



In this paper, a thorough understanding about the management accounting techniques is to be given. The importance of the environmental sustainability for the business is also to be explained along with its various pros and cons. The capital budgeting approach will be applied in which net present value and pay – back period method will be used for showing the viability of the project. Environmental sustainability is very useful for the value creation purpose of the business, but these approaches will help in analysing its monetary benefits for the business. Nowadays, most of the people are attracted to the organisation, which is engaged in the maintenance of environmental sustainability. This is one of the most innovative techniques for grasping the attention of the young generation employees and stakeholders. People who want long term returns from their investments will also move towards the sustainable business enterprises for earning better returns in the long run. Customer satisfaction is the main motive of the business, as they are the king of the market. When they are provided with the best products and services, then it will be the best advertisement for every enterprise.
Packing and Labelling Pty Ltd is a company which prints labels for many high scale companies and industries. It is also facing the difficulty of sustainability marketing. In this paper, the key aspects of the sustainability are to be explained, which would help in further research regarding the same subject matter. Cultural values play a key role in the fulfilment of sustainability criteria. Therefore a business organisation should consider all such aspects before designing the sustainability maintenance criteria. Some practical approaches of management accounting are also to be used for having a brief idea about the costs and results of the adoption of environment friendly equipments. However some qualitative factors should also be taken into account along with the quantitative ones. With the help of this paper, it is focused that every business organisation should consider the environmental values along with their personal benefits for achieving success in this tough competitive era.

論文 摘要 翻譯 推薦:案例研究分析

論文 摘要 翻譯 推薦:案例研究分析
根據案例研究分析,許多人認為,目前提出的改革將摧毀本組織。然而,從案例研究事實中可以明顯看出,這些變化並不會給工業製造商帶來滅亡(Petrou et al., 2016)。相反,通過這些變化創建了一個靈活而卓越的組織。雖然可以看出這些變化太劇烈了,但是這些變化仍然可以由公司以最好的方式來促進,因為他們有能力改變公司,使其變得更好。此外,很明顯,Semler並沒有在一夜之間帶來這些變化,而是考慮了一步一步地實現這些變化。這增加了變更下的增長,也增加了適當的變更管理。例如,他最初提出的改變是關於改變專制的領導風格。在這裡,他決定決策權必須有一個均勻的分配。
這樣的變化幫助公司經理了解他們在公司前景中的角色。此外,Semler採用了傳統的方法來激勵員工,並製定了一個利潤分享計劃,其中員工分別獲得了其部門四分之一的淨利潤(Petrou et al., 2016)。在變革管理計劃下採取的激進措施為公司帶來了可觀的利潤和增長。從案例分析的角度來看,塞姆勒對企業民主的重視程度是顯而易見的。民主是Semco三項價值觀中的第一項,包括讓員工參與其中。根據Atler等人(2010)等人的研究,民主在公司內部是必不可少的,因為它賦予員工權力。員工覺得他們工作的公司是一個平等的基礎,他們有平等的發言權。

論文 摘要 翻譯 推薦:案例研究分析

On the basis of the case study analysis, it was viewed by many that the immediate changes being brought forward would have destroyed the organization. However, it is evident from the case study facts that the changes were not such that they would bring demise to the industrial manufacturer (Petrou et al., 2016). Instead, a flexible and remarkable organization was created through the changes. Even though it can be seen that the changes were too drastic, such changes could still be fostered by the company in the best possible manner as they have the ability to change the firm for its betterment. Also, it is evident that Semler did not bring the changes overnight but considered taking a step by step approach towards the changes. This added to the growth under change and also added towards appropriate change management. For example, the initial change that he brought forward was with regard to changing autocratic style of leadership. Here he decided that authority of making decisions had to have an even distribution.
Such a change helped the company managers to understand their role within the prospects of the firm. Also, Semler resorted to the traditional methods to motivate employees and this instituted a plan for profit sharing wherein employees have received net profits by one-quarter of their divisions respectively (Petrou et al., 2016). The drastic steps taken under change management plan brought forward considerable profit and growth to the firm. From the perspective of the case study, it is evident that Semler took corporate democracy to a greater extent. Democracy was the first of the three values at Semco and this was inclusive of involving employees. Democracy according to various researchers such as Atler et al. (2010), is essential within firms because it allows empowerment to employees. The employees feel that the company they work for is an equality based foundation wherein they have an equal say.



云计算同时面临着许多机遇和障碍。在所有面临的障碍中,安全被认为是云计算在其成功路径上的一个关键限制(Puthal et al., 2015)。云计算方法中的安全问题具有广泛性和动态性。数据的位置是云计算安全的另一个关键组件。位置的透明性是云计算的突出灵活性,这对同一实例中的安全性构成了威胁。由于不知道特定的数据存储位置,《数据保护法》对某些区域的规定可能会受到严重影响,可以认为是违反(Dillion et al., 2010)。因此,在云计算环境中,云用户的个人数据安全是一个至关重要的问题。在组织数据和个人信息安全方面,云提供商的战略策略被认为是非常重要的,因为人们认为仅仅依靠技术安全不足以解决问题。
另一个增加了安全性关注的问题是,由于云服务直接链接到云服务提供者的真实性和可信性,使用云服务的信任因素。建立信任被认为是开发一个成功的云计算环境的关键(Hashem et al., 2015)。信任模型的提供在云计算中具有很高的重要性,因为它是任何云计算实例的涉众共同关心的领域。云中的信任因素依赖于各种元素,其中一些是人为因素、自动化管理、策略和流程。云信任不是技术安全问题,而是在更高程度上受云计算内在安全问题驱动的最具影响力的软因素(Islam et al., 2016)。计算机网络和在途数据中的各种适用攻击都适用于基于云的服务。


