

面试官:所以我们在这里举办研讨会,为公司员工提供技术培训。这是一个相当不错的地方,但它也反映了整个办公室的动态。这就是为什么选择在这里面试。所以请坐下来,舒服一点。我会问你们问题请随意回答你们认为舒服的问题。请不要使用是或否的答案。面试过程将是非结构化的面试,问题不限。我不认为一个字的答案可以帮助我了解你在我们有这么短的时间。伊莎贝尔:(坐下,看上去很放松)当然,我们谈谈。谢谢你让我舒服。面试官:Belivedere Economics是一家战略商业策划机构。这是一家规模相对较小的创业公司,在悉尼的办公室里有大约15名员工。
我们就像一个大家庭。我们需要一个能够处理许多任务并组织不同活动的协调人。我知道你已经了解了这份工作的要求,对这份工作的要求也有了一些了解。说说你自己吧。伊莎贝尔:我在纽波特科技公司做了两年半的办公室助理。它也是一家为银行和金融机构提供金融软件服务的小公司。这是一次很好的学习经历。我对金融领域的动态有广泛的了解。我曾经为我的团队管理库存,写邮件,维护花名册,协助我的经理Tanya Stephen完成协调团队活动的各项任务。熟悉office办公软件。我的经理是一位才华横溢的女性,她确保我不断接受挑战,不断学习。我也帮助其他经理完成他们的工作。


Interviewer: So this is where we conduct seminars and give technical training for the employees in the company. This is quite place but it also reflects the overall office dynamics. That is why the interview has been selected in this location. So please take a seat and get comfortable. I will be asking you questions please feel free to answer the questions that you deem to be comfortable. Please do not use yes or no answers. Interview process will be unstructured interview with open-ended questions. I do not think that one-word answers can help me understand about you in the short amount of time that we have. Isabelle: (seats herself and looks visibly relaxed) sure lets talk. Thank you for making me comfortable. Interviewer: Belivedere Economics is strategic business planning organization. It is a relatively small entrepreneurial company that comprises of about 15 people working in the office in Sydney.
We are like a big family here. We need a facilitator who handles many tasks and organizes different activities. I know you would have gone through the job requirements and have some understanding about what the job entails. So tell me about yourself. Isabelle: I have worked in Newport technology as an office assistant for 2.5 years. It is also a small company that provides financial software services to the banks and financial institutions. It was a great learning experience. I have extensive knowledge about the dynamics of the financial field. I used to manage inventory, write mails, maintain roster for my team, assist my manager Tanya Stephen in her various tasks for coordinating activities for the team. I have knowledge of Microsoft office suite. My manager is a talented woman who ensured that I was challenged and learning on a continual basis. I also assisted other managers with their jobs.



你知道中国式写作和美国式写作最大的区别是什么吗?是写作步骤的区别。中国式写作一般是引出问题,分析问题和解决问题;美国式写作则要求学生们在第一段就阐述自己的论点(Thesis Statement),接下来的段落都要围着自己的论点去搜集信息,充实论据。所以今天我们美国学术论文代写的老师教给留学生们学术论文写作的常用步骤。














再比如,引用是论文写作中常用到的方法。当我们引用第一手资料(primary source),即关于某一主题最原始、最基本也是最权威的文件时,教授们想看到学生对资料的自我解读和运用,而不是用引号将一个句子或整段话摘抄出来。这也是“精读”能力的一种体现。






People skilled in graphic design and in store clerks are required for the company. The company has provided the financials for long term and short-term employees.Exact job description for the store has been devised for the different requirements. This has been attached in the appendix. After developing of adequate job description the company needs to develop protocols to hire the right candidate. These jobs will be advertised in the job portals and in common public places. From the number of applicants who have submitted for the job first level of isolation of the unwanted candidates is selecting based on their technical abilities, education and experiences. First level of assessment entails finding out the candidate based on their technical skills. In this round the employees will be selected based on their technical skills posted in their resume in the job portals. Second level involves setting up and facilitating interview. This interview process will allow the interviewer to understand about the candidate. From the interview process analysis and report about the potential personnel will be noted.
Similar procedure will be followed for other candidates. During the interview process the questions will be amorphous open-ended questions to understand about the candidate. This will help form opinion about the candidate based on their technical and interpersonal skills. For highly specialized job requirements such as graphic designer, a technical interview will be conducted by another personnel who is equally skilled in the graphic design. From the interview process the right candidate will be selected for the job based on the assessment report that is submitted. This will ensure that the right fit for the job has been found. This interview process will be conducted at an earlier stage to ensure that the right candidates are found before April 2016. Time frame will be less than a month to ensure that the candidates can start their duties. They need to be provided training and also need to be coached.