



紧扣主题的essay才是各院校期待看到的。我们要知道,院校精心措辞就是为了他们自己的题目能与众不同。如果你的essay只是Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V这样的泛泛之谈,那你可是会令各admission officer大失所望了。通过仔细观察,我们发现,每个Essay题目都有重点词,我们只需要抓住重点词来着重回答问题就OK。当你完成初稿后把自己当做初读者再去通读一遍Essay,如果通过读内容能推测出题目,并且和原题目一致,那么说明你的这篇Essay 确实有在真正的回答问题哦。以下是几个essay题目,有标注的重点词,我们在写作时就要着重来写这些点。





4.写你认为admission officer 愿意看到的文章





无论你申请哪所院校,选了哪个题目来写,如果你没有说你最终学到了什么,那无疑你的文章肯定被admission officer否定。无论题目问没问你这一点,多谈一谈你的亲身感受,反思,这件事对你的影响,总归是有利无害的。




马拉维的首都是利隆圭。比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会(BMGF)积极参与城市的发展(拉塞尔,2008)。市议会在非正式定居点问题上的行动继续在该州发生。当BMGF了解到这个城市没有创新的计划来实际实施并带来状态的改变时,他们停止了支持。他们要求城市制定一个可行的计划来帮助人民(英格伦,2002)。Chinsapo和mtandil社区是其中的一些侵入区。市议会实际上无法制定出一个可行的计划,尽管该州有一些改进。这不仅是因为国家规划不善,还因为隐性偏见和存在的系统性问题。市议会希望在解决城市贫困问题上具有象征意义。然而,由于市议会缺乏规划来说服民众,导致的问题多于解决方案(Place and Otsuka, 2001)。安理会需要处理一些尚未得到承认的非正式领域。在这一努力中,人民之间的差距继续扩大,没有为人民找到真正的解决办法。


The capital of Malawi is Lilongwe. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) are actively involved in the development of the city (Russell, 2008). The city council operation in the issue of informal settlements continues to occur in the state. When the BMGF understood that the city does not have the innovative plan to actually implement and bring the change in the state they discontinued their support. They asked the city to create a viable plan to help the people (Englund, 2002). The communities of Chinsapo and Mtandire are some of the encroachment areas. The city council actually was not able to draw a feasible plan even though there were some improvements in the state. This is not only because of the bad planning of the state it was also because of the implicit bias and existing systemic issues. The city council wants to have a symbolism that addresses the issue of urban poverty. Nevertheless lack of planning by the city council to convince the people had led to more issues than solutions (Place and Otsuka, 2001). There are the unrecognized informal areas that the council needs to address. In this effort the gaps between the people continued to increase with no real solution for the people.
Owing to this the most important challenge is developing a proposition that would include all the people in the state. The council assumes that to upgrade the slum areas there should be community mobilization. There should be understanding of the local culture of the place and the paradigms associated with the culture of a place to create an inclusive atmosphere. In the initial phases the people were threatened to leave the areas. Nevertheless, this leads to more issues rather than solving the problems. The city council then tried to eradicate poverty to bring in more development in the city and to remove the people from the encroachment areas. The Informal Settlement Networks are aimed at finding the spaces for negotiations with the city council. They tried to remove the innate bias and apprehension of the people to create an engagement community. To address these issues the city council started a process of profiling the people to address their challenges for survival. They tried to incorporate basic facilities for the people when they are faced with the issues.