The cloud computing is presented with several opportunities and obstacles in a simultaneous manner. Out of all the obstacles that are faced, security is regarded as a critical limitation for the cloud computing within its pathway to succeed (Puthal et al., 2015). The security concerns in the approach of cloud computing are wide and dynamic in nature. Location of the data is another crucial component within the security of cloud computing. Transparency of location is cloud computing’s prominent flexibility that is a threat towards security in the same instance. As not knowing the particular data storage location, the data protection act provision for certain areas may be critically affected and it can be considered as violation (Dillion et al., 2010). The personal data security of the users of cloud is therefore an essential concern within the environment of cloud computing. In respect to the organizational data and personal information security, the cloud providers’ strategic policies are regarded as extremely significant as it is considered that sole technical security is not sufficient to resolve the concern or the problem.
Another problem that increased the concerns of security is the factor of trust to utilize the cloud services for the reason behind its direct link to the cloud service providers’ authenticity and credibility. Establishment of trust is regarded as the key in developing a successful environment of cloud computing (Hashem et al., 2015). The trust model provision is of high essentiality within the cloud computing since it is a common area of interest among the stakeholders of any cloud computing instance. The trust factor within the cloud is dependent on various elements out of which some of them are human factors, management of automation, policies and processes. The cloud trust is not an issue of technical security but it is the soft factor which is of most influential nature driven by the inherent issues of security within the cloud computing to a higher extent (Islam et al., 2016).All sorts of applicable attacks within the network of computer and the in-transit data are applicable to the services based on cloud.


從GDP、市場和潛力等多方面來看,英國一直是歐盟最大的成員國之一。聯合王國(英國)將獲得的一些好處已在下面討論。強勢貨幣:英國的貨幣相當強勢。它是世界上最普遍交易的貨幣之一。英鎊的強勢,雖然在過去幾年有所惡化,但可以使英國克服最初的衝擊和支出。強勢貨幣確保經濟有一定的時間來重建政策並做出獨立決策。雖然英國是歐盟的一部分,但英鎊並沒有被歐盟取代(Dhingra et al., 2016)。因此,宏觀經濟方面沒有受到干擾,只受到匯率的影響。英鎊的優勢,英國早些時候,將被利用,並可以確保順利過渡。自由貿易協定和貿易協議:與其他國家簽訂協議有很多因素和談判。自由貿易協定(FTA)是各經濟體為了獲得比較優勢而關注的焦點。
專家表示,英國與其他經濟體簽訂自由貿易協定和談判將比留在歐盟更容易,這將使英國受益更多。例如,英國可以購買廉價和低成本的農產品,如穀物,因為它不需要遵守歐盟的共同農業政策,從而有助於降低通貨膨脹率(Global Counsel, 2015)。類似的自由貿易協定可以很容易地與各國達成,因為談判將變得更簡單,因為不需要像歐盟那樣需要大量成員國的同意和協議。產業利益:作為歐盟的一部分,英國的一些產業被歐盟奪走了。作為一個獨立的國家,英國現在可以專注於一些能夠在國際市場上獲得巨大利益和競爭地位的行業。鋼鐵和金融服務業等行業將受益匪淺,它們對經濟的貢獻將超過英國加入歐盟時的水平。


United Kingdom has been one of the biggest members of European Union considering the various aspects such as GDP, market and potential. Some of the benefits that will be there for United Kingdom (UK) have been discussed below.Strong Currency: The currency of UK is quite strong. It is one of the most commonly traded currencies of the world. The Strength of Pound, although deteriorated in last few years, can enable UK to overcome the initial shocks and expenses that would be there. Strong currency ensures that the economy can have certain time in order to rebuild its policies and take independent decisions. UK had ensured although it was part of EU, sterling pound was not replaced with EU (Dhingra et al., 2016). Thus the macroeconomic aspects were not disturbed and it was only affected by the exchange rate. The advantage of pound that UK had earlier, will be utilized and can be ensured that smooth transition is there. Free Trade Agreements and Trade Deals: There are a lot of factors and negotiations that are associated with entering into deals with other countries. The Free Trade Agreements (FTA) are the focus of the economies in order to have comparative advantage.
According to the experts, it will become easier for UK to enter into FTA and negotiate with other economies that will benefit UK more than being in EU. For example, UK can buy cheap and cost effective agricultural produce such as cereals as it will not have to abide by Common Agricultural Policy of EU and thus will contribute in bringing the inflation rate down (Global Counsel, 2015). Similar FTA can be entered into with countries easily as the negotiation will become simpler as the consent of and agreements of a large number of members as in case of EU will not be required. Industry Benefits: Being part of EU, UK had lost some of its industries to European Union. Being independent, UK can now focus on some of the industries that can reep huge benefits and competitive position in the international market. The industries such as steel and financial services would be benefit hugely and can contribute to the economy more than it was there with UK being in the EU.