


必须使用的照明将是一个组合,以创建高键或低键照明。这里做了一种适度的对比。这让电影看起来更有规律,给镜头带来了强烈的冲击力,但不是在惊悚片或恐怖电影中脱颖而出的方式。在米新场景的镜头分析方面,有极长镜头、长镜头、全景式镜头、中景镜头、特写镜头和极特写镜头(Bordwell, 2013)。这不是一个完整的镜头,但更多的是一个中等的镜头,从腰部以上的字符显示。她坐在洗碗机前,手里还拿着什么东西;所以,从本质上讲,我们很少看到她,但她衣服的颜色与每个人的对比使她脱颖而出。


The Miseen scene is the look or the decor of the film that is created by means of its settings. This will include the props used, the costumes, the lighting, background and more. The film decor is not just created here. A meaning is associated with the positioning of these elements in scene. The Miseen scene analysis is conducted here, for the movie Ghost World, a comedy genre movie. The shot for which the analysis is done is presented below.The dominant and contrast will highlight a person to the audience. It can be achieved by means of different lighting or it could be achieved by means of different persons etc. In this shot, a dominant contrast is created in foreground and background. The foreground people are well-lit whereas the background is seen to be blurred. The two characters are themselves different based on the color of their costumes and the light that is falling on Enid. Enid stands out even more because the entire place is seen to have a red-brown hue to it, while she wears blue.

The lighting that has to be used would be a combination in order to create high key or low key lighting. Here a moderate form of contrasting has been done. This makes the movie appear more regular and brings intensity to the shot, but not in a way that would stand out in a thriller or a horror movie. In terms of the shot analysis in Miseen scene, there are extreme long shots, long shots, full shots, medium shots, close up and extreme close up (Bordwell, 2013). This is not a full shot but more of a medium shot where the characters are shown from the waist up. She is at a dishwasher and also holding something; so in essence, we see little of her, but the color of her dress contrasting with everybody makes her standout.

swot analysis 代写:建筑和身体之间的互动

swot analysis 代写:建筑和身体之间的互动

人体在创造空间感知方面的作用是非常重要的。环境、建筑和身体之间的互动,一个人会获得一些关于之前去过的地方的经验和记忆(Pallasmaa, 2012)。眼睛是与身体其他感官协同工作的主要部位。通过不同感官的相互作用,真实感变得清晰并得到加强(勒柯布西耶,1959)。这也可以解释,因为空间的质量可以通过多感官体验的互动来体验(Rasmussen, 2001)。这将加强一个人目前的建筑经验。正如Juhani Pallasmaa所说,“建筑本质上是自然延伸到人造领域,为感知提供了基础,为体验和理解世界提供了视野。”它不是一个孤立的和自给自足的人工制品。它将我们的注意力和存在体验引向更广阔的视野”(Pallasmaa, 2011)。

swot analysis 代写:建筑和身体之间的互动
如果建筑师在不了解环境的多感官、高效和友好性的情况下形成视觉环境,那么这个地方就会缺乏心理和身体的可达性。因此,这个地方将成为“扭曲的空间”(Pallasmaa, 2012)。建筑物看起来很漂亮,但对听力受损的人来说,它可能是一场听觉灾难。人类不适应环境,但环境应该适应人类(Ponty, 1964)。根据心理学家j·j·吉布森(J. J. Gibson)的研究,这五种感觉系统被描述为“视觉系统、听觉系统、触觉系统、味觉-嗅觉系统和基本定向系统”(Gibson, 1966)。触觉的感官扩展被认为是视觉,“感官定义了皮肤与世界的界面,身体不透明的内部与外部之间的界面”(Gibson, 1966)。

swot analysis 代写:建筑和身体之间的互动

The role of human body has been very essential in creating spatial perception. The interaction between environment, architecture and body, a person will gain some experience and memories about the places that have been visited earlier (Pallasmaa, 2012). Eyes are the main parts that collaborate with other senses of the body. The sense of reality becomes clear and strengthened by the interaction of different senses (Le Corbusier, 1959). It could also be explained, as the quality of the space could be experienced by the interaction of multi-sensory experience (Rasmussen, 2001). This will strengthen the present architectural experience of a person. As stated by Juhani Pallasmaa, “Architecture is essentially an extension of nature into the man-made realm, providing the ground for perception and the horizon to experience and understand the world. It is not an isolated and self-sufficient artifact. It directs our attention and existential experience to wider horizons” (Pallasmaa, 2011).

