it reaches the final stage of language development. Under such circumstances, the child acquires both the languages as first language (L1). On the other hand, in the Sequential bilingualism, the child learns the second language (L2), not as a native language, but as a foreign language.