



Independent variable was control group was given only books and no other medium to learn new concepts. Their results were examined and conclusions were drawn about this particular research. It was mentioned in the research data that efforts were undertaken to obtain results in the most neutral manner. The control group was made to learn from traditional book sources that were published in the current year. Their learning ability was documented in this scenario. While taking the exam it was ensured that the participants were made to take the test along in an uninterrupted quiet environment.Dependent variable in the case of the experimental group they were made to play a lot of video games when compared to the control group. There was even place to play games owing to improvement in cognition and reflexes. This is the dependent variable in this scenario. The experimental group was given opportunity to learn from similar academic textbook. No other tools like visual imagery tools, videos and online tutorials were provided. There were also video games at the end of the screen to improve reflexes of the brain. This was to check the impact of new learning method on brain. The students were made to learn from unconventional methods. The dependent variable was learning through digital media tools provided to the students.
Primarily the participants did not have any organic conditions. Other than these criteria the participants were chosen at random.In this experiment students were given video games and made to study. Students were made to study a completely new language. This suggests that students who playing computer game for long time did not out perform academic performance as well as students who played computer game for short time. The primary reason for undertaking this research is to understand the impact video games a it was proven that student who did not play video games improved in their results than the people who played video games. When the students played video games played video games for longer duration it was found that their potential to perform academically was reduced. They scored lower than their other counterparts owing to this reason. From this it was shown that learning process is disrupted owing to the impact of playing video games for longer duration. There is a general sentiment amongst the people that video games are distracting and causes bad grades. This is the reason for this analysis. From these results it was seen that there is no statistical backing for this analysis.

grant thornton怎么样:统计数据

grant thornton怎么样:统计数据

这种统计解释是用来解释一般数据特征的。通过对统计中两项基本措施的说明,进一步导致对资料的总结。这类统计数据的一个例子是集中趋势测量和分散测量(英国健康调查2012)。集中趋势测度进一步构成均值、媒介和模式。Mean表示数据集的平均大池(Health survey for England 2012)。Media演示了大数据集的平均值,mode提供了大数据集的重复值。色散测量还有助于解释距离、偏差和任何变化的存在。肥胖在英国的人口群体中日益受到关注。BMI或身体质量指数被认为是创造和批评肥胖发生率的最佳方式(2012年英国健康调查)。所选择的数据库利用BMI来估计肥胖,以及大多数超重个体描述的与身体活动和饮食(如不做任何运动或吃大量垃圾食品)的关系。为了计算BMI,将体重除以身高的两倍。根据比例估计,数据集描述了英国人仅在1年内体重增加的相对规模(Health ata glance 2013)。

grant thornton怎么样:统计数据

Such statistical interpretations are used for explaining the general data features. It further leads towards summarizing the information through explanation on 2 essential measures in statistics. An example of such statistics are central tendency measures and dispersion measures (Health survey for England 2012). The central tendency measure further constitutes mean, media and modes. Mean implies average large pool of dataset (Health survey for England 2012). Media illustrates large data sets average value and mode provides large dataset repeated values. Dispersion measures furthermore help in explaining about range, deviation and presence of any variation. Obesity is a growing concern among the population groups in UK. BMI or Body Mass Index is regarded as the best way by which obesity incidences can be created and critiqued (Health survey for England 2012). The selected database utilizes BMI to estimate obesity and the relationship that most overweight individuals depict with physical activity and diet (such as not doing any exercise or eating a lot of junk food). In order to calculate BMI, weight along with double times the height is divided. Depending upon the ratio estimate, the data set described the comparative scale of weight enhancement in people in UK over a period of 1 year only (Health at a glance 2013).
The measurements of weight from BMI helped to offer recommendations along with revealing the mistake that most individuals commit regarding diet and inadequate physical activity (Health survey for England 2013). The data sets were divided over 6 chapters wherein Chapter 2 to 6 covered overweight, physical activity performed along with the diet by maintaining important links to every statistics section. The last chapter described data sets related to health outcomes presenting wide range of data on obesity health outcomes which is inclusive of health risks, admission in health institutes and drugs prescription applied for treating obesity condition (Health survey for England 2012). The data sets were distributed only over a period of 1 year along with a comparison with the data sets in 2006 to 2007. For example, data sets revealed that in 2013, few men compared to women were consuming the recommended fruit portions and vegetables. Same proportion of girls and boys also engaged in consuming more than 5 portions every day. Furthermore of importance were the data sets regarding finished admission episodes in National health care institutes with obesity as primary diagnosis for approximately 9325 hospitals.






1) Report实践性更重一点,少写理论,多结合实际情况分析。对于某些Case Analysis的Report来说,一定要针对导师提供的Case来做分析,而不是自由发挥和滥用无关联的理论。所有分析都必须针对Case里的内容来进行。

2) 数据和图表的使用很重要。如果用到某公司几年内的某一项数据的变化,可以先列数据表格,再用柱状图、馅饼图或曲线图进行直观反映。字体格式:论文有明确要求字体格式、大小等时,根据要求来操作;论文没有明确要求字体大小等时,一般用用times new roman字体;12(小四);1.5倍行距;Word默认页边距;标题字体可加粗;每段落之间空一行;每段直接写,无需空格;在每页的右下角插入页数。

3) Table of Contents,一定要用Word自动生成格式。

4)Executive Summary,一般要出现“The main purpose of this report is to……”这样的标志性语句。一般来说,这部分主要介绍这篇Report的研究内容、研究对象、研究目的、研究意义等等一些概括性的东西。


6) Body,总原则“少写理论,多结合实际情况分析”,不要空谈。根据要求具体分析,用证据支撑、用事实说话。列出标题、次级标题、有必要时列出下一级标题。每段内容用简洁的语言提炼出要点关键词,然后进行解释和阐述。

7) Conclusion/Recommendation, 根据论文要求具体把握。

8) Reference: Reference是导师最看重的,所以请一定特别注意!绝对不能出现编造的情况,一定要真实。国外对这个问题查得很严。一旦查出有作假或抄袭情况,会直接挂科,甚至开除学籍。一般来说,Reference包含两个部分,一种是in-text reference 也就是在文章里的reference,一种是在文章最后出现的reference, 也就是reference list。一篇论文须要包含文中的in-text reference和文末的reference list。论文有明确要求几个Reference的,根据要求来把握;没有明确说明个数的,一般按照每千字3-4个来操作。
