美国大学论文之Argumentative Essays写作

美国大学论文之Argumentative Essays写作

美国大学论文写作的作业一般分为说明文(Expository Essays),描写文(Descriptive Essays),记叙文(Narrative Essays)和议论文(Argumentative Essays)四种。想要取得优异的成绩,同学们必须得多下狠功夫。今天就给同学们讲讲最常见的作业——议论文Argumentative Essays。

Argumentative Essay的写作首先要牢记欲速则不达。如果你有一个自己认同的观点, 先花点时间对这个观点进行精雕细琢。一定要写你真正赞同的观点。如果你写作的话题连你自己都不怎么在乎,那就想想你更愿意为哪一方说理。如果你可以自选话题,就要选一个你感兴趣的话题,这个话题可以指引你的生活,可以让你热血沸腾,或者可以触动你的心灵。

Step 1:仔细阅读Essay要求和相关问题

在每一篇美国大学论文写作之初,都需要确定Essay的写作类型。对于Argumentative Essay来说,是以观点(Opinion)为主还是以对比比较(Compare and Contrast)为主,甚至有些Essay是以问题和解决方案(Problem and Solution),起因和影响(Cause and Effect)为主。写作的不同类型将直接决定文章的结构和主题。

Step 2:关注相关问题的重点词汇

Argumentative Essay写作的时候,术语的选择非常重要。对于需要探索的问题,重点标注关键词汇,并且灵活运用相关或者类似的词汇,这样会让你在写作的时候大大提高效率,也能帮助避免写作的时候重复使用词汇。这是你学术能力的重要体现,展现你对此问题的理解程度。

Step 3:表明你的态度

Argumentative Essay和其他类型的Essay相比,最大的特点就是体现思维的碰撞。无论你支持或者反对这个观点,都需要表明你的立场,表明支持和反对的理由。并且在结尾表明你的观点,为这篇文章做一个总结和升华。

Step 4:设定全文的整体布局

对于全文的布局要有明确的把握。写美国大学论文最常见的结构就是五段式。其中包括: 开头段Introductory paragraph,三段主体段落和结尾段落。需要注意的是,第二丶三丶四段是全文重点,一定要注意内容的可读性。不管你选择什么样的写作结构,你只需要按照以下的思路来构思就可以:

1)Tell what you’re going to tell them (Introduction)

2)Tell them (body)

3)Tell them what you told them (conclusion)

Argumentative Essay需要注意的一点是用词准确,意思就是说保证文章的相关论证保持客观公正。要达到这样的要求,就需要恰当地使用一些限定词,这样就能最大限度地提高文章的说服力和可信度。如果同学们还有什么不懂的可以随时咨询美国高阶论文AdvancedThesis教育网,我们可以进行美国大学论文代写和修改服务哦。



假设一个人必须决定是坐汽车还是坐公共汽车去寺庙,自由意志不是幻觉,因为这个人可以自由选择他或她喜欢的行为类型。无论完成任务的决定是什么,这个人都要完全负责。当大脑发出信号时,大脑会让人自愿地做一件事,这表明这不是幻觉,而是真实的事件。人们自己做选择,同样地,每一个活着的人也做同样的选择。如果把自由意志看成幻觉,那么生活就是幻觉,人的存在也是幻觉。这就引出了关于人的哲学存在的问题(Strawson, 2010)。人们的行为是无法预测的。例如上面给出的例子,不可能预测一个人的决定,因为这个人可以选择汽车或公共汽车,也不能预测他或她会做出什么样的决定。我的论点是,如果一切都被别的东西控制着,生活怎么可能对你是好的呢?人生只有一次,任何事情都不能被第三方控制。一个人的命运完全由自己决定,没有任何第三方的干涉(Stafford, 2015)。


Suppose that one has to take a decision on whether to go by car or bus to temple, the free will is not an illusion as the person is free to choose the type of action he or she would prefer. The person is totally accountable for whatever decision is taken to complete the task. As the brain signals, the mind lets the person do a task voluntarily and this shows that it is not an illusion but a real event. People make choices on their own and likewise, every living being does the same. If free will is regarded as illusion, life is an illusion and the existence of people is an illusion, too. This gains questions on the philosophical presence of people (Strawson, 2010). People do not behave predictably. For the example given above, it is impossible to predict the person’s decision as the person can either choose for a car or bus and one cannot predict what decision he or she would take. My argument is – if everything is controlled by something else, how can life be assumed to be good to you? Life is lived once and everything can’t be controlled by a third party. One’s destiny is decided by oneself with absolutely no interference of third party (Stafford, 2015).
The philosopher’s stand states that one can never be punished when a mistake is committed as the person is not accountable. This is absolute foolishness. When genes and environments tend to shape the behavior of a person, how can the person be unaccountable for the mischief done with complete consciousness? This statement is sufficient enough to prove that free will is not an illusion. Here is another example to prove this point:Suppose a person has hit a vehicle with his car unknowingly, isn’t the action termed as free will? If free will is not present, every action of a human being will be programmed and this type of activity will never happen. As free will existed, the person has directly hit a vehicle and the police catches the person red handed terming him to accountable to the accident. This is the primary rule of law and order and this rule clearly contradicts the point of early philosophers (Stafford, 2015). The behavior is shaped by genes, environment and actions completely.