swot analysis 代写:建筑和身体之间的互动
If an architect will form a visual environment without understanding the multi-sensoriality, efficiency and friendliness of the environment, the place would lack mental and physical accessibility. Thus, the place will become “distorted space” (Pallasmaa, 2012). A building can look beautiful, but it could be an acoustic disaster for a person with hearing impairment. Humans do not adapt themselves to the environment, but the environment should adapt according to the humans (Ponty, 1964).According to the study of the psychologist, J. J. Gibson, the five sensory systems have been characterized as “visual system, auditory system, the haptic system, the taste-smell system, and the basic-orienting system” (Gibson, 1966). The sensory expansion of touch is considered as vision and “the senses define the interface between the skin and the world, the interface between the opaque interiority of the body and the exteriority of the world” (Gibson, 1966).



简单地说,性取向可以被定义为一种长期的吸引模式,指向各种刺激,比如——情感、浪漫、性,有时是所有这些刺激的组合,指向同性、异性,有时两者兼而有之。它被称为性取向的基本依据,并根据吸引力的不同性质被进一步划分为不同的类型(Wilkerson &Khan, 2009)。分类是异性恋,同性恋,双性恋和无性恋。在这里,最好的说法是,那些不尝试将所有这些群体分类的人,使用了一种在现代世界很流行的总括性术语,那就是“酷儿”。LGBT(女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋和变性人)范畴下的主流政治运动受到了性取向观念的影响,而性取向实际上根本不是一种选择。



In simple words, sexual orientation can be defined as a long-term pattern of attraction that points towards various stimuli, like- emotion, romance, sex and sometimes the combination of all of these towards same sex, opposite sex and sometimes both. It is called the fundamental ground of sexual orientation which has been further categorized into different types as per the varying nature of attractions (Wilkerson &Khan, 2009). The categories are heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality and asexuality. Here, it would be better to state that those people who do not try to categories all these groups use a kind of umbrella terms which has become popular in the modern world and that is “Queer”. The mainstream political movement under the category of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender)got influenced with the idea of sexual orientation which is actually not at all a choice.

However, Wilkerson argued that there were certain reasons by which it could be believed that sexual orientation was partly comprised of a choice. The argument of Wilkerson was mainly based on a standard distinction regarding sexual identity and that of the term sexual orientation. The question he raised was about when it is about sexual orientation, and whether or not there is an involvement of choice associated with it. The major key arguments of Wilkerson revolve around three different statements. The first one is- Sexual orientation is an enduring desire which is actually partly represented by the interpretation going on within the context. The second argument is about the element of choice which is required by the interpretation and the third one is based on the strong point of sexual orientation which can be constituted by the term choice to a certain extent. The arguments of Wilkerson are based on the premise which is about the interpreting desires and he argued that these desires do not only illustrate a belief regarding a pre-existing desire.

research paper 代写:故事讲述

research paper 代写:故事讲述


research paper 代写:故事讲述

research paper 代写:故事讲述

Plot of the story is based on the theme of path to self-discovery. Main protagonist of this story line is about a barista in Cozy coffee shop. For the script, the main protagonist is named Melissa, working as a barista. Melissa has a passion for cooking, but she chooses to remain as a barista, mainly owing to her shyness and her lack of focus. Past events become hurdles for the character to move forward in life. Circumstances in her path to self-discovery and the tides along the way form the crux of the story. Emotions of love, hope and being true to the self would be essayed in the story line. Eventually, she moves to Sydney ad after subsequent to initial hurdles, she becomes a chef in one of the popular restaurants in Sydney. A seemingly shy waitress who worked in a diner was interviewed for this process. The waitress was in early 20s and had fixed views about the world. There was a defeated sense that could be viewed in her demeanor.

research paper 代写:故事讲述
This was seen in the way the waitress dressed and spoke. During the course of the interviews and interactions, the waitress became a close friend with me. It was surprising to note that it was certain familial issues that had pushed the waitress to develop a dismal view of the world. During the course of interview, from a personal standpoint, there was a feeling to change the way the waitress viewed world. It was evident that fear of failing was preventing her from trying something new. Interestingly, the waitress had profound talent in cooking but chose not to express her talents. This frustration of not being able to change her situation is the root of inspiration for this script. Even though there are many stories that handle the journey of self-discovery, there is a fresh taken in the story line. Owing to the personal events, this character is chosen as the main protagonist for the story.