論文 代寫:觀音畫像的解讀

論文 代寫:觀音畫像的解讀

論文 代寫:觀音畫像的解讀

The art work is also found to depict Guanyin which means an enlightened being that spreads enlightenment wherever he goes. He is often worshipped for the compassion in him. There is a profound meaning in this posture. While on one hand, it shows the royal ease of the person. The other hand shows the enlightenment that Guanyin does (Gyatso). The enlightenment here is on kindness and compassion that can serve thousand arms and also end the sufferings around. This spreads the joy of fulfillment and also bestows people with the thought of humbleness despite the higher attainment. Bodhisattva is known for the luminous nature and the perfection in patience. The closed eyes clearly denote the patience within. It is hard to achieve meditative concentration and that is feasible only when a person understands and follows all the virtues. Spirituality is important in life but it is essential for every person to understand the essence of spirituality and this pose means the same. The emotional maturity is visible from the age perceived from this sculpture. Buddhism, as a religion, has spread its wings on the concept of peace and happiness. However, Bodhisattvas are known to have their legacies spreading till date because of the reason that they completely adopt virtues and give greater significance to them. This sculpture again has its significance not because it is a form of Bodhisattva but because of the background history and the message through it.


彈性被定義為任何系統適應變化並以一致的方式繼續發展的能力。因此,它是任何事物為了利用包括金融危機或氣候變化在內的衝擊和擾動,以幫助發展創新思維而擁有的實際能力(Houston, 2013)。社會生態彈性是指個體或生態系統應對外部壓力和乾擾的能力(Graham, 2015)。這種干擾是由於社會或環境的變化。自然災害導致了環境的變化。對於那些一切都依賴環境的群體或社區來說,社會和生態恢復力之間有著明顯的聯繫。因此,可以認為,為了描述一些群體的社會和經濟狀況,彈性是非常有用的特徵(Heynen et al., 2000)。
人類的看法也對社會經濟的複原力產生影響。人類認為環境是可以輕易改變的,是不可預測的。格陵蘭冰原的融化是社會生態思維和人類感知的一個例子,目前格陵蘭冰原的融化已經接近臨界點。當地球變暖時,就會有冰的融化(Hoffman & Haxby, 2000)。這使得土地暴露在陽光下後會留下越來越多的水。這些表面進一步吸收了太陽的大部分熱量。這可以進一步導致過程,這是自我強制的,因為在加速融化的雪和冰(米勒,2010)。人們擔心冰蓋可能會超過海平面。


Resilience is defined as the capacity of any system to live up to the change and continue to have a development in a consistent manner. Thus it is the actual capacity which is possessed by anything for the purpose of using the shocks and the disturbance which include a financial crises or changes in the climate in order to helps in the development of the innovative thinking (Houston, 2013). Socio ecological resilience is determined as the capacity which the individual or the ecology has in order to cope up with the external stress and the disturbance (Graham, 2015). This disturbance is because of the social or environmental change. The environmental change is there because of the natural disasters. There is a clear link between the social and the ecological resilience for those groups or the communities who is dependent on the environment for everything. Thus it can be considered that the resilience is the very useful characteristic for the purpose of giving the description related to the social and economic situation of some of the groups (Heynen et al., 2000).
The human perceptions also have an impact on the socio-economic resilience. The humans have the perception that the environment can be changed easily and it is unpredictable. One of the examples of the socio ecological thinking and the human perception is melting of the Greenland ice sheet which has been approaching the threshold at present. When the planet warms, there is the melting of the ice (Hoffman & Haxby, 2000). This leaves more and more water after exposing of the land to the sun. These kinds of surface further absorbs most of the heat of the sun. This can further lead to the process which is self-enforced because of the acceleration in the melting of the snow and the ice (Miller, 2010). There are fears that the icecaps can move ahead of the sea level.

免費 論文 翻譯:義務論

免費 論文 翻譯:義務論
道德倫理要求註冊護士檢查所做的決定是對還是錯。作為衛生保健機構的註冊護士,有必要展示高道德標準(Henningfeld, 2011)。這裡的道德標準需要知情同意,遵守規則,與患者討論,但這些都沒有執行,註冊護士違反了規則,決定將Elsie送往醫院,這實際上惡化了她的健康狀況(Kamp, 2012)。在護理人員的案例中,義務論對所涉及的行為道德提出了質疑。護士一叫來救護車,立即把她送到醫院,醫護人員就出現了。儘管有一名患者要求醫護人員改變決定,但醫護人員表現出道德水平低下的情況下,他們最不願意去了解患者的情況(Kamp, 2012)。最終,醫護人員沒有遵守規定,並對她的死亡負責。這種攻擊行為在衛生保健專業人員是真正禁止和不值得讚賞的。患者的尊嚴可以與自由意志主義理論相聯繫,該理論認為患者擁有完全自主決策和個人判斷的權利(Vallentyne, 2011)。只有當患者自願與團隊合作時,才能進行進一步的治療。這也意味著病人有選擇是否接受進一步治療的自由。適用於病人的美德包括正義、責任、和平、容忍和合作。

免費 論文 翻譯:義務論

Virtue ethics demands the RN to check whether the decision taken is right or wrong. As a RN of a health care facility, it is essential to display high moral standards (Henningfeld, 2011). The moral standards here subject to informed consent, adherence to rule, discussion with the patient, but none of these were performed and the RN has breached the rule and decided to transport Elsie to hospital which actually worsened her health condition (Kamp, 2012). In the case of paramedics, the deontology theory comes into picture where it questions on the morality of action involved. The paramedics had come into picture as soon as RN had called the ambulance to immediately transfer her to the hospital. In spite of a patient requesting the paramedics with a change in decision, paramedics showed poor morality are least bothered to understand what the patient is put into (Kamp, 2012). Eventually, it is the paramedics who did not abide by the rule and is responsible for her loss. This act of assault in a health care professional is truly prohibited and not appreciable.The dignity of the patient can be associated with the theory of libertarianism which states that the patient has complete right to take autonomous decisions and individual judgment (Vallentyne, 2011). Further treatment should happen only when the patient voluntarily associates with the team. This also pronounces freedom of choice of the patient whether or not to be treated further. The virtues that are applicable for the patient include justice, responsibility, peace, tolerance and cooperation.